Exercises: conditionals and unreal tenses

Conditionals and unreal tenses - Exercise 1

Match the two halves of each sentence.

I wouldn't have gone into the water ...

If I didn't have to sit here, ...

If I don't get enough sleep, ...

If I don't hurry, ...

If I had got up earlier, ...

I wouldn't have missed the train ...

If I stayed out late with some friends, ...

I'd get better marks ...

I could take a walk by the river ...

I can't help you ...

I always called my parents to let them know.

unless you tell me what's wrong.

if it weren't so windy.

if I studied harder.

I'd probably be relaxing at home right now.

I might be late.

I'm tired and grumpy the entire day.

I wouldn't have to take a taxi.

even if I could swim.

if I hadn't overslept.

Conditionals and unreal tenses - Exercise 2

Complete each sentence with the appropriate form of the verb in brackets and then identify the type of conditional: 0, 1, 2, 3 or mixed.

If I ... you, I would use a safer password. (BE)

Would you stop working if you ... the jackpot? (WIN)

I'll buy this jacket unless I ... a better one. (FIND)

If you ... all night, you wouldn't be so tired now. (NOT PARTY)

Miguel could've given you a lift if you ... him. (ASK)

Sometimes it helps if you ... the set-top box. (RESTART)

The students will be glad if we ... the test. (CANCEL)

Martin is always angry if we ... late. (BE)

I get a cramp if I ... before swimming. (NOT WARM UP)

Even if I ... enough cash, I wouldn't have bought that ugly T-shirt. (HAVE)

Conditionals and unreal tenses - Exercise 3

Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown, so that the meaning stays the same.

It would be nice to be able to speak Italian.

I wish ...

Where would you rather be right now?

Where do you wish ...

We could have done without this film. It was boring.

I wish ...

Would it be better if we were living by the sea?

Do you wish ...

I'd prefer you not to eat in the living room.

I'd rather ...

Jenny regrets that she hasn't been invited to the conference.

Jenny wishes ...

Do you think I should move to a new apartment?

Is it time ...

The neighbours have been playing the same song all day long. I can't stand it any longer.

I wish ...

Would you have preferred to have a lasagna?

Would you rather ...

She is only 16, but she looks 30 because of the way she dresses.

She dresses as if ...

Conditionals and unreal tenses - Exercise 4

Based on the following situations, create sentences with conditionals, unreal tenses and related structures.

You are too short to be a professional basketball player. What do you say?

You see that your girlfriend regrets buying the green blouse, not the red one. What do you ask?

You are expecting to get a positive answer after a job interview because you want to quit your current job. What do you say?

You are annoyed because your friend didn't tell you he is not coming on the trip. What do you say?

During a test, you realize you didn't practise enough. What do you say?

Your friends want to go to the pub, but you don't. What do you say?

Unfortunately, you do not have enough money to buy a new smartphone. What do you say?

Instead of spaghetti, you would like to have pizza for lunch. What do you say?

It's drizzling and you see that your flatmate is going outside without taking an umbrella. Warn him.

You miss your spouse. What do you tell him or her on the phone?

Conditionals and unreal tenses - Exercise 5

Discuss the questions with your partner. Ask for more information.

If you could choose your ideal job, what would it be?

Where would you rather be right now?

Do you sometimes wish you were a different person?

If you found a wallet in the street with a lot of money in it, would you keep it?

Where would you live if you could choose anywhere in the world?

If you could change one thing about your past, what would you change?

What would you do if you won the jackpot on the lottery?

If you could be an animal, what animal would you be?

Would you rather be rich and ugly or poor and good-looking?

If you could change one thing about your appearance, what would it be?
