Answer key: non-finite verb forms

Answer key - Non-finite verb forms - Exercise 1


bare infinitive

-ing form

past participle

should (2) bare infinitive

look forward to (3) -ing form

suggest (3) -ing form

where (1) to-infinitive

be worth (3) -ing form

be (1) to-infinitive / (3) -ing form / (4) past participle

let somebody (2) bare infinitive

apologise for (3) -ing form

can't help (3) -ing form

too + adjective (1) to-infinitive

afford (1) to-infinitive

needn't (2) bare infinitive

used (1) to-infinitive

be used to (3) -ing form

be believed (1) to-infinitive

make somebody (2) bare infinitive

be made (1) to-infinitive

would rather (2) bare infinitive

in order (1) to-infinitive

what about (3) -ing form

Answer key - Non-finite verb forms - Exercise 2

Why don't you try ... honey instead of sugar? (1) using

Remember ... your name on the paper before you submit it. (2) to put

It could be dangerous ... after you eat. (2) to swim

Your shoes are dirty. They need ... . (1) cleaning

It's no use ... for this book if you are not going to read it. (1) paying

I watched her ... on the tram, and then I went home. (2) get

I can't help ... when I look at him. He's so funny! (1) laughing

I'm really looking forward to ... to New York next week. (1) going

The fireman warned us not ... any closer. (2) to come

When you finish vacuuming, go on ... the floor. (2) to scrub

I'll never forget ... her for the first time. It was love at first sight! (1) meeting

We regret ... you that your application has been rejected. (2) to inform

He went on ... without noticing the teacher behind him. (1) talking

After ... for an hour, I got quite hungry. (1) jogging

A photographer may sometimes spend hours ... for the right moment. (1) waiting

Answer key - Non-finite verb forms - Exercise 3

Allen is trying to give up smoking.

They had their dog vaccinated.

Some students are said to have failed the test more than once.

Dominik had problems composing the complaint letter.

I have got used to drinking tea without sugar.

My sister hates being called Pam.

We are thinking about having the flat redecorated.

Markus goes skiing every winter.

I must go back. I forgot to turn off the electricity.

She finds it difficult to make new friends.

Answer key - Non-finite verb forms - Exercise 4

I regret taking / having taken this job.

He seems to be working on something very interesting.

I had difficulty understanding what he was saying.

The book was too long to finish in one week.

Gina is not used to speaking in front of crowds.

Would you mind waiting outside for a minute?

I prefer to cycle rather than walk.

We were made to run in the snow (by our coach).

He was allowed to go home.

It is important to keep your pet healthy and happy.

Answer key - Non-finite verb forms - Exercise 5

What do you think is the best way to lose weight?

Do you mind being told what to do in your free time?

Is there an English word you find very difficult to remember?

What are you thinking of doing after the lesson?

How often do you have your teeth checked?

Is it possible to learn a foreign language without going to the country where it is spoken?

Have you ever spent a whole weekend studying?

Would you rather travel abroad alone or with company?

What do you regret the most not doing in secondary school?

Have you ever been made to run very fast?
