Bill Lowell was annoyed. It was a petty kind of annoyance, the sort of irritation that comes from a pesky mosquito and this little flying bug wore his collar backwards, the dean thought wryly. Oh, he didn't think that the young chaplain posed any kind of a real threat to their little sex club but it really ticked him off to think that a little nobody, a minister who had been at Craven for only one month would even dare to suggest that an investigation of sexual practices be launched. Why the whole thing was an open secret and it didn't involve any kind of coercion or rape or any of those things.

Christ, Reverend Bradley Corman was straight out of the nineteenth century with his quaint ideas about the kids of today. Why a lot of those little teenaged nymphets couldn't wait to get it on. These youngsters didn't want to fuck around with the boys their own age, either. They wanted men and if the men were able to bestow certain favors on them so much the better. A lot of the girls found out about the goings-on up at the School Board and volunteered to be part of the festivities. Sure, some of them needed a bit of gentle persuasion, the dean thought, but for the most part they were ready, willing and able.

Well, I don't think that crusading chaplain is going to be able to stir up much interest from other members of the Board but perhaps it would be a good idea if I did alert some of the old boys, he thought. Especially, as tonight a transfer student at the school was going to come to the offices and uh… perform. The poor kid needed to pay for dancing lessons and she was talented. The members of the board would be more than happy to pay for the fourteen year old girl's lessons in exchange for certain, uh… favors…

The Dean had seen the girl in the hall a couple of times and he had made a point of making the youngster seem welcome at Craven and had spoken to her in a fatherly tone. When he'd seen her earlier today, he'd invited her to a performance. The girl's name was Marilee and although the dean suspected that she was more in the know than she let on, he didn't think that the kid realized that she was going to be the performance.

Well, there'd be an exhibition, all right. And it was going to be live. And little Marilee what's-her-name was going to be the star. Dean William Lowell licked his lips lasciviously at the thought, then bent his head over his desk.


Arlene Lowell was dressing when the dean arrived home.

"Dinner ready?" he asked.

"What am I a Goddamn cook or something?" she snapped, admiring herself in the mirror and dabbing some perfume behind her ears. "I'm just on my way out, I don't have time to cook."

Lowell sighed. He was a big man all over town and with everyone except his wife. Arlene was always going somewhere and the dean suspected it was often with some pretty rough company. Their marriage had disintegrated to the point where it almost seemed a nuisance to get a divorce so she continued with her affairs and he continued with his little pursuits with young girls. Once in a while she would involve herself in one of his activities if it seemed sufficiently sordid or amused her in some way but for the most part she was content to go her own way.

Arlene knew that Bill would probably have stayed home if she were interested in being a model wife. But she wasn't, not by a long shot. Why there were still cocks in the town she hadn't tasted and she certainly wasn't going to get her full share sitting on her butt and waiting for her husband to come home. She had her own allowance from her father's estate so she didn't have to feel guilty about not providing any services for her husband. He was a big boy. He could fend for himself as far as she was concerned.

Bill found a cold chicken leg in the refrigerator and made himself a sandwich wishing that he was sitting down to a home-cooked meal for a change. He couldn't remember the last time Arlene had prepared anything. It wasn't that he couldn't afford to go out for a meal but somehow eating in restaurants all the time was not the same.

He heard the door slam and knew that Arlene had gone off to meet her latest paramour. Probably some farm worker or unemployed dishwasher, he thought with disgust…

Lowell quickly showered and changed his clothes and drove over to the School Board building. The building was on a small estate and there were iron gates at the entrance. He hopped out of the car and turned the key in the lock and drove right up on the circular drive.

"Evening, Mr. Lowell," the caretaker Jud Farber greeted him.

"Hi, Jud, any of the others here yet?"

"They're upstairs. I'll get Milly to get them."

The Dean waited in the office that was now converted into a bar for the other members of the board to come down. He had decided to tell them about Corman. He didn't think it was any big deal but he felt they had a right to know. Anyway, another plan was forming in his mind. He was going to fix Reverend Uptight and fix him good. He'd make sure that the bastard kept his nose in the Bible where it belonged, not in the lives of others. God, he couldn't see what the sense of having a chaplain was anyway. No one at the school was religious in any way in fact, they were more atheistic if anything. It was really just for form's sake that they had anyone and up to this minister they had all taken a back seat and kept their noses out of school business. It was up to Lowell to make sure that he did. He was not about to change his life for this jerk's misguided morals.

"Hey guys," Lowell greeted Mitch Bryant and Dave Hudson as the two men strolled into the bar. Both men were in their fifties and exuded a cool demeanor that suggested power.

"What's up, Bill?" Dave said.

"I hope nothing, yet," the dean said. "We could have a little problem though with that new chaplain we have over at Craven. It seems some anonymous caller… probably some asshole who didn't get his rocks off… told him about our little happenings up here and he's all gung-ho to do an investigation of some sort."

"Christ, there's always some do-gooder throwing a monkey wrench in the works," Mitch muttered.

"Maybe not," Lowell paused here for effect. "Maybe we're going to throw the first monkey wrench."

"What are you talking about?" Dave asked.

"On occasion my wife speaks to me and I've decided to enlist her aid in my little plot." The two men snickered at Lowell's comment about his wife for Arlene's exploits were well known in the small town. "Arlene doesn't know it yet but she's going to seduce the reverend's wife and he's going to watch the whole thing. He'll be our invited guest. With a bit of luck we can get his daughter up here too."

"Jesus! You don't leave any loose ends do you?" Dave said whistling under his breath at the audacity of the dean.

"Look, I don't have to put up with any little snot-nosed member of the God squad coming on to me about my sexual preferences. At first, I was almost amused by his righteous indignation but then I got riled and I'm going to get the little bastard. No one interferes in my business. I've got too much at stake here."

A few other men came in, all old friends of the men still sitting at the bar. They ordered drinks, finished them and ordered more. At one time or another all the men present had been either on or associated with in some way, the School Board. Some of them were retired principals and administrators and it was obvious that the older men were becoming impatient. Finally, a really old man croaked up. "Aren't we havin' a show tonight?"

"It could be going on right now, Jay," the dean spoke up. "Let's go up to the conference room and take a peek." He led the others from the bar and into a darkened room. They seated themselves around a table and Lowell pressed a button. Almost at once the mirror on the wall lit up, and then, as they watched, they saw the room behind it light up, too. Everything was as clear in front of them as if they were in the same room.

Dave Hudson was talking to a young girl… Marilee what's-her-name… who was nursing a drink she held in the glass between her hands. At his urging she finished it, and then took the cigarette he handed her. They seemed to be in deep discussion although from the other side of the mirror the voyeurs could not hear what was being said. The girl inhaled a few times and it was obvious she was not used to smoking for she coughed a couple of times.

"Come on, Dave," Mitch urged even though his cohort couldn't hear him. "Get the kid naked." He licked his lips in anticipation of seeing the young girl naked standing before the mirror, unaware that she was performing for an audience.

Even though the fourteen year old girl had not taken off a stitch, spirits were high in the conference room and breathing began to get labored as the men prepared for what they thought would be an interesting show.

For a time they were silent, watching with rapt attention as Hudson spoke rapidly to the girl, gesticulating with one hand while with the other he pointed to a bed behind her. The girl seemed to understand only slowly in her half stoned state. And then it dawned on her that she was supposed to be nude. With a smile of comprehension, and a little flick of her head, she grasped the hem of the tartan school uniform she wore and slowly pulled it upwards.

Watching, Mitch Bryant sucked in his breath, then let it out with a long, low whistle as the girl's slim, tapering legs were fully exposed, and then her tight, well-rounded thighs. At the sight of her voluptuous torso, even Bill Lowell emitted a little groan of pleasure. She's luscious, he thought but so is the reverend's wife and it's not going to be long before I have her squirming under my cock!

Now Marilee reached behind her back, to quickly unhook the restraining band of her bra. It fell to the carpeted floor at her feet, and her firm ripe breasts were revealed to the watching men, the turgid nipples standing out on the two snowy-white mounds. She turned now, bending over slowly, and began to draw the thin wisp of her sheer nylon panties down over her curved hips and buttocks. They slid sensuously down over her smooth thighs, over her full, firm calves to her feet and she stepped out of them, pushing them aside with a quick little kick.

The youngster turned towards Dave again, her lust-inciting nakedness completely exposed from the smooth half-spheres of her high, proud breasts to the soft dark patch of sparsely curling pubic hair nestling between her tightly closed thighs.

She hesitated just a second, and then, at a command from him, moved towards the older man. His massive hands slipped around her waist, and he drew her tight against him, and then he slid his hands down to encompass the full rounded flesh of her buttocks. He began to massage them, squeezing and kneading the tender flesh, drawing his fingers along the satin-smooth skin until tiny red welts appeared. The intensity made the girl wince, then draw closer to him in her effort to escape, pressing her pelvis tighter against the rising bulge beneath his pants, now lurching and jerking visibly.

Dave flicked a finger out to find the narrow crevice between the child's ass cheeks, to insinuate it along the slit, while his thumbs pulled the twin half moons apart, exposing the tiny puckered hole of her anus to the leering watchers on the other side of the mirror. The cool air wafted across the tiny opening, teasing and tantalizing it, and now the girl began to grind her hips against Dave's throbbing cock as the pleasure of his stroking fingers overcame the discomfort. The older man lewdly spread apart the young girl's defenseless asscheeks, exposing the tiny puckered hole of her anus to the crowd of excitedly gasping men!

If the reverend could just see this little innocent now, the dean thought, as he watched Dave. His fingers coursed again over the silky smooth softness of the youngster's flesh, then still holding her buttocks firmly with one hand, he slid the other the length of her body almost to the shoulders, so that the plump, rounded spheres of her breasts were crushed against his chest, the taut little nipples biting into his chest like hard little bullets.

Across in the conference room, the voyeuristic members of the School Board chortled gleefully, their eyes fastened on the obscene spectacle of the young girl being lewdly deflowered by their lecherous old cohort.

"Christ," Mitch moaned. "She can't be more'n sixteen can she… must be tight as a pipe."

"Fourteen," Lowell corrected and Mitch began stroking himself at the thought of what he was going to do to the child forty years his junior!

"Look at her tits… shit, why doesn't Dave start sucking!"

The men stopped talking and stared in silence as Dave's huge hand cupped the full rounded ripeness of Marilee's right breast, squeezing it until the girl's mouth opened with an evident, obvious gasp. Someone had found the other button now and suddenly the voyeurs had sound too!

The child's moans of pleasure/pain came to them clearly as Dave, still not satisfied, commenced to pinch the small rubbery nipple between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it tightly between them. Suddenly, he thrust his head forward and his tongue shot out, swirling around the taut little bud, licking it lasciviously before his mouth closed over it. He sucked on the quivering bud as if it were some sweet little bon bon of which he could never get his fill, while his hand reached out to the nipple of her other breast, to tweak and twist it, too, into a throbbing erection.

Abruptly, he lifted his head, tossed it backwards, and then with an equally brusque movement, threw it forward again, to fasten his mouth harshly on her warm, moist lips. His flicking tongue pressed cruelly against them, forcing them open, slipping between her clenched teeth, to seek shelter in the deep cavern of her mouth, slithering in almost to her throat. Marilee, gasping for breath now, began to struggle against the older man, fighting for some fresh air.

She broke free at last, gulping for oxygen, her voluptuous young body trembling visibly. Hudson ran his hands down the sides of her naked body, then up again, rounding them over the luscious flare of her hips for a moment, and on to her slim waist. She stood still, trembling again, her eyes wide and round, like those of a young fawn, not quite sure, not quite confident, unable to decide whether this was a friend or a hunter.

Before she could come to a decision, she felt herself lifting off the floor. She was scooped up in Hudson's powerful arms, cradled there a moment like an infant. And then, with two huge strides, he crossed the room, and placed her on the bed. Again her eyes opened wide in partial bewilderment, while Dave stared down at the luscious form laid out before him. What he wanted to do was to fuck this kid so that she would never forget.

He continued staring down at her, feeling the churning in his loins, the ache that spread through his now rigid penis, the fire beginning to burn in his tender, lust-bloated balls. Jesus Christ, these little schoolgirls nearly drove him out of his mind. When he saw all those little girls over at Craven with their little tartan uniforms he nearly flipped his cookies. He had to restrain himself from jumping on them in the schoolyard!

"Spread your legs!" he grunted at her suddenly, and she looked up at him, uncertain, the eyes wide again and soft as velvet. "Open your legs!" he repeated, his voice harsh with lust.

Suddenly, he lunged forward, grabbing her thighs, opening them wide until the fleshy coral lips of her vagina were exposed to his lustful gaze. He dropped to the bed beside her and his hand slipped up and down the soft smooth flesh of her inner thigh, brushing to the peak, to touch with tantalizing lightness her soft, delicate young pussy. Marilee's eyelids fluttered gently over her big brown eyes and she lay back, her lovely child's body aching with pleasure, as she began to emit little gurgling sounds that indicated her arousal.

"Shit! Can you hear her!" Lowell mumbled to still another old codger who had joined the group watching the school girl as she submitted without protest to Hudson's ministrations. "She's a cherry and that's for sure." He beamed in satisfaction at the lewd spectacle, then turned back to watch; Dave's thick middle finger was tracing the thin furrowed line of Marilee's naked cunt, and then he slowly insinuated it deeper and deeper inside her moist vaginal lips while she squirmed beneath him, moaning quietly.

She began to grind her buttocks down into the mattress, while his finger teased the moist sensitive slit of her pussy, gently probing it, parting the soft pubic hair that covered her little mound. It played for a moment there, then searched out and found the tiny throbbing bud of her clitoris, massaged it gently until it seemed to spring to quivering life of its own. She moaned again, and then the moans turned to soft, half-hushed whimpers as Dave's hand curled under her pinkly glistening pussy to part the fleshy cunt-lips. His middle finger traced the narrow hair-lined slit once more, then found the moist little hole hidden within.

With a quick flick of his wrist, he shoved his middle finger deep between the throbbing pink pussy flesh, skewering it deep into the narrow cuntal passage. She jerked as he rotated it around inside, teasing the wet, sensitive walls, then gasped out a little moan of surrender to the lascivious plundering of her young, newly ripened body.

In the conference room where once the august members of the School Board had sat discussing problems of the district, the same members sat watching the lewd tableau behind the two-way mirror. Suddenly, the dean grew impatient. "Why doesn't Dave ram it to her? Shit, that little kid in there is dying for it!"

Harlan Dryer who had once been on the faculty of Billings college down the road from Craven Girls School spun around to stare at Dean Lowell. "Shit, if he isn't ready to fuck her," he advised, his hand indicating the bulge in the front of his pants, "then I will!" He began to unbuckle his belt, letting it hang open, then quickly unzipped his fly. He had started to pull his pants off when Matt Connors put his hand on his shoulder.

"Wait on," he said. "Get a load of that."

All the men that were voyeuristically observing the proceedings turned to stare into the other room again, and now they saw that Hudson had stood up and was struggling out of his clothes. The metallic rasp of his zipper signaled release of his cock and there was a rustling sound as his shirt and then his suit pants fell to the floor, followed by his boxer shorts. His thick, hard penis sprang out, jutting from the coarse gray hair of his loins and his hand reached down to grasp it, massaging it lewdly, pulling the foreskin back and forth over the hard, blood-filled head.

He knelt up between the young schoolgirl's legs now, spreading her thighs wide apart until the poor child was afraid she would split down the middle. He seized her ankles, levering her legs up off the bed, until her knees were bent back almost to her shoulders. The glistening, flattened place of the young girl's glistening cunt was presented to Hudson's lust-filled eyes, as well as to those of the group of men watching. He cast a quick glance over his shoulder, a look of triumph, and then aimed his thick, hard cock straight at the moistly pulsating slit.

"Do it! Fuck the kid for Christ's sake!" someone in the outer room called, his voice hoarse with his own excitement, while another voice chimed in with, "yeah, shove it in the kid's cunt!"

Harlan Dryer, half-stripped, suddenly howled. "Jesus Christ, he needs some help and I'm going to volunteer my services," he added, crossing the conference room and going out, pulling at the zipper of his fly and closing the door at the same time. Seconds later, he too, could be seen through the two-way mirror, pulling off the remainder of his clothes as he approached the bed while Marilee lay, her arms clasped around Hudson's neck, now as she pulled his strong, athletic body down upon her own.

Dave dropped on her twisting figure with a sudden crash, crushing the soft resilient flesh of her heaving breasts tightly back onto her chest. The large bulbous head of his lust-hardened cock parted her sparse dark pussy hair as he pressed forward against the elastic throbbings of her cunt. He pressed forward again, and suddenly the tight little virginal maidenhead gave way and the blood-congested head of his cock slipped wetly up inside with a quick, rushing sound.

The old man pressed forward again, flexing his buttocks with all his strength and the heavy shaft of flesh speared deeply into the girl's slowly yielding cunt like a battering ram, pushing the unresisting waves of moist flesh before it until at once his pelvis smacked against her nakedly upturned buttocks while his balls slapped lewdly into the wet crevice of her buttocks.

"Shit! Look at the old bastard go! He must of taken his Vitamin E this morning!" Lowell exclaimed on the other side of the mirror. He let out a low, lewd whistle as he saw the man begin to piston in and out, his rock-hard penis sinking into the hilt on each forward thrust. And then he caught sight of Harlan Dryer, Hudson's friend in the other room now, crossing it in giant steps as he approached the bed, shedding his clothes as he went.

At the edge of it he paused, letting his pants slide down to the floor, pulling off his cotton undershorts, stepping out of them, too. He stood there a minute, his giant cock jutting out straight in front of him, like the lance of a sword. And then he knelt over Marilee's stretched body, his legs straddling her shoulders. He began to stroke his rigid member, then suddenly rasped at the girl, now thrashing on the bed in abandoned ecstasy.

"Do it, baby! Suck me off!"

"Ooooh! Ooooohhhhh! Fuck my little pussy just like that with your huge cock…!! Stick your finger into my asshole… oooooohhhh!!!" the fourteen year old virgin screamed passionately as another man prepared to thrust his lewdly erect cock deep inside her widely gasping mouth!

Without a murmur, she opened her lips wide to receive the top of the desire-stiffened cock, then closed her mouth around it, clasping it, sucking it in, her cheeks hollowing as she did so. Dryer arched his back, withdrawing his thick, piston-like rod, then with a sharp, sudden motion, sent it deep inside the girl's lewdly ovalled mouth, thrusting it back almost to her throat. She gasped at the violence of the movement, then fought for breath.

Marilee caught it as he withdrew, and then he began to spear in and out of her mouth, the dark hairs around the thick base of his cock grazing her lips, while his pendulous balls swung back and forth against her chin, slapping it rhythmically. She reached up and found the two heavy, sperm-bloated spheres, and took them in her slim hand, running her fingers over the smooth hair-covered face.

She slipped her hand further down, her fingers curling around his thickly burgeoning cock, her fingernails tickling the base of it, as he withdrew it on the backstroke, then releasing it again as he rammed it deep between her widely rounded lips.

Hudson, fucking below into her warmly clasping vagina, slipped his own hand beneath her softly undulating buttocks, stroking them and kneading them. His middle finger sought the tiny puckered hole of her tight-ringed asshole, digging cruelly into it while the girl jerked beneath him at the sudden intrusion. He rammed his thickly pulsing cock hard in and out now, quickening his strokes, and lengthening them, too, until he could feel his penis crash against the smooth cushion-tip of her cervix, then withdrawing it almost to the tip, to send it hurtling in again. He was breathing heavily as he slaved above her, and then he felt the boiling sperm building up in his lust-bloated balls.

He stole a peek at his colleague, and saw from his contorted face that his balls, too, were almost ready to shoot, his loins ready to split from the sheer ecstasy of fucking this innocent young virginal schoolgirl. He groaned above her, seemed to hover for a moment suspended in space, then shuddered uncontrollably as suddenly the hot waves of his sperm shot deep into her receptive womb, filling her to overflowing with its milky whiteness. It began to seep down her narrow cuntal channel, flooding over the soft smoothness of her inner thighs, and then on between the cheeks of her firmly rounded ass.

As Dave groaned out his final climax, Harlan's grating shriek filled the room, and his balls, too, exploded, shooting their load of thick white semen into the soft warm cavern of Marilee's widely ovalled mouth.

She gulped and swallowed the churning liquid that seemed to spurt forth endlessly, licking hungrily at the few drops that spilled from the corner of it. And then, she too began to moan, her body contracted in her own beginning orgasm as she felt the moist juices gush from the tingling walls of her cunt, and the youngster's voice rang out in a scream of wild abandon.

"Oooooohhh… aaaaaahhh… it's happening… aaahhh… I'mmm… cccuuummmiiinnnggg!"

A spasm shook her voluptuous young body, and then a near inhuman wail rang out as she screwed herself up into Dave's cock, the hot moist walls of her cunt clinging to his insanely climaxing cock, clasping it, milking it.

And then the child exhaled, and collapsed limply under his body. She lay there, satiated, as the two men withdrew their limp, flaccid cocks… one from her mouth, the other from her newly deflowered cunt… and rolled over beside her.

In the conference room the voyeurs were satisfied. They had had a good show. Dean Lowell switched off the light and the room was plunged into darkness.
