Reverend Corman looked around the school chapel. There were only three students present for the evening prayers. He sighed and wondered what was going to happen to the youth of America. They just didn't seem to believe in religion anymore. Oh, well, he thought, it's just as important to conduct prayers for three souls as it is for three hundred so I'm going to get on with it.

The minister led the half hour service and then left the small school chapel and went into his little office next door. He idly wondered what Dean Lowell wanted with him. Maybe it was something to do with the investigation he had requested… well, anyway, he'd better get up to the dean's office and get it over with. He switched off the light and took the staircase to Lowell's office.

"Come right in, Reverend," Lowell called from the inner sanctum of his office.

"You wanted to see me?" Brad asked feeling strange in the dean's presence. He had the distinct impression that the older man did not like him. In fact, from the way Lowell treated him it seemed apparent that he actually hated the school chaplain.

"Yes, Reverend, I've been thinking over your report about the anonymous phone call and I think you're right. We should make some kind of an investigation. In fact, I'm going to suggest that we go over there tonight and have dinner and check the place out."

Reverend Corman was taken aback. Well, this was more like it. At least the dean was going to follow through. "Fine, sir, that way we'll know one or another what's going on."

"Well, then, let's go… I'm anxious to get this over with!"

The two men drove along in silence in Lowell's Mercedes until they came to a well illuminated beautifully restored Victorian home with a large iron gate outside. "Here we are, Reverend," the dean said with a slight smirk playing around his lips.

Little doubts began to assail the minister, doubts he had been suppressing until now. Why had Lowell changed his mind? Why was he being so agreeable all of a sudden? When Brad had discussed the matter with him before he had been absolutely vehement about pursuing any kind of probe into the alleged orgies. He tried to put them out of his mind.

Lowell parked the car along the circular drive and as he walked up the front steps he noticed the minister trying to catch a glimpse of the Volkswagen parked over near the trees.

I must be going mad, Brad thought. I saw a green VW and automatically assumed that it was Julie's. His brain was going soft to think that his wife was up here. He turned on his heel and followed Lowell. The door opened and a man called Jud opened the door.

He followed the two men into the house and down a long corridor. The two men began to speak briefly together and Brad edged near to them, his ears perked up, hoping to eavesdrop. But Lowell was merely inquiring about drinks and ordering dinner for later. A strange premonition that this was going to be a frightening evening swept over the astute young minister.

Nevertheless, he went on down the long hall, still following the two men, and into a small, dark room. It must have been a study at one time and now it was just a small sitting room. The Dean waved him to a chair and sat down himself. He ordered drinks and after Jud had brought the scotch, Lowell leaned over and whispered conspiratorially, "Looks like your mysterious source might have been right… Jud says there's going to be a show here tonight."

"What kind of a show?" the minister inquired. "School girls?"

"I don't think so. Maybe that's the second one. I'm not at all clear about this."

"Well, now we're getting somewhere. Do you think we should notify the police?"

The dean turned and gave the minister a strange little smile. "I don't think you'll want to do that… at least until you have a chance to see the show." He walked across to a small panel near the light switch and pushed in a button.

"Hey," Bradley said. "You can see right through into the other room. I've never seen one of those two-way mirrors before. Have you?"

The Dean ignored the question. "Look at that!"

Two figures seemed to swim into view and then as the lights ceased their flickering, and the bodies stopped shimmying around, and settled down; growing larger and clearer, in just the opposite way from that in which a television image fades away into nothingness. Brad leaned forward, staring at the window-like mirror. "The saints preserve us," he exclaimed, suddenly, sucking in his breath. "It's two women!"

He turned to look at Lowell, who nodded to him, showing not the faintest sign of surprise. Why? Had he been here before? Had he seen this sort of thing? But it was evil, sinful, the sort of thing people read about perhaps but did not indulge in. For a man of God, Brad had always considered himself very liberal and broad-minded in his approach to life but there were limits to what he would accept… lesbianism was not one of the things on his list!

He wanted to inform the dean of that, to get up and walk out, and yet he found himself drawn to the scene being enacted in front of him, literally unable to tear his eyes away from it. One of the women, who seemed to be somewhat older than the other, the more aggressive, the more experienced, was urging the younger woman to undress. As he watched, she began to help her, unzipping her dress, slipping it off over her head, then removing her bra. The breasts exposed to him were large and firm, their small budded nipples already quivering with the woman's suppressed excitement. In spite of himself he thought to himself, that woman is gorgeous. What a fabulous body!

"Nice tits!" the dean muttered.

The minister ignored his crude remark and continued to stare at the scene unfolding. Now the older woman was running her hands over the soft white flesh of the second's quivering skin, stroking it gently. And then her fingertips began to massage the two tiny buds, like little red berries that she took between them, teasing them until they sprang into a taut little erection.

The Reverend Bradley Corman stared open-mouthed, little thrills of excitement beginning to stir in his own loins. He wished to hell he were in the room, doing that to the woman sitting there. He could almost feel that soft skin beneath his own fingers, could imagine what it would be like to cup those marvelous mounds of resilient white flesh.

Lord knows, he'd like to suck them, too, take those hard little nipples right inside his mouth, swirl his tongue around them, fasten his teeth into them, too. The thought made his cock lurch and jerk, made his balls ache as if they were caught between a hammer and an anvil. He glanced down at the front of his pants, saw the bulge there, then glanced at Bill, wondering if he had noticed it. His eyes strayed down to Lowell's crotch, too, noticed that his cock was also jumping into life, that there was a conspicuous swelling there! This was unbelievable! Both of them were getting hard, just looking at these lesbians. The minister wanted desperately to have the strength to get up and leave the room but he couldn't tear himself away from the salacious spectacle.

His head shot back to the mirror and he felt another flash of excitement stir through him as the woman on the right, the older aggressive one, slid her hands beneath the flimsy little white panties of the blonde, twisted and turned them, manipulating them until they slid from her still tense body, eased down over her hips to her knees.

And then, at the command of the older woman, she lifted her legs, and let her draw them off. Her whole body was exposed now, outlined in front of the two watching men. Her smooth, white buttocks, sensuous and provocative, were round and full like a couple of melons. He heard Lowell suck in his breath at the sight of the two lesbians, and then heard the heavy breathing of someone else. He whirled around and saw that three or four other men had joined them. Who were they? It was too dark to see. They stared too, their mouths open at the evil, depraved sight of the two women making love in the other room.

Now it seemed to be the turn of the younger woman to strip the clothing from the older woman, and she did so clumsily but quickly, until the two sat on the sofa side by side, their naked bodies revealed in the full lights that shone on them.

"Shit!" one of the men exclaimed. "This is fantastic!"

"Who are they? I can't see their faces," someone asked.

"Wait till they turn around."

"Who cares about faces," someone else piped up. "Just get a look at that luscious cunt winking at you!" He indicated the younger of the woman lying back on the sofa, her legs spread wide, one hanging limply over the side, the other doubled back, so that the full wide plane of her crotch was completely open to their view.

"I'm going to eat the pussy raw, later!"

Sitting in the darkness, the dean grinned. Maybe he would, whoever it was who had spoken. But after me, he thought. I come first around here. He glanced around, almost gloating now, then, turned to stare fascinated, at the folds of pink flesh surrounding her vagina. at the warm, moist slit, and, as her legs were spread even wider, at the quivering little bud of her clitoris half-hidden within.

The two women were obviously discussing something but the men couldn't hear anything. "Turn the sound on for Christ's sake," one of the men demanded.

Bill Lowell rose, went over to a panel of buttons and fiddled with a knob and the voices floated into the room where the men were watching, open-mouthed, the two women in the adjoining room. "Come on, you're a big girl now! You know what a dildo does!"

"No, honestly, I don't," the second one answered. Reverend Corman, watching with as much relish as the others, pricked up his ears. That voice was strangely familiar. It bore a distinct resemblance to his wife Julie's voice. No, it was ridiculous. He pushed the sudden thought from his mind.

"If you don't," the other woman said, "it's about time you learned, isn't it, my darling?"

There was a faint whimper. "Yes… I guess it is."

And then, as the men watched, the woman who had spoken first showed her what seemed to be a male penis made of rubber and strapped it around her waist. "My innocent darling," she said, "I'm going to ram this in your cunt and fuck you till you scream, the way your husband has never been able to!"

"No… no… ohhhhhhhhhhh!"

There was a little groan and then a whimper of fear. And yet in a moment, the woman with the obscene instrument hanging between her legs had knelt above the second, and was ordering in a voice which had lost all trace of softness, and taken on the harsh, rasping tones of some lust-crazed pervert.

"Come on, Julie! Take it and put it in your cunt!"

Julie! His wife's name struck Reverend Corman with the force of a bullet. He closed his eyes, as if, somehow, he could shut his ears to the sound, and the name reverberated in his mind, whirling like a wind. He did his best to blot it out. It could be another Julie. But then he heard her voice again and he knew it was his wife. "No, Arlene… I don't want to, please," she moaned.

Arlene! Merciful heaven! Dean Lowell's wife! What in the name of God was going on? Had he been directed into a nightmare? He felt like he had been sucked into the depths of hell! Had Dean William Lowell engineered this whole thing somehow?

He glanced over at the dean and saw the lewd, lecherous grin on his face! Dear God! He knew! He loved it! He was enjoying every minute of this sordid performance. The minister felt a little nauseous and then a blinding flash of outrage seized him. He sprang to his feet, letting out a roar like the bellow of a wounded bear.

Immediately he felt two or three pairs of hands clapped on his arms, his shoulders, pushing him down. "Sit down, Reverend. The show's just beginning! You seemed anxious to find out about it before!"

In front of him, beyond the mirror and in the other room, his wife, still mouthing little protests, had at last grasped the thick rubber phallus hanging between Arlene's legs, positioned there expertly so that it seemed to spring from her loins as naturally as that of any man, and was guiding it cautiously towards the narrow, hair-lined slit of her own vagina. He could see her face now, too, and as he watched it, he saw her expression change from one of fear to one of excitement.

With Arlene's help, she probed gently at the coral flesh of her cuntal lips, teased them open, ran the dildo up and down over the soft, quivering surface. When at last she found the moist little orifice there between her thighs, she paused, the tip of the obscene instrument poised, pointed directly at the pinkly glistening hole. And then with a sigh, and a little cry of part pleasure, part pain, she slipped it through the small tight opening.

Now, the hands of both woman had encompassed the thick length of life-like rubber, and had commenced to ease it into Julie's moist cuntal passage, pushing it in slowly, but ever deeper inside her. She began to moan with pleasure as it scraped against the sensitive inner walls of her vagina, pushing the soft, pulsing folds of flesh before it. Her face was visible now, her face expression one of lust-contorted passion.

Above her, Arlene began to fuck in and out, withdrawing the artificial penis almost to the tip, then thrusting it forward, almost to the hilt, while Julie writhed ecstatically beneath her. "Tell me what I'm doing to you, Julie," she urged.

Julie hesitated a moment, and then she answered haltingly, "You're making love to me, Arlene…"

"No, say it the right way. Say it like you mean it!"

Again there was a moment of hesitation and this time, when she spoke, it was barely above a whisper. "You're fucking me! You're putting that cock in my cunt!"

"Does your husband do this as well?"

Julie lay back on the sofa, an expression of sheer bliss, of pure ecstasy on her face. "This is fantastic!" she said, as Arlene fucked in and out, the thick, hard rubber dildo spearing deep into her velvety passage. Suddenly, she wrapped her legs around Arlene's hips, as she struggled desperately to absorb the whole rigid bit of molded rubber into the fleshy pink folds of her hungry cunt. She slithered up and down its full length now, as her softly flexing buttocks began a rhythmic beat up and down the long smooth pole. "Oooooh! Oooooh! Oooooh!" the minister's wife chanted as the other woman fucked the thick hard rubber cock in and out of her insanely throbbing cunt!

Suddenly the minister slumped forward, cradling his aching head on his two arms, folded before him on the table. His eyes were shut and although he heard the sound of footsteps behind him, of low-pitched voices he made no effort to raise his aching head.

Nothing more could happen to shatter his once secure world, he thought. Everything was splintering down around his shoulders!
