Reverend Bradley Corman was still seated in the small study. His face that had gone from crimson to white was now a deathly ashy color. His mouth was open and he gasped for air. His eyes were glazed and from time to time he shook his head and closed them as it would blot out the events of the evening. But there was no way to shut out the knowledge of what had occurred. The minister's soul was etched with the events of this nightmare evening and would remain so for the remainder of his life. His only thoughts, now, were as to how he could escape from the School Board and these disgusting perverts and how he could get his wife and daughter out of here before these men thought up some new atrocity to gladden their jaded lives.

Trying to regain some of his dignity though he was a broken man, the minister walked into the next room. "Get your clothes on, Julie, we're leaving." He strode into the next room where Janice lay, her arm entwined around the gym teacher's muscular athlete's body and ordered her to get up.

But then the young minister felt himself surrounded with members of the School Board. He looked at the circle closing in on him. These men had interviewed him along with the Dean of Craven when he had first come to town… these men held the futures of the children of America, he thought bitterly.

"Are you going somewhere, Reverend?" It was the voice of Dean Lowell.

"I'm taking my wife and daughter home."

"Don't be silly, Reverend. We haven't finished with them yet. Didn't you tell me that someone told you there were orgies going on at the old School Board offices? Weren't you anxious to find out about them… to call the cops and expose the whole mess… you know the dirty old men and the school girls?"

"Please! Dear God! This is inhuman!" the minister moaned, burying his face in his hands. He really and truly felt faint now. It was hard to focus his eyes and yet he was certain he saw his daughter's voluptuous young figure swimming past him. It seemed that Matt Connors had Janice by the hand. And then he saw that one of the directors of the school district was running his hands over the plump, newly ripened curves of Janice's breasts, cupping them in his huge hands, stroking her nipples until they stood out from the two rounded spheres as if they had a life of their own. Brad closed his eyes and a shudder shook his whole body. Father in heaven! Now what?

He opened his eyes, to see Connors lean over leering, and then heard his rasping voice demand, "Ever been fucked in the ass, kid?"

It seemed to Brad that his daughter nodded. It was hard for him to tell and then he closed his eyes again, waiting for the blow to fall, the guillotine to drop. When after an eternity, he opened them again, he saw the two of them… his daughter, Janice and Matt Connors, from the School Board, in the room just beyond. Janice was down on her hands and knees, her small, slender form naked, while Connors, stripped too, knelt behind her, his heavy torso pressed against her buttocks. His long, thick cock was coupled to her, thrusting brutally into her young quivering body.

"Sweet Jesus!" Corman moaned. "He's doing it to her. He's shoved his cock into her asshole!" He stared mesmerized, unable to tear himself away from the revolting scene before him. Suddenly Janice dropped her head, hollowing her back and skewering her buttocks back towards his rampaging member. She waggled her buttocks lewdly at him; he shoved his lust-incited cock into her, his hands grabbing lewdly at her small firm breasts dancing beneath her. Then, suddenly, he grabbed her hands and pulled them back between his legs to cup his obscenely swaying balls.

The minister couldn't watch anymore. He slumped forward once again, feeling faint. "No… dear God… stop it!"

"Isn't God taking care of you, boy?" Lowell sneered at him. "I thought you were supposed to have a hot line to heaven."

When the minister didn't answer, the dean clucked him under the chin. "Cheer up, boy… let's go next door."

Instinctively, Brad knew that Julie would be there with a man, submitting to some other degrading act. He wondered idly what it would be. And then he wondered if it really mattered. Did anything at this point?

The young minister let himself be led into the room, making no resistance. As he had suspected, Julie was in there lying on the sofa again, her legs splayed open. One of the old men Brad had seen at the bar was there, too, and Corman saw that he was toying with the fleshy pink lips of her vagina with his fat, stubby middle finger. He parted the sparse blonde hair, exposing the narrow hair-lined slit, while she moaned above him, her breath coming in short little gasps of ecstasy.

He dropped between her legs now, poised on all fours and placed his hands against the warm soft flesh of her inner thighs, gazing down hungrily at the narrow furrow there, fringed so delicately with soft golden hair. And then, as the two of them began to moan Brad felt a moment of sick revulsion… That's my wife lying there beneath that pervert! He could think of no words vile enough to describe his depravity, his evilness. And yet, even as he watched the repulsive scene, he felt a flash of shocked excitement in his own loins, felt his balls begin to throb and then to ache, his penis lurch in a quick spasm. Dear Father in heaven! What was wrong with him? He was an ordained man of God and he was having pagan impure thoughts!

He watched as the man dropped his face to the wide split up between Julie's thighs, and then his tongue darted forth to slide its full length up into her quivering vagina.

Her body responded automatically, jerking spasmodically as his tongue slithered in and out of her hotly seeping cunt, racing up into her openly receptive vagina. No! It couldn't be happening, Reverend Corman thought! Not to my Julie! Oh, my wife!

And yet she twisted and turned beneath him, her face contorted with the most depraved pleasure, the most degraded expression he had ever seen, as the man continued his sinful defilement of her white trembling body. Now she was raising herself up to meet him, thrusting her legs forward, tangling his hair between her fingers, grasping it with all her strength to pull his face closer into the openly presented cunt-split up between her thighs.

His tongue darted forth again, and she began to moan and whimper with pleasure as it licked the trembling length of the narrow furrow. Suddenly, his probing lips found the erectly pulsing button of her clitoris, and Brad heard her sharp whine of agonized pleasure as the man took the tiny pulsating bud between his teeth, running his tongue around and around it, opening his hungry mouth at last to move his tongue back again, downward to the moist hot opening of her vagina.

He flicked his tongue deep inside, swirling it and probing it around the velvet-like clasping walls, while her body alternately contracted and relaxed beneath him in spasm of ecstasy. "Oh my God!" the reverend thought as he watched his own innocent wife moaning and whimpering in depraved ecstasy beneath another man's lewd, hotly licking tongue!

Suddenly, he seemed to flip himself over, to whirl around like some sort of demented dervish and then Brad saw with an anguish he had never believed possible, that his body was poised transversely above hers, his heavy sperm-filled balls brushing against her small pointed chin. The short wiry pubic hairs surrounding them grazed her lips, while his rigid penis seemed to dig into the soft resilient flesh of her heaving breasts. She groaned again, gave another whimper of mingled delight and agony, and then in a frenzy clasped his rock-hard cock between her hands.

Lewdly, obscenely, she drew the thick heavy foreskin back and forth, while he shivered with obvious delight at her touch. Her own sharp, cat-like tongue darted out to lick at his pulsating purplish head, to savor the drops of thick lubricating fluid oozing from it.

"My God!" she moaned. "Help me… help me!" She ovalled her moist red lips, held them open expectantly and waited with eyes closed.

A moment later she had taken the rigid throbbing shaft deep into her mouth, had begun to suck at it, pulling it almost to the back of her throat, her cheeks inflating around it, then hollowing. At the same time, the man continued to plunge his long, curling tongue deep into Julie's seething, clasping vagina, while she thrust her hopelessly aroused loins up against his face in total submission.

Suddenly, someone tapped him on the arm. It was Lowell. "Enjoying the show?" he asked as if he were inquiring about a Broadway play.

"Look, Dean Lowell… you've made a fool of me, my wife, my daughter… I'll leave… I'll leave Craven and I certainly won't tell anyone about what went on over here," the minister said desperately. "Just let me and my family get out of here."

The Dean was gloating with triumph that the minister was so humbling himself. That would teach that little God squad bastard to dare question his betters' actions. But he wasn't quite sure he was finished with him yet. There was one other small thing.

"You know, Reverend Corman, your mysterious caller was right. There are orgies going on here and a lot of the men here are only into voyeurism. When you get to be our age it's the only thing that's exciting," he said facetiously. "We were hoping that you'd put on a little exhibition with your wife so we could watch."

"What are you talking about?" the minister asked clearly terrified now.

"Ever fucked Julie in the ass?" Lowell asked casually, his words slashing through Brad's mind like the edge of a sword.

Reverend Corman's jaw dropped, his mouth hung slack, open as he tried to understand what it was that Dean Lowell had said. "Fucked Julie in the ass?" Dear God, that was sodomy! It was a cardinal sin! Sodomy! It was as lewd and depraved and sinful as you could get. And he'd just seen the gym instructor from Craven school do it to his thirteen year old daughter! How much lower could these degenerates sink?

The minister felt his stomach churning, felt shocked and disgusted and sick. Finally, he managed to choke out. "Oh course not! It's depraved!"

"Depraved?" Lowell's tone was amused. "You're a big boy, Rev. Isn't it about time you fucked her in the ass?"

"How dare you? I wouldn't dream of doing such a thing!"

"I think you would and after you're finished the whole School Board is waiting in the wings to get into that baby-tight asshole!"

Holy Mother of God! He couldn't do it, he thought. He couldn't! But he knew there was no alternative. He had to, if any of them were ever to get out of this den of depravity. And once again, degrading though it was, he felt a little thrill of excitement run through him, felt his loins catch fire, his cock throbbing in anticipation of the lewd, bestial act he was about to commit on his own wife.

The sight of Julie's voluptuous body, stretched out before him, offered to him as nothing more than a lewd receptacle for his illicit unnatural ravishment was driving him lust crazy. What was the matter with him? He was nothing more than a maddened beast himself, deprived of every vestige of human decency, incapable of resisting this vile debasement of his own wife.

Julie turned as her husband entered the room. All the liquor she had consumed had begun to wear off and the events of the past few hours were beginning to sink into her consciousness now. Earlier she had seemed to know nothing but the unbelievable pleasures of the moment, had given herself up to the sensual sensations that had permeated her entire body with hardly a thought. But now the memories of those passionate moments began to haunt her, and the sight of her husband made her already confused mind whirl anew. What had happened to her?

And what was going to happen to her now?

She searched her husband's face for a clue, and now the memory came back to her of their unhappy sex life. A shudder of fearful expectation went through her. Was this going to be more of the same?

She quivered on the couch, her firm ripe breasts heaving almost imperceptibly, the little triangle up between her legs tingling in a spasm of wanton desire. An electrifying shock rippled along the flesh of her thighs, and she squirmed her buttocks down into the softness of the cushions beneath her as she waited. And then she heard his voice, harsh with lust, as he ordered; "Turn over, Julie!"

The words slowly penetrated her clouded mind. No! Not that! How could he ask that? He was a minister! How could he even consider committing such a sin?

With a quick, sudden movement, he seized her ankles and then twisted her over onto her stomach. She gasped for breath from the sudden impact as her body hit the couch, and her legs splayed out to the sides. Quickly, she clenched them together, the muscles of her buttocks straining to protect her fearfully quivering anus.

There was a brief moment of nothingness her heart seemed to stand still, her breath to cease. And then she heard the metallic rasp of a zipper as Brad opened his fly, heard the rustle of clothes being shed, and knew, without looking that he stood before her partially naked.

Julie felt Brad stroking and softly rounded flesh of her buttocks, running a finger lightly over the sensitive white half-moons. She flexed her nether cheeks, clenching them tight together, sucking in her breath. And then she felt her husband's lips moving slowly, lightly over her buttocks, kissing them, nipping at them, flicking his tongue against them.

She couldn't let him! She began to kick, thrashing about on the couch, writhing and bucking furiously, trying to escape. Her desperate efforts merely excited her husband more. He lunged forward viciously, grasping her by the ankles again, his fingers tightening around the white flesh until it was marked by angry red welts, as he pinned her down.

"Spread your legs," he ordered.

Julie thrashed about once more, in one final hopeless attempt to save herself, and then winced as he spread her cheeks like a tea bun.

Before she could move, could even try to comply with his command, he seized her by the thighs and forced them apart until she thought her bones would break, her flesh rip into shreds. She cried out in protest, then closed her eyes as the terrible pain slashed through her naked loins.

And then she gasped!

Brad's middle finger was running up and down the narrow crevice between the trembling cheeks of her ass, sending tingles of excitement travelling up and down her spine. It stopped to tease at the tiny puckered orifice of her anus, circling its tight elastic ring. Then, as he flicked his wrist, the tip of his finger ploughed in deep, sliding through the cringing anal periphery, sinking in to the first knuckle.

She screamed a second time, but Brad seemed deaf to the sharp, spine-curdling sound, oblivious to her anguish. He plunged his middle finger in deeper and deeper.

And then gradually Julie felt the terrible pain turn to a burning soothing pleasure. She wiggled her hips as Brad sent a second finger plunging deep into her rectum, prodding and probing, widening her tight little anus, expanding it while she skewered back on them, gasping for breath again.

The minister was breathing hard, panting over her prone body; he was almost ready. Suddenly, she felt his hand on her hips, jerking her to kneeling position with her buttocks waving high in the air behind her. His knees pushed her thighs wider apart while his hands held her hips steady. And then she felt his long, thick cock as it brushed against the rubbery little circle of her asshole.

"Reach around and shove it in her your asshole!" he rasped, his voice that of a stranger, an animal she would have avoided in the street, a minister turned sex fiend! Her own husband!

He took her trembling hand and placed it around the thick aching shaft of his blood-engorged cock.

"Ram it in," he ordered again, guiding it down towards the hairless little circle. With a feeling of revulsion and yet the terrible need to comply with the request of her husband, Julie clasped her fingers around the swollen throbbing flesh and placed the tip of it against the tiny opening between her ass-cheeks. There was a quick sudden thrust, accompanied, by an animal-like grunt from Brad, and then Julie felt tight resisting nether ring give way before the relentless pressure, as the blood-filled cock-head popped up inside the cringing little orifice.

He pressed forward slowly, implacably forcing the hotly throbbing hardness further and further up between the vainly resisting walls of her rectum until he was sunk deep in the tightness of her bowels as she screamed and lurched wildly beneath him. "AAAAAaaaaaaiiiii…!" the beautiful blonde wife screamed and lurched wildly as the reverend forced his hotly pulsating cock deep up into the tightness of her defenselessly resisting anus!

Brad began to fuck back and forth, his sperm-bloated balls smacking hard up against her cunt, while an overwhelming sense of excitement spread through her body, a sensuousness she had never known, and which nothing on earth could suppress. She moved back against Brad, arching her body, thrusting her buttocks upward and outward, rotating them in tiny teasing circles, meeting his forward thrust.

She was possessed again with a sense of the most ultimate ecstasy of which a woman was capable, and at the same time with a sense of sin that nagged at her relentlessly, that made her feel wicked and wanton. She remembered that she had hardly let Brad touch her before, that she had been shocked, disgusted, even, when his tongue had trailed across her belly towards the little patch of pubic hair down between her legs. She had clenched them tightly together, had pulled his head back, away, with a vicious gesture… but now… now!

She knew he was ready to cum, ready to shoot his boiling sperm deep inside her. And yet he held back for a moment, to enjoy still more the climax he was so close to reaching. He withdrew his lust-swollen cock, almost to the huge bulbous tip, then shoved it deep into her naked belly again with a loud groan that filled the room.

He fucked rhythmically in and out now, spearing into the soft spongy depths of her anus, lunging with long smooth strokes, pulling out with tiny ridges of her pink, clasping flesh clinging to the base of his cock. His body jerked and quivered, and then with a sudden spurt, his white hot sperm gushed forth in an abundant torrent into her openly clasping asshole.

Julie bucked furiously back to meet his violently thrusting movements, and then she let out a little scream of pure bliss as she felt the boiling cum fill her throbbing little passage. It splashed back out again, around his still wildly driving penis, to run down the crevice between her wide split buttocks, and then she felt Brad's final withdrawal as he pulled his now softening penis from her asshole with a slight sucking sound.

She lay still, her head buried in her arms, feeling strangely satisfied, and then the sound of a familiar voice roused her. She turned to look around and saw that she and Brad were not alone. She shook her head, blinking a little as she opened her eyes wide, and then she recognized in a sudden flash of anguish that Janice, her own daughter, was in the room with them.

Her mind whirled; she couldn't think. Had Janice seen them? Had she watched the lewd, evil spectacle? Had she seen her own father lewdly sodomizing her mother?

Julie raised herself up on her elbows, looking again. And then she saw that Janice was not alone either… not by a long shot. In the semidarkness, she could still make out of the features of Bill Lowell standing behind her, while the physical education teacher, Rudy Creighton, faced the young defenseless girl. And then she saw that her own thirteen year old daughter was impaled on the dean's cock skewering into her from behind… that her daughter was being sodomized too… while the gym instructor rammed his rock-hard cock deep into her daughter's cunt. The two of them were fucking into her with long, hard strokes pumping her up and down as she thrashed about, impaled by the two of them, her legs dangling just above the floor, suspending her, like some weird, art object that might have been hung from the ceiling.

The child whirled about, buffeted by the two older men, their evenly pistoning cocks matching in their lewd rhythms, while she began to moan, softly at first, with the pleasure pain of the complete and utter ravishment, this double invasion of her hot moist parts.

The moans and whimpers began to swell, with the throbbing urgency of the movement, the intense, incredible joy that swept in breaking waves across her feverishly vibrating body, until they became screams of pure passion. She began to move up and down on the two lust-driven cocks spearing into her, writhing, thrashing about now of her own volition.

And then the voices of the two men, the dean and the athletic director blended with hers, and they groaned as they pistoned in and out of her two wet, warm openings, and then, almost in unison, their hips jerked forward and they send long thick jets of white semen spurting deep into her belly, deep into her bowels. There was another long scream of ecstasy, and then with a wild shiver of the purest joy, the most unimaginable pleasure, Janice's newly ripe young body convulsed in her own orgasmic spasm.

Julie stared speechless, shocked beyond endurance at the sordid sight and then one scene after another chased itself through her troubled mind, one thought crowded out the one before. Her only child! Janice! A baby, really… oh, how could they?

She wanted to rise from the couch, to swoop her up, to cradle her in her arms as she had when she was still an infant. She twisted her head, straining to see her, expecting, somehow, to look at a mere toddler, struggling to her feet, coming towards her with outstretched arms, asking to be picked up.

And then it dawned on her! Janice was a woman, too. She had the same needs, the same desires that she herself now knew she had. And she had experienced the same pleasure, the ultimate ecstasy. She was a woman… a real woman… even at her age, and Julie could only blink back her own tears of joy at the thought.

Something had happened… something incredible had happened to the two of them…

She was still too confused to understand what it was exactly. She only knew that everything was different.
