Chapter 14

Angela arrived in Cuchilla in the early afternoon and a limousine met her at the airport. The drive through the city revealed the aftermath of the brutal civil war that had ended only months before. Many of the buildings had been reduced to piles of rubble while most of the rest were pock-marked with bullet holes. But once they left the city, everything changed. The countryside looked peaceful and serene and beautiful.

The drive took about two hours and Angela sat in the back of the huge car getting increasingly nervous. Once again, she felt as if she was behaving like a schoolgirl. She tried to calm herself and focus. After all, she was a mistress.

An ongoing debate had been raging within her for the past week. Part of her said she should make it easy to bag her. She could let Ricardo shoot her and enslave her for the week. Then she would continue the delicious journey that she had been pursuing as a slavegirl. The other part of her said she should work hard at evading Ricardo. Then she could join the hunt and bag some girls of her own. She would get to enjoy numerous young, nubile bodies during the week in addition to experiencing the thrill of hunting them. The debate continued and she had no idea which side would win.

The limo finally rolled to a stop in front of a huge mansion. Angela had not even realized that they had pulled off of the main road. She wondered how large the estate was as she glanced around. She looked around closer to the house and saw several naked girls in various forms of labor. One was weeding a garden bed. One was cleaning a window. And one was cleaning a cart that stood off to the side of the main entrance. Apparently, the slaves here were used for more than just hunting and sex.

A fourth naked girl descended the steps from the front door to the driveway and stopped at the car, opening the rear door for Angela. "Good evening, Mistress," she said with an accent that told Angela that she was probably a local girl or at least South American of some nationality or other.

"Good evening," replied Angela as she emerged from the limo. "And thank you. Is there someone who can take care of my bags?"

"Yes, Mistress. I will come back and see to your luggage. Right now, I am to take you to the Master." Angela followed the girl and admired how her cute heart-shaped ass wiggled and swayed with each step. She was a tiny thing in terms of height and frame but she certainly made up for it with her chest, making Angela wonder if the olive-skinned girl had undergone some form of breast augmentation.

Ricardo met her in the study where he immediately stood up and hugged her, kissing her on each cheek. "Welcome to my humble abode. I trust you had a pleasant journey."

"Thank you, Ricardo," she replied. "Yes, my trip went very well. Your humble abode may not be so humble but it is beautiful."

"Thank you," he smiled. "It is sufficient for my occupation."

"I had no idea that operating a club could be so lucrative," observed Angela.

"Ah, but it is a very special club," he answered, "with very special services for very special and exclusive clientele."

They chatted for a little bit and then Ricardo gave her a tour of the house. They passed numerous additional naked girls in the hallways, laboring at their tasks. Finally, they arrived at the bedroom where she would be staying. Her luggage had already been delivered and two naked women were kneeling in the center of the room.

"I will give you some time to relax from your travels and to freshen up," he said. "I have assigned Rosa and Yvonne to assist you. Dinner is in three hours. I will come to escort you there myself."

Angela was a bit surprised that she had a bedroom. She had assumed that Ricardo would want to take her to his bed. But at least the room was opulent. And having two personal handmaidens would not be so bad. She could get used to this.

The girls bathed her, letting her linger and luxuriate in the tub as their soft hands soaped and caressed her body. Then they dried her and led her to the bed. For the next two hours, their talented tongues worked on her body, delivering several very satisfying orgasms. At one point, the French girl was lying on her back beneath Angela who knelt above her as the Spanish girl tongued her asshole. Angela had never tried that before and found the sensations to be thrilling. She would have to repeat it with Kim and Alaine when she returned home.

"Are you excited about tomorrow?" asked Ricardo at dinner.

"Yes," replied Angela. "Very excited. And thank you for the use of your girls. They were very attentive to my needs. I had no idea that the club had so many girls, though."

"Oh, these are not the club's girls. They are my personal slaves. I do loan them to the club on special occasions but the club has its own inventory. I will show you later in the week."

"Wow," breathed Angela. She wondered just how many slaves there were here. Already, she had seen a dozen. "I would enjoy seeing them."

"Occasionally, I sell one of my girls to the club," Ricardo continued. "But that doesn't happen often. The economics have to be just right for me to part with one of my girls. Mostly, I just loan them for hunts or entertainment. But perhaps I should sell you to the club after I bag you tomorrow. You would be a quite popular addition to their stables."

Angela blinked at the comment about selling her and then laughed, realizing that Ricardo was just joking. "Well, Rosa and Yvonne were very entertaining. Thank you again for their use. But I am surprised that you would consider selling me. I thought you wanted to own me for yourself."

"You are welcome, my dear," smiled Ricardo. "And I do intend to keep you for myself. I am looking forward to making that delectable body my property. But I am a business man also. I have to sell even things that I would prefer to keep. That is what keeps commerce working."

Angela felt a chill rush down her spine as the conversation progressed. Was Ricardo kidding? She couldn't be sure.

"Then I will have to try very hard not to get captured tomorrow," she replied. "Or if I do get captured, I will have to work very hard at pleasing my master so he won't ever even consider parting with me."

Ricardo leaned over and placed his hand over Angela's, giving it a light squeeze. He lifted his wine glass in the other hand and proposed a toast. "To my future property; an asset to be added to my estate."

Angela smiled nervously but then proposed a toast of her own. "To the huntress who will claim property of her own to be added to her own collection." She decided at that point that she would work very hard the next day at evading capture.

"We shall see, my dear. In the meantime, you may keep Rosa and Yvonne for the night. Or I can replace them with two fresh ones. But I must caution you not to stay up too late. You have a big day ahead of you."

It was Angela's turn to smile. "Yes I do have a big day. I would like to keep Rosa and Yvonne. But I promise to get plenty of sleep."

She had breakfast with Ricardo the next day. Then the two girls were instructed to take her back to her room and prepare her for the hunt. She emerged from her room at eleven o'clock, ready to participate in the big event.

She passed a full length mirror in the hallway and stopped to admire herself. The outfit that the girls gave her was sexy and wild at the same time. She was dressed entirely in leather.

A scant bra was formed out of animal skins and was held in place by thin leather thongs. The half cups of the bra held and supported her full breasts and almost covered her nipples. The tops of the areolae could be seen, however, peeking above the top of the bra. Her bottoms consisted of another thin leather thong tied around her waist and resting on her hips. From it hung another small strip of leather that covered her sex but just barely. Any amount of movement or breeze would cause the strip to shift and would reveal her charms.. Nothing hung from behind, leaving her bottom naked. She also wore moccasins that laced up her calves.

The outfit looked wonderfully exotic on her. It gave her an almost feral appearance. She felt more like a jungle huntress than prey. This was going to be fun.

She met Ricardo again and he paused to admire her shapely body before leading her out to the jeep. Then the driver took them to the starting point.

Ricardo explained the rules again before they started. A single hit above the bra would result in a "kill" and she would become a slave. She would need to be hit three times below the bra or on the arms for a kill to occur. She would be given a thirty minute head start. He would start hunting her at noon and the hunt would end, one way or another, at six o'clock.

The two of them made quite a contrast as they stood together. She looked like a pornographic version of a cave woman. The skimpy leathers did nothing to conceal all of her feminine charms. If anything, the clothing highlighted all of her curves and swells and valleys. He, on the other hand, looked like he was dressed for an African safari. He carried a powerful looking rifle and had a pistol on his belt. On the other side of his body, a machete hung from the belt in its sheath.

He gave her the mark and she headed out to try to evade capture. Then he waited the allotted time. He intended to capture her but he also wanted to try to play fair if he could. He would resort to cheating if he had to, but he would try to bag her legitimately if he could.

The afternoon rolled by. She was doing a good job of hiding. She saw him several times and was able to elude him. He only saw her once. At about three o'clock, he spotted her among some rocks. He aimed just above the bra. This would give him his best chance. He fired but she turned at the last minute and the spot of blue appeared on her upper arm.

"Damn!" he thought. He would have to hit her two more times if he aimed that poorly. He fired again but she was gone by then.

Five o'clock arrived and he had no idea where she was. He opened his pack and pulled out a little electronic device. A GPS locator had been stitched into the leather of her bra and all he had to do was turn on the device to locate her. The gadget blinked to life and he saw that she was almost two miles from him. No wonder he couldn't find her.

He started in her direction at a slow run. He would have to hurry if he was to get to her in time. As he got close to her, he pulled out some special paintballs that he had been hoping to avoid using. It was time to utilize them now, though. He loaded five of them into the rifle.

Each of the paintballs was laced with a tranquilizer that would be absorbed through the skin. As long as he did not hit leather, she would be out cold within a minute regardless of where he hit her.

He found her again, running along a stream bed. He took aim again and fired. Once again, luck was with her. She reached a boulder as he fired and stepped up on it. The paintball that should have hit her just below her neck hit her in the abdomen instead. But this time, luck was with him too.

He replaced the remaining tranquilizer paintballs with the regular ones and waited. She kept moving for a short distance and then slowed and eventually stopped. Her legs became wobbly and she reached up to press the back of her hand to her forehead. Then she crumpled to the ground. He shot her one more time, in the thigh this time," so that she would wake up with three blue spots on her. Then he moved forward to collect his winnings.

He was far from the house so he called for a pick up. By the time the jeep rolled into the clearing, he had stripped his new slave and had bound her tightly. She lay on her back with her wrists tied tightly behind her back and her ankles crossed and bound.

"What happened?" she asked as her eyelids fluttered open.

"I captured a slavegirl," he grinned as he looked down on her lovely nude form. "You are the newest slave."

"I only remember two," she said.

"There are three," he said, crouching down. He touched each of the blue marks on her body. "You fell as I hit you the third time and you must have hit your head. Do you feel all right?"

"Yes, I feel fine," she said. "I actually thought I was going to win."

"You did very well," he replied. "You almost did win." In fact, there was less than a minute to go when she collapsed. She would have won without the aids that Ricardo employed.

"Why am I naked?" she asked after she raised her head and saw that all of her clothing was missing.

"Because I own you now," he grinned again. "And naked is how I wanted you. You must have noticed that I keep all of my girls naked."

"Ooooo!!!" squealed Angela. "I guess slavery begins now."

"In more ways that you can imagine," affirmed Ricardo.

The jeep delivered them back to the mansion. Angela was thrown in the back and rode like a piece of luggage. She did not mind, though. She had already entered her own personal sub space at that point.

Rosa and Yvonne were assigned the job of cleaning her up when they got back. Instead of taking her to the luxurious room she had before, however, they took her into a wing of the house that looked more like a barracks. They kept her bound and dunked her into the tub several times before scrubbing her body down with stiff brushes. Her earlier bath had been much different.

She was dried and then taken to another part of the building. The girls strapped her into something that looked like a dentist chair without removing the bindings. Wide leather straps were draped above her body above and below her breasts and across her tummy, effectively immobilizing her. Another strap went across her forehead so she could no longer turn it left or right.

Once she was immobilized, they released her ankle bindings and spread her legs, binding her feet into stirrups. Now, the chair resembled something more like what a gynecologist might use. With all of the bindings completed, the girls called for Ricardo.

He entered the room and admired his newest slave. He ran his palm down one of her thighs and enjoyed the firm flesh that he encountered. Then he moved between her legs and smiled at her.

"You are mine now," he said. "I have been waiting for this moment."

"Yes, Master," she said. A tingle went through her body as she spoke the words. "I belong to you."

"Yes, you do," he smiled as she called him by his rightful title. "You are my newest, most valuable possession."

He unzipped his pants. Yvonne dropped to her knees and helped him remove them. Then she wrapped her lips around his shaft to make sure that he was hard. It was an unnecessary act, though. He was already rock hard and had been throughout much of the day in anticipation of taking ownership of Angela.

He pushed the girl aside and then plunged his cock into Angela, causing her to gasp out her breath at the sudden intrusion. He fucked her and used her body with no regard to her needs. He was simply using her body to achieve pleasure for himself. She was moving toward an orgasm of her own from all of the arousal of the day but he climaxed and pulled out before she could be pushed over the edge. She groaned in frustration as the coupling ended prematurely.

"Bring in the cast and crew" he told the girls. They scampered out of the room and returned shortly with three women and two men. The men held cameras which they set up and aimed at Angela. Two of the women were naked. The third was dressed from head to toe in black latex with cutouts for her breasts, pussy and ass. All three women had a skull and cross bones on their asses.

"Ricardo, what is this?" Angela asked as she looked around the room, confused. This was not what she had agreed to.

"You are going to be a star, my lovely," he replied. "It is just a small part in this movie but we will move you on to bigger roles in the future."

"Ricardo, you can't do this."

"What part of slavery do you not understand, my dear? I own you. I can do whatever I want."

"Ricardo, this isn't right. It's not fair."

Ricardo stepped up to the chair. He placed one hand on a breast and brushed the backs of his fingers from the other hand across her cheek. "It may not be fair, but it is very right. That's the beauty of slavery."

She tried to shake her head but it was held firm by the strap across her forehead. He squeezed her breast and whispered to her. "Say anything you want. Scream if you would like to."

Then he straightened up and turned to the men. "Roll cameras. Girls, action!"

"We caught this one lurking about down by the docks, Mistress," said one of the naked girls.

"Good girls," said the one dressed as a dominant in the black latex. She stepped beside the chair that held Angela and looked down at the bound woman. "Who do you work for?"

"This is an outrage!" screamed Angela. "Let me out of this chair this instant!"

Greta, the dominant one, raised a riding crop and smashed it down on Angela's belly, eliciting a scream. "I asked you a question, girl. Answer me before I have to resort to more painful measures."

"Let me out of here!" screamed Angela.

Again, the crop punished Angela's belly and again she screamed. Greta turned to one of the girls. "Lindy, get between her legs. You know what to do."

The girl stood between Angela's wide-stretched legs and ran a finger between the petals that were already wet from the arousal of the hunt and Ricardo's recent fucking. She inserted a finger and moved it in and out. Under normal circumstances, Angela would enjoy having the beautiful girl play with her sex, but these were not normal circumstances. She was disgusted that she was being filmed as part of a porno movie. She had recognized the skull and cross bones as the brand marks for the movies that John was always buying.

"Don't touch me! Let me go!!!"

CRACK!!! The crop crashed into her belly again and she screamed again. The girl kept moving her fingers in and out of Angela and slowly started adding fingers. When four fingers were stretching her sex, Angela realized what was about to happen. She screamed and begged.

"Please no! Please don't do that! Please no!" But within moments, the thumb found its place alongside the fingers and the whole hand was thrust through. She was being fisted as she was being forced into a porno movie. Oh god!

"I will not ask you again," said Greta slowly and calmly. "Who do you work for?"

"I don't work for anyone!" screamed Angela. She looked desperately at Ricardo who just stood there smiling at her.

"Zara, she needs some more encouragement," said Greta. The other naked girl stepped to the side of the table. She held a thick needle to the side of Angela's left nipple and slowly started pushing it inward. Angela shrieked.

"Ricardo! Stop her! We had an agreement! Stop her!"

The needle punctured the skin and Angela shrieked again. Pain coursed through her breast and still the girl kept pushing. Eventually, the needle emerged from the other side. The girl attached a ring to the end of the needle and pulled it through, finally locking the ring in place.

Ricardo watched with amusement. He had decided back on the island that these breasts would look perfect with rings; possibly even wide gold hoops. And he didn't mind her calling out his name during the filming. That could be cut during editing.

The fist was moving around inside of her, causing discomfort, as the second girl moved around the table to the other side. "Who do you work for?"

"This has gone far enough!" screeched Angela. "Let me go!"

Greta nodded to Zara and the girl started pushing the needle through the second nipple. It was accompanied by screams and pleas for mercy. But before long, that breast also had a ring.

Angela was reacting perfectly as far as Ricardo was concerned. A seasoned actress could not have performed a better combination of indignation mixed with fear and shock. He had planned to ring her anyways so he decided to write her into the script of his latest movie. It would kill two birds with one stone.

He would include her in future productions. And he would sell her to the club where she would be branded with the skull and cross bones. Then she could play more substantial roles.

"I don't work for anybody," Angela shrieked. The needle was at her sex and was poised to penetrate her clit hood. "I work for the CIA!" she screamed. "The FBI! The army!"

The needle was slowly pushed through the vulnerable little piece of flesh and Angela howled again. The third ring was now in place.

The hand inside of her had been still during the installation of the third ring. Now, it came to life again. It started pistoning in and out of the beautiful bound woman, crashing into her cervix time and again. Each time, she grunted or shrieked. It kept pounding. Greta kept asking the question. Angela kept shrieking. Eventually the pain overwhelmed her. She passed out.
