Chapter 8

"You will need to sign a contract so that we are all on the same page," said Ricardo. "This way, we can avoid any embarrassing misunderstandings."

"That makes sense," nodded Angela. "If we do this, we should have an agreement on the terms."

"Exactly, my beautiful kitten."

Ricardo had been working on Angela for three days. He intensified his efforts after seeing her as Cedric's beautiful slavegirl. Slowly but surely, he was wearing her down. She had not said yet said yes to being hunted and temporarily owned by the Cuchillan master, but she was not saying no any longer.

"We should do it soon," Ricardo added. "It is beautiful in my country this time of year. But it becomes chilly in a few months. Doing this in the next four weeks would be ideal."

"Oh," said Angela. She was not sure that she would be ready that soon. She was warming up to the idea, though. Her night with Cedric had been the most terrifying time of her life and the most exciting. It was an erotic swirl of fear and thrills and sexuality in her memories. Even being taken anally, which was painful at first, was an exciting memory. She was taken and used as completely as any slave could be. Thankfully, she was released the next morning. But a fire had been lit within her. She wanted to explore the slave inside. She needed to.

"Well, maybe you could send me a copy of the contract that you use so I can look it over," Angela continued.

"I can do better than that. I have a copy of it here." He pulled the document out of his bag and placed it in front of her.

"But it's in Spanish," she said. At least it was short. It was only three pages long.

"Of course," he replied. "Spanish is the language of my country. I have an English translation here for you also." He pulled a second document out of his bag and laid it in front of her.

"May I read it?"

"Of course," he said. "I would insist."

She read over the details. It had a start date and an end date which were currently blank. She would get to choose the length of her ‘slavery.' It described how capture would start her period of slavery and how she would remain free if no capture was achieved by nightfall. If she became free, then she would join the hunts as a huntress and could claim girls of her own.

Prohibited activities were listed. These included permanent alterations and markings but the list was remarkably short. She would have to think about what else to include. Everything seemed straightforward.

"This should be fun" she thought to herself. "I should do this."

"I will pick out a date tonight," she told the Latin master. "I will have to deliver Alaine home but then I should be able to do this. Let me check out my calendar and we can finalize everything tomorrow."

Ricardo smiled brightly. "You have made my day. I can't wait to own you, even if only temporarily. I hope you realized my sincerity in this matter by the offers I made for you a few days ago."

"Yes, I noted your sincerity," agreed Angela. "And I was quite flattered by the size of your offers."

Alaine was waiting for her when she got back to her room. Once again, her girl was fastened to the post in the living room of her suite. Angela grumbled as she unfastened her from the post and then removed the girl's cuffs. "I don't know why they keep attaching you like this. I like my girls free."

"I'm not free even now, Mistress," said Alaine once her bindings were removed.

Angela rolled her eyes. "Oh, you know what I mean. I like my girls free to move."

"Yes, Mistress," said Alaine as she blushed. She knew that she should not have made that comment. "Oh, Mistress! I heard today that you were a beautiful slavegirl the other night."

"Oh my gosh!" blurted Angela. "You weren't supposed to hear about that. Who told you?"

Alaine felt her blush deepen. She had apparently made another mistake. "Nobody told me, Mistress. I overheard two of the mistresses talking. They used words like stunning and striking and exquisite and priceless and exotic. They never used your name but I figured out who they were talking about."

"Oh my," sighed Angela. "You weren't supposed to know about that."

"I promise I won't tell your husband."

"Oh, he already knows. It was you I was trying to hide it from."

Alaine furrowed her brow at that news. "Why would you try to hide anything from me? I'm a nobody. I'm just your property."

"Oh, pet, you are definitely not a nobody. You are my property, that's true. But you are a prized possession."

Angela wrapped an arm around the girl and pulled her close, kissing her passionately. Then she led her to bed. Hours later and orgasms later, they drifted off to sleep with their limbs entwined. Neither one of them even realized that they had missed dinner.

The next morning, Angela checked her calendar and then called John. She had already chewed him out for the role that he had played in the horrifying moments when she thought she was being sold. He had told her how beautiful she looked as a slave on the auction block and how he would have gladly paid the two million pounds for her. She took that as a sufficient apology.

This time, she laid out her latest idea for an adventure. After she finished describing it, he could hear the excitement in her voice and he reluctantly agreed to it. But he told her that he thought it was a bad idea and that she should think long and hard before agreeing to it. She thanked him profusely and told him to expect a minx when she got home and took him to bed. She would be arriving home that night.

She sent Alaine off to the training classes for the day. The girl had already gone through all of these during her first stay on the island immediately after being captured but Alaine thought that a refresher education was in order. After all, Alaine had been practically sex-deprived during her first year of captivity. That would change once she got the girl home and she wanted her slave to be in top form. Then she went in search of Ricardo.

Once again, she found the Latin master alone by the pool. He too had consigned his girl to the lessons being offered at the resort.

"Good morning, my princess."

Angela laughed at the greeting. "Good morning, great hunter."

Ricardo smiled at her reply. "So have you decided to become my prey? Have you picked a date?"

"I have," she said as she settled into the chaise beside Ricardo's. "One week from today."

"Excellent," he grinned. "My calendar will be cleared so that I can hunt my doe and then dine on her delicious body."

"Oh my," she gasped. "That did not sound good."

"I meant dine in the figurative sense," he explained. "Don't worry. You won't find yourself as the main feature at a roast."

"That's comforting to know."

"Do you have the agreement?"

"I do." She reached into her bag and pulled out both copies. She fished a pen out of her bag and started to sign.

"The Spanish one, please," said Ricardo as he saw her inking her name to the English version. "Spanish is the language of my country and is the only language in which agreements can be formalized."

"Oh," she said. She moved her hand and wrote out her signature on the Spanish version. Then she filled in the appropriate dates at the top of the page. Her adventure would begin at noon, one week from today and it would end at noon one week later.

"Excellent, my dear." Ricardo was beaming with glee. Despite having purchased a beautiful and busty girl several days earlier, it was this enchanting mistress who intrigued him and stirred the lust within him.

"Might I suggest that we retire to my suite?" he continued. "This calls for a celebration."

Angela giggled. She knew that the celebration would involve sex but she was fine with that. She was more than fine with it. She found Ricardo to be a very attractive man.

"That sounds delightful."

He arose from his chair and held out his hand, helping Angela from hers. Then they walked together toward his suite. Once they arrived, he poured them each a glass of champagne and then offered a toast.

"To my future pet and prized possession."

Angela laughed and took a sip of the wine before offering a toast of her own. "To the future huntress who will claim girls at will."

They both took another sip and then Ricardo spoke again. "We shall see. In the meantime, might I have an opportunity to inspect my future slavegirl?"

Angela blinked. She looked down at her bikini-clad body and then looked back up at Ricardo. "I think I'm pretty well on display already. And I was completely on display the other night."

Ricardo smiled and set down his glass before stepping closer to her. "Yes, you look divine." He reached up and untied the string behind her back, lifting the top off of her and revealing her glorious breasts. "Now you look even more divine."

She watched in amazement as his fingers busied themselves on the little bows at her hips. In any other setting, she would have slapped him already. But this was not any other setting. This was a magical place where erotic dreams were made. This was a place where men undressed women freely and sometimes publicly. She felt her bottoms float down her legs to puddle at her ankles.

"Now you look most divine," he said. "A vision of beauty." He slowly walked around the naked woman, letting his eyes feast on her body. She stood motionless as he conducted his tour. She felt like she should say something but was at a loss for words.

He finished his circuit and kept moving until he stood behind her. He gathered her long auburn mane in his hand and lifted it off her neck, trailing his fingers down the back of her neck. He ran his fingers along one shoulder and then the other before letting the hair fall back into place.

Ricardo ran his palms down her arms and then grasped her wrists, pulling her hands up behind her neck. "Hold them there for me."

Angela was speechless. She didn't trust herself with words at the moment. She could feel strange thrills rushing through her body as this virtual stranger inspected her body almost as if he were inspecting a racehorse. No, that wasn't it. It was as if he was inspecting a slavegirl. A little shudder shook her at that realization.

"Are you cold?" he asked as he saw the shudder.

"No, I am warm enough."

Ricardo placed his palms up to her armpits and slowly drew them down the sides of her body. He would stop occasionally and squeeze the flesh, finding it amazingly soft and firm each time. This woman was tremendously fit. That was good. He always liked to have his slaves be toned and fit.

The hands glided over the hips and then down the outside of her legs. He crouched down and slid them up the insides of her legs, feeling the taut muscles of her calves and thighs. He stopped his upward climb right before he got to her sex and shifted his hands to her bottom, grasping one tight cheek in each hand. He squeezed them and reveled in their texture. Then he pried them apart and looked at her little pucker. Soon, he would own this. He looked forward to playing with it. But that would wait for another day. He was a patient man.

He was still crouching and was able to see Angela's hairless labia. They were still bright pink from being dyed earlier in the week. They were already parted, indicating that his future slave was aroused by her treatment. And he could see the little honey pot glistening and brimming with her lubricating juices.

He finally released her cheeks and then stood up again. It was time to enjoy the front. His frontal inspection went much the same way, although he avoided her breasts and sex at first. When he had checked out her muscle tone to his satisfaction, he finally lifted her breasts. He loved the weight of the generous orbs and loved the way they jiggled when he bounced them. He ran his fingertips over the swells, amazed at how soft and firm they were. He flicked the pinkened nipples with his finger tips. She sucked in her breath audibly at the flicks and the nipples quickly stiffened visibly. This was good. He wanted his slaves to always be responsive. These breasts would provide him with years of pleasure.

"Did you nurse your children?" he asked as he held the breasts up again.

"Yes," she squeaked. She was so nervous for some reason. She knew that she shouldn't be but the more that he inspected and fondled her, the more submissive she felt. It made no sense. She was a slave owner just like him. But the mere handling of her breasts made her feel small and vulnerable.

"How long did you breast feed?"

"Two years for the first child," she responded as she looked down at her chest. It was odd to see her breasts being claimed like this. "One year for the second child."

"Remarkable," he commented. "Most women lose their form and are subjected to gravity after childbirth and breastfeeding. You have the body of a teenager."

"Thank you," she replied, hearing her voice crack.

Finally, he crouched again. The fingertips from one hand danced over her tight belly. He circled her belly button with one finger and then drew his fingers lower over her recently denuded mound. She had continued to shave herself there so her mound was smooth and satiny.

He extended one finger and moved it downward until he got to her glistening petals. He traced them with his finger, feeling the oily secretions lubricating his finger. He went down one petal and then back up the other. He saw her clit peeking out at him and he touched it lightly. She sucked in her breath and held it, trembling slightly.

"You have a beautiful pussy," he told her. He almost added that he was looking forward to owning it but he thought better of it. It was true that he was looking forward to making it his, but he did not want to scare her off.

"Thank you," she repeated.

He tapped on the clit and saw the little tremors rocking her body. He tapped again with the same result. He kept tapping, using a slow tempo, and each tap resulted in the same reaction.

"Oh god," she groaned.

He never penetrated her. He would occasionally caress the petals and then return to tapping. He focused on her belly and enjoyed the way that it quivered. Occasionally, he would look up to her beautiful face and smile. This angel would be his soon. Sometimes his eyes would stop at her breasts as they traveled up and down her body and he loved the way that they rose and fell rhythmically but with a tempo that seemed to quicken with each tap.

Her eyes were focused on a spot on the wall. She couldn't explain the sensations that were swirling around inside of her. She didn't understand what was happening to her. She did not know why her fingers remained entwined behind her neck as this male took liberties with her body.

She had heard of sub space; a place in the mind that submissives find when they have totally surrendered themselves to the scene. She never could comprehend it before. But now she knew it was real. She had escaped into her own personal sub space.

Ricardo finally stopped tapping and he stood again. He started to orbit her again, this time letting his fingers trail along her naked flesh as he circled her. He went around her once and then started again. He stopped behind her and cupped her bottom cheeks in his hands again before releasing them.

Click. Click. In rapid succession, she heard two clicks near her ears and felt the cold steel circling her wrists. Why wasn't she screaming in protest? Her mind was not functioning at all at this point. Her brain was nothing but jelly; pure lust-filled jelly.

The suites were outfitted with numerous attachment points for girls. After all, they were designed by slavers for slavers. It was an easy task for Ricardo to hit the button. A hook descended from the ceiling. He lowered it enough to snag the cuffs and then raise them again.

He had to be careful. The steel cuffs would dig into the tender flesh of his pet. He needed to make sure that she was not marred. But he wanted her to remember her time with him.

He kept his finger on the other button until she was standing on the balls of her feet. It would not be painful; at least not at first.

He was still behind her when he picked up the silk scarf. He folded it over and over again until he was satisfied with what he had formed. Then he reached around her and placed it over her eyes, tying the ends behind her head and blindfolding her.

Angela gasped. "Ricardo, what are you doing? What are you planning?"

"I'm just enjoying my pet," he replied. "And it's Master from now on."

Again, she gasped. She could never call him Master. That would be too clear of a sign of submission and she could never submit to anyone, including him. She remained silent.

He picked up a flogger. It was a tame enough instrument. Its wide, soft leather strands would surprise and tease her more than anything else. It would pinken her flesh but would not be painful. And it would leave no lasting marks.

He moved in front of her again. Her head turned as she heard his movement and she tried to anticipate the next surprise. He lifted her left breast in his hand and squeezed it, plumping it. Then he brought the flogger down on the inviting upper swells of the breast, creating a slapping sound. She jumped and gasped from the unexpected punishment. He brought the flogger down again and elicited the same response..

He released the breast and admired the pinkness of the firm, smooth flesh. Then he lifted the right breast and struck it twice. Next, he worked on the lower swells. He grabbed the left nipple, pulling outward and upward, exposing all of the sweet, sensitive skin. The flogger was whipped upward and she squealed at the treatment. Each breast received two more kisses of the whip.

He held onto the nipple of the right breast and pulled it outward. The inner swells of the breast were exposed and vulnerable this way and he struck each breast with the flogger while they were stretched outward. Now it was time to abuse the outer swells. The slaps had been relatively mild so far, getting increasingly harsh as he moved to the next spot. Now he would unleash the flogger's pain. He swung hard, striking the left breast on the outside. It bounced toward its twin as the loud slapping noise was heard. She shrieked at the pain and then whimpered as the breast bounced back into shape. He hit the right breast and then the left and then the right breast again. She shrieked with each blow.

He put the flogger aside for now. He lifted both breasts in his hands and inspected them. They were glowing nicely now. She was decorating beautifully. He had two ornaments for her and then the decorating would be complete.

Instinctively, Angela looked down as soon as she felt Ricardo gather her breasts in his hands. She had forgotten that she was blindfolded. It was probably best she not be able to see, she decided. She was sure that her orbs were a mottled mess by now.

She tried to reconcile the thoughts that were racing in her head. Part of her could not wait to get Alaine home so she could play with her. And she was so looking forward to giving her to the rest of the family. She knew that they would love playing with their new toy. The other part of her wanted to remain right where she was. She had never felt this way in all of her life. She was on the edge of an orgasm and had been riding the edge for an hour as Ricardo toyed with her body.

Ricardo picked up a pair of clamps. He squeezed the left breast, compressing the flesh and causing the orb to bulge. He used a finger to flick the nipple and smiled as it stiffened even more in response. He held the clamp to the pink bud, holding the jaws open against the warm flesh, letting her figure out what was about to happen.

"Oh, Ricardo, please no," begged Angela. She felt the cold steel against her sensitive little nubbin and knew that pain would quickly follow. She loved to use clamps on girls because of the way they begged and shook when the jaws closed down on them. She had even been clamped earlier in the week by Cedric and it had been very painful. Her nipples were just too sensitive for that. "Please don't do it, Ricardo."

He removed the clamp and brought his hand down swiftly, spanking the breast hard and sending it bouncing on her chest. "Arrrgggghhhhh" she gurgled as the pain radiated through her chest.

"What did you call me?" he demanded and then he spanked the other breast, eliciting a yelp from the bound woman.

"Sorry, Master," she said, feeling her face blush as she uttered the word. That was the most humiliating thing that had happened to her so far.

Her calves were starting to burn from having to keep her heels off the ground. Every time she lowered them, the cuffs dug painfully into her wrists so she worked very hard at keeping them elevated.

"Much better," he said as he returned the clamp to the nipple. "Let us continue."

He closed the clamp slowly so he could enjoy the sights and sounds as the pain intensified in his girl. He wanted to savor the moment. She quickly started moaning and that turned into sorrowful sounding whimpers. As the clamp was finally closed, flattening the little bud, she yelped which was music to his ears. The ceremony was repeated on the other nipple and he was serenaded again by the girl's delightful sounds.

He stepped back to admire his girl. She was beautiful and soon she would belong to him. Her whole body was quivering at his point and was almost glistening from the thin sheen of perspiration. It was time for him to enjoy her.

He lowered her hands a bit, letting her rest her heels on the floor. He pushed her legs apart and then unzipped his pants, releasing the cock that had been straining to get out ever since Angela entered his suite.

He did not even test to see if she was ready for him. He knew that she was already highly aroused. He positioned the tip of his cock between her petals and plunged fully into her sex with one thrust. She groaned as it sliced into her body and climaxed instantly. She had been on the edge for so long and the rapid penetration was the trip wire she needed to be pushed over.

He lazily moved in and out of her, wanting to take his time. He wanted this moment to last. She would be away from him for a week before she officially became his so this moment would have to hold him over until then.

He flicked the clamped nipples as he slowly pistoned inside of her, eliciting little moans and groans and grunts. She climaxed again from the pain in her nipples and the pleasure of being filled so completely. He finally withdrew from her, causing her to whimper. He moved behind her and slid back into her velvety, wet sheath and started pistoning again.

He reached around and grasped the full, clamped breasts again, squeezing them. She climaxed again. He used one hand to alternate between the breasts, squeezing them and bouncing them as he slid his other hand down her body to find her clit. He toyed with her and brought her to climax several more times before he finally deposited his seed in her.

Angela was a limp rag doll by the time she boarded the plane. Alaine was packaged and stowed for the trip in a special concealed compartment. Angela slept the entire flight.
