Chapter 4

The maintenance problems caused a lot of the buyers and their slaves to have to remain at the facilities longer than expected, Angela and Alaine included. But Angela was not upset. It would allow her to spend some quality time with her newest slave. Plus, the facilities were more like a five star resort than a slave auction block. The rooms were impeccable and were tastefully furnished. The service was extraordinary and each of the servers was beautiful. She learned later that the serving girls were slaves who had been sent to the facility for either training or boarding while their owners were busy. In a way, the place acted as a sort of kennels for slavegirls. Plus, there was a beautiful beach and a nice pool. They could suffer here for a few days if they had to.

That night at dinner, Angela was reunited with her tablemates from earlier in the day. All three who had bought girls brought them along and they enjoyed their meal together.

"Have you thought any more about my offer?" the Cuchillan asked Angela.

"What offer was that, Ricardo?"

"To participate in one of my hunts," he replied.

Angela laughed lightly. "Ricardo, you just want to capture me and fuck me."

Ricardo smiled and turned his palms skyward. "Is there something wrong with wanting that? You would be a beautiful slavegirl, even if only for a short period of time."

"I have to say that I agree with Ricardo," interjected Fiona, the British mistress. "You would be a priceless slavegirl."

"For what it's worth," offered Fanny, the female half of the Canadian couple, "I agree with Ricardo. You would be a beautiful slave. I know that we would be in the bidding if you were on the block."

"You are all incorrigible," said Angela. "I'm way too old to be a desired slave."

"How old are you, Angela?" asked Ricardo. "Thirty one? Thirty two?"

Angela laughed again. "Try thirty seven. I have two teenage children for god sake. Now let's find another topic that makes more sense."

Ricardo reached over and placed his hand over Angela's. "That is the perfect age to be enslaved. You are mature enough to enjoy it and young enough to be adventurous."

"Isn't the weather here lovely?" asked Angela, trying to change the subject.

"Yes, the weather is lovely," agreed Ricardo. "And the view is stunning." He gazed into her eyes.

Angela finally succeeded in changing the subject and they chatted as they ate. She glanced around the room and saw that several of the diners had placed their slaves in some form of constraint. Several others had their girls kneeling. The only slaves that were seated at a table were sitting at her table.

Alaine felt odd; very odd. This was the first time she had eaten at a table in the past year. Up until now, she ate out of a trough or bowl or had a feed bag secured to her face. It was also odd to be naked at the table. All of the dominants were clothed but the three recently purchased slaves were naked. And it was odd to hear the other dominants talking about enslaving her new mistress. What would that mean for her if her mistress became a slave?

"Is everyone enjoying themselves tonight?" asked Cedric when he stopped at the table. They had been chatting throughout their meal and were enjoying their coffee when he arrived.

"Splendidly, Cedric," replied Angela. "You have a wonderful resort here."

"I'm glad you are enjoying it," he said. "We try to please. I am sorry about the inconvenience resulting from our aircraft. We hope to have it fixed soon."

"Oh, nonsense," said Angela. "I am enjoying it and I plan on enrolling Alaine in one of your classes tomorrow."

"Excellent. We will look forward to having her."

"I would like to meet with you for a bit tomorrow also, Cedric," said Angela, "if you have the time."

"I always have time for beautiful ladies," he grinned. "Just ask for me at the front desk."
