Raab. A Sea Folk sailor and gambler whom Mat encountered in Tar Valon. He won a lot of money by following Mat and betting on him.

Rabayn Marushta. An Aes Sedai of the White Ajah who served as Amyrlin Seat from 5 to 36 NE. Rabayn was a weak Amyrlin; she was not a puppet of the Hall, but definitely not in true control.

Rabbit Nose. A young, very fierce male wolf. Perrin contacted him for information after he and others set out to find the kidnapped Rand.

Racelle Arovni. A Kandori woman who was the innkeeper of The Blue Rose in Canluum. She was graying, tall and handsome with sharp dark eyes. She and Bukama were friends; she greeted him by grabbing his ears and kissing him thoroughly, then slugging him in the jaw, then kissing him again. She put Bukama up in her rooms.

Rad al’Dai. A Two Rivers man who sometimes acted as Perrin’s bannerman.

Radhanan. The Empress of the Seanchan. She had a number of children, including Aurana, Chimal, Ravashi and Tuon. Several died in the infighting between them. She and the rest of the royal family, save Tuon, were killed by Semirhage.

Radlin. Father of Kolom father of Serden, the last being an Ogier who developed a theory about the Ways.

Radun’s Standard of Deviation. A method used by Aes Sedai of the White Ajah for explaining logic arithmetically.

Raechin Connoral. An Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah and the loyalist contingent. She and her sister Viria became Sitters in the Hall of the Tower, replacing Pevara and Javindhra. She wore her dark hair in a coil of braids atop her head. The sisters were the only siblings in the White Tower after Vandene and Adeleas died. Raechin fought in the Last Battle; she, Manda and Leane were getting ready to fall back and regroup when Egwene returned to the field of battle to face Taim.

Raefar Kisman. A Tairen Asha’man, a crony of Taim, and a Darkfriend. He was born in 980 NE. He was at Dumai’s Wells. After the attack on Rand in Cairhien failed, he was placed on the deserters list at the Black Tower, although Rand did not see him during the attempted assassination. He took part with Manel Rochaid in the attempt to trap and kill Rand in Far Madding; he escaped Rand but was killed by Padan Fain.

Rael, Alwin. See Alwin Rael

Raemassa. An Aes Sedai who was with Egwene in Kandor when the Sharans appeared in the Last Battle.

Raen. The Mahdi, or Seeker, of the caravan where Perrin, Egwene and Elyas sheltered. The husband of Ila and the grandfather of Aram, he was short and wiry with gray hair. His caravan was later forced by Whitecloaks to head toward the Two Rivers; his band was largely massacred by Trollocs. In the Last Battle, Raen and Ila helped with the wounded.

Raened, Daerilla. See Daerilla Raened

Raened, House. An Andoran noble House; its High Seat was Lady Daerilla.

Rafela Cindal. A Tairen Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 16(4). Born in 948 NE, she went to the White Tower in 964 NE. After spending six years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 975 NE. About 5'5" tall, and plump, she had a round face that was normally mild and pleasant, but could be serious or even stern; her voice was normally sweet. Her Warder was Mahiro Shukosa. When she was first raised Aes Sedai, Rafela attempted to revive many customs that had fallen into abeyance. She was a member of the rebel embassy to Rand in Caemlyn and swore fealty to Rand after Dumai’s Wells. She was one of five that Min saw that Rand could trust. She and Merana Ambrey completed the negotiations that Rand had begun with the Sea Folk; she also helped negotiate agreements for him with the Tairen nobles who had rebelled and were gathered in Haddon Mirk.

Ragan. A Shienaran soldier. He had a white triangular scar on his dark right cheek, which almost mirrored Masema’s scar. His head was shaven but for a topknot of dark hair. One of those who followed Ingtar when he and Perrin pursued the Horn of Valere to Falme, he wintered in the Mountains of Mist with Perrin and Rand, then after Rand left and the Shienarans were abandoned to make their own way, he stayed for a while with Masema in Ghealdan. He and Uno went to Salidar with Elayne and Nynaeve. He helped Uno train heavy cavalry for Bryne.

Ragon. A soldier in Lan’s army in the Last Battle who died when he charged his horse at a group of thirty Trollocs, a move that saved a dozen men.

Rahad. See Ebou Dar

Rahema Arnon. A grain merchant whom Perrin dealt with in So Habor, Altara. She was haggard and dirty, with sunken eyes.

Rahien Demain. A child in Chachin whose name meant “dawn.” He was on Moiraine’s list of potential Dragon Reborn infants, as he was born outside Tar Valon during the Blood Snow. His mother, Lady Ines Demain, named him so because she saw the sun rise over Dragonmount. His father fell over dead in his porridge while Rahien was still an infant. Siuan learned that he was born in a farmhouse almost two miles from Dragonmount one day after the Aiel headed home.

Rahman. A powerful Domani nobleman who was supposed to be following Ituralde. Because Alsalam’s orders sometimes went straight to the men under Ituralde instead of to him, four pitched battles occurred between different groups of Ituralde’s men, Rahman’s among them.

Rahvin. A Forsaken. His name in the Age of Legends was Ared Mosinel. His strength level was ++1. Dark and extremely handsome, with gray at his temples and very dark eyes, he was taller than Rand and had shoulders nearly the width of Perrin’s. He loved power and glory and conquest and preferred to be a diplomat or manipulator, given the choice, rather than a militarist. When he awoke in the Third Age, he masqueraded as Lord Gaebril and seduced Morgase. He used Compulsion on her and ruled Andor in all but name; he also kept several other women as pets. Morgase was strong-minded enough to eventually resist the Compulsion and escape. Rand went to Caemlyn to deal with Rahvin; Aviendha, Mat and Asmodean were killed by lightning from Rahvin. Rand then chased Rahvin into Tel’aran’rhiod and they fought there. Nynaeve arrived with Moghedien on a leash and burned Rahvin badly; Rand then balefired Rahvin with enough strength that Aviendha, Mat and Asmodean were alive again.

Rai. A noble House in Kandor. Its sign was the oak set aflame. See Keemlin and Malenarin Rai

Raidhen of Hol Cuchone. A ruler of a country that existed four hundred years after the Breaking. N’Delia Basolaine, First Maid and Swordfast to Raidhen, was believed to have translated The Prophecies of the Dragon.

Raimun Holdwin. The Darkfriend innkeeper at The Goose and Crown in Andor, east of Carysford. He met with a Fade who was looking for Rand and Mat; afterward he told Almen Bunt that the two boys had stolen a heron-mark sword and that there was a reward for finding them. Bunt didn’t like Holdwin, and gave Mat and Rand a ride.

Rainyn din Burun. A Sea Folk Windfinder on a darter with a strength level of 13(1). She took part in using the Bowl of the Winds because she was one of the strongest available among the remaining Windfinders in Ebou Dar. Young-appearing and round-cheeked with barely half a dozen medallions on her nose chain, in the Windfinder hierarchy she was fairly low in rank.

Rajabi. Powerful Domani nobleman who joined Ituralde’s forces. Bull-necked and with a bull’s temperament, he lost a leg during the battle at Maradon, and was later killed by a Draghkar there.

Rajan, Lideine. An Aes Sedai who lived at the time of the formation of the White Tower.

Rajar. A Domani who trained at the White Tower for six years; he joined the Younglings. Slight and barely as tall as Gawyn’s shoulder, he had a deep voice. Acting as Gawyn’s First Lieutenant, he fought at Dumai’s Wells and went with Gawyn to scout Bryne’s forces. He became a Warder.

raken. A Seanchan flying animal that was brought from a parallel world. Its body was considerably longer than a horse’s and about equal in girth, with a leathery gray skin and large wings much like those of a bat. The raken’s wingspread was approximately ninety to one hundred feet. It had a long neck with an oblong head. The long snout, which had one small horn on females and two, one behind the other, on males, appeared to be made of horn itself. Hard ridges served as both lips and teeth. Its powerful jaws were easily capable of shearing through a branch or an arm. Two eyes were set on the front of the head, though widely spaced. The raken had superior vision. It had a very long, thin tail; though this tail looked frail in comparison with the rest of the raken and usually appeared simply to trail behind in flight, it was in fact very strong—strong enough to break an arm or leg, though not used as a weapon; the raken would sometimes lash its tail in anger when perched or on the ground, and a careless morat could be struck. The raken moved its tail with great dexterity in helping to control its flight. The raken had two legs, relatively thin for the size of its body, which ended in feet with six long and quite strong taloned toes arranged four before and two behind. On the ground, it normally crouched rather than standing erect on its legs, and raised its head on its long neck to look around. It stood on the ground only when alarmed or preparing to fly. When a raken was crouched, it was quite possible to simply throw a leg over the saddle. The saddle was lighter than a horse’s saddle, and was made double, for one morat to ride behind another; it had safety straps to hold the flier on during violent maneuvers. While the raken was slow and awkward on the ground, it was an extremely agile flier, and very quick when it needed to be. Maximum flight speed was three to four times the speed of a horse. It could fly fairly long distances without rest at slower speeds. It did not like to fly in bad weather; in heavy rain, or worse, snow, it had to be forced or cajoled into the air and often would refuse. Simple cold weather did not bother it at all, nor did heat; it would fly on the coldest winter day in the northernmost climes or the hottest summer day in the desert. Its intelligence level was roughly equal to that of a horse. The raken was used primarily for scouting and carrying messages. It could carry two people if they were small. Morat’raken and morat’to’raken, sometimes called “fliers,” all were either women or smaller-than-average men. Two morat were used if extra eyes were wanted for observation; one if more range and/or speed were needed. Unlike the to’raken, which would sometimes simply refuse to fly if injured or ill, an injured or ill raken would fly, though of course its speed, range and load-carrying abilities would be reduced. It could perch comfortably even on vertical surfaces if there was any purchase for its claws. In some cases when perching on vertical or precipitous surfaces, it would spread its wings across the surface, in effect clutching with them. It would perch in large trees, but preferred open ground or cliffs. Despite its predatory appearance, it was an omnivore, though apparently perfectly content with an all-plant diet. Grains and fruits were best for this, but leaves and grasses would do, though requiring much more bulk. Raken were egg layers and laid one egg at a time. Like the to’raken, the raken was controlled by reins, attached to rings fixed permanently in the animal’s horny nostrils, and knee pressure. See also to’raken

raker. The largest and fastest class of Sea Folk ships. Two to three hundred feet in length with a very fine but narrow hull and three masts, rakers resembled clipper ships without a flush deck. A raker could cover up to four hundred miles in a day, although 360 miles was considered the typical maximum.

Rakim. A Saldaean soldier who served with Lan in the Aiel War. Hoarse-voiced from being taken in the throat by an Aiel arrow, he considered himself lucky to be alive. He liked to show off his scar, and boasted about his luck. He joined Lan on the Plain of Lances and fought in Lan’s army at Tarwin’s Gap in the Last Battle.

Ram, the. A constellation.

Ramedar, Joal. The last king of Aldeshar, a nation from after the Trolloc Wars, and the father of Endara Casalain.

Ramesa. An Arafellin Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and the loyalist contingent. She was tall and slender with silver bells sewn down the sleeves of her white-embroidered dress. After Alviarin was removed as Keeper, Alviarin heard Norine address Ramesa in the White quarters with a scathing remark about Alviarin. Ramesa seemed to wonder why Norine was addressing her, since they were not friends.

Ramey. The head groom at The Queen’s Blessing, Basel Gill’s inn in Caemlyn. Horse-faced with leathery skin, he opened the secret gate out of the back of the inn for Moiraine, Rand and the rest to make their way to Caemlyn’s Waygate in secret. When Mat returned to The Queen’s Blessing, Ramey didn’t remember him, but when he saw that Mat was giving him silver instead of copper, he said that he did; he also said that he remembered horses better than people.

Ramman, Eval. Balthamel’s name in the Age of Legends.

Ramola. An Aes Sedai of the Black Ajah. She and Alviarin fought back-to-back as bait to lure Egwene to Mesaana in Tel’aran’rhiod.

Ramosanya, Alvera. See Alvera Ramosanya

Rampore. The eleventh-largest city in Seanchan.

Ramshalan, Piqor. See Piqor Ramshalan

Ramsid. The dark-haired brother of Domani King Alsalam. He was taken by Graendal and became one of her acrobats, along with his wife, his youngest sister and the King’s eldest daughter.

Ramsin, Kalyan. See Kalyan Ramsin

Rana. One of Min’s aunts. Rana worked as a seamstress, and never married. She was very proper. She and Jan, another aunt, always told Min not to kiss a man unless she was planning to marry him. When Min got in trouble with neighbors because of detailing her viewings, Rana convinced her to say that she had overheard people talking.

Rand al’Thor. A sheepherder from Emond’s Field, who came to understand that he was really the Dragon Reborn, the hero of the Age, destined to face off against the Dark One in Tarmon Gai’don, and that the fate of humanity was dependent on his success in that battle. Rand was born at the end of 978 NE, on the slopes of Dragonmount, the son of Tigraine and Janduin; his mother died in childbirth, and his father was later killed by Luc. He was picked up on Dragonmount by Tam al’Thor during the Battle of Shining Walls, adopted and taken back to Emond’s Field.

Rand was approximately 6'6" tall and weighed 235 pounds, with broad shoulders, a deep chest and a narrow waist. He had dark reddish hair, and eyes that seemed now gray, now blue; women could get quite lyrical about his eyes. He was very good-looking; many women thought him either pretty or beautiful. Rand’s other titles included Lord of the Morning, Prince of the Dawn, True Defender of the Light, He Who Comes With the Dawn, Car’a’carn, the Coramoor, Shadowkiller, Prince of the Morning and Lord of the Dawn.

As a young man, Rand left the Two Rivers with Mat, Perrin and Egwene in company with Moiraine, Lan and Thom, after Trollocs attacked Emond’s Field, seemingly targeting the three boys. They went to Baerlon, then to Shadar Logoth, where they were separated. Rand, Mat and Thom traveled down the Manetherendrelle to Whitebridge on Bayle Domon’s riverboat, Spray. In Whitebridge, when a Myrddraal appeared, Thom faced it while Rand and Mat fled and journeyed on, working their way to Caemlyn by farm labor at first and later by Mat juggling and Rand playing the flute. In Caemlyn, Rand and Mat stayed at Basel Gill’s inn and met Loial. After some time there Rand went out to see Logain, the captured false Dragon, fell into the palace gardens, and met Elayne, Gawyn, Galad, Morgase, Gareth Bryne and Elaida. Moiraine met up with Rand and Mat in Caemlyn, accompanied by Lan, Perrin, Nynaeve and Egwene. With Loial they journeyed via the Ways to Fal Dara, followed by Fain, who was captured in Fal Dara. They entered the Blight and found the Green Man and the Eye of the World. Aginor and Balthamel arrived there; Balthamel and the Green Man killed each other, and Rand faced off against Aginor. He drew deeply on the Eye of the World, which was pure saidin, and killed Aginor. He found himself in the battle Agelmar was fighting at Tarwin’s Gap, and helped to defeat Shadowspawn. He made his way back to the rest of his group, who had all managed to survive. In the empty Eye they found the Horn of Valere, Lews Therin’s banner and a broken seal of the Dark One’s prison. They then returned to Fal Dara.

Fain escaped from the dungeon there, stealing the Horn of Valere and the Shadar Logoth dagger. Rand, Perrin and Mat set out with Loial, Ingtar, Hurin and twenty Shienaran lancers to hunt him down. Rand, Loial and Hurin were transported via Portal Stone to another world, where they encountered grolm and Lanfear, calling herself Selene. Rand, Loial, Hurin and Selene/Lanfear returned to the ordinary world via Portal Stone in Kinslayer’s Dagger, where they waited for Fain and his Darkfriends and Trollocs to appear. Rand and Loial stole back the Horn and the Dagger. The lot of them traveled across the mountains to Tremonsien, where they saw the great male statue sa’angreal, then on to Cairhien. Rand attempted to convince people he was not part of the Game of Houses by refusing all invitations, which only convinced everyone he was playing a very deep game. Rand discovered that Thom was alive and performing in Cairhien. Just before Verin, Perrin, Mat, Ingtar and the Shienarans found Rand there, the Horn and dagger were stolen from Rand and taken to Barthanes’ manor. They attended a party there, and found that the items had been taken through the Waygate that was on the property; when they attempted to follow, Machin Shin was waiting just inside. Barthanes gave Rand a message from Fain: Fain would wait for him on Toman Head. Rand and his party journeyed to Stedding Tsofu to try to use the Waygate there, and met Erith, the Elders, three Maidens and an Ogier who had been caught by the Black Wind. They found the Waygate there also blocked by Machin Shin. A Portal Stone stood nearby, and Rand used it, with everyone but Verin thinking it was her doing, to journey to Toman Head. Something went wrong, and all saw many lives that they could have lived. When they finally made it to Toman Head, they discovered that four months had passed. Rand, Mat, Perrin, Ingtar and Hurin entered Falme, found the Horn and the dagger, fought Seanchan, and discovered that Egwene was there. Mat blew the Horn, and Rand, Mat, Perrin and Hurin rode with the heroes of legend to fight the Seanchan. Rand confronted Ba’alzamon in the sky over Falme, and during the fight sustained a wound in his side that would not heal. Moiraine and Lan appeared, sending Mat, Egwene, Nynaeve and Elayne off to Tar Valon with Verin. Rand proclaimed himself the Dragon Reborn, accepting the oaths of Uno and the surviving Shienarans.

Rand, Perrin, Moiraine, Lan, Loial and the Shienarans wintered in the Mountains of Mist. At the end of winter, Rand decided to try for the Stone of Tear and Callandor by himself so as not to risk anyone else. Pursued by Moiraine, Lan, Perrin, Loial and later Faile, he crossed the land from the mountains all the way to Tear, and entered the Stone of Tear on the same night that the Aiel and Mat did. He confronted Be’lal, who was killed by Moiraine, then claimed Callandor and fought and killed Ba’alzamon. In the Stone, Rand canoodled a bit with Elayne, though short of actually making love, and had lessons in how to rule.

From Tear, Perrin, Faile and Loial went off to the Two Rivers, and Rand used a Portal Stone to carry himself, Mat, Moiraine, Lan and Egwene to a Portal Stone near Rhuidean. He and Mat entered Rhuidean, and Rand emerged marked with the twin Dragons of the prophesied He Who Comes With the Dawn, the Aiel Car’a’carn, the chief of chiefs.

In the Waste, Rand met Hadnan Kadere and a disguised Lanfear and Asmodean. Rand proclaimed himself Car’a’carn at Alcair Dal; Couladin also claimed to be chief of chiefs, and had the Dragons on his forearms as well. To prove that he was the true Car’a’carn, Rand related the secrets of the true history of the Aiel, leading the chiefs to acknowledge him as Car’a’carn. Pandemonium erupted; he made it rain to calm the fighting. Lanfear pulled him away, and reminded him that he needed Asmodean to teach him. He followed Asmodean to Rhuidean, fought him and captured him, cutting him off from his ties to the Dark One. Lanfear put a shield on Asmodean that allowed him to channel only a small amount. The battle opened Rhuidean to entry by everyone. Learning that the Shaido had crossed the Dragonwall into Cairhien, Rand pursued with the clans that were following him. Defeating the Shaido before the walls of Cairhien, Rand took the city, although a rebellion soon erupted in the countryside.

Before taking the city, Rand followed Aviendha as she fled through a gateway she formed instinctively, bedded her in the snows of Seanchan, confronted some Seanchan and returned to Cairhien. Striking out from Cairhien, Rand and the Aiel took Caemlyn, and Rand killed Rahvin in Tel’aran’rhiod, with the aid of Nynaeve, who had Moghedien, collared, with her. With rebellion in Tear and Cairhien and the better Andoran nobles opposing or avoiding him, Rand then tried to consolidate what he held, meeting with embassies from the rebel Aes Sedai in Caemlyn, and the loyalist Aes Sedai in Cairhien. Rand met with Taim, and tasked him with setting up and directing what became the Black Tower on a farm outside Caemlyn. During this time he learned of the Two Rivers girls in Caemlyn, met them and was bonded against his will by Alanna. At this same time he put off meeting the Sea Folk emissaries; the Prophecies didn’t mention them, and he wanted to leave them alone; besides, he did not at that point see a use for them. He built up an army on the Plains of Maredo, openly pointed at Illian and Sammael. In Cairhien, he was kidnapped by Galina and the loyalist Aes Sedai; they started out for the Tower. At Dumai’s Wells, with Lews Therin’s help, he was able to break free of the shield that held him when the Aes Sedai were forced to tie it off because they were being attacked by Shaido and forces trying to rescue him. Asha’man also turned up, and Rand’s people decisively won the Battle of Dumai’s Wells. Kiruna and eight other Aes Sedai (including Verin and Alanna) swore fealty to him; the loyalist Aes Sedai were held captive by the Aiel.

After learning that Herid Fel had been torn limb from limb, Rand made love to Min for the first time.

Setting the army in motion on the Plains of Maredo, Rand launched a surprise attack on Illian using gateways to take him, a number of Asha’man, some of the Legion of the Dragon and Davram Bashere with his Saldaean light horse straight into the city of Illian. Sammael returned and Rand chased him to Shadar Logoth. There Rand was rescued by a stranger (Moridin, unknown to him); Sammael himself was killed by Mashadar. Rand returned to Illian, where the eight survivors of the Council of Nine told him that Mattin Stepaneos had vanished and that it was believed Lord Brend had killed him; they offered him the crown of Illian.

Rand had a number of difficulties. 1) He worried about Lews Therin’s voice that he began to hear in his head. Increasingly he assumed some characteristics of Lews Therin in thought and behavior, though often he was not aware of it unless someone brought this strangeness to his attention. He saw it as a struggle to remain himself. 2) Rand was also a super ta’veren, more so than Perrin or Mat, and had an intermittent effect on the laws of chance. This could take in a wide area, an entire city, and have very odd effects, or affect one person right in front of him. 3) Padan Fain was constantly trying to kill him. When Rand visited the rebel camp outside the city of Cairhien, he saw Fain, who was calling himself Jeral Mordeth, advising Toram Riatin. A bubble of evil struck, with fog that could kill, and Fain slashed him with the dagger from Shadar Logoth, which put another wound that could not heal across the wound from Ba’alzamon in his left side. 4) Rand increasingly experienced flashes of light and motion in his head when thinking of Mat or Perrin. 5) He also felt a “resonance” from when he used the Power in Shadar Logoth and crossed weaves with Moridin. He began seeing images of Moridin, not knowing who he was. 6) Using the One Power made Rand dizzy and nauseated, and affected his eyesight. 7) Rand was also becoming mad; his madness, at the onset at least, took the intermittent form of arrogance, increasing feelings of power, invincibility and infallibility—in short, megalomania. He was increasingly suspicious of other people, of their motives. Also, a hardening increased in his spirit; he found laughter where others might have found tears, and buried his tears deeply. This was a growing problem for him, though he did not see it that way. Rand eventually agreed to take Cadsuane on as his advisor, and she showed him an alternate way to this hardness. Meanwhile, despite Rand having worried a great deal about going mad earlier, he began to worry less, to think about it less.

Rand had little respite before learning that the Seanchan planned to invade Illian. He gathered troops, Asha’man and Callandor, and engaged them in the mountains of eastern Altara. They prevailed against the Seanchan, but in the process Rand lost control of Callandor, which began killing his own troops as well as the enemy. Bashere had to tackle him to stop the mayhem. After the battle, Rand returned to Cairhien, where there was an attempt on his life by three Asha’man, who managed to escape. Rand and Min took evasive measures after that, and wound up in Caemlyn with Rand in disguise. There, Min, Aviendha and Elayne bonded Rand, and he impregnated Elayne.

Rand, Cadsuane, Verin, Nynaeve, Lan and others went to Far Madding, looking for the Asha’man who tried to kill Rand. The Asha’man were killed, some by Rand and some by Fain. Rand and Lan fell into a trap set by Fain. They escaped the trap, but were captured by the authorities; Cadsuane was able to arrange for their release. After they left Far Madding, the group traveled to Shadar Logoth, where Rand, using the Choedan Kal with Nynaeve’s help, cleansed the taint from saidin. They went to an estate in Tear to recuperate; while they were there, huge numbers of Trollocs attacked. Lews Therin managed to seize control of saidin, and they defeated the Shadowspawn, but Lews Therin almost drew too much Power. Rand sent a contingent of Aiel to Arad Doman to help quell the unrest there. A meeting between Rand and the Daughter of the Nine Moons was negotiated with Suroth in Altara, but Semirhage, disguised as Tuon, was there with a’dam. In the struggle with her, Rand lost his left hand, which Nynaeve Healed to a smooth stump. The wounds in his side broke open, leaking blood; Nynaeve couldn’t Heal them even as well as they had been. But Semirhage, at least, was captured. The group moved on to Arad Doman, where Rand made an alliance with Ituralde to secure the Borderlands, while Rand would arrive at an agreement with the Seanchan.

Semirhage escaped, and put a male a’dam on Rand, trying to force him to kill Min. In a rage, Rand instead drew on the True Power and killed Semirhage. From the experience, Rand sealed himself off from his emotions, and even banned Cadsuane from his presence. He had a meeting with the real Daughter of the Nine Moons, but was unable to reach agreement with her. After he discovered the location of Graendal’s manor house in Arad Doman, he balefired it, hoping to kill her, but she escaped.

Back in Tear, Rand met with Tam, and, in an argument, almost killed his father. He Traveled to Ebou Dar with the purpose of destroying the Seanchan, but he could not bring himself to it and instead Traveled to Dragonmount, where he had an epiphany, with Lews Therin’s help—living lives over and over with each turn of the Wheel was worth it because it gave one a chance to express love again, to have another chance to make things right, to choose to do his best for humanity, whatever the outcome. He was healed of much of his mental conflict and pain, and reconciled with Tam back in Tear.

After that, endowed with even greater control of the One Power, Rand returned to the northwest, and established order in Bandar Eban. He then saved Ituralde and his remaining troops from slaughter at the Battle of Maradon, killing huge numbers of Shadowspawn. Following that, Rand saw the Borderlander rulers in Far Madding, where, after confirming his status as the Dragon Reborn, the rulers swore allegiance to Rand.

Rand met at the Field of Merrilor with most of the rulers of the world to tell them what he needed to do, that is, to break the seals on the Dark One’s prison. Many of the rulers did not agree to this course of action, and a large faction came out against Rand, including Elayne and Egwene. After much discussion, which included an impassioned speech by Moiraine in Rand’s favor, the nations united behind Rand and signed the Dragon’s Peace, a treaty created by Rand to stop the nations from warring with each other after the Last Battle. Rand then went to Tuon in Ebou Dar and reached an accord with her. All the pieces were in place for Tarmon Gai’don.

The Last Battle began with the Trolloc invasion of Caemlyn through a Waygate in the city. Rand’s part of the battle took place in the Pit of Doom in Shayol Ghul, where he confronted the Dark One, aided by Moiraine and Nynaeve. Additional figures on the scene were Alanna, brought there to distract Rand, and Moridin, who had his own bone to pick with the Dragon Reborn. A tremendous struggle took place, with Rand realizing he could not destroy the Dark One without causing great harm to the world: there could not be good without bad. Locked in a struggle with Moridin, Rand dropped Callandor and it was picked up by his adversary; not understanding the flaw in the sword, Moridin channeled the True Power into it as Moiraine and Nynaeve channeled the One Power into it and linked with Rand, who took control of the Power, a combination of saidin, saidar and the True Power, and directed it at the Dark One. Rand grabbed the Dark One and pushed him back into his prison, then resealed the Bore with this new form of Power.

Unknown to the others, Rand’s body, which was mortally wounded, had been exchanged with Moridin’s. Rand’s body died and Rand, in Moridin’s body, rode out of Shayol Ghul as funeral rites were being conducted for him. Because of their bond with him, Aviendha, Elayne and Min knew that Rand was not dead. Cadsuane saw him leave, and realized who he really was. Rand rode on to new lands, wondering if one or all of his loves would eventually find him. Although he could no longer channel, when he wanted his pipe lit, it was.

rannel. An herb used to make a tea that produced an energy boost; it had a terrible taste that lingered.

Ranun Sinah. A Whitecloak soldier killed in battle with Shadowspawn on the Jehannah Road. When Perrin and Galad found his body, his cloak was soaked in blood.

Raolin Darksbane. A false Dragon. He supposedly declared himself very early in 335 AB, “in the last throes of winter,” and fell in 336 AB in time to “make the Feast of Lights the most joyous for the world in many years.” He was reportedly no more than twenty-two or twenty-three when captured and gentled. He took the name “Darksbane” for himself. He was born in the city that was later named Far Madding. Some authorities questioned the dates given to Darksbane, though their evidence was scarce and spotty. A few sources claimed that he declared himself as early as 332 AB and by 335 AB was already a significant power. A handful of other sources give dates for his capture as late as 339 AB. The dates given earlier are those most commonly accepted, but it must be noted that the White Tower was considered the authoritative source of historical dates, and that the Tower perhaps had a vested interest in making it seem that false Dragons, while a significant threat to the world, were always dealt with quickly by the Aes Sedai.

Rashan. 1) A muscular young man who was one of Graendal’s pets. Sammael sliced him in half with a gateway. 2) Erian’s Warder, one of two who survived Rand’s rage when he tried to escape from the Tower Aes Sedai. Erian left him and Bartol, her other surviving Warder, in Cairhien when she went with Cadsuane to Far Madding; they and other Warders were able to lead Logain and Bashere to Rand at Algarin’s manor in Tear.

Rashima Kerenmosa. An Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah who was known as the Soldier Amyrlin. Born circa 1150 AB, she went to the Tower around 1165 AB. After spending five years as a novice and five years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl around 1175 AB. Rashima was raised Amyrlin in 1251 AB. Personally leading the Tower armies, she won innumerable victories, most notably Kaisin Pass, the Sorelle Step, Larapelle, Tel Norwin and Maighande, where she died in 1301 AB. Her body was discovered after the battle, surrounded by her five Warders and a vast wall of Trollocs and Myrddraal which contained the corpses of no fewer than nine Dreadlords.

Raskovni, Caseille. See Caseille Raskovni

Rasoria Domanche. A Tairen woman who was part of Elayne’s bodyguard, and one of the eight who guarded Elayne on her tour of Caemlyn. She was stocky with blue eyes and short yellow hair, unusual for a native of Tear. A former Hunter of the Horn, she became an under-lieutenant.

Rath, Tsutama. See Tsutama Rath

Ratliff’s nails. A curse used by Birgitte.

Ravashi. Tuon’s ambitious older sister who Tuon thought might have plotted against her.

Raven-and-Roses. The personal symbol of the Daughter of the Nine Moons.

Raveneos, Aisha. See Aisha Raveneos

Ravens, Tower of. See Tower of Ravens

Ravinda. A market village in Kandor lying two days from Chachin on the Canluum-Chachin Road. Moiraine found Avene Sahera there, a woman who was on her list as a possible mother of the infant Dragon Reborn. Avene built an inn with the bounty given her by the White Tower for the birth of the child, and intended to call it The White Tower.

Razina Hazzan. A Saldaean Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 28(16). Born in 870 NE, she went to the White Tower in 886 NE. After spending seven years as a novice and six years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 899 NE. Part of the expedition to kidnap Rand, she was captured at Dumai’s Wells and treated as da’tsang by the Aiel. Under Verin’s Compulsion, she found reason to swear oath to Rand, which she did before Cadsuane departed Cairhien for Far Madding.

razorlace. An artifact from ancient times that Bayle Domon mentioned on the way to Whitebridge with Rand, Mat and Thom.

Reader. Another name for a Wise Woman in Cairhien.

Reale. An attendant of Colavaere in Cairhien. She replaced Maire, who Faile said told her that Colavaere said that Rand would never return, and who vanished shortly after telling Faile.

Reanne Corly. A Kin and a member of the Knitting Circle in Ebou Dar. She was not the oldest of the Kin living anywhere, but she was the oldest member of the Kin in Ebou Dar and as such was the Eldest, their leader. Her strength level was 14(2), which was strong enough for her to be able to learn to Travel. Born in 588 NE, she went to the White Tower in 603 NE. She was eleven years a novice, because of difficulties with fearfulness. She was a novice with Sereille Bagand, who arrived approximately two years before her and tested for Accepted the same year. She remembered Sereille as a prankster who broke more rules than any three other novices combined. Sereille’s fearsome reputation surprised her, but then she was surprised Sereille was ever chosen Amyrlin. When testing for Accepted, Reanne refused to enter the arches again after the first time through and was sent away. Gerra Kishar was the Amyrlin at the time.

About 5'5" tall, with blue eyes, a face full of smile lines and mostly gray hair, Reanne obviously was not a native of Ebou Dar. She had a high soprano voice. Her apparent age was roughly mid-forties—she didn’t look old, just like someone who had a little age and had not lived the easiest of lives. She had wanted to be Green Ajah, but had long since abandoned those dreams—or so she thought, until the possibility reared its head. She did not wear a red belt, or anything to connect her to the Wise Women. She sometimes felt fear in her belly, like the panic that sent her running and screaming at her Accepted test; she always gripped this firmly, unaware that fear of actually giving way had long since conquered the possibility that she might give way.

Mat, Elayne and Reanne and some of the Wise Women saw the gholam, which nearly killed Elayne in the Rahad as well as killing some members of the Knitting Circle.

She was present at the meeting with the Windfinders in the Tarasin Palace.

She was called down by Alise for bringing Aes Sedai to the farm in violation of the Kin’s rules, and since even the Eldest was subject to the rules, Reanne had to do chores during the journey to Tar Valon. Reanne found the subject of her position, authority and title somewhat ticklish once they left Ebou Dar. Technically, she was no longer the Eldest, since that title applied only in Ebou Dar, but she continued to function in that office just as the rest of the Knitting Circle continued to function in theirs, if not precisely as the Knitting Circle. Being away from Ebou Dar did lessen her leverage with Alise, but she was still the elder.

Reanne accompanied Elayne to the Royal Palace in Caemlyn; there she worked with the captured damane and sul’dam.

She was killed by Careane Fransi of the Black Ajah.

Reason and Unreason. A book by Herid Fel.

Rebek. Someone to whom the merchant Barriga thought he should have listened, after he was attacked by Trollocs near Heeth Tower on the Blightborder, and just before he was killed by red-veiled Aiel.

rebel Aes Sedai. The group of Aes Sedai that refused to give allegiance to Elaida after Siuan was deposed and settled initially in Salidar. They became a more cohesive force after they raised Egwene al’Vere to the Amyrlin Seat.

Reconciliation. A conflict in Cairhien, never quite breaking into open civil war despite a number of skirmishes and minor battles, which resulted in House Damodred losing the throne to House Riatin, with Galldrian taking the Sun Throne, primarily through the Game of Houses. Its basis was the misfortune Laman had brought to Cairhien. It was called the Reconciliation in Cairhien because of the public fiction that it was all quite amicable. In most other countries the Reconciliation was called the Fourth War of the Cairhienin Succession.

Red. A tall bay stallion with a deep chest. Basel Gill gave Rand the horse in Caemlyn, and Rand rode Red through the Ways to Fal Dara, through the Blight to the Eye of the World and when in pursuit of the Horn of Valere. When Ba’alzamon appeared before Rand in Falme, Red reared and threw Rand and vanished.

red adder. A deadly snake that made a dry hissing sound.

Red Ajah. The main thrust of the Red Ajah was hunting down men who could channel. The head of the Red Ajah was called the Highest, or simply Highest, and considered the equal of the Amyrlin Seat by most Reds, unless a Red was the Amyrlin Seat, and sometimes even then. The Highest had autocratic powers of command, more so than in any other Ajah. There was a council below her, but it was advisory only, although members of the council did have authority over Red sisters not on the council. Selection of the Highest was by secret ballot, with only members of the council considered for the post. Sitters also were chosen by secret ballot, with the entire membership open; all ballots were write-in—no one stood for the position—but if no one received two-thirds of the votes, the lowest vote-getter was dropped, and a new ballot taken. This continued until someone had two-thirds of the votes. If the candidates were reduced to two and neither had two-thirds after three ballots, the choice was thrown to the council.

There was a secret ceremony of the Red Ajah, the most secret, called the Grand Emergence. At the time of the Last Battle, there were approximately two hundred members of the Red Ajah, making it the largest. See also Grand Emergence

Red Bull, The. An inn located in Caemlyn’s New City about a mile from Lady Shiaine’s house. Daved Hanlon stabled his horse there.

red cockleburr. A plant found at least one hundred miles south of Tar Valon. Its presence on Zerah’s saddlecloth led to her being found out as one of the rebel Aes Sedai when discovered by Pevara’s group hunting the Black Ajah in the Tower.

red daisy. A plant used in a tea for headache.

Red Eagle of Manetheren banner. A red eagle in flight on a field of blue. Perrin flew it while in Ghealdan to throw observers off the track, and gave it to Seanchan Banner-General Tylee Khirgan as a sign that Perrin was relinquishing any claims to make Manetheren rise again.

red fennel. An herb used as a remedy for a queasy stomach; it was often taken for seasickness.

Red Hand, Band of the. See Band of the Red Hand

Red Hawk, Moad din Nopara. See Moad din Nopara Red Hawk

Red Horse. The symbol of Kandor.

Red Salt. A sept of the Goshien Aiel.

Red Springs. The hold of the Codarra clan of the Aiel in the Three-fold Land.

Red Water. A sept of the Goshien Aiel.

red-stripe. A nearly round white fish with red stripes that was eaten in Illian.

red-veils. Another name for the Samma N’Sei.

Red Wolfhead. Perrin’s banner. It was white, bordered in red, with a red wolf’s head on it.

Redarms. Those in charge of keeping order in the Band of the Red Hand.

redbell. A plant with red flowers appearing after rain.

redberry. A dense shrub.

Redbord. A street tough in Bandar Eban whom Rand and Durnham convinced to help clean up the city. A burly man with curly black hair, coppery skin and a thin mustache, he spat when Durnham first mentioned the Dragon Reborn, but agreed to go along after some persuasion from Votabek.

Redhill, Jestian. See Jestian Redhill

Redhill, Merean. See Merean Redhill

redspot. A disease that affected tabac; it withered the leaves.

Redwing. Medore Damara’s favorite mare.

redwood trees. Cone-shaped trees that grew in the Waterwood.

redwort. A plant that could drive a bull mad.

Reed Soalen. A Two Rivers man with Perrin. Reed guarded Perrin after Aram’s death. When Rand visited Perrin at the Field of Merrilor, Reed was acting as a sentry.

Reene Harfor. The First Maid of the Royal Palace in Caemlyn. A slightly plump woman with graying hair worn in a bun atop her head, she had a round face, a long chin and a formidable bosom. Whatever the hour, her formal scarlet tabard with the White Lion always looked freshly ironed, the White Lion as clean and pale as new-fallen snow. She had a dignity any noblewoman might envy, and looked Rand right in the eye; she combined a proper degree of deference, an utter lack of obsequiousness and an aloofness most noblewomen could not manage. When Rand took Caemlyn, Mistress Harfor stayed, although Rand thought that her purpose was to defend and preserve the palace from the invaders. After Sulin violated ji’e’toh and wanted to act as a servant, Reene agreed, and made her wear a dress. Reene was appalled when Taim and his men walked in on Elayne before she meant them to, and called them “sneaking rats” though she covered for it admirably when she realized that she had not spoken quietly enough. Reene told Elayne about Jon Skellit and Ester Norham acting as spies; she later found many others.

Reeve, Will. A Redarm killed by the gholam while guarding Mat’s tent in the camp outside Caemlyn.

Reiko Kerevon. An Arafellin Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah and the rebel contingent, with a strength level of 38(26). Born in 827 NE, she was stout and had long dark hair in which she wore silver bells. Reiko was one of six sisters sent to investigate the large channeling event at Shadar Logoth because of her ability to read residues.

Reimon. A Tairen nobleman. Broad-shouldered with an oiled dark beard trimmed to a neat point, he chased the latest fashion as assiduously as he chased women, which was only a little less eagerly than he gambled. Reimon often talked in sentence fragments, was a boaster and was initially happy about the prospects for war. He played cards with Mat and was frightened when the cards came to life, although he claimed he saw nothing. He joined the Band of the Red Hand as a captain; the Fifth Squadron (later the Fifth Banner) was Reimon’s Eagles. Reimon accompanied Talmanes when they met up with Mat in Altara. Mat promoted him to Banner-General, and he participated in raids on the Seanchan and the battle against those trying to take Tuon.

Reimon’s Eagles. The informal name of the Fifth Squadron of Mat’s Band of the Red Hand.

Reisendrelle, River. A river flowing south through Lugard and Murandy, into the River Manetherendrelle.

rema’kar. An item in Moridin’s stash of objects of the Power.

Remara, Bay of. The site of the Tairen village of Godan, overlooking Mayene.

Remedan the Goldentongued. A king of Aelgar, one of the Ten Nations.

Remen. An Altaran village on the River Manetherendrelle. Remen was a decent-sized river town, with docks and warehouses, and stone buildings with tile roofs of many different colors. Perrin, traveling with Moiraine, Lan and Loial, freed Gaul from a cage there and the two of them killed a number of Whitecloaks. The group, joined there by Faile, fled downriver by boat.

Ren Chandin. A Two Rivers man who joined Perrin’s band in the Two Rivers. He was killed in a Trolloc ambush.

Rena Tower. A watchtower on the Blightborder, northwest of Heeth Tower.

Renaile din Calon Blue Star. The Windfinder to Nesta din Reas, Mistress of the Ships to the Atha’an Miere. Her strength level was 18(6). About 5'6" tall, and dignified, with a cool, deep voice and large dark eyes, she had five fat golden rings in each ear connected by a chain; another, finer chain ran to her nose ring, thick with medallions that told which clan she belonged to, among other things. After her demotion, she wore only three thinner rings in each ear, and fewer honor medallions, since some had to be put away. Narrow wings of white in her straight black hair half-hid the rings in her ears. Tattoos on her slim dark hands also told of her clan. A handsome woman rather than pretty, apparently in her middle years, she was normally of a very cool, dignified, self-possessed mien; when she became angry, her eyes bulged and her face gorged with blood. She observed the use of the Bowl of the Winds and tried to assert her position with Zaida, who would not allow it. Once the Sea Folk learned of Nesta’s death, Renaile had to step down in rank to the lowest level, according to custom, and she acted as Chanelle’s secretary.

Renala Merlon. A historical figure whom Egwene hoped the Brown Ajah would come across in their studies; she thought that Renala’s story would show how divisions in the Tower could be healed.

Renald Fanwar. A prosperous Borderlands farmer. His wife was Auaine, and they had a number of sons. Renald had been farming his land for forty years; his sons had gone elsewhere, but he had six farmhands who were like family. When his neighbor Thulin told him he was going north, Auaine convinced Renald that they ought to follow. He turned some of his farm tools into weapons and went north to fight in the Last Battle. Mat gave him a spear lesson at Merrilor.

Renald Macer. A sergeant in the Queen’s Guard in Caemlyn. Stout and bald with wide hands and a mustache, he had a calm temperament. When Mat tried to get into the palace dressed as a beggar, Macer took pity on him and gave him food; he and other soldiers diced with Mat as well. Only when Birgitte arrived and pointed out that it was odd to see a beggar with a sword did he note it.

Rendra. A woman who was the innkeeper of The Three Plums Court in Tanchico. She had honey-blond hair that she wore in braids, big brown eyes and a rosebud mouth; she looked a good bit like Liandrin. She and Juilin were involved before he met Thera.

Renna Emain. A Seanchan sul’dam. She first put the a’dam on Egwene and worked Egwene as a damane. In Suroth’s opinion, Renna was a very good trainer, one of the best—an opinion not necessarily correct. She had long dark hair and big brown eyes. Nynaeve, Elayne and Egwene left her and Seta leashed on a’dam when they escaped at Falme; Alwhin found them and released them. Because she was found being held by an a’dam, Renna was never again allowed to hold a damane’s leash, though the facts were covered up and she remained in Suroth’s employ. Egeanin learned of this from Bethamin and used it to blackmail Renna, Seta and Bethamin into helping rescue Teslyn, Joline and Edesina. The three sul’dam fled with Mat and Valan Luca’s show, but Renna eventually attempted to kill Egeanin and, thinking she had succeeded, fled back toward Seanchan forces. Mat pursued her and was forced to order Harnan to kill her because she was on the verge of reaching the Seanchan.

Renshar. A major noble House in Andor; its High Seat was Lady Arathelle. See Arathelle and Hanselle Renshar

Reo Myershi. An ancestor of King Paitar of Arafel who heard a Foretelling of importance about the Dragon Reborn and passed it down through his family.

Resara. Leane’s aunt in Arad Doman. She said that if a man heard more promises than a woman meant to offer, one should pay the price and enjoy it. She also said that men were better sport than hawks.

Reshalle, River. A narrow river in Altara where King’s Crossing was situated.

Restorer. The name for an Aes Sedai Healer in the Age of Legends.

Retash. A community in a cluster of islands rarely visited. It was somewhat infamous for the Retashen Dazer, a mix of mead and ewe’s milk which was reputed to be foul.

Rett. A soldier who died defending Ituralde at Maradon in Saldaea.

Return, the. See Corenne

Reyn. An Aiel clan which had a Two Spires and a Musara sept, among others. Its chief was Dhearic.

Rhadam Asunawa. The High Inquisitor of the Hand of the Light. Tall and gaunt with deep-set dark eyes, gray hair and thick gray eyebrows, he did not wear the flaring golden sun on his white cloak, only the scarlet shepherd’s crook. He believed that Rand was another false Dragon and a tool of the Tower, that talk of the Last Battle coming was foolish, even criminal, and that events in Tear and elsewhere were staged by the Tower.

For all his talk, he did not really believe that all Aes Sedai were Darkfriends. He did believe they were dangerous fools and dupes, that the Power was something that should not be meddled with, and that those who did meddle with it were usurping the prerogatives of the Creator; for them, there could only be confession of their sins under the question, and then death. He also believed that the White Tower was a roadblock to true power for the Whitecloaks.

Asunawa plotted with Valda to kill Niall. He was allowed to have Morgase for about an hour, for a light session of questioning, involving knotted cords and needles. That Valda then used this to coerce Morgase into his bed disgusted Asunawa. He wished to be the first to hang a queen in Amador; he would rather have been the first to hang a living Amyrlin, but was willing to settle for a Tower-trained queen. He had Morgase’s trial planned out, along with how to put her to the question without marks and wring out a dramatic confession. He intended to build a special gallows for her, to be kept as a monument. He was bitterly disappointed that she escaped him, but thought she was in Seanchan hands, although he was disgusted by Valda’s accommodation with the Seanchan.

Asunawa did not approve of the duel between Valda and Galad; he and the rest of the Questioners left before the end. He later set a trap to capture Galad and the Children of the Light who followed him; he and Galad argued about who was right in front of the Lords Captain. Galad was stripped and beaten. The Lords Captain came to believe that Galad was truly the Lord Captain Commander of the Children and executed Asunawa.

Rhahime Naille. An Ogier-built city in Aramaelle, one of the Ten Nations after the Breaking.

Rhamdashar. A nation that arose after the Trolloc Wars.

Rhannon Hills. Hills located east across the bay from Ebou Dar, Altara.

Rhea. 1) A woman of the Jenn Aiel after the Breaking. She was the daughter of Adan and Siedre and the sister of Elwin, Jaren, Marind and Sorelle. Rhea was kidnapped by bandits after a raid. 2) A woman in a gleeman’s song, “Rhea’s Fling.” 3) The wife and killer of Caar al Thorin of Manetheren, who was sent to Aridhol to bring the city back to the Light, but who was imprisoned there. He escaped from Mordeth, fleeing to the Borderlands, where he met Rhea.

Rhea Avin. An Emond’s Field woman. She and Sharmad Zeffar were both interested in Wil al’Seen and went to Faile to get her to judge which one had the right to him. Faile sent them to Daise Congar, the Wisdom, to sort them out.

Rhiale. A Wise One of the Shaido Aiel (not a Jumai) with the ability to channel and a strength level of 19(7). About 5'9" tall, with flame-colored hair and blue eyes, she was one of Sevanna’s inner circle of plotters. She accompanied Sevanna to the Aes Sedai camp the day she saw Rand beaten and took part in or at least was present at the murder of Desaine. She was with Sevanna at Dumai’s Wells and at the meeting with “Caddar” and “Maisia.” She resisted Sevanna and stood up to her more often than any Wise One other than Therava. Rhiale helped question the Seanchan prisoner in Amadicia, while the Jumai were settled at a captured estate. Rhiale and Therava, at least, were aware that Sevanna wanted a tame Aes Sedai to serve her. Both were present when Caddar gave Sevanna the binder, and they heard Caddar tell how to use it and the nar’baha.

Rhian. An Aiel of Far Dareis Mai. She had gray eyes and reddish-brown hair; Mat and Perrin thought she could have passed for Rand’s aunt. She was the eldest of three Maidens in Stedding Tsofu to buy sung wood, and veiled herself when she saw Shienarans there with Rand and others. Juin stepped in and reminded her of the Pact that required no fighting in stedding; she then stood down. She was as abashed as the youngest at having veiled herself inside a stedding.

Rhiannon, Queen. A queen from history who went to the White Tower and tried to dominate its inhabitants; she wound up being humbled, and a wall hanging was made depicting the event.

Rhodric. An Aiel after the Breaking. Rhodric and his greatfather Jeordam were allowed by Garam’s father to take as much water as they wanted if they dug his well. He and Jeordam followed the Jenn Aiel across the Spine of the World. When he was older, he led the Aiel against armored men who crossed the Dragonwall. He was Comran’s greatfather.

Rhuarc. A man of the Nine Valleys sept of the Taardad Aiel and of the Aethan Dor society who was clan chief of the Taardad. He was married to Amys, who served as his Wise One, and to Lian, his roofmistress at Cold Rocks Hold. He had children with both wives, the daughters being as old or older than Berelain, who was born 974 NE. About 6'6" tall and weighing 230 pounds, Rhuarc had touches of gray in his dark red hair, and blue eyes. When Elayne, Nynaeve and Egwene were on their way to Tear, Rhuarc helped rescue them from Fades. He revealed who the People of the Dragon were to Rand and Moiraine.

Before Rand’s kidnapping, he and Mandelain were the two that the Wise Ones trusted not to go after the Tower embassy with spears; they could be informed that the Tower embassy might be a threat to Rand, or at least that they must be watched for that reason. Rhuarc led siswai’aman, slightly over five thousand, who served under the siswai’aman Urien, from Cairhien to help rescue Rand from the Aes Sedai, secretly because neither he nor the Wise Ones could be sure what effect the knowledge that Rand had been kidnapped by Aes Sedai would have on the Aiel, including other clan chiefs. Rhuarc disliked Shaido, but although Rand told him to keep them out of Cairhien, he didn’t really care whether they ravaged some other wetlander place. Rand sent him and others to Arad Doman to bring order.

Rhuarc later became a siswai’aman, and fought near Shayol Ghul in the Last Battle. Graendal captured him and used Compulsion to make him fight for the Shadow; he was killed by Aviendha.

Rhuidean. An unfinished, closed city begun by the Jenn Aiel and Aes Sedai after the Breaking, in a valley of the same name, east of Jangai Pass and beneath Chaendaer in the Aiel Waste. It was the site of Avendesora, and contained ter’angreal used as tests for those who would be clan chiefs and Wise Ones. Traditionally, four Wise Ones had to give permission for anyone to enter Rhuidean. The Green Man said that he had visited Avendesora and rested beneath it some two thousand years previously; thus, he had visited Rhuidean during the Trollocs Wars.

The city was reopened for habitation after the fog that had lain over the site was dissipated. Rand arranged for Ogier to be summoned, for rebuilding, and Rhuidean began to thrive and grow. All clans except the Shaido sent people there. After the city’s transformation, one end of the valley of Rhuidean contained a huge lake, with a river running off to the south. Both were astonishing sights for most Aiel. The city was destined to become a center for trade across the Waste.

Rhyagelle. In the Old Tongue, “Those Who Come Home,” or “Homecomers.” It was another name for the Seanchan who returned to the lands once held by Artur Hawkwing.

Rhys a’Balaman. A Murandian mercenary working for Elayne. Tall and lean-faced, with gray-streaked mustaches waxed to points, he spoke in rough accents, and had eyes like stones and a smile that always seemed a leer. He turned traitor, and was executed after trying to seize the Far Madding Gate for Arymilla’s gold.

Riallin. An Aiel woman of Far Dareis Mai with vivid yellow-red hair. She actually managed to appear plump—at least for a Maiden—and had a grin for everything. One of those guarding Rand at his first meeting with Cadsuane, she veiled herself when Merana shrieked at Cadsuane not to hurt Rand. Her voice went from warm and friendly on Berelain’s name to cold and flat on Annoura’s without disturbing her grin. When Idrien announced to Rand what had happened to Herid Fel, Riallin was with her. She went with the Aiel to Bandar Eban to help restore order; there she led Rand through the palace.

Rianna Andomeran. A Kandori Aes Sedai of the White Ajah publicly and the Black Ajah in truth, with a strength level of 21(9). Born in 924 NE, she went to the White Tower in 940 NE. After spending nine years as a novice and seven years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 956 NE, joining the Black Ajah the same year. She was 5'4" and had black hair with a white streak above her left ear and a coldly arrogant face. She had the ability to use the One Power to make a heart stop beating. She, with twelve other sisters of the Black Ajah, left the Tower after stealing a number of ter’angreal. She was given a secret assignment by Moghedien, and merely listened to the order, with a touch of relief in her eyes, and then bowed in assent and left. She was captured in a stedding in the Last Battle.

Riatin, House. A noble House of Cairhien; it held the throne from the time of the Aiel War until 998 NE; its sigil was five stars. See also Ailil and Toram Riatin and Galldrian su Riatin Rie

Riddem. A Redarm who fell victim to the gholam while guarding Mat’s tent in the camp outside Caemlyn.

Ries Gorthanes. A Cairhienin man who visited the young Moiraine’s banker Ilain, claiming to be a member of the Tower Guard and presenting a letter purported to be from the Amyrlin Seat, demanding to see Moiraine’s financial information. Ilain recognized that the signature was a forgery and imprisoned the man. He bribed one of her employees and escaped before the real Tower Guards arrived.

Rift, Great. One of the natural barriers that separated the Aiel Waste from Shara, extending from the Cliffs of Dawn into the Sea of Storms.

Rikshan, Torven. See Torven Rikshan

Rilith. A weaver’s daughter in Jarra, Ghealdan, who asked Jon, who was old enough to be her father and more, to marry her, as a consequence of Rand’s ta’veren influence when he passed through town.

Rina Hafden. An Amadician Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 22(10). Born in 923 NE, she went to the White Tower in 938 NE. After spending nine years as a novice and eight years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 955 NE. Although she was stocky, with a square face and an upturned nose, she still looked lovely and elegant. Rina was a strongly determined woman. Her Warders were Elyas Machera and Waylin. Rina masked Elyas’ bond so that he could not find her, and she gave up hunting for him actively. She let him go in large part because she knew the Red sisters who had accused him of being a Darkfriend might well kill him no matter what she tried to do. None of which meant she did not want him back; he was hers, by Aes Sedai lights, and they were quite possibly married.

Although she was young for the job, Rina was raised Sitter for the Green in 999 NE to replace Joline Maza, who was unchaired and sent to Ebou Dar by Elaida. After the Tower was reunited, Rina stepped down and was replaced by Farnah.

ring. Age of Legends word that meant the same as a circle, created by channelers linking. Thus, channelers would form or make a ring.

Ring of Tamyrlin. A legendary ring, believed mythical by most people, worn by the leader of the Aes Sedai during the Age of Legends. Stories about the Ring of Tamyrlin said that it was an angreal, sa’angreal or ter’angreal of immense power. It supposedly was named after the first person to learn how to tap into the True Source and channel the One Power, and in some tales, was actually made by that man or woman. Despite what many Aes Sedai said, no one knew whether it was a man or a woman who first learned to channel. Some believed that the title of Amyrlin was a corruption of Tamyrlin.

Rinnin. One of Renald Fanwar’s farmhands.

Rion at Hune Hill. A battle from Mat’s memories that he thought of during the Last Battle.

Riselle. An Altaran noblewoman with an impressive bosom. Tylin gave her the task of caring for Olver to give herself a clearer path to Mat. Riselle let Olver sit on her knee, and rest his head on her bosom while she taught him to read. Standing 5'5" tall, with a face to match her bosom, she had an olive complexion and big dark eyes. According to Beslan, Riselle always made one entertain her before allowing one to rest one’s head on her bosom. She became engaged to marry Seanchan Banner-General Yamada, whose singing voice delighted her. He bought her a vineyard in the Rhannon Hills.

Rising. A tall dun gelding that Birgitte rode to Elayne’s Cairhienin coronation. It was one of the fastest horses in the royal stables.

Rising Sun. The symbol of Cairhien, a many-rayed golden sun rising on a field of blue.

Rising Wave. See Derah din Selaan Rising Wave

Rissen. A Saldaean soldier under Bashere in Caemlyn. He had odd ideas about Aes Sedai, as did his friends Vilnar and Jidar; they all thought they knew what Aes Sedai were like and looked like, but none would have recognized one if he saw her. Rissen thought Aes Sedai were all a foot taller than any man.

Rite of the Guarding, the. A ceremony traditionally conducted four times annually by the Lords of Tear, in which they affirmed that they guarded the world against the Dragon by holding Callandor.

Rittle. A man in Caemlyn with a fondness for garlic; he attempted to cheat Mat at Koronko’s Spit, a dicing game, at The Dusty Wheel.

Riven, Marith. See Marith Riven

River Gate, The. The best inn in Maerone; Mat had it closed because it served his men too much to drink.

River Queen. A riverboat on which Nynaeve, Egwene, Siuan and other Aes Sedai traveled from Medo to Tar Valon on the River Mora.

River Road. A road running along the River Erinin to Tear.

Riverman, The. An inn found in Aringill. It was full enough that four were sleeping to a bed; the innkeeper laughed in Mat’s face when he asked for a room, and in Thom’s when he offered to perform for one.

Riverserpent. The two-masted rivership belonging to Captain Agni Neres of Ebou Dar. Galad and Masema both tried to claim the boat in Samara, leading to riots. Nynaeve, Elayne and their party traveled aboard the fat smuggling vessel south from Samara to near Salidar.

roarstick. An explosive cylindrical weapon created by Aludra.

Robb Solter. A Two Rivers man sent to fetch a pavilion for Perrin’s meeting with the Children of the Light.

Rochaid, Manel. See Manel Rochaid

Rockshaw, Bavin. See Bavin Rockshaw

Rodel Ituralde. A great Domani general, sometimes called the Little Wolf; he was considered to be one of the five great captains. Born a commoner, he rose to high rank and the nobility by his military talent. A short slim man with a large ruby in his left ear and thin mustaches that he tended assiduously, he wore several rings. His hair was more gray than not, but he still had all of it, and wore it long and curled. A bit of a dandy, he used beauty marks on his face. After Alsalam vanished, Ituralde continued to receive messages that purportedly came from Alsalam, but in reality they were from Graendal. Ituralde met with Tarabon lords and convinced them to help fight the Seanchan; they managed to give the Seanchan in Tarabon serious heartburn. He then met Rand al’Thor and went to Maradon to defend it; he was successful in holding until Rand arrived, but at great cost. The victim of Graendal’s Compulsion in the Last Battle, he made war plans that endangered the forces of the Light.

Elyas and the wolves saved his army during a Myrddraal attack, and they kidnapped Ituralde so he could no longer do damage. After the Last Battle, he became King of Arad Doman.

Rodera. A woman of the Shaido Aiel and Far Dareis Mai who was taken gai’shain at the battle for Cairhien. She served the Wise Ones breakfast.

Rodholder. A rank in the Seanchan army given to the second-in-command (or third- if the Empress is counted).

Rodic. A squadleader in the Younglings. He went on patrols out of Dorlan to harry Bryne’s forces.

Rodrivar Tihera. The Captain of the Stone—Commander of the Defenders of the Stone—in Tear. A lean fellow, dark even for a Tairen, with a short beard trimmed to a very sharp point and oiled, he had black eyes and graying hair in tight curls. He was about 5'9" to 5'10" tall, and slender, but with broad shoulders and a chest that made him seem more massive than he was. A very minor noble with little in the way of estates, he was a lifelong soldier. Tihera was a very intense man, punctilious—both fastidious and meticulous—and fairly prickly, subconsciously aware that he was on the bottom rung of the nobility and poor even for that, that he had had to struggle to rise as far as he had, and that he was a much better soldier than most if not all of the men who gave him orders and to whom he had to bow and scrape almost like a commoner. He was a good soldier, though certainly in no danger of being named a great captain. He remembered Rand rallying the Defenders when Trollocs appeared in the Stone, and how Rand finally destroyed them. He fought in the invasion of Illian and in the attack on the Seanchan and took command of the Tairen forces in the Last Battle. After Ituralde, under Compulsion, was taken out of the battle at Thakan’dar, he worked with Darlin and Rhuarc on tactics.

Roedran Almaric do Arreloa a’Naloy. The Light Blessed, King of Murandy, Lion of the Mountains, Sword of the South, Hammer of the Shadow, High Seat of House a’Naloy, Lord of Lugard, Doirlon, Kahane, Rashad. About 5'10" tall, and fat, with puffy dark eyes and thinning hair more white than black, he had once been handsome, but showed the effects of too much drinking and too many late nights. He had little real authority outside Lugard and not much inside the capital city. The nobles of Murandy were a very independent bunch. But there was more to Roedran than met the eye; after all, he had read and studied Comadrin’s book on warfare. He hired Talmanes and the Band of the Red Hand to remain in Murandy so he could point to them as a foreign threat and use that to gather support to himself. He intended to bind the nobles to him so that he could become a real king in Murandy. At Elayne’s request, Roedran showed up at the Field of Merrilor before the Last Battle, and became one of the signatories to the Dragon’s Peace.

Roemalle. A nation that arose after the Trolloc Wars.

Rogad, Gorin. A false Dragon who rose in Illian in 995 NE. He was taken and burned alive.

Rogosh Eagle-eye. One of the Heroes of the Horn. Also known as Rogosh of Talmour, he was a fatherly-looking man with white hair and eyes so sharp as to make his name merely a hint. Rogosh Eagle-eye appeared at Falme when Mat blew the Horn of Valere and fought against the Seanchan; he also appeared and fought in the Last Battle when Olver sounded the Horn.

Roidan. A man of the Salt Flat sept of the Nakai Aiel and of Sha’mad Conde. A grave-speaking man, he had considerably more gray than yellow in his hair, heavy shoulders, icy blue eyes and a hard, scarred face. A blacksmith could have used his lean face for a hammer or an anvil, and by the scars across his cheeks and nose it seemed possible that more than one had done so. Roidan led the Thunder Walkers in the wetlands. Roidan personally led the guard outside the green-striped tent Rand used for Traveling in Tear. He sometimes practiced the Aiel way of fighting with Rand, and avoided looking at Rand’s sword.

Roidelle, Master. The very stout, graying mapmaker for the Band of the Red Hand. He had six fit young assistants.

Rolan. A Mera’din who joined the Shaido. As wide as Perrin, he was 6'8" tall, with blue eyes. Alliandre thought him not quite pretty. He was not very talkative, but he tried to make Faile laugh, after he got to know her. He captured Faile and took her knives, handling her with humiliating ease and cutting her clothing away. At that point he had nothing about him of a man looking at a woman when he looked at Faile, but that later changed. Rolan wooed Faile while she was gai’shain and rescued her from drunken Shaido and from Galina’s trap. Perrin killed him with a hammer blow to the head.

Romanda Cassin. An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah from Far Madding. Part of the rebel contingent, she had a strength level of 13(1). Born in 726 NE, she went to the White Tower in 743 NE. After spending five years as a novice and three years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 751 NE. She was raised a Sitter for the Yellow Ajah in 885 NE and served until she retired to Altara in 973 NE. She joined the rebel Aes Sedai in Salidar and was raised Sitter again in 999 NE; she also acted as First Weaver, the head of the Yellow Ajah, among the rebels. She had gray hair, which she wore in a bun on the nape of her neck. When her hair was hidden, she appeared rather young. Romanda had a plump bosom and a high soprano voice. One might have thought she would have a beautiful singing voice, if one could imagine Romanda singing. She had brown eyes, not particularly large, and she stood about 5'4" tall.

Holding her chair for so many years as she did the first time was unprecedented. A great many people did not like the amount of power that she wielded. The fact that she wanted the Amyrlin Seat, which went to Tamra Ospenya just before her retirement, certainly played a large part in her decision to resign her chair; indeed, some thought it the major motivating factor. Shortly after her retirement, she ran into a misunderstanding in Far Madding; Aelmara, her serving woman, helped her escape from the city.

She lived for many years in Altara before joining the rebels at Salidar. She resented and resisted the influence Sheriam and her council had on the Hall, and their influence with some of the independent Sitters. She remained seated the first time in choosing Egwene as Amyrlin; she was the very last to rise on the final vote, after Lelaine, and after a further pause. She remained bare to the waist throughout the decision on raising Egwene, as did Lelaine. Romanda and Lelaine seemed to disagree almost by rote; if one wanted a thing, the other opposed it as a matter of course. Romanda and Lelaine each made sure that nothing she herself disapproved of was passed by the rebel Hall, with the result that very little was passed, and certainly little that Egwene suggested. While this changed to some extent with the declaration of war, they still fought Egwene and obstructed her on other matters. Romanda’s faction in the rebel Hall consisted of Magla, Saroiya and Varilin, all of whom were sent out of the Tower by the heads of their Ajahs.

During the Last Battle, Romanda stayed on the field of battle to provide emergency Healing; she was killed during the initial Sharan attack.

Romavni, Eurian. The Kandori author of A Journey to Tarabon, a book Egwene used as a guide to Tanchico.

Romera, Mistress. The shatayan of Aesdaishar Palace in Chachin. A stately, straight-backed woman with hazel eyes and graying hair worn in a thick roll on the nape of her neck, she wore livery and a silvered ring of keys at her belt. She greeted Lan when he arrived with Bukama and Ryne.

Romlin, Aleis. See Aleis Romlin

Ronaille Vevanios. An Illianer Aes Sedai of the White Ajah and the loyalist contingent, with a strength level of 27(15). Ronaille was a member of the expedition to kidnap Rand and was stilled during Rand’s escape at Dumai’s Wells. Unlike the other captive Aes Sedai taken at Dumai’s Wells, Ronaille and the others who were stilled were treated more kindly, in fact taken into the Aiel way of life and given productive work to do, if not exactly what an Aes Sedai was used to. The Wise Ones tried to find a husband for Ronaille.

Irgain Fatamed was the first of the three sisters stilled at Dumai’s Wells who was Healed by Damer Flinn, in Cairhien. After Healing her, he was allowed to Heal Ronaille and Sashalle. All three were restored to full strength and were no longer held by the Three Oaths. All three swore oaths to Rand al’Thor.

Ronam. Rhuarc’s son and the chief of the Taardad Aiel after the Last Battle, seen in Aviendha’s visions of the future in Rhuidean.

Ronan. Agelmar’s shambayan in Fal Dara. He once held Jehaan Tower with twenty men against a thousand Trollocs. Age-withered but still tall, with a pure white topknot, he acted as Agelmar’s secretary and participated in court ceremonies, bearing a staff topped with three foxes carved from red avatine. He was killed in the Trolloc attack when the Horn of Valere was stolen; he died with blood on his dagger.

Ronde Macura. A dressmaker in Mardecin, Amadicia, who served as an eyes-and-ears for the Yellow Ajah. A handsome woman in her middle years, she was about 5'4" tall, with dark hair worn in a neat array and dark eyes. She briefly captured Nynaeve and Elayne, using forkroot tea. Elaida ordered an example to be made of her for failing to hold on to them. Mistress Macura was squeezed, giving up her secret of forkroot tea, and publicly humiliated by being strapped in the village square as someone who had markedly displeased Aes Sedai. This not only necessitated her flight from Mardecin, it engendered a considerable dislike in her for Aes Sedai. For that reason, she was quite willing, even eager, to pass along her secret about forkroot to the Seanchan; in fact, she approached them with the knowledge and was richly rewarded. Pleading to be taken into service by the Seanchan, Ronde became part of Tuon’s entourage, but was awkward and not fully conversant with the proper protocols. Tuon thought her eager to do the Aes Sedai more injury.

Ronelle. An Accepted with the rebel contingent who had a potential strength level of 22(10). Born in 969 NE, she went to the White Tower in 984 NE. After spending nine years as a novice and six as Accepted, she was taken from the White Tower by the sisters who fled after Siuan was deposed. She shared a bed with Emara in a room with Satina and Mulinda in the same house in Salidar as Elayne and Nynaeve. She was almost strangled in her sleep by her bedsheets when the bubble of evil hit Salidar. Ronelle would have been tested for Aes Sedai had she remained in the White Tower.

Ronja. An Aiel blinded in the Last Battle. Trying to recruit more people for the battle, Berelain asked him who could make the gai’shain fight; he told her that no one could.

Roof of the Maidens. A building exclusively for Maidens of the Spear; no men were allowed entry, other than gai’shain. These roofs were found in different locations, such as Cold Rocks and Rhuidean in the Waste.

roofmistress. The Aiel term for the wife of a sept chief who ruled the stronghold of that sept.

Roon, Mother. The Wisdom-equivalent in Jarra, Ghealdan. Noam bit her when she tried to help him.

Rorik. Magla Daronos’ broad-shouldered Warder. When cockroaches infested Romanda’s tent and the women screamed, he ran in with his sword at the ready, but had no idea what to do about the insects.

Rorn M’doi. One of the places in history that Sammael, the Destroyer of Hope, devastated, earning him that name.

Ros, Fridwyn. See Fridwyn Ros

Rosala. A Seanchan with the duty of disciplining da’covale. Suroth told Liandrin to go to Rosala and ask her to beat her.

Rosana Emares. A Lady of the Land of Tear who was raised to High Lady after the capture of Illian. Her House sign was the Hawk-and-Stars. About 5'6" tall, and lanky, with a wide nose and blue eyes which were rare for a Tairen. She led her armsmen herself, rather than using a Master of the Horse, though she did not actually go into battle. She had a helmet and breastplate and a mace which she could use. A blunt woman, Rosana told Eben that he needed fattening, ordered Jonan to stop slouching and asked whether Aes Sedai had approved their grim coats. She listened to the story of Dumai’s Wells as if examining a possibly counterfeit coin. She had assumed a place in the councils of the High Lords, though Tairen High Ladies seldom did so. Rand left Rosana in Illian to keep the peace.

Rosara Medrano. A Tairen Aes Sedai of the Brown Ajah with a strength level of 32(20). About 5'7" tall, with black hair, dark eyes and brown skin, she liked to cook. Unlike other Browns, she was not dreamy, but rather had a tempestuous nature and a temper, which she usually controlled well, although her eyes could flash with anger. She was one of the uncommitted Aes Sedai Rand found in Cairhien after Dumai’s Wells following Cadsuane Melaidhrin. Rosara was left behind in Cairhien when Cadsuane went to Far Madding. When she saw Logain, Aes Sedai and Asha’man arrive in Cairhien, she rode quickly to tell Samitsu.

Rose Crown of Andor. The crown worn by the Queen of Andor.

Rose of the Eldar, The. An inn found in Ebou Dar. Mat, Nalesean and others sat outside it and drank while watching the house of the Kin.

Rosebud. A dun mare ridden by Selucia.

Rosel of Essam. A woman who wrote two hundred years after the Breaking about a ciphered document that held secrets the world could not face. She claimed that more than a hundred pages of the document survived the Breaking, but only one page remained for Verin to study.

Rosene. One of Berelain’s serving women. Plump, plain-faced and dark-eyed, she looked like the other serving woman, Nana. Although not pretty, the two animated Berelain’s usually taciturn thief-catchers. Rosene served Perrin breakfast after he had slept in Berelain’s tent; she or Nana spread the word that Perrin had done so. When Perrin was trying to locate Masema and his men, Rosene told him, amid much smirking and tittering, that she thought they were two or three miles away.

Roshan. Samitsu’s Warder. He had not wanted to be a Warder until she decided she wanted him for one. Samitsu left Roshan in the city when she visited the rebel camp near Cairhien; when the bubble of evil hit, she wished that she hadn’t.

Rosi. The name that Tuon intended to give Joline as a damane.

Rosil. An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah who replaced Tiana as Mistress of Novices under Egwene.

Rosoinde, Garenia. See Garenia Rosoinde

Ross Anan. The youngest son of Setalle Anan. He was fourteen years old when Mat stayed at his mother’s inn. He helped the serving girls in the inn and worked the fishing boats with his father, depending on the time of year and need.

Rossaine, Clan. A clan of the Atha’an Miere.

Rosse. A member of Jarid Sarand’s personal guard. Faced with Jarid’s growing insanity, Rosse and Jarid’s other men rebelled against him, and tied him to a tree. The men then went off to fight in the Last Battle.

Rossin. An officer under Rodel Ituralde in Maradon. Ituralde directed him to find out why a trumpet sounded an early retreat, leading to great losses for Ituralde, but he was killed in a skirmish before he was able to do so.

Roundhill. A village Perrin visited. The smith there was careless, and had burn scars on his hands

Rovair. A stout follower of the High Lord Darlin in the rebel camp below Cairhien. When Min and Rand visited the camp, Darlin told Ines and Rovair to give them their horses. Rovair answered with a toadying smile for Darlin and a cooler but still greasy one for Rand.

Rovair Kirklin. Masuri Sokawa’s Warder. A compact man with receding dark hair, he usually had a ready grin, but was glum over Masuri’s treatment by the Wise Ones. He and Masuri went with Perrin when he met with Masema; on their return they found Faile had been kidnapped, and Rovair was one of the scouts who looked for her. Masuri and Rovair met with Masema in secret, and the two went with Perrin to So Habor. Rovair traveled into Malden through the aqueduct; he was with Perrin when Perrin was reunited with Faile.

Rowahn. An Aiel leader after the Last Battle, seen in Aviendha’s viewings of the future in Rhuidean. Tall and red-haired, Rowahn tried to keep to some of the core beliefs of the Aiel; he wore the cadin’sor and was clean-shaven, but when his hold was attacked and burned by the Seanchan, he picked up a sword and used it to preserve his daughter Tava. He tried to keep the people of the hold together, but they all walked away.

Rowan Hurn. A member of the Village Council in Emond’s Field. He joined Perrin’s army at Malden; Perrin tasked him with making sure that Galad had released the prisoners before his trial.

Royal Inn, The. An inn found in Four Kings, Andor. The Darkfriend Howal Gode went there looking for Rand and Mat.

Royal Library of Cairhien, the. One of the great libraries of the world, thought by many to be second only to the Library of the White Tower. It was spared by the Aiel in the Aiel War.

Royal Palace of Andor, the. Residence and seat of the Queen of Andor, found in the Inner City of Caemlyn. Its main gates opened onto the oval Queen’s Plaza, and the South Stable Gate was where the stables for the palace were to be found. Built on the highest point of the city, the palace was connected to the rest of the city by curving streets that flowed along the contours of the terraced hill upon which it was built. The palace had pale spires, golden domes, shining white walls, high marble balconies and intricate stonework traceries; the Lion of Andor waved from every prominence. The Grand Hall was the throne room, and there was a Rose March in the gardens. Charlz Guybon, along with his troops and refugees from the city, sheltered there at the start of the Last Battle; Talmanes fought through Trollocs to reach the palace. After the occupants evacuated the palace, it was seized by Trollocs and subsequently burned.

Rubinde Acedone. A Mayener Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah and of the loyalist contingent. Her strength level was 19(7). Born in 853 NE, she went to the White Tower in 869 NE. After spending ten years as a novice and nine years as Accepted, she was raised Aes Sedai in 888 NE and chosen as a Sitter for the Green Ajah in 992 NE. About 5'5" tall, with a sturdy build, Rubinde had raven hair and eyes as blue as sapphires. She usually seemed ready to walk through a wall. Sometimes she grimaced in what might have been meant for a smile, but her lips simply writhed. Impatient with what she considered useless talk, she frequently managed to overtop Sedore’s Yellow arrogance, and that was something even for a Green. She stood to depose Siuan, one of only eleven needed to give the greater consensus under the circumstances. She thought the rebels were caught in the snows of Murandy and figured that by spring, things could be made hot enough that they would come crawling back. She was nervous about Elaida, when Elaida stretched her wings free of Alviarin.

After the Seanchan raid on the Tower, she was one of the Sitters who raised Egwene to the Amyrlin Seat, and she was part of the group that pressured Cadsuane to become Amyrlin after the Last Battle.

Ruffled Goose, The. A disreputable inn in Chachin. Moiraine went there looking for Siuan.

Rugan, Chai. See Chai Rugan

Rulan Allwine. The stout innkeeper at the only inn in Market Sheran, Andor. His inn was clean and warm, with no drunkenness, and the serving maids seemed happy. Allwine insisted that Rand and Mat pay in advance, and the price was steep.

Rumann. A sword-juggler with Luca’s show. He was about six feet tall, and handsome. Egeanin pulled a knife on him before departing Ebou Dar, because he was suggestive in asking her to have some wine with him in his wagon. He took up with Adria, one of the contortionists.

Rumor Wheel, The. See Dusty Wheel, The

Runnien Crossing. A town in Altara, a day northeast of Jurador. It lay near a shallow, narrow river where a stone bridge crossed. It possessed four inns, each three stories of stone roofed in green or blue tiles. There was nearly half a mile of hard-packed dirt between the village and the river where merchants could park their wagons for the night. Farms, with their walled fields and orchards and pastures, made a quilt of the countryside for a good league along the road and maybe more beyond the hills to either side of it. Luca’s show stopped in the village to put on a performance, and Egeanin and Domon were married there.

running sheepsfoot. A kind of knot.

Running Wave, Caire din Gelyn. See Caire din Gelyn Running Wave

Ruthan. Aldragoran’s Saldaean clerk. He was hard-eyed, but didn’t know one end of a sword from the other. He and Aldragoran were in The Queen’s Lance when Nynaeve arrived to drum up support for Lan before the Last Battle.

Ryddingwood. The home of the poet Anasai.

Ryden. A dragon squadleader in the Band of the Red Hand. His squad blasted through part of Caemlyn’s wall so that the Band could escape with the dragons in the Last Battle.

Ryma Galfrey. An Aes Sedai of the Yellow Ajah with a strength level of 29(17). Born in 902 NE, she went to the White Tower in 917 NE. After spending eight years as a novice and seven years as Accepted, she was raised to the shawl in 932 NE. Known for being haughty, she was 5'2½" tall, with dark hair and blue eyes. Ryma was captured by the Seanchan in Falme. She was made damane and given the name Pura, and was kept close at hand by the High Lady Suroth. See also Pura

Ryn Anhara. A male inventor at the Academy of Cairhien who trapped lightning in jars, using wire and wheels and big clay jars. His invention worked well enough to electrocute a rat that jumped onto it.

Ryne Venamar. A Malkieri man. Five years older than Lan, he was Lan’s oldest friend besides Bukama. He was charming, with blue eyes and a dimpled cheek. When he was fifteen, his father moved the family to Arafel; Ryne embraced Arafellin ways, wearing his hair in two bell-laced braids and bells on his boots and sleeves, and looking women in the eye. An excellent swordsman, he claimed to have gone to Canluum as a merchant guard for a merchant who had been killed. He journeyed with Lan and Bukama from Canluum to Chachin; they acquired Moiraine’s company along the way. At Aesdaishar Palace, he was not happy to be given a bannerman’s room to stay in. A Darkfriend working with Merean, he tried to kill Lan, and did kill Bukama. Lan fought him while Moiraine was fighting Merean; though Ryne was the better swordsman, Lan killed him.

Rysael din Yulan. A relatively high-ranking Sea Folk Windfinder. Her strength level was 16(4). She took part in using the Bowl because she was one of the strongest available among the remaining Windfinders in Ebou Dar. She fled to Caemlyn with Elayne and her companions when the Seanchan attacked. Normally a dignified woman, she quivered when Birgitte asked the Windfinders for a gateway big enough to transport forces to rescue Elayne from the Black Ajah in Caemlyn.
