Uncrowned, the. One of the titles that Borderlanders used for Lan.

Underhill, Master. The name used by Karldin Manfor when traveling with Loial.

Uno Nomesta. A Shienaran soldier. His head was shaven except for a grizzled topknot, and he had slightly bowed legs and a long scar down the left side of his face. Uno had lost his left eye and covered the socket with an eyepatch painted with a permanently frowning fierce red eye. After Samara he acquired a near-matching scar on his right cheek. Hard-featured even for a Shienaran, he would stare anyone in the eye, and use his file-like tongue as well. Uno nearly strangled when he couldn’t curse. He was a born sergeant-major who did not think the Tinkers were cowards, but thought that most women were unreasonable and stubborn.

Uno was one of those following Ingtar when he and Perrin pursued the Horn of Valere to Falme. He wintered in the Mountains of Mist with Perrin and Rand; after Rand left and the Shienarans were abandoned to make their own way, he stayed with Masema in Ghealdan for a time, then accompanied Nynaeve and Elayne to Salidar. There he started working with the army under Gareth Bryne and was made an officer. He and the Shienarans with him trained heavy cavalry. He agreed to this arrangement, mostly as a ploy to stay close to Elayne and Nynaeve, to whom he felt he owed a debt of gratitude—among other things, Nynaeve Healed him of a serious wound he sustained in Samara. Uno didn’t think much of the rebel Aes Sedai chances against the White Tower and the sitting Amyrlin, although he knew of Bryne’s reputation; he thought the nations would fall in with the Tower no matter what tales Logain told, as most people tended to believe the stronger side told the truth. But he had no intention of running out on them.

Uno was promoted to captain during the Last Battle, having shown gallantry in the field and after Bryne was found to be under Compulsion. He was wounded in the arm by the Trollocs, but he was Healed and survived.

Unseen World. See Tel’aran’rhiod

Upriver Run, The. An inn located in Tar Valon. Narenwin Barda went there to get messages sent via carrier pigeon from Mistress Macura and Luci, who were spying for the Yellow Ajah in Amadicia, and were told to inform Barda if they saw Elayne, by order of the Amyrlin.

Uren din Jubai Soaring Gull. An ancient scholar of the Atha’an Miere who devised the Farede calendar, which he named after the Panarch Farede of Tarabon, his patron. The calendar remained in use from the end of the War of the Hundred Years at least until the end of the Third Age.

Urien. A man of the Two Spires sept of the Reyn Aiel and the Aethan Dor who was siswai’aman. Tall, with blue eyes and red hair cut short except for a tail in the back that hung to his shoulders, he met Ingtar and Verin while searching for He Who Comes With the Dawn. He went to Cairhien and Caemlyn with Rand, and to Shadar Logoth. At Dumai’s Wells, he led the five thousand siswai’aman. Urien bet a skin of oosquai that Mat’s forces would win the Last Battle.

Uso. A hired hand at Alysa’s apple orchard in Andor. Even though Bunt told him that there were apples on the trees, he had to go look for himself.
