Chapter 25 I Knew I Loved You Part II

“…I’ll never find love again like the kind you give, like the kind that you send, `Cause you’re one in a million… one in a million to me…”

I Knew I Loved You – Part II

Sam felt the surge of hands and feet behind her as the wave of womanhood swept her down the hall. “I don’t understand this archaic ritual,” the young woman protested as she was moved along the passageway. “Brooke and I are living together. It’s not like we’re virgins or something.”

C.C. brought up the rear as she quickly crossed the hall and held her hands up over Sarah’s ears. “Sam, can you keep it down? I mean, we’ve got your sister back here with us.”

“Yeah, and where were you the other night,” Sarah pulled away from the willowy woman’s grip. “I could have really used you then,” the young girl teased her sister as the group continued on.

Mable threw a glance back to her youngest daughter and smirked, “Maybe you should have taken some lessons from your older sister, Cjersti.” The matriarch heard the muffled laughter coming from the two daughters on either side of Sam. “I wasn’t talking about either one of you two, Randi…” Mable turned her head to look at her other daughter as she addressed her by name, “Terri.”

“Yes, Mom,” came the sound of dual voices, slightly out of sync and subdued.

Keeping her stride in an ever-forward motion, Mable cleared her throat before continuing with her explanation of traditions. “Now, Sam…You’re getting married tomorrow and whether it’s a conventional service or a civil union, some traditions still apply, Dear.”

“Oh, trust us, Sam. It’s all for the better.” Randi moved in closer to Sam’s ear. “It’ll get her wanting you all the more for tomorrow night.” The lawyer shot a glance to her sister. “Right, Terri?”

“Yeah, definitely.” Terri nodded as she looked down to Sam’s wondering eyes and thoughtful expression. “Besides, it gives her a chance to blow off a little steam. You know, sow those wild oats before she really settles down.”

Sam felt a hand slap on the back and turned a little nervously to see her ex-roommate smiling confidently at her.

“Yeah, like Brooke is gonna have any wild oats to sow.” She poked her head further forward to talk directly to Terri. “Sam’s marrying Brooke, not Loran. Remember?”

“I know,” Terri shot her youngest sister a wink. “I’ll bet Brooke won’t even do half the things that they got lined up for her to do.”

Seeing the trepidation in her cousin’s footsteps as the group turned into the waiting room for their party, Crystal jumped into the conversation. “So, Ladies…what are we gonna do?” She pranced to the front of the pack and gave a little happy dance, leading the way into the room.

With the pack following her lead, they waited until everyone was in the room and the door closed. Like a group of well-rehearsed choir members, they each looked to their leader and screamed their answer in unison. “GOSSIP!”

“Thank God they have a babysitting service here,” Randi laughed, “I haven’t had a chance to catch up on anything with the kids around.”

“Cool, I have some really good gossip about the blushing bride, there.” Sarah pointed to her sister.

“Sarah!” Sam’s eyes grew bigger knowing exactly what she was going to say. She took a seat and hid her face in her hands as the others filed in past her. Looking up, Sam saw Terri holding a decoratively wrapped box.

“I got Sam a little gift here.” The physician handed the box to the blonde.

“Come on,” C.C. yelled out. “Let’s get this party rolling.”

The blonde let her head fall back into her hands. “Oh God, why do I feel the blush coming on even now?” Sam took in a deep breath and reached for the box. Bringing it into her lap, the young woman glanced over to her Aunt and future Mother-in-law who were sitting together on the couch.

“Go ahead, Sam. We’ve got a perfect view from here. Right, Mable?” Sandy leaned into her soon-to-be distant relative through marriage.

The matriarch of the Gordon household put down her iced tea glass and laughed. “You’re right, Sandy.” The woman directed her attention to her pediatrician daughter. “Terri, I’m so glad that you had the hotel staff supply us with something that we all could drink. I’d hate making you feel left out if we had alcohol here tonight.”

Terri smiled pleasantly at her mother. “Yeah, having a healthy baby is what I’m all about right now.” She patted her stomach and reached for her own glass of the non-alcoholic refreshment. She waited until her mother had looked away before looking over and catching her oldest sister’s eye. With a quick nod of her head, Terri motioned to Randi, and then sat back in her chair, ready for the show.

“Sam,” Randi motioned for the blonde. “Could you give me a hand for a minute before you open that first package?” Her brown eyes looked warm and friendly.

“Sure,” the guest of honor shrugged her shoulders, and then got up from her chair. “Excuse me, I’ll be right back.”

Sam followed the lawyer down the small hallway. “What’s up, Randi?” The blonde watched as the tallest Gordon walked into the bathroom and held the door open for her. “Ah…Randi, wouldn’t you really want one of your sisters to help you?” Sam looked back toward the room she’d just left.

“No, I uh…I need to talk to you.” Randi watched as the puzzled blonde entered the tiny room. After taking a quick peek back into the hallway, the lawyer closed the door, and then turned to address her soon-to-be sister-in-law. “Here…” Randi chuckled nervously as she held out a flask for Sam to take.

Green eyes looked at the flask suspiciously. “What’s that?”

Randi giggled, and then brought one finger up to her mouth. “Shhhh…”

“But I thought…”

“Trust me,” Randi gave her most convincing smile. “You’re going to need it.”

“Okay,” Sam took the flask. “You’re the one with the most experience here, besides your mother and my aunt, of course.” The blonde raised the flask to her nose and made a face, then slowly took a drink from it. “WHOA! That’s strong.”

“Good, isn’t it?” Randi took the flask from her and took a nip herself.

Sam tried to answer her but the effects of the liquor were still creating havoc with her system as it hit her stomach and began to burn. Trying to hide her inexperience with hard liquor, the blonde started coughing as she turned and looked at her reflection in the mirror. Shocked by her bug-eyed and flushed appearance, the young woman coughed again. “Yeah…good,” she croaked out in a raspy voice.

“I thought it would relax you some.” Randi nodded then gave her a little wink. “I’m sure you must be at least a little nervous about tomorrow. Hell, you wouldn’t be human if you weren’t.”

“Yeah,” Sam coughed a few more times as she tried to get her voice back to its normal tone. “Human…” she muttered and coughed some more as Randi clapped her hand on the young girl’s back.

“So,” Randi offered the flask to Sam for a second mouthful, “You ready to go back out there?”

Sam held up her hand, declining the offer. “Sorry, I’m really a beer drinker,” she apologized as she reached for the doorknob instead, still feeling the heat from the first drink.

The lawyer just smiled as she tucked the flask back under her sweater. “Sure, no problem.”

The room looked empty with more than half of the people gone. Come to think of it, it was pretty quiet with the only woman being Brooke in a small handful of men. The males of the species just didn’t have that lust for speaking that the women found so appealing and essential to every moment of their lives. To them, it was more of a ‘speak only if necessary’ existence.

Brooke found herself amused by the observation and, for the first time in her life, was really glad for the difference. Pulling herself together, she looked over the group of men that were to be her confidants and cohorts in her last hours of being a single unattached person and smiled. “Okay,” she slapped her leg as she got up from the chair. “Where in the hell are we going anyway?” Brooke let her eyes roam the roomful of amused faces. “You know… this whole thing of separating me and Sam is crazy.” The grown woman stuck out her lower lip and pouted.

“Now Brooke, you’ll get to see her tomorrow. I promise that your mother and sisters will take good care of her for you.” Henry walked over to his daughter and laid a comforting hand on her shoulder.

“But Dad…” Brooke’s blue eyes looked first to her father then searched the room for some form of understanding.

“I don’t know, Brooke.” Samuel stepped forward, rubbing his chin. “I’d have to agree with Henry on this one. Besides, my little girl doesn’t need any bad luck, now does she?”

“Yeah, Brooke.” Peter spoke up. “Why don’t you just let me do my job? I’m the master of ceremonies for the night.” The young rocker looked around the room to the others and made his excuses, “I mean, since I’m your oldest and longest buddy.” Peter smiled at Brian and Rick. “I got a great night planned for all of us.”

“You’re the master of ceremonies, Peter?” Brooke made a face as she sank back down into the chair. “Oh God,” the dark-haired woman groaned, and then grinned at her friend. Taking in a deep breath, Brooke resigned herself to her fate. “Okay, so where are we going?” She looked over to Peter with a disgusted look on her face. “Which strip bar or titty club did you reserve for us?” She waited as her longtime friend crossed the room and leaned into her ear to speak.

“Well, it would have been really great if they would have let me get you that lap dancer.” Peter shot a glance over at the collective group of men and chuckled nervously.

“A lap dancer?” Blue eyes got bigger as she looked at her ex-band mate. “I don’t think so.” Brooke crossed her arms in front of her chest and sat back in the chair.

“Yeah, well, I didn’t think you would either…” Peter mumbled out half heartbroken when he noticed the little upturned corners of Brooke’s mouth. Looking at her, he encouraged her to speak. “Come on, what are you thinking, buddy?”

A lazy smile stretched across Brooke’s face as she remembered Sam’s little dance from their first date. “Not unless that dancer is Sam.”

The woman stared straight ahead as the blonde’s image danced through her mind. It lasted for only a few seconds before a man’s head popped into her line of vision. She brought the hazy face into focus and was startled to see Samuel looking directly at her. Brooke quickly reigned in her thoughts and stood up. “So, ye ol’ master of ceremonies, where are we going and what are we doing?”

“You’re not seeing Sam until it’s time for the ceremony so forget it, Brooke.” Henry teased her. “It’s your last chance to get all those…” her father coughed, sharing a glance to the other married men in the room, “wild oats out.”

“Dad,” Brooke smiled sweetly. “I don’t have any wild oats to sow, remember?”

Henry turned from his daughter’s view and chuckled. “Trust me, you’ll wish you had.” He winked at Sam’s father and both of them began to laugh.

“Okay Pop, whatever you say,” Brooke shrugged, “but you’re not going to scare me.”

“That’s what you say now,” Brian warned. “Just wait.”

Peter held his hands up. “Okay, keep it down. We got more then enough time to get rowdy later.” He flashed his devilish grin. “I thought we’d keep the night to ourselves. You know, learn from the masters here.” He pointed to the four married men in the group. “I thought that they could teach us…uh…I mean you, a lot.” He put his hand on Brooke shoulder and winked, then turned to the masters of marriage. “What do you say guys, got any advice for ol’ Brooke here on the night before her wedding?”

Brooke rolled her eyes and sighed. “Oh, this I have got to hear.”

“Yeah,” Brian shouted out. “Don’t do it.”

“Hey, speak for yourself, Brian. I kind of like being married to Terri,” Rick said with a satisfied smile.

“Yeah right, Brian. I’ve never wanted to do anything more in my entire life.” Brooke’s blue eyes flashed with expectation.

“Well, just wait until the kids come. Then we’ll see what you say,” Brian replied teasingly.

“You know, you are kind of responsible for that, Brian.” Brooke mock glared at her brother-in-law. “I don’t have to worry about any kids just popping in.”

“Okay, simmer down guys,” Peter got in between Brian and Brooke. “Simmer down.” He looked from one to the other until their stoic faces showed signs of delayed grins. “Alright, that’s better.” Peter’s face took on a relieved smile. “Now come on. I’ve got some little games for us to play.”

“Games, Peter?” Rick seemed confused. “Isn’t that what they do at women’s parties?”

Brooke hung her head. “Oh no… I remember how your games go.” She looked up into her longtime friend’s eyes. “Buddy, I’m in trouble, aren’t I?”

The grin on Peter’s face rivaled the one on the Cheshire cat. “Yeah, games. I figured that since Brooke really is a…a…” the man winced as if in severe pain, “…a girl,” he shook off the thought. “We should give her a little taste of that side too.” Peter revived his devilish grin as he wiggled his dark eyebrows. “But with a manly approach to it.” He puffed out his chest and held it there for a few seconds, then looked around the room for approval. “How’s that, guys?”

The woman watched as all eyes slowly turned to her. “Uh-oh…” Brooke said as she slowly sank back down into the chair.

“Here you go, Sam.” Terri handed her the same decoratively wrapped package, again. “I’ll let you start off with mine, now that you’re done showing old Randi there the bathroom.”

“Thank you, but you didn’t have to,” Sam offered as she took the package, seeing the rest of the gifts now spread out on the table in the room. “You all didn’t have to.”

“What, and not welcome you into the sisterhood of married women?” Randi balked, “No way.” The lawyer smiled as she watched Sam start to open the present.

Waiting until Sam’s attention, along with everyone else’s, was fully consumed in the gift, Randi passed the flask of liquor to the woman seated next to her. The silent exchange ended with a nod of Crystal’s head as she tucked the flask into the back of her jeans.

Handing the discarded paper to her sister, Sam took the lid off the box. The shock of what she saw was soon written on her face, as her green eyes grew as big as saucers.

“What’s in it?” C.C. started to get up to see better. “Come on, hold it up, Sam.”

The blonde cleared her throat, as she reached in and delicately held up the very sheer, see-thru nightie. Holding the skimpy looking top up in the air, the tiny thong that it was paired with remained in the box. Sam could already feel the heat of her blush crawling up her neck as the rest of the women voiced their sentiments on the gift.

“Wow! What’s the point of that?” Sarah gawked at the barely there nightwear. “Heck, the way that Brooke is, I bet she rips it right off of you the minute after you put it on.”

“Now, that would be such a waste of a lovely outfit,” Sandy looked over to her young niece with a glare. “I’m sure that Brooke would never do such a thing. She’s a well-mannered girl.” Sandy smiled as she met Mable’s gaze.

“Well, I thought it would add to the…ah…the…” Terri tried to get the heat off of Sarah. “Hey, I saw it and I liked it. Hell,” the pediatrician looked down to her slightly bulging stomach. “I can’t wear it for a while, so I got it for you.”

“Gee, thanks Terri.” Sam snatched the thong from Sarah’s hand and put it back in the box, along with the top. “I’m sure that…that…” she could feel her blush deepening and quickly closed the box, placing it down on the floor next to her chair, “…Brooke…I mean, that we’ll…I’ll enjoy it.”

As the room erupted with cackles of laughter at her slip of the tongue, the young woman brought her hands up to cover her face. The only thought running through Sam’s mind was that she’d die from embarrassment before the night was over.

Peter held up the index card that was in his hand. “Okay, Brooke, first question.” He leaned in toward his friend and whispered, “Now, try to get the right answer, okay?” He watched Brooke take in a deep breath and nod. “Alright, you’re out late…ah…” he looks to the men around him, “working, yeah…and you come home with lipstick on your collar. What do you tell Sam when she sees it?” Peter leaned in closer and cocked his head to hear her answer.

The woman mulled the question over in her mind for only a moment. “I’d tell her one of two things.” Brooke grinned as she started her explanation. “It’s mine…”

The master of ceremonies turned to his married brethren. Seeing no real decision on any of their faces, he turned back to Brooke. “Or?”

“Or…” Brooke smirked with a tiny little giggle. “I’d say, ‘What are you bitching about, Baby? That’s your shade.’ And she’d know it was the truth.” She sat up in the chair, proud of her smart aleck answer. “Sorry, guys, but the only way that any lipstick would end up on my collar would be if it were mine or hers.”

“As if you ever wore lipstick,” Brian quipped, and then looked to his fellow males.

“You’re exactly right, Brian. I don’t.” Her blue eyes shone brightly.

“URP!” Henry let out the loud sounding noise startling his daughter as a pointed a finger came in her direction. “Wrong answer!”

“What…what do you mean, wrong answer?” Brooke blinked, shocked by the judgment that was levied at her. She watched as a shot glass filled with liquor was handed up the ranks from one man to another until her father finally pressed it into her hand. “Oh God…”

“Drink up,” Henry said with a smile on his face.

“Yeah, Brooke,” Samuel stepped forward and slapped her on the back. “Take it like a man.” He winked, and then mimed the action of throwing a drink back.

Letting her eyes roam over the group, Brooke finally focused on the drink in her hand. With a quick, well-practiced motion, she downed the shot and swallowed, feeling the burning sensation go down her throat and into her belly. “Ahh… chilled Southern Comfort, my favorite.” She licked her lips and set the glass on the table off to her side.

Samuel studied the woman before him as he rubbed his chin. “Don’t go getting too comfortable, there’s more to come.” He looked over to Henry and chuckled, then patted her on the shoulder gently.

The dark-haired woman turned toward her father. “So, Dad, if that was the wrong answer, what’s the right one?”

Henry reached for the shot glass, handing it back to Brian for a refill. “Plead insanity. It’s your best shot.”

“Here you go, Sammi. Open mine next.” Crystal pushed a brown paper package across the table towards her cousin.

Sam eyed the paper and laughed. “Thanks, Crystal, or should I wait to see how badly you embarrass me with this?”

“Hey, I am sorry I didn’t have time to wrap it. Heck I just got it in the mail right before Peter picked me up.” The feisty blonde raised her hand to her mouth to hold in a laugh as she watched her cousin examine the very plain brown wrapper, and then cautiously open it.

Seeing the book inside, Sam turned redder than a beet. “Crystal!” Green eyes glared at the woman sitting innocently on the couch. “I can’t believe you did this to me.”

“What is it,” Ida spoke up. “I can’t see.”

Sam reluctantly held the book up with one hand as she covered her face with the other.

“Damn, I left my bifocals at home.” Ida elbowed C.C., “What’s the title?”

The room grew silent as all the women looked to Sam.

“I think that’s your job, Sam. Isn’t that right, Randi?” C.C. pointed out.

“Yeah, she’s right, kiddo.” Randi held in the laughter that wanted to explode from her mouth. “The bride has to answer any questions about the gift.”

Sam brought the book into her view and read the title aloud. “The Kama Sutra of Lesbian Sex.” She hung her head and sighed. “There, are you happy now, Crystal?”

“Hey, how in the hell am I supposed to know what to get the two of you?”

“Oh God, I didn’t even know that they made such a book.” Sam’s blush was getting a deeper shade of red by the minute.

“Neither did I, Sam.” Crystal rose from her seat and took the book from her cousin’s hand, flipping through the pages. “Hmm…maybe we should pass this around.” She handed the book to Randi and moved away from her seat. “Say, Cuz, could you show me where the little girl’s room is?”

“Sure, anything to get out of here while that goes around the room. “Come on, follow me.” Sam rose from her chair and headed down the short hallway.

Before Sam knew what was happening, her cousin pulled her into the bathroom and the door was hastily closed. After producing the flask from the back of her jeans, Crystal opened it and downed a swig.

“Oh, that’s good.” The nurse let out with a little yelp, then offered it to Sam. “Here ya go, Cuz.”

The blonde eyed the familiar looking flask, and then slowly accepted it. Hoisting it to her mouth, Sam took a drink with a very audible gulp. “YUK!” The blonde handed it back to Crystal amid a bevy of gasps and coughs. “Let me guess, Randi let you borrow it?”

“Yeah,” Crystal nodded.

“Just trying to put me at ease, huh?” Sam shook her head and tried to focus on her cousin.

“Huh? No. I just didn’t want to drink alone.” Crystal smiled and took another little nip before sealing it.

“Well, thanks for inviting me, Cuz.” Sam pointed to the flask, losing her balance as she leaned a little too far for her footing.

Preventing the young woman from falling, Crystal steadied her, then opened the door. “Come on, Sam. Let’s go see what the rest of the perverts got you with all those dirty little minds.”

Sam nodded in agreement. “Yeah, let’s go see.”

The tall woman threw her head back as another round of liquor emptied from the shot glass. Smacking her lips, Brooke set the glass down and slid it across the table to the official keeper of the bottle, Rick.

“Okay, that wasn’t so bad. When do the tougher questions start?” Brooke looked to men around her.

“Okay,” Peter shrugged. “Here comes one now.” He shuffled through the cards in his hand, then stopped and began to read what was on it. “You want to go to the big game for the weekend and she doesn’t…do you go, or stay home, doing useless chores that she deems are necessary?”

Blue eyes narrowed as Brooke tapped out a rhythm on the table with her fingertips. “Football, basketball or hockey, which sport?”

Surprised by the question, Peter drew back and looked to the men on either side of him. “Does it matter?”

“Yeah, it does.” Brooke stopped the drumming and looked from one married man to another.

Rick cracked under the pressure as intense blue eyes settled on him. “Come on, Brooke,” he laughed nervously. “It’s a shot of independence. Who cares what the sport is.”

“Hmm…” Brooke sat back in her chair and looked up to the ceiling in deep thought. “A shot of independence or sleeping with my wife that night…” she contemplated her answer while she tapped a finger on her chin. After a long pause, she began to speak. “I guess…” she watched as all of the men leaned forward, their attention hanging on her next phrase. “I guess I’d stay home. Seems to me… that would be the most fun sport of all.” Brooke grinned as she drew in a deep breath, feeling very proud of her answer.

Torn between his wish to have his daughter be happy and his thoughts on the subject as a man, Samuel was the first to offer his judgment. His pleasant smile and nodding of his head came off a little deceiving as he finally verbalized his thought. “My God, she’s got you trained already.”

“Yes, she does,” Brooke confirmed her father-in-law-to-be’s suspicion.

“It’s a hopeless cause, gentlemen.” Samuel shook his head. “She’s already beyond our help.”

“So, wait a minute…” Brooke raised an eyebrow in challenge. “If I answer right, does that mean I get to make all of you drink?”

“URP! Wrong answer.” Her father held out another filled shot glass for her to consume.

“Wait, what do you mean wrong answer?” Brooke looked to her father as she took the glass and then threw it back, along with her head.

“URP!” Brian mimicked Henry, “Wrong answer.” He smiled broadly as he brought a filled shot glass out from behind his back and presented it to his sister-in-law.

Stunned by the double team action, Brooke opened her mouth to speak but was stopped before she could utter a single word.

“Brooke,” Rick spoke up. “I’d be careful what you say,” he cautioned her holding a third shot glass for her to consume.

“Well, let me put it this way…” Brooke took Brian’s glass and downed it, then returned it to the table upside down. “Given a choice between watching grown men smack each other on the ass and scratch themselves or stay at home with Sam so she can smack my ass or scratch me…” she took Rick’s glass and consumed it, also turning it upside down on the table before continuing. “Which one do you think I’m gonna choose?” Brooke gave a little snicker as she wiggled her eyebrows.

Each of the four married men glanced from one to another then, as if timed perfectly with years of practice, they let out their battle cry for the night. “URP! WRONG ANSWER,” was shouted as each one righted their shot glass on the table. Taking the bottle from Rick, Peter hastily filled them up.

Brooke blinked at the sight before her. All of her esteemed party throwers stood there before her, gloating. “What’s the name of this game, anyway? Is someone going to tell me the right answers?”

They all glanced around to one another and smiled.

“Why, the name of the game, Brooke, is…” Henry silently counted off the cue on his fingers until at the thrust of the third finger, all yelled in unison. “TAKE IT LIKE A MAN.”

Brooke watched as they all started laughing. Singling out her soon to be father-in-law, Brooke directed her question to him. “What do you think, Mr. Moleson?” She waited until the man looked in her direction. “She’s your daughter, what do you think?”

Caught off guard, Samuel cleared his throat as he looked over to Henry. “Hmm…” Sam’s father crossed his arms over his chest and sized the woman up. “Right now, Brooke,” he nodded his head, “I’m kind of glad that you’re not a man. I think you’re going to make my daughter one happy wife.” Samuel let a subtle smile come to his face as Brooke got up from her chair.

Her long strides made the space between them disappear in no time as she threw her arm around him and gave Samuel a vigorous one-armed hug. “Take that one, guys.” She looked to the other men in the room, and then gave a laugh, squeezing the man’s shoulders even tighter than before. “Thanks, sir.”

“Okay,” Sam called out. “Bring on that next mystery box.” She looked around the group of women. “Whosez next?”

Hearing her future daughter-in-law’s slurred speech, Mable acted on her motherly instincts. “Sam, are you alright, Dear?”

Sam looked a little confused by the question. “I…well…yeah I’m…”

“Nervous, Mom.” Randi interjected before the blonde could finish. “It’s her nerves; remember how you were the night before your wedding?”

“Oh yes,” the matriarch giggled. “I was more nervous at the reception for the actual wedding night to come. Now that was a story in its own right. Why I remember being so nervous that…”

Sensing that all eyes were on Mable as she became caught up in one of her stories, Crystal took the flask from behind her and slipped it into her mother’s hand. She leaned over to Sandy and whispered in her ear, “Your turn now,” then stood back up. Keeping her eye on Mable, Crystal moved around the room, taking the first seat she found, and plopped into it as the story was drawing to a close.

Mable rocked back and forth in laughter as she ended her story. “Oh, God, I don’t know how any of you were conceived, especially you, Randi. I still can’t believe that you were conceived on that night.” The woman wiped a tear from her eye.

“Yeah, but Mom,” C.C. pointed out, “They’ve already gone through that rehearsal.” The brunette smiled impishly, letting her gaze drift over to Sam.

“Oh yeah? What would that be called then, the undress rehearsal?” Terri’s eyes sparkled in delight that she’d finally been able to tease the bride-to-be.

“Oh, enough. She’s going to be a part of the family.” Mable warned. “Randi, why don’t you go next?”

“Oh, excuse me,” Sandy tapped Randi on the shoulder. “May I?” The older woman motioned in the direction of the bathroom.

“Sure,” the lawyer got up, letting Sandy pass.

Seeing the direction that her aunt was heading for, Sam got up and started to walk with her. “I guess you’ll need me to show you the way, too?”

“No, Dear.” Sandy looked a little annoyed. “I know where it is. You…you just stay and open your gifts.”

“Oh…” the blonde’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Okay.” She stopped her forward motion and returned to her seat. “I guess you’re up, Randi.” Sam held out her hand for the box.

The lawyer reached out and handed her box across the table to Sam. “Here ya go, Sis.” Randi winked at the blonde and smiled as she sat back down.

Sam was struck by the term of acceptance from the woman. “Thanks, sis,” she said with a little lilt to it. It took the blonde several tries to open it, but the task was soon done. Sam peered into the box while she attempted to bring the words that were written on the lid into focus. “What is it, Randi? I can’t quit make it out.” Sam opened the lid and held up several of the irregularly shaped pieces in the air.

Peering over her sister’s shoulder, Sarah looked just as confused. “What is it, Sam?”

“Damned if I know.” Sam shrugged, and then looked over to Randy.

“It’s a puzzle, Sam.” Randi reached over and held up two more pieces, showing how they fit together. “Every time that you have sex you get to put a piece in place.” The eldest sibling looked around the room. “Hey, I got one and well, Brian and I kind of liked it.”

“Ah…” Sarah nodded. “So this puzzle will be completed by the time they leave Vermont, right?” The teen flashed her sister a toothy smile.

“Oh Lordy,” Mable shook her head as she fanned her face. “Do we even want to know what that picture will look like?”

Randi leaned forward, reaching out to get the blushing woman’s attention. “Psst! Don’t worry, Sam. I got the Lesbian sensitive one.” The lawyer smiled as her comment brought the roomful of women howling with laughter.

Terri leaned forward and peeked down the hall to the bathroom door, then called over, getting the blonde’s attention. “Hey, Sam…your aunt’s been gone for a bit. Why don’t you go check on her?”

“Suuurrrrreee,” Sam drew the word out as she handed the box away from her sister. “I’ll be right…right back, everyone.”

The blonde got up and gingerly walked back to the bathroom door. Standing before it, she steadied herself before giving it a little knock. “Aunt Sandy, are you okay in there?”

“I’m fine, Sammi. Come on in.” The sweet voice floated through the door. “Whew, that’s some good stuff there.”

Sam laughed as she opened the door to find the flask being shoved back into her hands.

“Drink up, my dear,” the older woman raised one finger up in the air and did a little dance in the confined space that the bathroom allowed. “I’m getting jiggy with it already.”

Giving a little giggle at the humorous display of dance, Sam put the flask to her mouth and tipped her head back, taking a drink. Bringing the container away from her mouth, she swallowed. “Hey,” she smiled, “that wasn’t so bad that time.” Immediately the blonde took another little drink just to prove that she was right. “Come on, Aunt Sandy, I want to get to Sarah’s gift.”

“That a girl.” Sandy took the flask back and capped it. “Let’s go.”

The sound of the infomercial that was coming on to the late night TV filled the room as Peter sorted through the cards one last time. “There goes the game,” he said tossing them one by one into the wastebasket.

Peter looked over to Brooke who was still seated at the table and shook his head. “Enough of the fun stuff, let’s just drink.” He walked over to the bottle and poured everyone in the room another round.

Collectively, they each grabbed a drink and, in a domino effect, threw them back, one after the other, until all six were done.

“Well, that was fun,” Brian said sarcastically as he scratched his neck, and then went back to watching the TV.

“Well, don’t have any fun without me,” Henry set his glass down on the table. “I’ll be back as soon as I drop my booster tank.” He walked past his daughter, giving a pat to her shoulder and a nod, and then ambled into the bathroom.

“Well,” Peter settled into a chair across the table from Brooke. “I guess that you showed them, eh Brooke?” He looked over to her with a satisfied smile on his face.

“Yeah, I guess that I did.” Brooke played with the shot glass in her hand as she thought about the past few hours. “Hey, I gots one for you guiz,” she smirked.

“Sure,” Brian turned from the TV and looked over to the table, “Hit us with it.”

Brooke looked to the other three for their approval. Hearing no protests, the woman sat back in her chair and slowly stated her question. “Sey that yoo’re having sets wif yoor wife…”

“Sets?” Brian asked, completely puzzled. “Is that some…ah…lesbian term for…ah…you know…” He looked to the rest of the guys present and thrust his hand in a pumping motion.

Four sets of eyes slowly turned to look to Brooke for the answer.

“Bite me,” she glared at them all.

“No thanks, but Sam might.” Rick let go with a chuckle.

Straightening up, Brooke carefully restated her question. “You’re having sex with your wife and you’ve almost got her to the edge, but not quite. What do you do?” She eyed the men carefully.

“Who’s having sex?” Brian looked around to the other men with children. “It must be you Rick, ’cause it sure isn’t any of us.”

Henry came walking back over to the table. “What did I miss?”

“Nothing, Pop. Sit down and take a load off.” Brooke turned her attention back to her brother-in-law. “It’s hypothetical, Brian.” She picked up the bottle on the table and poured herself a drink, then downed it. “You have to answer it. What do you do?”

“Well,” Brain rubbed his neck nervously. “Randi would kill me if this ever got out but…” he looked around the group. “She really gets off when I talk dirty to her.” Brian started to turn red as soon as he looked over to Henry, then quickly let his gaze go to the floor as he mumbled, “It’s got to be something about the street language that does it with lawyers.”

Brooke smiled like Satan himself. “URP! Wrong answer.” She poured him a drink, then handed him the shot glass. “Drink up, my man.” She watched as he took the offered glass and chugged it, then turned her attention to the next victim in her game. “Rick?”

“Me, ah…ah…” he wiggled nervously in his seat. “A…a little Viagra never hurts.” Rick looked to the men on either side of him. “You know, just to go a little stronger and longer.” He finished, looking a little sheepishly at Brooke.

The woman arched an eyebrow at his answer. “URP! Wrong answer,” Brooke was quick to say. She poured a shot glass for Rick and then one for herself. Handing Rick his, she held hers up and saluted him. Together, they downed their drinks.

Wiping her mouth with the back of her hand, Brooke looked over in her ex-band mate’s direction. “Petey?”

“Hey, I’m out of it.” Peter pushed his chair back from the table, as if to distance himself from the challenge. “You said if you were having sex with your wife.” He held up his left hand and pointed to his ring finger, smiling from ear to ear. “I’m not married.”

“Osay…a minor tecknicalidy.” Brooke stopped and rethought what she had just said, then shrugged it off, not seeing anything wrong with it. “Girl friend than…then.”

Peter mumbled inaudibly as he adjusted his position in the chair.

“Juss answer, Petey,” Brooke urged.

The audible grumbling started while the pressured man snarled at the woman across from him. “Anyone in particular that you’re thinking about?”

Beleaguered by the alcohol, Brooke sat forward and smacked the table with her open hand. “URP! Wrong answer.” She slid the shot glass and bottle toward Peter. “Drink up, my man,” the dark-haired woman winked at her friend, and then chuckled as she sank back into her chair, looking around for her next contestant.

“Dad?” Brooke looked to her father, and then shook her head when he looked in her direction. “Nope, never mind. You’re not allowed to answer.”

Henry looked at his daughter in a somewhat puzzled manner, and then slowly settled into a subtle smile as she moved over to Sam’s father and tapped him on the shoulder. “Looks like you’re up, Samuel.” He pointed over to Brooke.

“Hmm…then again, Mr. Moleson, I don’t think you’re allowed to answer either.”

Startled by her statement, Samuel came forward. “What, are you saying that I’m not getting any?” He let on like he was angry.

“No, it’s not that. It just makes you think, you know?” Brooke offered in her defense.

Samuel leaned over to Brooke’s father. “Is this where I tell her that Moleson women don’t have sex after the wedding night, except on their birthdays?” Both men then let out with a hardy laugh.

“Yeah…right,” Brooke muttered under her breath as she rolled her eyes. I just meant that once you realize that your parents or your wife’s parents do have sex, you want to think of the moment you were conceived as being romantic with candles and music and roses.” She looked to both men. “When in all actuality, both of you were probably wearing leather while you were saying, ‘Bark, Bitch, Bark!’ You know what I mean?” Brooke watched as her father repositioned himself in his chair and cleared his throat.

“Hardly, Brooke. It’s not Elaine’s style.” Samuel laughed.

“Well, see, that’s why I don’t think I wanna know what either of you two would do.” She looked at them with a coy smile. “But feel free to answer if you like.” She took the empty glasses in front of her and started filling them with liquor.

Henry looked out of the side of his eye to Sam’s father. “I kind of liked what she said about the mood being right, don’t you?”

The man nodded as he replied. “Yeah, that’s my answer. The mood will do it every time.” Samuel let his mouth curl up into a smile.

The dark-haired woman savored the answer for a moment, and then her blue eyes shone brightly as they came to life. From out of nowhere came her boisterous reply, “URP! WRONG ANSWER!”

She laughed at their startled faces and handed each of them a glass of liquor. She sat back, pulling a glass up to her lips and chuckled. “All of you got it wrong.” She winked at the group gathered before her and tipped the glass, spilling the liquid into her mouth.

“So, Oh-great-wise-one,” Brian smirked as he reached for a shot of his own. “What is the right answer?”

“Hmm…” Brooke licked her lips to get the last of the sweet tasting liquid that clung to them and smiled. “I don’t even know if I should share it with you.” She sat back and watched their changing expressions.

“Come on, Brooke, you’re among friends,” Peter coaxed her.

“Family even,” Rick chimed in, eager for the answer.

Brooke stood up and walked around the table, positioning herself with her back to Samuel. “What do you do to put her over the edge?” She grinned. “This…” The woman thrust her tongue out as far as she could and proceeded to put it through its various exercises. When she was finished, she winked and reached for another glass of liquor.

There was a stunned silence as the men sat there replaying the memory clip in their heads. Finally, one by one, each tried to recreate what they had seen. Brooke casually walked back to her chair and sat down; putting one booted foot on the edge of the bed and watched their amateur attempts.

“Hey, Brooke, how’s this?” Rick called out, and then set about displaying a less than stellar performance, his tongue barely moving at all.

“URP! Wrong answer, Rick.” Brooke laughed. “You can’t do it.” She reached up and poured him a glass. “Take it like a man,” she pointed to the drink, and then moved on down the line.

“Okay, I think I can do at least some of that.” Brian’s deeply concentrated attempt looked more like a stingray swimming in the ocean than anything did. His tongue mobility was there but the gene for rolling it was long removed from his family. Finishing, he closed his mouth and swallowed. “The question I have is, what do you do with it?”

Laughing even harder now, she handed her brother-in-law a glass and filled it. “URP! That’s definitely the wrong answer, Brian. If you have to ask what you do with it, I’m surprised that Randi’s still with you.”

Turning in her seat she looked over at Peter. “Care to give it a shot or do you want another replay, Petey?” Brooke held up her hand to conceal her oral activity from Samuel’s view, and then proceeded to demonstrate her exceptional ability once more.

“What is it…” Samuel leaned in his seat to see. “What is she doing?”

“Ah, Mr. Moleson,” Peter saw the man starting to get up in his peripheral vision. “I…I don’t think you want to know. Just keep it in your mind that your daughter is in very good…ah…ah…hands…” his eyes blinked at a particularly difficult example that Brooke was demonstrating at the moment, “…yeah…hands.” Peter got up and moved closer to Brooke. His eyes were riveted on her tongue. “Is that even possible?” He glanced over to the other men behind him, then back at Brooke. “Are you double…double…” his eyes got bigger and he flopped back into a chair. “Hell, they never told us about that in health class.”

“You know, Brooke,” Henry smiled at his daughter’s talents. “Your mother was right.”

She finally reeled in her tongue and closed her mouth. “About whaz, Pop?”

“You are my daughter.” Henry stuck out his tongue and demonstrated his own ability with a brief episode of dexterity.

“And I thought it was just fancy whistling that you were teaching me.” Brooke winked and mimicked her father’s actions with her own.

Taking several small steps, Samuel finally got the dual tongue display in his view. Stopping dead in his tracks at the sight, he covered his eyes with his hands. “Oh God!”

Brooke’s heart started racing with the sound of the familiar phrase and she quickly looked over to her future father-in-law and grinned. “Yep, and the apple didn’t fall far from that tree either.” She swept the room with her gaze, a broad smile spreading across her face. “I’m telling you, it works every time.”

The bride-to-be came walking back into the room with Ida following close behind, the two still carrying on in mid conversation. “Yeah, well thanks for that,” Sam put her hand out to steady herself against the wall as she rounded the corner from the hallway into the party room. “Oh, lost my balance a little there. You’d think I’d know this path by now, I’ve taken it so many times.”

“Are you okay?” Ida grabbed at Sam’s arm and guided her slightly.

The blonde giggled then went back to her previous train of thought. “Thanks for that refreshment…no, refreshing conversa…talk. Let’s do it again, sometime.” Sam furrowed her brow as though she were deep in thought. “Do we get refreshment…no…coffee…” she stopped in mid sentence, then started over again. “Do we get breaks like this at work?”

“Hardly,” Ida nudged Sam in the direction of her seat. “Your boss is a real slave driver.” The older woman watched out for her Boss’s love interest as Sam plopped down into her chair, then moved around the group to take her own seat.

Fanning herself with both hands, Sam turned toward her sister, who was sitting next to her. “Whew! It’s getting warm in here. Don’t you think?”

Amid the concealed chuckles and giggles of the bathroom travelers, Sarah answered her. “It must be that ski clothing that you’re still wearing, Sis.”

Hearing the reasoning of the teen, Randi and Crystal looked at each other and grinned, knowing full well what was making Sam so warm.

“I don’t know what you all are getting so giddy about.” Mable looked around the room at the women on either side of her. “The poor girl’s dressed for the ski slopes and here we are inside and enough bodies around her to make anybody warm.” The matriarch looked over to Sam, “Sweetheart, do you need another drink?”

As if on cue, the bride-to-be started to get up from her seat, ready for another bathroom trip.

Mable listened to the sound of cackling voices all around her as she showed her concern for Sam. “What’s so funny?”

Sarah studied her rather flushed looking sister for a moment, then tugged her back down into her seat and handed her a present. “Open mine next, Sam.” She looked to her sister with hope in her green eyes. “Please?”

“Sure, Sarah.” Sam took the box. “Let’s see what you got me.” The bride-to–be smiled at her sister, then quickly pulled off the decorative wrapping and opened the box. “Oh my!” Sam paused from saying anything more as she tried to focus on the articles in the box. Gingerly, she reached in and took the first piece out, holding the delicate looking sheer material in her hands for all to see.

“Whoa! That’s some nice looking top there. That sure ain’t no winter nightie.” Crystal voiced her opinion as she half stood up trying to peek into the box. “Let’s see the rest.”

“Sure it will keep her warm. That warming will happen about ten seconds after Brooke sees it and then everything will heat up.” C.C. shot a glance to her ex-roomie and teased. “Won’t it, Sam?”

The blonde smiled, her face a continual shade of red now from the alcohol. “Whatever you say, C.C.” Sam giggled. She laid the top down and picked up the remaining piece in the box. Holding it up, she tried to decipher where it was to be worn. The two spaghetti-looking straps confused her and she looked at the size of the article again.

“Sarah, I may have to return this. It doesn’t seem to be the right size.” Sam held it up by the waistband, stretching it open to look through it, seeing Mable’s face outlined by the two thin straps. “I’ll never be able to fit my head in between those straps.”

The giggles started all over again as they realized that it wasn’t Sam’s head that needed to be there.

“Sam…” C.C. called to her friend as she watched her try to make sense of the piece from every conceivable angle. “Sam…” she said a little louder.

“What, C.C.?”

“Sam, they’re crotch-less panties with a matching top.” C.C. giggled. “That piece is not the top.”

The blonde’s eyes got bigger as she slowly turned the article of clothing to its correct position. “Well, I hope you didn’t pay full price for these, they seem to be missing some material.” The blonde looked up at the sound of laughter erupting around her. She looked to her sister. “Sarah, why would you get me these?”

“Well,” the teen shrugged her shoulders. “I figured that Brooke wouldn’t mind you finding religion in bed as long as you wore something ah…” Sarah smiled devilishly, “…inspirational.”

“Oh God.”

“C.C. took me to get them,” Sarah started to point the blame. “She said that Victoria’s Secrets was the only place that you shopped besides Frederick’s and there wasn’t any of those around.”

“Oh God.” The bride-to-be brought her hand to her face and hid in the material she was holding.

“Yeah, well you picked them out, Sarah,” C.C. tried to shift the blame away from herself.

“OH GOD!” Sam shook her head in disbelief as she pulled back to see that she’d been holding the crotchless panties to her face. “Well, I know one person that won’t mind having her face here.”

The pediatrician studied the look on Sam’s face, deciding that it was one of wonton desire as she hesitantly placed the clothing back into its box.

“Me thinks someone is missing, Brooke.” Terri motioned with her head to her sisters at the silent guest of honor. “She’s thinking about that wedding night already. Look how red she’s getting.”

Sam handed the box to Sarah, and then started to fan herself again. “God, isn’t anybody else hot in here?” She looked around the room until she heard C.C.’s voice.

“I am,” the brunette got up from her seat. “How about we go get some air?” C.C. made the offer to her friend as she started walking out of the room.

“Whew! Sounds good to me.” Sam rose from her chair. “Let’s go.”

Rounding the door into the bathroom, Sam closed it and looked up expectantly to C.C. “Well, where’s that flask?”

“What flask?” C.C. lifted the back lid off the commode and stuck her hand down in the water. Within seconds she emerged with her prize and turned holding a bottle of liquor in her hand. “Who needs a flask when I got the whole bottle?” The brunette grinned from ear to ear.

“Now that’s what I like,” Sam smiled as she watched C.C. unscrew the top off. “One well-prepared roomie.”

“That’s ex-roomie, Sam,” the brunette corrected her. “It’s your party. I’ll let you go first.” C.C. offered the opened bottle.

“Don’t mind if I do.” Sam took the bottle and raised it to her lips. After taking a long pull from it, she handed it back to C.C. “Your turn, ex-roomie,” Sam made sure to exaggerate the word.

The two young women exchanged the bottle amidst small talk and laughter, soon losing track of how long they were there, when the sound of a soft knock came to the door.

Annoyed by the interruption, C.C. pushed open the door. “What? Can’t you see we’re busy.” Her eyes fell on her sister Randi. “Oh, come on in and bring your friends with you.” She motioned with the bottle in her hand to Crystal and her mother. “Come on in, there’s plenty of room.” C.C. moved over to stand on the other side of the commode. “Sam, move on down there. Let’s give the late arrivals some room.”

“God, what is this, a party?” Sam laughed hysterically as she reached again for the bottle.

Randi moved closer to her sister and smacked her in the head with an open hand, then grabbed the bottle from her.

“Ow!” C.C. rubbed her head as she ducked away from another attempt. “What was that for?”

“So, you’re the one who took off with the whole bottle.” Randi looked at the liquor bottle to see that it was two drops fuller than empty, then turned to the others. “Who’s got that flask?”

The sound of a loud burp came from the far corner of the tiny room, drawing everyone’s attention to it. There stood Sandy with the opened flask still in her hand. “That’s some good stuff,” the woman said as she held the container up to see if there was any more left to drink. Seeing none, she turned it upside down. “Oops, all gone,” she said with a silly smile on her face.

Sam watched as the door opened and one by one the women filed out. “Hey, where’s everybody going?” She edged up behind C.C. as she moved closer to the door. “I thought we had a party going on.”

Feeling slightly dizzy, Sam braced her arms against the door frame. Within seconds she felt the nausea strike her as if someone had just jumped on her stomach. The blonde looked up to see two figures before her, her eyes crossing and unable to focus, she didn’t know who they were.

Terri studied Sam for only a moment. “You okay, kid? You don’t look so hot.”

Sam lowered one hand to her abdomen as another wave of nausea came over her. “Oh God…” she moaned, turning paler by the minute.

Sarah shook her head and sighed. “There she goes, praying again and Brooke’s not even here.” She placed one hand on her hip. “And all I wanted to do was to use the facilities.”

The physician looked at the assortment of women draped over anything that would hold their weight in sound sleep and smiled. “God, I feel just like I’m at work, even on my days off,” Terri muttered under her breath, then moved through the suite to the bedroom.

Opening the door, she looked in to see Sam finally asleep with one arm wrapped around C.C., while her other hand held on tightly to the empty ice bucket. Pleased that Sam had finally gotten a few hours of sleep, Terri turned to leave when she felt the touch of a gentle hand on her shoulder.

Looking back, she saw the top of her mother’s hair. “Hi, Mom.”

“Morning, Terri,” Mable greeted her daughter. “How’s your patient doing? Will she live to get married?”

“Take a look for yourself,” Terri moved away from the door. “She stopped throwing up around three in the morning. I figured I’d let her sleep as much as she can before her big day starts.”

“You know that wasn’t nice what all you girls did to Sam.” Mable gave Terri a stern look. “If I would have known sooner, I would have put a stop to it.”

“Mom, we’ve all been there on our last night of freedom. It’s just that you were never invited.” Terri tried to hide her need to grin. “Come on, I’m sure that even you did something a little over indulgent before you got married.” The physician tried to turn the tables on her mother.

“Well…” Mable’s eyes darted around the room for a moment, then settled back onto her daughter. “Now, Terri… she raised her finger to scold, then stopped abruptly. “Yeah, you’re right. Jenny Thompson and I stayed up all night and…” Mable turned her head, putting her hand up to halt the conversation. “This isn’t about me, young lady. Today is about Sam and your sister, Brooke.”

Terri smiled, pleased at having the heat suddenly evaporate from the smoldering fire of her mother’s anger. “You’re right, Mom. Today is about someone other than us. Here,” Terri motioned for her to come past her. “See for yourself. Sam is resting just fine.”

The matriarch pushed past her daughter, then craned her neck around the half-opened door to get a better look at the sleeping women. Smiling as she backed away, Mable turned to her physician-daughter. “Well, I guess if you can’t have the sister you love lying next to you, her closest sibling would be the best choice.”

Terri nodded. “Speaking of which, I’d better give Rick a call and see how our other bachelorette of the night is doing.”

“Yes, and while you’re at it, see how the rest of our brave warriors are doing, would you? I’m going to look in on the rest of this motley, drunken crew on the way out. Thanks for staying with them, Terri. I know that they’re in good hands,” Mable patted her daughter’s arm. “Just like Randi knows that her kids are with me.” Mable thought for a moment. “Hmph…that’s why you didn’t let me in on the…” the matriarch’s eyes got bigger. “Oh, you girls had this all figured out, didn’t you?”

“Uhh-huh…” Terri smiled. “Thanks Mom,” she winked, then rubbed one hand on her stomach. “I’ll remember that for future reference.”

“Anytime, Terri. I’m always happy to watch my grandchildren.”

Hearing a loud buzzing sound interspersed with gasps and snores that were coming from the area, she thought better of using the phone in the living room. “I think I’ll make that call to Rick from the bedroom. See ya later, Mom.” Terri saw the subtle nod of her mother’s head, then entered the bedroom where the sound of only two snoring people was more conducive to a phone conversation.

Picking up the telephone in the bedroom, Terri quickly placed her call to her husband. “Hey, Honey, how’s my sister doing?”

“Hi there, Beautiful,” he chuckled. “She’s doing fine. She’s nervous as all hell, but she’s okay otherwise. I can’t believe that she hasn’t thrown up yet.”

“She was like that even as a kid,” Terri informed her husband. “She’ll hold it in until she makes herself sicker.” Terri shifted the phone from one hand to another. “I hope that you’re letting her get some sleep. I figured that the buzz they both got should give them at least one good night of sleep,” Terri chuckled.

“Gee, thanks for the warning. So, how’s Sam doing?” Rick asked, using every means to spend some time with his wife.

“She’s good, now.” Terri turned to look at her patient. “Resting comfortably in C.C.’s bed. I’m glad that we made her get this suite now. I’ve got four more patients than I was planning on having, thanks to their wonton alcohol consumption out in the living room.”

“How was her party? Did she like that nightie you bought her?”

Terri thought for a moment, choosing her words carefully. “It was ah…” the Pediatrician giggled, “embarrassing for her, to say the least. I don’t think Sam’s going to remember much of it, though.” Terri looked over to the slumbering blonde. “I’m sure that Brooke will be the one to really appreciate my good taste in clothing.”

“Oh, sounds like she’s going to be a bit dehydrated when she gets up. Don’t let her be hungover, Babe.”

“I know, I know,” Terri rolled her eyes at her husband’s reminder. “Two liters of intravenous fluids and plenty of coffee and toast. Don’t worry, she’ll be fine by the time she has to walk down the aisle.”

“Right,” Rick agreed. “How’s everybody else, doing?”

Terri thought about her Mother’s term for the women sleeping off the effects of the liquor in the next room. “Well, I think we better have room service send us some Tylenol to each of the rooms. I’m sure that if my motley, drunken crew here is anything close to yours, there’s going to be plenty of headaches going around this morning.”

“GAWD,” the word was shouted, then followed by an immediate yelp of pained agony. “I’m in hell!”

Terri pulled the receiver away from her ear, then carefully listened until Brooke’s yelling stopped on the other end of the connection. “Rick, what are you guys doing to my sister? It sounds like you’re torturing her.”

“Oops, that’s my cue, Babe. I’ve gotta go, and no, we haven’t done anything to her.” He smirked, “She’s just got up with what I’d call a major headache.”

“Oh God, Brooke. That’s disgusting,” Brian called out loud enough for Terri to hear.

“What’s happening, Rick?”

“Brooke just barfed all over Brian’s shoes,” Rick groaned. “I hope he brought more than one pair with him ’cause those are wastebasket food now.”

Terri couldn’t help but laugh, having lost a few pairs of her own shoes in just the same manner. “Well, you’d better get going. Speaking of which, I’d better look back in on my women’s ward over here.”

“RICK!” Brian’s shrill cry broke the air. “Carry your sorry ass in here and fix this shit. You’re the doctor here.”

“Yeah,” Terri smirked, “I can hear that you guys showed her a really good time. Later, Rick.”

“Bye, Babe.”

Terri hung up the phone and looked over to the quietly sleeping blonde. “Boy, am I thankful that you did that last night and not this morning. I’m not too sure that I wouldn’t be joining you myself, now.” Terri reached into her pocket and pulled out her package of saltine crackers as she moved toward the door. She opened the plastic bag and promptly popped one of the morsels into her mouth. “Well, that’ll help my nausea.” She looked back to Sam one last time before exiting the room. “And as soon as you wake up, I’ll see what I can do to help yours.”

“Come on, Brooke, you’re fine. It’s just nerves.” Brian stood outside the bathroom door in his stocking feet. “We all do before we get married. Why in the hell do you think the custom of getting drunk the night before got started? It’s so everybody thinks that’s why you’re puking your guts out.”

“Go away, Brian.” Brooke’s lackluster voice came through the door.

“Brooke, I’m not going to be the one to tell you what to do, but if you don’t come out soon, you’re going to be late for your own wedding.” Brian began to pace, knowing that he too, still had to get dressed.

“Go away, I said.”

Hearing that, Brian threw his arms up in the air and started muttering under his breath. “Yeah, get me in trouble with your mother and my wife. Mable and Randi will have my head if they find out. It’s not bad enough you trashed my favorite pair of shoes.” He turned abruptly in midstep and looked up to see C.C. poking her head into the half-opened door to the room.

“Hey, Brian.” C.C. did a quick scan of the room with her eyes. “What’s the hold up? I thought that Brooke was supposed to meet with the minister at two?”

“C.C., thank God!” The exasperated man jumped for joy at the sight of seeing Brooke’s favorite sibling. “Hold up? Oh, nothing except she’s been throwing up for the last 2 hours. Maybe you can get her to come out.”

The brunette walked over to the bathroom door and gently tapped it. “Hey, Brooke.”

“No, not again.” Brooke moaned.

C.C. could hear the sound of dry heaves as she put her hand on the doorknob and started to turn it slowly. “You done doing that disgusting stuff? …’Cause if you’re not, I’m just gonna go tell Sam that you want to call it all off.”

“NO!” Brooke replied, without a second of hesitation.

The young woman at the door looked back into the room as Peter entered. She smiled at her sister’s reply. “So,” C.C. glanced over to Peter. “You coming out or what?”

“I don’t get it.” Peter spoke quietly, “Rick gave her that surefire remedy.” He looked over to Brian.

“Go on in, C.C.,” Brian encouraged her. “Maybe she won’t hit you.”

“It wouldn’t be the first time,” C.C. muttered, then turned back to the door, opening it slowly and peeking in. “You okay, Sis?”

Brian and Peter stood behind C.C., trying their best to see how Brooke was doing. Their eyes fell on a dark-haired woman sitting curled up in a ball, her face a ghostly pale shade of her real color.

“No.” Brooke raised her eyes to C.C. as she wrapped her arms around her legs, holding her knees close to her chest. “God, Chase…make it go away…puhleease.” The drummer closed her eyes and let her forehead come to rest on her knees.

“Good gods,” Brian gasped. “You look like Randi when she gets that first bout of morning sickness the minute that she’s pregnant.” The man quipped and gave a little laugh. Seeing Brooke’s pained look as she slowly turned her head in his direction and the fire in her steely blue eyes, he immediately stopped.

Before he could say another word, Brooke’s arm moved with a fluid motion, sending the shampoo bottle hurtling toward the door. Brian’s quick reflexes enabled him to grab the doorknob and yank it shut as C.C. just barely ducked out of the way. With a thud, the bottle hit and shattered, letting the gooey liquid to slowly ooze down the door.

“Jeez, Brooke,” C.C. straightened back up. “You could have ruined my outfit. You know, I didn’t get to bring my whole closet to pick and choose from.” She looked back down to her sister and a thought came to her mind. “Brooke,” She knelt down beside her and spoke softly. “You didn’t do anything…ah…stupid last night, did you?”

“Stupid? Like what?” She muttered, as she became tucked back into a ball again. “You mean other than being stupid enough to let every male in this family get me shit-faced?” Brooke lifted her head and shot a mean-eyed glance at C.C. “No.”

C.C. let out a sigh, “Whew…that’s a relief.”

“What did you think I did?” The arched eyebrow made its appearance making her face even harsher looking than before.

“Never mind, let’s just get you up and presentable.” C.C. tried to move on to another subject.

Brooke saw the lip biting of her sister and threatened her. “Tell me C.C., or so help me God, I’ll throw up on you right now.”

The brunette took in a breath. “Well, you know how guys are. I thought maybe that they got you one of those cake things…ah…with a sleepover or something. Or that maybe you…ah…sorta tried something that you knew you wouldn’t get, after today.” C.C. cringed as the flames of hell seemed to take up residence in Brooke’s gaze. “Not that you would have. I know better, but with the booze and all…”

“NO! NEVER!” Brooke started to rise to one knee, “How could you even think…” her speech was interrupted by the need of her body to expel both the contents of her stomach and the thought from her mind. She turned to the toilet and clung onto the ceramic bowl as she sang her praises to the porcelain god.

“Open mouth, insert foot,” C.C. muttered to herself as she helped her sister by holding back her long hair. “Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up and presentable.

The woman moved away from the bowl, taking the tissue that was handed to her and wiped her mouth. “Ugh.” She looked at it, then threw it into the mess as she reached for the handle to flush it away. Slipping back down and laying on the floor, Brooke wrapped her arms around her stomach. “Why do I have to feel like shit on my wedding day?”

“Seriously Sis,” the brunette sat down on the edge of the tub. “I think you would have been sick, no matter what day this was, after the party you had last night. I saw all those empty liquor bottles outside of the room when I came in.”



“What if she gets tired of me?” Brooke furrowed her brow even more. “What is she decides that she doesn’t love me anymore? Then what do I do?”

The brunette could not help but laugh. “Tired of you? Is that what all this is about?” C.C. slapped her own leg as she shook her head. “Never, Sis. It’s never going to happen. She loves you more than life itself.”

Brooke closed her eyes in prayer that her youngest sister was correct. Wanting the support and the closeness that she needed from C.C., Brooke slowly raised her upper torso off the floor and crawled over to her sister.

“What if I screw up, C.C.?” Brooke cast her eyes to the floor. “I don’t know how to be married.”

“I know that it’s scary, Brooke.” The brunette gently guided her sister’s head down onto her lap and stroked the long dark hair. “Trust me, I know that she loves you.” C.C. smiled then gave a little chuckle. “You know that Sam couldn’t stop talking about you all night?” She felt Brooke’s head turn to look up at her as she continued. “Even when she was blitzed, you were all that she talked about.”

“Really?” Brooke gulped, looking up for reassurance.

“Really.” C.C. nodded and smiled as she met her sister’s gaze. “Brooke, if you ask me, you’ve been married to her ever since you started dating her.”

There was a moment of silence while C.C.’s words sank in, then the subtle upturn came to Brooke’s lips when she had to agree that her sister was right.

Seeing the hint of color coming back into Brooke’s cheeks, C.C. gave her a comforting rub to her back. “Now what do you say we pull you together and get you to your own wedding.” C.C. bent over enough to make eye contact with Brooke. “Hmm…?”

“Maybe…” Brooke looked down at herself. “Maybe I should take another shower,” she stated. “and my teeth…God knows, I have to brush my teeth.”

The brunette raised her nose to sniff the air, then made a terrible looking face. “Yeah, that might not be such a bad idea if you plan on getting next to someone for the rest of your life.”

The young woman leaned into the mirror. She was amazed at the lack of any ill effects from the party the night before. Even her eyes showed no dark circles from the evening of drinking. In fact, if the truth was to be known, Sam felt pretty well rested at that. No one would have believed that she’d been throwing up until the wee hours of the morning.

Sam smiled when she heard the door open and Randi stuck her head in. Catching the lawyer’s eye, she motioned for her to come in.

“Thanks,” Randi gave her a little wave, then slipped into the room. “So, Sam, you ready for the ceremony?”

“Yeah,” she nodded. “Nervous but ready. Hey, Randi…” Sam watched as the tall woman’s eyes came to gaze in her direction. “Tell whomever it was, “thanks” from me, for getting me something other than that ski outfit to wear.”

“Sure,” the lawyer stood behind Sam and smiled. “So, Sam, do you have everything that you need for today…I mean…do you have something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue?

The blonde stared at the reflection of her outfit in the mirror. “God, I’m not sure. Do blue jeans count for both the old and blue?”

Randi laughed. “Don’t worry about it, kiddo. I…uh…I kind of took care of the new for you.”

“Huh?” Sam spun around and looked at the tall woman rather confused.

“Well…I don’t know,” the lawyer tugged at her earlobe. “I just thought that maybe…you know, later on down the road when your kids are looking at your wedding photos that you would want to… “

“Randi,” Sam smiled. “Kids, huh? I see that Julie’s been working on you about this, too.” She laughed at the lawyer’s slight tinge of blush that was growing up her face.

“I dunno…We thought that maybe you might like to have a dress instead of jeans. So, Thursday night before we went home after work, Brian and I met up and bought you this.” Randi went over to the closet in the room and retrieved the article of clothing. Turning, she presented it to Sam. “It’s not much, really, but we talked about it and just wanted to do something to let you know that…”

Sam watched as the older woman brought the dress closer to her. “Oh my God, it’s gorgeous.” The blonde reached out and felt the delicate material of one of the sheer sleeves. “Randi, you and Brian shouldn’t have…”

The smile stretched across Randi’s face, once she saw Sam’s reaction. “Well, I guess I wanted you to know that I’m sorry I was such a bitch with Brooke about you in the beginning. You’re the best thing that could’ve ever come her way. I can see that now.” The lawyer shrugged, “And well…it’s our way of saying, ‘Welcome to the family’ kiddo.”

Sam reached up and gave the tall woman a hug, kissing her softly on the cheek. “No apology necessary, Randi. I know that you were only protecting Brooke like you’d do for any of your sisters.”

“Yeah,” Randi handed her the dress. “Well, now I have you to think about, too.” She winked, then chuckled as she continued, “So if you ever need anything…”

“Thank you.” Sam took the dress in one hand as she gave the lawyer a hug with the other. Holding the dress up for both of them to admire, the blonde looked down to her own body. “Now, what can we do to replace these sneakers?” Sam laughed as she saw another woman’s reflection in the mirror.

“I’ve got that covered, Sis.” Sarah held up a pair of matching shoes as she ducked her head into the open door. “Here you go. Your ex-roomie said that you might want to be a little comfortable today. You know, like having a pair that are already broken in.” The teen came closer to the mirror. “She had me grab them out of your closet before we took off.” The teen looked over to Randi and smiled. “I think that she put the bug in C.C.’s ear.”

“Thanks, both of you.” Sam looked at Randi first, and then reached out to embrace Sarah. “God, I love having such thoughtful sisters.” The blonde straightened up, taking the shoes from Sarah and placed them on the floor. “Well, I guess that’s something old and something new,” she giggled.

“No,” Terri stood at the door of the room smirking. “You’ll get the old once you marry my sister.” The pediatrician laughed as she tossed her hands up in the air. “Hey, C.C.’s not here and I finally got a chance to get one in. That’s kid’s too quick for me anymore.”

Sam heard the knock on the door and hastily handed Randi the dress before heading out of the bedroom. “Well, at least she’s not the something borrowed.” Sam smiled devilishly, as she walked past Terri and entered the other room of the suite. “‘Cause I’m not giving her back.”

“I wonder who that could be?” Randi said after hearing the persistent knocking at the door. Within seconds, her brain engaged in thought with panic settling in her being. The lawyer’s eyes grew big as she pointed toward the door. “Stop her, Terri. God, that could be Brooke.”

The pediatrician turned to the door, but it was too late. Sam had too big of a lead on her to even attempt to stop her.

Hearing Brooke’s name being mentioned was all that it took to speed Sam to the door. With her heart beating anxiously in her chest, she grabbed onto the doorknob and flung open the door. “Brooke…” Sam looked up to see a familiar looking face on the other side of the doorway.

“Oh, sorry. I was…I was expecting someone else, Mrs. Humphreys.”

“Well, my, my, my, Ms. Moleson…” Janet cocked her head to one side, “…or should I say Mrs. Gordon?”

“I…I…I’m not sure,” Sam was surprised by the question. “Ah…Come in.” Sam stepped back to allow her to enter.

“Thank you.” Janet entered, watching as the blonde stuck her head out into the hallway, looking first to the left then to the right. “Ah…Sam?”

“Yes Mrs. Humphreys?” the young woman reluctantly entered the room again, closing the door.

“When we’re not in class, you can call me Janet. That just seems too weird having your oldest friend’s spouse call you by such a formal title.”

Green eyes sparkled with the giddiness of a schoolgirl. “Yeah, I guess so.” The shy smile couldn’t stop the hint of a blush that came to her face.

“So, are you gonna try that dress on or do we all have to use our imaginations?” The professor pointed to the dress still in Randi’s hand.

“You know, Sam, it’s getting close to the time we have to leave.” Terri looked to her watch.

“Just give me a minute or two to change,” Sam moved toward the bedroom when she heard a snapping sound come from behind her. Turning, she impulsively put her hand in front of her face and caught the blue blur that was coming at her.

“Don’t forget that. You’ll be needing it.” Janet called out with a smile.

“Hey, what is it.” Sam held it up to look at the article. “A garter…well, that’s something blue.” The blonde beamed back a gracious smile. “Thanks, Janet,” she made it a point to use the woman’s first name this time, then took the dress from Randi’s hand and pulled Sarah into the bedroom to help her. “Come on, Sarah, give me a hand. I’ll be out in a minute,” she promised the rest of the women, then closed the door.

The professor looked over to Randi and shook her head. “And to think that we were just like that on our wedding days.” ‘Both of them shared a laugh as Janet walked over to stand by the lawyer. “Thanks for calling me last night, Randi. I would’ve hated to miss this. I’m sorry I missed out on the double bachelorette party.”

“Well, from what I heard from Brian when he was getting dressed, I’m not sure you would have been too comfortable at Brooke’s.” Randi giggled, “It seems she was beating them at their own games.”

“You know your sister,” Janet chuckled. “She’s always got to show the guys up.”

“Yeah, I know. You’d think that the whole lot of them would learn by now.” Randi turned at the sound of knocking and looked to the door. “Okay, now who?”

Terri crossed the room and opened the door. “Mom, come on in.” She stepped back and held the door while Mable and her group came marching in.

“Where’s Sam?” Mable stepped in, scouring the room for her new daughter-in-law to be.

“Oh…I hope we’re not too late,” Sandy said with a worried tone of voice.

“Now, Mom, you know that cousin of mine ain’t going nowhere without her posse of girls around her. There’s no way that we’re letting Brooke see her now.” Crystal winked to Randi and patted Terri on the shoulder. “Is she getting dressed?”

“Where’s Ida?” Randi looked for the woman as they entered the room.

“She’s downstairs making sure everything is set up the way it should be.” Mable looked around, then whispered, “If you ask me, you’d think she was the nervous mother of the bride.”

“Mom, I just think she wants everything to be right for Brooke. God knows, your daughter probably gave Ida a list of things to do before Brooke even came up here with Sam.”

The matriarch nodded. “You’re probably right, too.” She turned to talk to Sandy when, out of the corner of her eye, she caught the bedroom door opening. “Sh…I think the bride’s ready to meet her audience.” Mable smiled as she gestured the women over with her hands.

The bedroom door opened and Sarah came out in advance of her sister. Walking several steps into the room, she turned and motioned to the doorway with her arm. “Presenting to you, on this her Wedding Day, the…”

“Knock it off, Sarah,” the blush was already crawling up Sam’s face. “We don’t have all day.” The bride-to-be came into the room and smiled at the assembled women, turning slowly around as she moved forward into the center of the room. “So, what do you think?” Sam looked eagerly into their eyes. “Will I knock her dead or what?”

“WOOHOO!” Crystal let out with a yell.

“Sam, you’re…you’re beautiful.” Sandy brought her hand up to her mouth.

“You are, Sam. Just simply…beautiful,” Mable concurred as her eyes grew bigger and a pleased smile settled on her face.

“Brooke will pass out on the spot when she catches her first sight of you,” Terri offered her opinion.

Randi raised an eyebrow to her sister. “Well, that’s the benefit of having a doctor or two in the family, Terri. We won’t have to delay the wedding waiting for someone to come and revive her.” Turning toward Sam, she smiled, then added her own thoughts. “That dress does you justice, Sam.”

“Damn right, on both accounts. You’re going to stop her heart for sure,” Terri agreed as they all shared in the laughter.

Mable walked over to Sam and looked at her more closely for a moment before turning to Sam’s aunt and calling her over. “I don’t know, Sandy.” Mable’s face grew pensive. “There’s still something missing.”

Letting her eyes inspect her niece, Sandy agreed. “You’re right, Mable. Something is missing. It’s just too empty looking there with that scoop neckline.” The older woman looked to the Gordon matriarch for confirmation of her observation.

“Hmm…” Mable cocked her head to one side, then to the other. “I don’t know.” She circled Sam once more, then nodded. “I’m thinking that her neck is too bare.”

“That could be it,” Sandy nodded to her desperately waiting niece.

“Well, what the hell is it that we need. I’ll run and get it,” Crystal stepped forward, offering her assistance.

Seeing the worried look on Sam’s face, Mable took the blonde’s hand and patted it. “Actually Sam, your aunt and I decided to go in together on the something old.” Mable looked over to Sandy.

“Yeah,” Sam’s aunt smiled. “Now turn around and let us put it on you.” Sandy pulled out a small jewelry box and opened it up for Mable.

Sam waited patiently as she felt the piece of jewelry being placed around her neck. “What is it?” The blonde’s fingers ran over it as Mable secured the clasp behind Sam’s neck.

“We combined our two wedding days to help you get through yours.” Mable spoke softly, “I wore the cameo the day that I married Henry and your Aunt wore the chain the day that she married your Uncle.”

“Johnny would have been so pleased to see you wearing this today, Sam.” Sandy smiled sweetly at the thought of her departed husband with the mist of a tear accumulating in her eye.

“Oh my God. Aunt Sandy,” Sam turned to see Mable, “Mom, you didn’t have to do this.”

“But we wanted to, Sam. We both love you.”

Sam moved to see her reflection in the mirror on the wall. “I…I don’t know what to say.” She turned to look at the room full of women who were making such a positive impression on her life. “Thank you…thank you all for everything.”

“You’re welcome.” The same phrase could be heard repeating itself as each woman replied in turn.

After letting Sam’s sentiments sink in, Janet spoke up. “Hello, people. We’re still not done, here.” She clapped her hands to get everyone’s attention. “We’ve got the new dress, the old jewelry, and the blue garter, but Sam’s still missing something from the borrowed category.” She looked over to the door to see the youngest Gordon sibling walking in. “Do we have any suggestions?” The professor looked directly at C.C.

“Hey, I could let you borrow my little black book.” C.C. started fishing for it in her purse.

“I don’t think she’ll be needing that, Brat,” Randi piped in. “Remember, she’s getting married today. And besides, what would she want with all those guys in your book. Huh?”

“She’s right, C.C.” Sam wrinkled her nose and giggled. “I don’t think that Brooke would think it too amusing.”

“Okay, so…ah…how about…” the brunette looked around the room as she thought, then slowly put her hand into her purse. “How about I let you use this music that I burned for your wedding?” C.C. pulled a shiny looking CD out of her purse and held it up for all to see.

“Hmm…” Sam smiled. “Does it have my favorite artist on it?”

“Well, duh.” C.C. looked shocked. “I only lived with you. You don’t think that I’d forget, do you? I mean you are marrying her today and she is my sister.”

Sam chuckled, “I guess not. Thanks, C.C.”

“So, C.C.,” Janet called out, then laughed. “How’s the ‘Groom’ doing?”

“Well,” the brunette let her face take on a tentative look. “She’s getting there, slow but sure.” C.C. chuckled, thinking of Brooke’s nerves about the big day finally coming to the surface.

“Oh, yeah?” Janet pushed for more information. “Is it her nerves or is she just being picky as usual?”

C.C. thought for a moment, noticing the intent stare that she was getting from Sam. Slowly the brunette nodded and began to speak. “You could say that.” C.C. gazed over to Sam and smiled. “That and a little Southern Comfort for good measure.” She gave her ex-roomie a wink as the rest of the room started to chuckle.

Sam watched her fidgeting father as he straightened his tie again in the short span of time that it took her to walk down the hallway. Coming to a stop next to her father, Sam turned to him and asked, “Are you okay with this, Daddy? You seem a little nervous.”

His chest puffed out with pride as he complimented his oldest daughter. “Sweetheart, I don’t think I’ve ever been any better. You’re absolutely beautiful, Samantha.”

“Thanks, I just hope that Brooke thinks so, too.” Sam’s upturned lips edged into a full smile.

“Oh, I’m sure she will. You know, she couldn’t stop talking about you last night. We had to actually physically restrain her at one point because she wanted so much to get back to you.” Samuel took his daughter’s hands and held on to them as he gave her a kiss on her cheek.

“You didn’t hurt her, did you?” Sam’s face took on a concerned look.

“No, of course not.” Samuel shook his head as his hands waved the idea off. “She fell asleep right afterward, whispering your name the entire time.” The man took in a deep breath and smiled. “You did good, Baby. Brooke’s a wonderful person and so very lucky to have you in her life.”

Sam smiled as she started to feel the heat of a blush as it climbed up her neck. “Thank you for looking at the person, Daddy, and not just the gender.”

“Yeah, well…” Samuel sighed. “I just wish that some things could have been…well…different.”

“I know.” Sam looked down to the ground. “Maybe once Mother really gets to know Brooke…” the blonde paused for a moment and gulped, “…and me, for that matter, I hope she’ll change.”

There was a quiet moment between father and daughter as Samuel took the bride in his arms and hugged her. He kissed her on the forehead, then whispered into her ear. “We all can change, Samantha, it just takes some longer than others. Don’t give up on her, yet.” He pulled himself back from his daughter and looked into her eyes from arm’s length. “Okay?”

Sam looked into her father’s green eyes and hoped that he was right. “Okay,” she gave a slight nod to her head, then turned, listening to the music that was beginning to play. “Daddy, I think it’s time.” Half torn between being her father’s little girl and the grown-up woman role that she’d assume at the end of her arm-in-arm walk with her father, Sam felt a single tear work its way to the surface as it spilled over and ran down her cheek.

Seeing the tear, Samuel caught it with his finger, then gave her cheek a tender kiss. “You’ll always be my little girl.” Clearing his throat, he held out a bent arm to his daughter.

“Thanks, Daddy.”

“Come on. I believe that a beautiful creature is waiting to spend the rest of her life with you.”

Sam took in a deep breath and wrapped her hands around his arm, then nodded her consent to begin the walk that would deliver her into the arms of everlasting love. “God, I hope so. I know I’m ready to spend it with her.”

Brooke stood in the front of the room as the last of her family was seated. After wiping her face with her hand, she reached out and touched the podium that she was standing next to. Tapping on it a time or two, her gaze fell upon her mother and she jerked her hand back, stuffing it into her suit coat pocket.

Oh God, stomach, not now. Brooke reflexively brought her other hand up to lay on her abdomen as she tried to settle the rumbling monster of her inner depths. Give me a break here, will ya? She felt another queasy feeling coming over her and looked to her side for some comfort from the man next to her.

Peter stood there, thankful that he was only standing up for and not in place of his longtime friend. He caught the tapping of Brooke’s foot, figuring that she was keeping time with the music that was now filtering through the room. In an effort to calm his own nerves, he started to keep the beat with the music, only to realize that his famed friend and drummer was tapping nowhere near the beat of the song. If he were playing to her rhythmic ministrations, it would be to the tune of a minute waltz in half the time. That was his first indication as to just how nervous his friend was.

“Hey, would you stop that,” Peter leaned into Brooke and whispered. “You’re making me nervous.” The man motioned to her tapping toe.

“Huh? Oh…yeah.” Brooke turned to look at her friend. “You’re positive I gave you her ring, right?” The woman was searching her own pocket now for something to keep her mind occupied with.

He reached out and placed his hand on top of hers, stopping her frantic search. “Brooke, I got it right here.” Peter patted his own suit coat pocket. “Chill out, my friend. Do what I do before a big gig. When I’m standing there waiting for the curtain to go up, I just grab the first song that comes to my head and go with it. Let it take over your mind.” He brought his hand to her shoulder and gave it a good squeeze. “When the song’s over, you’ll know what to do.” Peter winked, “Trust me.”

Worried blue eyes locked onto Peter’s face. “I just want this to be over with. I need to know that she hasn’t changed her mind.”

“Well, I’d volunteer to go upstairs and ask her but…” Peter motioned with his head to the back of the room, “I don’t think that is what’s on her mind right now.” He nudged Brooke. “Here she comes now. Go on, look back there.” Peter let his eyes drift to the woman coming down the stairs.

Excited, yet startled at the thought, Brooke turned to look at the back of the room, her long dark hair sweeping across her shoulders as she did so. The sight of Sam dressed in white and on her father’s arm, took Brooke’s breath away.

“Oh God! She’s beautiful,” Brooke murmured. “But where did that dress come from? I completely forgot to pack a dress.”

Unsure of whether it was the iridescent shimmer of the material that Sam’s dress was giving off or the glow coming from her lover’s face, Brooke stood there mesmerized. The rapid beat of her heart and the warmth that she felt growing inside her soon affected her sight, causing the world to fade away, leaving only the woman that held her soul in her hands, Sam. Each second that she watched as the small blonde came closer to being by her side, now seemed twice as long as the last hours that she spent without Sam the night before. She could feel her nerves standing on end as she waited to be joined to her forever.

Brooke started to do what Peter had suggested only minutes earlier. She took the first song that came into her head and went with it, letting her mind concentrate on Sam and the music that it was providing.

Hold it right there, don’t say a word…

I hear a voice, I’ve never heard

Calling my name, saying this is the one,

Oh, my goodness, what have you done?

I could turn around and walk away saying this is too good to be real,

But oh no…I don’t think I will…

She watched as the vision in white slowly turned to look at the man next to her then smiled, and together they started down the aisle.

Because I absolutely, positively, know without a doubt…

You’re becoming someone I just could not live without

I was so afraid I’d spend my whole life not knowing how this feels…

But, oh no…I don’t think I will…

Blonde hair shimmered as the light reflected off of it. The glow was rivaling the radiance of her smile as she greeted each of their close friends or family. With every step, she made her way closer to the heart that was aching to embrace her.

I could just do what I did before…

Blame it all on the moon, say it’s nothing more

than the pull of the tide and it’s gonna pass…

But something’s telling me, this time it’s gonna last

I should close my eyes and just pretend; I don’t feel the way I feel?

But oh no… I don’t think I will…

Brooke’s mind zeroed in on Sam as she paused at Mable’s side. The allure of the woman was far greater than she’d ever realized. Here, in one instant of time, were the two women that she held most dear to her heart. As if some mantel of honor was being handed over, Brooke watched as her mother reached out to Sam, then, with a glance in her direction, she sent the young woman over to her.

Because I absolutely, positively, know without a doubt…

You’re becoming someone I just could not live without

I was so afraid I’d spend my whole life, not knowing how this feels…

Looking into the green eyes that now gazed upon her, Brooke waited for Sam to come the last few steps toward her and their life together as one. The longing of their souls for one another was now evident to all who saw them.

But Oh no… I don’t think I…

Oh yes… I don’t think I…

Oh no,…I don’t think I will

Lost in her emotions, Brooke couldn’t help but stare into the welcoming seas of love that she found in Sam’s eyes, as the woman came to stand beside her. It was then that the music inside her head came to an end and the sound of the minister’s voice brought her to the present.

“Who gives this woman away?” The man’s voice rose above the sound of people shifting in their seats.

“I do,” Samuel answered him, then looked over to his daughter and smiled as he patted her hand, then kissed her cheek. Slowly he pulled his arm from hers and moved back to sit next to Sarah and his sister, Sandy.

With their long separation now ended, Brooke could not contain her natural need to touch the woman she loved. Taking her hand, Brooke let her finger glide over Sam’s cheek as she mouthed what her heart was screaming, “I love you.” The musician stood there, watching as green eyes sent out their message in return and Sam’s lips silently conveyed what she too had needed to say.

The soft sound of the minister clearing his throat soon got their attention. “Well, now that we’re all here…” he smiled at the couple before him, turning a deaf ear to the giggling that his statement brought on. “Let’s get on with the ceremony. As you all know, God works in very mysterious ways. None of which he cares to enlighten us on, but ones that he deems as right for each one of us. Today, we see one of those ways come into being.” He looked to the couple, then down into the book in his hand. “Today, we see the love that Samantha and Brooke share as it takes on a new dimension, a new beginning if you will.”

Taking off his glasses, the minister looked out to the group gathered around. “As part of his mission for all of us, God has brought this group of family and friends together to bear witness and rejoice in the union of two souls.” He cleared he throat, then set the glasses back onto his nose. “Does anyone here know of any reason why these two children of God should not be joined in this civil union?” His eyes roamed the room as he uttered his words of caution. “Speak now or forever hold your peace.”

Lost in their love for one another, neither Brooke nor Sam saw the concerned look on the official’s face when the door in the rear of the room flew open. Even the hushed whispers from their families didn’t disturb the couple as the group’s anxious speculations began to grow louder.

The minister’s cold stare now concentrated on the shapely-silhouetted figure in the doorway. “Yes?” he asked, his voice wavering slightly. All eyes turned to the rear of the room as the figure took a step forward.

With a nudge from Peter, Brooke’s gaze was directed to the back of the room. Blue eyes wandered over the woman’s figure, while the silence of the moment pounded loudly in Brooke’s ears. She held onto Sam’s hand, fearing the worst. Standing motionless, holding her breath, Brooke was half-afraid that the life would be sucked right out of her. Then, in the blink of an eye, all her fears came cascading down on her as she imagined her life without Sam by her side. It was more than she ever cared to bear. Half crushed by the feelings that she was sorting out, she never saw the woman look around the room.

“Sorry, wrong room.” The woman’s high-pitched voice squeaked out her apology. “I was looking for the Horowitz reception.” She shrugged then backed out of the room, letting the door close softly after her.

Peter breathed a sigh of relief along with just about everyone else as the group began to relax. Turning to his ex-band mate, he noticed that she was still staring at the door, her body not even moving with the need to breathe.

Nudging her in the back, Peter got Brooke’s attention. “Breathe, Brooke. Breathe or there won’t be a ceremony,” he whispered in her ear, then stood back, ready to catch her if she fell.

The woman took in a long, deep breath, and then looked over to Sam, realizing that her dream had not been shattered. The small blonde stood solidly by her side, holding her hand. Their eyes met as they turned back to the minister, and Brooke knew in her heart that nothing could ever come between them.

Dabbing his brow with a handkerchief, the minister loosened his collar. “Okay, shall we continue on then?” He looked to the two women before him. “Brooke, would you like to start?”

The dark-haired woman swallowed quickly and took in a deep breath. God, don’t let me flub this one up. Brooke turned to Sam and looked directly into her green eyes. “Today I will marry my friend, the one I will live with, dream with, and love.” She paused long enough to smile, and then let her heart speak what it was holding inside for all to hear. “I, Brooke, take you, Sam, to be my wife. From this day forward I will cherish you, I will look with joy down the path of our tomorrows, knowing that we will walk it together, side by side, hand in hand, and heart to heart.”

Brooke could feel her own heart begin to race as she neared the end of her declaration of love. “You are the love of my life, my reason for living, the inspiration that I have always sought and, as such, I pledge my undying love to you for the rest of my life.”

“That’s beautiful, Brooke.” Sam’s whispered words caught her by surprise.

“So are you, my love.”

“Sam,” the minister cleared his throat again. “Sam, do you have something to say in response to Brooke?”

“Yes,” Sam nodded as she reached out to hold both of Brooke’s hands in her own. “I love you, Brooke, with all my heart and soul, as you are everything that I could ever hope to find in a woman. You are loving, thoughtful, caring, smart, and beautiful in my eyes.” Sam smiled as she stared more intently into tranquil pools of blue. “Your love always makes me fell like the happiest and luckiest woman alive. I’m proud to have you as my life’s partner, my wife, and I promise you that I will be at your side, through good and bad, giving you everything that is in my power, to assure your health and happiness for as long as I live.” Sam noticed the misty look in Brooke’s eyes as her emotions were starting to come to the surface. “From this day forward, our lives will be intertwined forever, blessed in faith, filled with compassion, understanding, and love.”

Sam raised one hand to Brooke’s cheek and caught the single tear that escaped her lover’s eye. “I love you,” Sam smiled.

“I love you too, Sam.”

Sensing the rising emotions in the room, the minister smiled at the couple in front of him, then turned his attention to the group of well-wishers seated around them. “There, you’ve heard their declarations of love for one another in their own words. From now on, let the union of these two souls, united in love, be symbolized for all to see in the form of the rings that they will now exchange between them.” The minister’s eyes now came to rest on Brooke.

Startled by the nudge at her elbow, Brooke took the ring offered to her from Peter’s outstretched palm, glancing into her friend’s eyes with a look of thanks. Turning toward Sam, Brooke took the woman’s left hand and slowly slid the ring into place, then brought it up to her lips, laying a gentle kiss upon it. “Forever, my love,” Brooke whispered loud enough for only Sam to hear.

The blonde held her breath as she pulled her hand away, savoring the sensations of love and belonging that Brooke’s kiss had given her. Hesitantly, she turned to look over at her cousin, Crystal. Sam waited patiently as the woman rose from her seat and stood next to her, holding out her hand.

“Here ya go, Sam,” Crystal smiled, first at her cousin, then over to Peter on the other side of Brooke. “Sorry I missed my cue,” she whispered as Sam’s chilled fingertips touched her hand.

Turning from Crystal, Sam brought Brooke’s left hand into her own and slid the ring into place on the tall woman’s finger. Holding Brooke’s left hand with her own, Sam held them close to her heart, then looked down on the two rings as they came together, side by side. “Forever, side by side,” Sam whispered, offering it up in a prayer.

Placing a finger under Sam’s chin, Brooke tilted the woman’s face upward to gaze deeply into her eyes.

Touched by the reverence of the love he had just witnessed, the minister sniffed back a tear. “Well, now that we have all that taken care of…” he looked from one woman to the other, realizing that neither was paying him any attention. He continued on anyway.

“May I present to you, joined this day in marriage in the state of Vermont…” he paused, realizing that they had never told him their wishes as to how they wanted to be addressed. Seeing that they were more concerned with one another than his plight, he made his own mind up, coming to a decision in the matter. Looking out to the assembled group, he declared their union together, “…The Moleson-Gordon’s.” He looked to the couple before him and gave his blessing to what they were already engaged in. “You may kiss your bride.” He closed the book in his hands as the smile grew on his face.

All eyes in the room were riveted on the happy couple embraced in a passionate kiss. The occasional flash kept going off as each family member decided the best way to remember the day. Brian, of course, stepped out of his seat as he walked around the couple, practicing with his new digital video cam to record the event for future reference.

Impulses were going off left and right, as Brooke’s body eased into the kiss and let it deepen. Her mind was a racing carousel of images recalled from the time that she had first met the small blonde. The last image of which stayed to the forefront of her mind. It was the look of pure love in Sam’s face as she had leaned in to kiss her in their first official act as a joined couple, which she knew that she would remember forever.

With her senses keenly attuned to her lover’s body, Brooke felt a sense of alarm at the sudden stiffening that her body was being met with. Turning her senses back to the world around her, Brooke’s eyes opened to see two angry green eyes staring at her from the back of the room, causing her to straighten up, pushing Sam behind her.


The loud screech of her lover’s name settled into her gut like a bomb waiting to explode. The next thing that Brooke knew, there was a bevy of lights flashing in their direction as a steady stream of people came rushing into the room. Each one was yelling out questions and demanding answers. As they moved forward, they shoved their outstretched hands with microphones in them toward the front of the room, circling in on the couple like sharks in the sea. The only difference between these predators and sharks seemed to be the use of cameras and recording devices as they came rushing in for the kill.

“Huh?” Blue eyes looked to the mangle of inquiring voices as if she were a deer caught in someone’s headlights. Brooke felt Sam’s arms wrap tightly around her waist and the tall woman clenched her fists, preparing for the battle of her life.

The End

Continued in Wedding Bell Blues

Song lyric is “One In A Million” written by Steve Brown. The song “playing” in Brooke’s head is “I Don’t

Think I Will” as sung by James Bonamy.

Well. THAT’S it… Unbroken is COMPLETE! Thanks for an amazing first season… I guess we forgot to mention that when we originally wrote this over a decade ago, that we posted a new chapter at the same time on the same day every week as if it were a television series (inspired by a weekly Uber called “Exposure” which was co-authored by XWPFanatic, Tonya Muir (R.I.P, Tonya!) and TNovan.)

Thanks for reading!

-Carrie & KD

Copyright ©2008-2011
