Chapter 3 Clueless

“…Oh, no. Not me…I’ll be a rainbow in your eyes…”

After an evening of dinner and family fun at the Gordon’s, the roommates returned to their dorm. Anticipating the start of classes the next morning, they looked over their schedules and set their alarms, hoping that the start of a new school year would not be too intrusive of a beginning to their lives as seniors on campus.

With a towel wrapped around her head and her nightshirt on, Sam returned from her shower only to find C.C. sitting cross-legged on top of her comforter, looking over the campus newspaper. The tired blonde sat down on her own bed then reached over to her nightstand, pressing the play button on the cassette player.

Sam unwrapped the towel from her hair. “Do you mind?” She asked her roommate, nodding her head in the direction of the music filtering through the speakers, the familiar rhythm of the drums bringing a smile to the blonde’s face.

“Not at all. Go ahead.” The long brown hair of the girl swayed with the movement of her head as she recognized the beat. If the truth were known, C.C. rather enjoyed hearing the songs once again. They had not graced the Gordon home since Brooke all but banned them after coming home from that last tour. For a brief moment, C.C. wondered what the reason had really been.

“So…anything interesting in there?” Sam asked as she rubbed her hair with the towel.

“Not really. Just the normal early semester bullshit about returning to classes and whatnot,” C.C. answered.

Sam grabbed her own copy and began to thumb through the pages. Her eyes lit up as one announcement in particular drew the gaze of her green eyes. “Ooh. Clueless is playing this weekend. I’ve always wanted to see that movie.”

“You’ve never seen it?” C.C. asked in disbelief. Inwardly, she cringed. She had never been a huge Alicia Silverstone fan herself, but she remembered that Brooke loved that movie. The brunette let a smile creep onto her face as she began to formulate a plan. “Well, maybe we can check it out,” C.C. offered.

“Really?” Sam’s eyes grew wide in amazement. “You wouldn’t mind? I’m sure you’ve probably seen it already.”

“Once or twice, but it’s been a while,” C.C. shrugged her shoulders. “We’ll figure it out later in the week, okay?” She glanced over at her roommate, and by the look on Sam’s face, she knew her answer.

“Great.” The determined smile was almost infectious. “Thanks, C.C., I really appreciate it.”

“No problem.” She placed the paper on the shelf of her nightstand, then nodded her head in the direction of the computer the two girls shared. “I’m just going to check my mail before turning in. Do you need anything on the computer before I do?” The computer belonged to C.C. but she made sure that Sam knew she was welcome to use it whenever she needed.

“Nope. Thanks.” Sam shook her head as she watched C.C. walk over to the desk and log onto the Internet, pulling her first e-mail up to read.

The young blonde busied herself with her hair as she waited for her roommate to finish, then she said what had been on her mind for the last few minutes.

“I really want to thank you for letting me tag along with you to dinner. Your family is very nice, and they really made me feel welcome.” Sam couldn’t believe what a great time she had. She was nervous at first but the closeness of C.C.’s family soon made her feel right at home. Actually, she felt more at ease at their house than she ever did in her own home.

C.C. turned around as she waited for the next piece of e-mail to download. “Oh, you’re welcome, Sam. You’re more than welcome to go with me any time you’d like. I go home quite a bit and I’m sure everyone would love to see you again. Terri even said so, herself.”

Noticing the far away look on Sam’s face, she guessed that Terri wasn’t the sister that the blonde had on her mind. “Brooke seemed to like you,” C.C. added as an afterthought as she turned back around to face the computer screen. She pulled one leg up under her as she began to read her mail.

“Really? How do you know?” Sam asked, wondering why C.C. turned their conversation down this particular path.

The girl tossed her brown hair and merely rolled her eyes as she turned around towards Sam. “Please, you’re kidding, right? I’m closer to Brooke than the others. Not that I don’t love them, too but,” C.C. paused for a second in thought, “I don’t know, Brooke and I have always been tighter. Randi and Terri are the same way. I know her and take my word for it, she likes you.” C.C. watched for a moment as Sam mulled this information over, biting on her bottom lip as she did so.

“She was really nice…” Sam began but was cut off by C.C.

“You can say it.” The brown eyebrow rose slightly in challenge, “And nice looking. I saw the way you looked at her.” C.C. couldn’t help but tease her friend.

Sam looked up, horrified that someone else noticed. “I wasn’t…”

“It’s okay, Sam. No one else noticed, honest. They would have ragged you about it, otherwise. And Brooke was so busy dealing with Mom and all of our shit there’s not enough money in the world that could have bought her a clue. Don’t worry about it,” C.C. assured her roommate and heard the audible sigh of relief.

“I can’t believe you noticed,” Sam shook her head in disbelief as the next song began to play. “I thought I was pretty stealthy when it came down to checking out the babes,” the blonde shook her head and chuckled. “Guess I need more practice, huh?”

“Don’t worry about it,” C.C. stressed to her friend, as another idea formed in her head. “Hey, why don’t you e-mail Brooke and thank her as well?” C.C. turned, from her monitor to see the bug-eyed look of shock on Sam’s face. “Oh, come on, Sam. You’re more nervous around me right now than you were around her this afternoon.”

She got up from the chair and walked over to the closet. After fishing around for a moment or two, she pulled her wallet out of her purse. Upon retrieving a white business card from it, she walked back to Sam, and then placed it into the woman’s hand.

“Trust me, Sam. I wouldn’t tell you to do it if I didn’t think she’d enjoy it. I’m all done with the computer. You can do it right now if you’d like.”

The blonde sat on her bed and gazed into the brown eyes looking back at her. When she didn’t see the teasing gleam that seemed to permanently take up residence there, she slowly nodded in agreement to do just that.

“Okay,” Sam gave in. She got up from her bed and made her way over to the computer via the bathroom, where she placed her wet towel to dry.

Sam glanced down to the plain white card in her hands.

Brownstone Records

“In 7 days, the Earth was created. On the 8th day, it was plugged in.”

Brooke L. Gordon, C.E.O.

Trying not to interfere with her roomie’s thinking process, C.C. climbed into bed and double-checked the time she had set for her alarm to go off. Turning off her lamp, the lanky girl settled into the mattress as she waited for sleep to embrace her. The soft sound of Sam pecking away at the keyboard acted like the soothing sound of rain falling on the roof, lulling her to sleep.

“C.C.?” Sam’s voice was soft as it fell on the girl’s ear.

The sleepy-eyed woman rose up on one elbow to look at her friend across the small room. “Yeah?”

“Is your name really Chase?” Sam asked as she began to giggle. The blonde hit the key marked enter, sending her e-mail then turned around, expecting an answer. Instead, she was greeted by C.C.’s flying pillow.

The C.E.O. of Brownstone Records was always extremely punctual. This Monday morning was no exception. Brooke entered her office at exactly eight in the morning after her customary greetings to the small staff that surrounded her on the office level of the building. Most of them had been with her from the beginning of the company, becoming a second family of a sort during her working hours.

Crossing over to her desk, the tall woman put her briefcase down and moved to the comfortable chair that was only for her. When all of her necessary organizational maneuvering was finished, she sat there glancing out the window. Deep in thought ever since leaving her parent’s house the evening before, she found herself wondering about her life.

Her mother’s prodding was nothing new to her and she normally took it in stride. She had no idea why yesterday should have been any different. Then, out of nowhere, the image of one petite blonde with green eyes came floating back through her mind.

It had been so long since she thought about giving anybody a second look for any reason that it was throwing her off a bit. Why now, and why all of a sudden? What exactly am I thinking of in reference to this blonde? The usually clear-headed executive felt like her brains were all jumbled, especially when the colors of green and gold came together in the form of her youngest sister’s roommate.

Shaking off the thoughts that kept trying to invade her mind, Brooke thought it best if she’d try to get some work done. Reflexively, she booted up her computer and typed in her network password. Then, continuing as she did everyday, her next course of action was to check her e-mail to see which band wanted her to come hear them, knowing that they were the next ‘big thing’ to hit the world of music.

Her blue eyes scanned the messages that had come pouring in freely over the weekend, filling her inbox. One in particular caught her eye with a simple subject of “Hi!” She didn’t recognize the addy and curiosity got the better of her. Before she realized it, a long, sinewy finger clicked the mouse over it, causing it to open.

Subj: Hi!

Date: August 19, 9:55:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Sam Moleson

To: brookeloran


Just wanted to say thanks for making me feel at home in the dinner setting you and your family provided. I hope that we can spend more time together.

Hey, we all march to the beat of a different drum otherwise we’d be damn tired of hearing the same song.

Brooke thought it a bit ironic to be reading an e-mail from the young woman who had been popping in and out of her thoughts since walking out the front door of her parent’s house yesterday evening. She couldn’t explain it. She felt giddy, for lack of a better word. Normally, she wouldn’t reply to someone she didn’t really know. Actually, unless it was an immediate member of her family, she wouldn’t really give it another thought. Before she had time to consider what she was doing, she was pressing the reply button.

Subj: Re: Hi!

From: brookeloran

To: Sam Moleson

In a message dated August 19, 9:55:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time, Sam Moleson writes:

Hey, we all march to the beat of a different drum otherwise we’d be damn tired of hearing the same song.

Hmmm…You DO have a thing for drummers, huh? You are very welcome. I’m glad you enjoyed yourself around my warped family. We’ll have to see what can be done about spending some time together.

Talk to you later.


P.S. Not that I’m complaining, but how did you get my e-mail addy? Has my mother been talking to you? ;-)

After double-checking for any misspelled words, she hit the ‘send’ key before having a chance to think better of it. Leaning an elbow on the desk, Brooke used the thumb and forefinger of her left hand to pinch the bridge of her nose, trying to clear her mind. Did I just offer to spend some time with her? She leaned back in her chair and gazed out the window toward the beach. I can’t believe I just did that.

Brooke dropped her head as she closed her eyes. Taking in a deep breath, she slowly parted her eyelids, the computer screen being the only thing in her sight. Glancing at the time in the lower right hand corner, a new thought came to Brooke’s mind. She probablywon’t get the message until later in the afternoon, when she’s done with her first day of classes.I’m going to have to wait…to see… Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, the executive grabbed for the first stack of papers she could reach on her desk.

“Contracts, good. That should keep my mind busy and focused,” Brooke put all thought of Sam, e-mails, and anything else that brought the young woman to her mind aside and dug in whole-heartedly to the business at hand.

Tired and a bit irritable, the C.E.O. of Brownstone Records returned from a late business lunch. Under the guise of signing a new band to the Brownstone label, she had just spent the better part of two hours hashing out details with the band’s manager. He and the band both were from New Jersey and already the accent was beginning to drive her crazy. I hope they don’t end up after the recording session sounding as bad as that state smells.I’m glad that I kept it to a two recording deal.

Walking into her office, she turned the air conditioning up and sat down to check the messages left on her voicemail during her absence. There were numerous hang-ups, a couple of recording studios confirming studio times for later in the week, and a message from C.C. asking her sister to give her a call back. A quick glance at the clock showed it to be ten minutes to five, just enough time to return a call before she ended her workday.

Brooke dialed C.C.’s cell number and waited for her to pick up. After two rings, she heard her sister’s annoying greeting. “Talk to me.”

“What’s up, brat?” Brooke asked as she sat back in her chair, propping her feet up on the desk. She was enjoying the feel of the cool air coming out of the vent just over her head.

“Hey, Sis, I was just wondering…would you want to see a movie with me later this week? I found one of your all-time favorites.”

Brooke shrugged her shoulders, momentarily forgetting that the woman on the other end could not see her.

“So what’s it going to be?”

“Sure, I guess so. When?”

“Well, how about Friday night.”

Brooke removed her feet from her desk. Flipping through the pages of her calendar, she made sure any studio time booked that night did not require her presence. “Yeah, Friday looks okay. What’s showing?” she asked as she turned her chair around to look out at the ocean. Tourist season was not over yet and she watched as the multi-layered, tan-skinned visitors walked along the boardwalk and played in the water.

“Clueless,” C.C. answered her sister. “It’s showing at the Campus Quad.”

“No way. Cool.” Brooke’s voice was tinged with excitement, then she remembered something. “But, wait a minute…you hate that movie. Why would you want to see it with me?” Brooke asked, curious to hear the answer.

“Well, I figured I’ve got to grow up sometime. I might as well try by watching that horrid movie. You know, just because I was born the baby doesn’t mean I have to stay that way.”

Brooke let out a throaty laugh as she answered, “What does growing up have to do with anything?”

“Hey, can’t I spend some time with my most favorite sister of all time without a reason?” C.C. asked.

“Favorite sister? Ooh, you must want something,” Brooke replied with an arch of her eyebrow.

“Honestly, Brooke, I don’t want anything but your happiness.”

“You are too much.” Brooke chuckled at her sister and spit out her old stand-by phrase that she used with all of her sisters. “C.C., you’re so full of shit, your eyes are brown.”

“Yeah, and your head’s so full of air, your eyes are sky blue. Come on, Brooke,” C.C. whined. “You know how much you love that movie.”

Brooke sighed and gave in without much of a fight. “Okay, what time?”

Thinking for only a moment, C.C. was quick to answer. “How about seven? That way we have time to get the munchies before the movie starts.”

Brooke looked at her computer for the time and noticed the ‘New Mail’ icon on her screen. “Alright, that sounds good. You wanna meet at the Quad?”

“The Quad? Ahh…no…” C.C. answered a little too fast. “I mean…it would probably be better to pick me up at the dorm. You know, just in case my class is running late.”

“You mean you don’t know? Why don’t you just look at your schedule?”

“Because, my schedule is in my backpack and I’m walking to the dorm, now. I don’t have my schedule memorized yet. You know, it is the first day.”

“Okay, Friday at seven then. Is there anything else?”

“Actually, there is. You are going to look presentable, aren’t you? I mean…”

“What do you mean ‘presentable’? It’s just a movie,” Brooke cut her sister off.

“Yeah, but my friends might see you with me. I don’t want them to think you’re an old fogie or something.”

Brooke guffawed at her youngest sibling’s remark. “Chase, you’re pushing it.”

“Hey, I’ve got a reputation to uphold here, Sis. Help me out, will ya?” C.C. pleaded with Brooke.

Brooke growled into the phone receiver and shook her head in disbelief. “What do you want me to do…wear a tux?”

“Hey, if that would make you feel comfortable,” C.C. teased her older sister. “Just look nice.”

“Okay, I’ll leave the ‘granny-panties’ at home. Damn, you act like we’re going out on a date or something.” Brooke placed her feet back up on her desk, then leaning back in her chair, she found herself staring at the flashing icon on her screen. In an effort to release the tension in her body and mind, she picked up the pencil from her desktop and began playing with it between her fingers, deciding whether or not to open the new piece of e-mail for viewing.

“A date? I don’t think so, darlin’. You’re my sister and although some think you are fine as all get out, I don’t.”

“Yeah, yeah. Shall I bring flowers and candy as well?” Brooke asked, it was her turn to tease now.

“Now that you mention it…”

Brooke’s no-nonsense tone ended the conversation. “Goodbye, Chase. I’ll see you on Friday at seven at your dorm.”

The woman on the other end laughed as she said, “Bye, Brooke.”

Hearing the click of C.C.’s phone as she disconnected the digital line, Brooke’s thoughts turned back to the icon for new e-mail. Okay, equal time here. I returned one phone call, now I’ll read an e-mail. She clicked on her newest piece of e-mail and was surprised to see that it was a reply from Sam.

Subj: Re: Hi!

Date: August 20, 5:08:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time

From: Sam Moleson

To: brookeloran

Do you really think that your mother could influence me more than you could? I think not. BTW, you should never leave your business card with C.C. if you don’t want someone to use it. ;) She told me that you were a big supporter of Brooke Loran’s career. Not everyone would use her name as an email addy. I bet you have every album she’s on and then some. So, yeah, drummers do a thing or two to me.

Don’t worry, C.C.’s not warping me at all…at least I hope not. You may have to check on that every once in a while, just to make sure.

Talk to you soon.

Brooke couldn’t help the smile that found its way onto her face as she read the message. She shut down her computer, then made her way out of the office. The executive paused at the door only long enough to look back at the now blank computer screen. Suddenly, the day didn’t seem so bad after all.

The first week of school passed by without any major catastrophes, yet C.C. and Sam were both glad that the weekend was here. It was Friday evening already, and C.C. was sitting in her dorm room reading to kill some time while Sam occupied the bathroom. The girl glanced at the clock on the nightstand as it digitally flipped over, proclaiming the time to be 6:30.

“Shit, I’m going to be late for another class,” C.C. cursed, grabbed her bag and headed for the door of the bathroom. Sam was in the shower so C.C. yelled, “Hey, Sam?”

The blonde raised her voice over the sound of running water, “Yeah?”

“I’ve gotta run. I’m going to be late for my last class. I’ll see you later.”

“Okay.” Sam called back. “Hey, what about the movie? I thought we were going to…”

The brunette smiled as she glanced at the clock again on her way out the door, totally ignoring Sam’s question. Stopping short after she pulled the door shut, she opened it back up and this time made sure the door was unlocked. She closed it again, gently. The young woman shouldered her bag then dusted her hands off on each other, letting a happy whistle escape her lips. C.C. walked off down the hall obviously happy at the ease with which she was able to pull off her plan.

Sam walked out of the bathroom a moment or two later, dressed in her underwear with the T-shirt still in her hand. She wasn’t worried about wearing too much more since it was too warm and she was by herself now. The petite woman placed one of her favorite CD’s in the stereo and cranked up the volume. She wasn’t too concerned about disturbing anyone. After all, it was a Friday night and the majority of the dorm’s occupants were at various parties to celebrate surviving the first week of the new school year.

The provocative tempo of “All Or Nothing” by Europe started to blare from the speakers, filling the air with words and music that made it hard to keep still. Before she realized it, the beat was driving her to dance as she moved her freshly done laundry from the basket to the homes that she had declared for them in the next year. The young blonde’s mind was soon completely absorbed in the music.

Brooke stepped off the elevator onto the third floor. She was a little surprised at how quiet the dorm was. Standing there, the older woman remembered how loud the place had always been when she was in college. How can they study in all this quiet? Man, if we could hear ourselves think, the music wasn’t cranked up loud enough. I guess times have changed.

The tall woman stood perfectly still and listened for a moment, then a small smile tugged at her lips when she detected the sound of music coming from a dorm room down the hall. She could make out the muffled sound of a stereo and followed it up to her sister’s door. Yeah, that’s the way C.C.; I knew you had at least one of my genes in you, besides the looks.

Brooke found herself tapping her fingers on her pants as they hung over the pockets that her thumbs were looped in. She walked up to the door. Even though she knew it wouldn’t do any good, Brooke tried knocking on the door anyway, finding the beat of the music mimicked in her knock itself. Getting no response, she tried the doorknob. Surprised that it turned with ease, the door opened. I’ve got to read C.C. the riot act about security and keeping her door locked. She opened the door some more, then poked her head inside. What she saw brought a smile to her face as she hastily stepped inside the room and shut the door.

The blonde dancing on the opposite side of the room was oblivious to her surroundings. With exaggerated motions, she kept the rhythm of the music as she teasingly pulled the cotton shirt on over her head, seductively advancing it down over her body until it was in place.

The tall brunette leaned back against the door, crossing her arms over her chest as she admired the view. Sam was dressed in a baby doll T-shirt and underwear, dancing like there was no tomorrow. The sight of the small blonde was doing things to her being that Brooke couldn’t believe. Settling in for the show, Brooke stood with her back against the door. She bent one of her long legs and let the sole of her boot rest upon the door as she listened to the blonde sing with the recording.

“Can’t stop me now, I’ve set my sights on you. Right to the heart, my aim is true. Yeah, that’s why…All or nothing at all is how I feel about it. Won’t stand my back tothe wall. I’ll find my way around it. All or nothing at all… there’s nothing I won’t do…And the one thing I want all of is you.”

Brooke’s smile grew through the remainder of the song, fighting every urge she had to walk up behind the girl and join in on her impromptu dancing. The sight was stimulating enough that she dare not get any closer.

Once the song finished, Sam flopped down onto her bed and pressed the stop button on the remote. That’s when she noticed the tall, very relaxed woman in the doorway. “Ohmygod! Where’d you come from?” Sam clutched at her chest, wondering how long Brooke had been standing there.

“My Mom and Dad,” Brooke answered with a grin. “You didn’t mention that you were a dancer,” she added with a wink.

“Well, you never asked.” Sam stood and walked over to her dresser to grab a pair of jeans to put on.

Brooke was impressed that the girl acted like it was the most natural thing in the world to be in this state of undress around her. Out of respect for what privacy she could offer, Brooke turned her head away looking in the direction of C.C.’s bed, as Sam pulled on her pants.

Sam turned around to face Brooke and smiled when she saw the older woman looking anywhere in the room but at her. Could it be possible that Brooke is more embarrassed than I am?

She took in the sight of the older woman who was leaning casually against the door. Her eyes traveled down Brooke’s face to her shoulders, where ebony tresses cascaded over a light jacket that was slightly open, revealing a black tank top underneath its light weight. Sam’s eyes continued down the muscled abdomen to thighs encased in tight black denim and she had to remind herself to try not to stare. Sam took in a breath and moved her gaze to more tranquil scenery, the woman’s face.

When Brooke lifted her eyes back up from gazing down at the floor, they were met and held by Sam’s. Neither woman said a word for the first few moments. Their eyes seemed to be doing all of the talking for them.

It was an eerie feeling for Brooke, to be so mesmerized by anyone let alone this small imp of a woman. She waged a hard-fought battle with her numbed brain to speak, using the first thing that she could think of to break the silence. “So, you like Europe?”

“Doesn’t everyone?” Sam’s simple response was without skipping a beat.

Brooke shook her head in the negative. “Not too much anymore. Not really since ‘The Final Countdown’ was released in `86.”

The blonde began to walk over toward the tall woman, closing the distance between them. She wasn’t sure where her nerve was coming from, but she couldn’t help not being nearer to Brooke.

“Well, I guess I’m just a retrospective kind of girl,” she smiled not taking her eyes off the seas of blue that were on the horizon.

She stopped within a couple feet of the taller woman when another of her senses kicked into gear. That cologne…She was close enough to smell it and found herself inhaling deeper. It’s so subtle, but it’s definitely her. She thought about how being on Brooke’s skin, and being heated by her rising temperature, made it just that much more fragrant than last week when she met her at dinner.

“How old were you then… two?” Brooke grinned as she tried to imagine the woman in front of her as a toddler.

“I think ‘Countdown’ was their greatest,” Sam answered, ignoring the jibe at her age.

“That it was,” Brooke nodded knowingly.

“And who said that music has any kind of time limit on it? As long as you have ears, you can listen to it,” Sam began as Brooke raised an eyebrow in response. God, does she realize how sexy she is when she does that? The blonde found her gaze lingering over that eyebrow.

“Good point. I stand corrected.” The cool exterior never wavered but inside, Brooke was sure that if Sam walked any closer, she’d die on the spot.

I stand corrected. The words echoed in Sam’s head, suddenly causing her to remember her manners. “I’m sorry, why don’t you have a seat. You’ll have a long wait if you’re looking for C.C. You just missed her.”

“Really? I talked to her earlier in the week and she told me to pick her up here at seven.” There was a puzzled look on Brooke’s face as she walked over and sat on her sister’s bed. Looking at her watch, she wondered why C.C. hadn’t told her about a change in their plans.

“Pick her up? She ran out of here about half an hour ago for that class she signed up for at the last minute.”

Both of Brooke’s eyebrows found their way into her hairline. “My sister signed up for a class on a Friday night? You’re kidding?”

Sam shook her head. “Nope, I’m serious. It has something to do with the realm of stars in the night sky or something like that. She needed another elective and decided on that.”

Brooke ran her hands through her hair, then let them rest on the bed behind her as she leaned back. “I can’t believe I drove all the way out here to pick her up and she’s not here.” The older woman looked into Sam’s eyes and with a twinkle added, “Can you believe my own sister dumped me?”

Brooke watched as Sam threw her head back and laughed, the honest reaction causing the woman across from her to smile.

“I’m sorry, Brooke. She must have forgotten. What were you going to do?”

“Oh, nothing special. We were going to go see ‘Clueless’. It’s playing at the Quad tonight. It’s one of my favorites,” Brooke answered.

“Alicia Silverstone.”

“Yep. It’s a few years old but it’s a great movie.”

“Yeah, that’s what I’ve heard. I’ve never seen it,” Sam admitted.

Brooke’s eyes widened at the admission. “You’re kidding? Well, I’d hate to have wasted a trip out here. Would you like to go?” Brooke asked.

Sam’s eyes widened at the offer. “You mean…you’d take me with you?” Sam couldn’t believe her luck. She quickly ran the last few bits of conversation back over in her mind. No, she hadn’t heard wrong. But why…why would this woman want to go with me?

Brooke simply shrugged her shoulders. “Sure. Why not?” Brooke waited for an answer. She was secretly hoping that Sam would say ‘yes’.

Determined not to let this opportunity go by, the young blonde spoke up. “You’re right. Why not.”

“Alright then,” Brooke stood up, excited that she’d still get to see one of her favorite movies. Well, I hope that’s why I’m feeling excited. It didn’t matter that she had the movie at home on DVD. It just didn’t have the same affect as seeing it in a theater.

“Great! Let’s go!” Sam joined her, grabbing her keys as they made their way out the door.

Before Sam had the door closed all the way, she stopped. “Oops, almost forgot my campus I.D.,” Sam turned back into the opened doorway. “Besides, I’d better leave C.C. a note, since she won’t see your car here.”

“Okay, I’ll wait out here for you.” Brooke stood patiently in the hall, wondering how the rest of the evening would run its course, as she watched the small blonde disappear out of her sight. It sure wasn’t what she had planned for so far.

Sam scribbled out a note, leaving it on C.C.’s pillow. Passing by the small mirror on the wall, she touched up her hair and proceeded to meet Brooke out in the hallway.

“Ready?” Brooke asked at the reappearance of the blonde.

Sam nodded her head. “Yep. Let’s get this show on the road.” The blonde’s smile was inviting as she walked toward the elevator.

The two women took the short elevator ride, making their way downstairs and over to Brooke’s car. The taller woman unlocked the passenger’s door for Sam, holding it open for her.

“You know, I could have done that,” Sam pointed out. She watched as Brooke removed her jacket and placed it in the back before Sam got in.

“That’s okay. I don’t mind,” Brooke replied as Sam got in and the taller woman shut the door after her.

“Neither do I,” Sam mumbled under her breath, then reached over and unlocked the driver’s side door.

Sliding into the driver’s seat, Brooke started the engine, then pulled out of the parking space and drove the short distance to the campus theater.

“This is a nice car,” Sam commented as she looked around at the interior.

“Thanks. Out of every car I’ve ever had, this is my favorite,” Brooke spoke fondly of her 300.

“And how many is that?”

Brooke smirked at the question, sure that C.C. had warned Sam of her driving. “A few,” she shrugged her shoulders, keeping her eyes on the road ahead.

The short drive didn’t afford getting into more details of her driving history before Brooke had parked the car once again. After grabbing her jacket out of the back seat, she held the door once more for Sam and together they made their way up to the ticket window. Sam reached into her pocket but Brooke waved her off as she paid for the tickets.

“Don’t worry about it. My treat.”

“But I didn’t…” Sam sighed.

They walked away from the window as Brooke asked, “Didn’t what?”

“Didn’t mean for you to treat me. I’m not a freeloader, Brooke.” Sam said the last part a little more harshly than she had intended.

Brooke was surprised by Sam’s reaction, being so used to C.C.’s constant assumption that the older sister pays for everything. After studying the younger woman’s face for a long moment, Brooke looked down at her feet then back up into Sam’s green eyes. “I didn’t think you were. It’s just a movie. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you.”

The look on Brooke’s face bothered Sam, especially since she knew that she had caused it. Tentatively, she placed a hand against the brunette’s arm. “I’m sorry, Brooke. I just don’t want you to think that I’m another one of your little sisters. You know, someone for you to watch over?”

“I didn’t think that at all.” Brooke found it hard not to stare into those green pools of understanding. Nope, I definitely don’t want to have you as a little sister. On the other hand, someone to watch over…well, we could give that another thought.

Sam saw the truth in that statement behind Brooke’s eyes and it made her smile. “Good. Because, I don’t really want to be your sister.” Sam paused for only a moment, showing her shyness by casting her gaze to the ground then back up to Brooke. “Mind you, that’s not a bad thing. I’d rather just have you think of me as a friend.”

Sam’s suggestion brought a smile to Brooke’s face. “Well, friend, you can buy next time. How’s that?”

“Deal,” the blonde’s nose wrinkled as the smile on her face grew in size. “My treat next time.”

Brooke held a hand out in the direction of the theater door as she invited her new friend. “Let’s see a movie then, shall we?”

“Sounds good to me,” Sam replied as they walked into the theater together, each one thinking the same thing.

There’s going to be a next time.


The two women easily agreed on sitting in the back of the theater on the end of an aisle to accommodate Brooke’s long legs. Within a minute or two of being seated, Sam soon realized the advantage of being shorter than her friend. Brooke sat as she always did with her feet out in the aisle, crossed at the ankles, which caused her torso to lean in toward Sam’s seat. No sooner had they gotten comfortable in their seats, the movie started.

Although Brooke had seen the movie enough to know every line backwards and forwards, she found herself concentrating on Sam more than reciting her favorite lines as she usually did. Her gaze might have been on the screen in front of her but Brooke’s full attention was on the young woman at her side.

With her senses tuned like a predator on the prowl, she listened intently to the rhythm of Sam’s breathing and inhaled the scent of her shampoo as the young woman shifted positions in her seat. With each intake of breath and its gentle release as Sam sighed or giggled at certain parts in the movie, the young woman was driving the brunette crazy and was none the wiser to it.

No movie goes good without a tub of popcorn and in sharing one between them, every once in a while they happened to reach in at the same time. The casual touch of their hands at first was somewhat shy, eliciting a quickly pulled back hand and a whispered, ‘Sorry’, from both. But as the movie continued and the touches increased in number, each one resigned herself to the fact that it would happen. Little did they realize that each time it occurred, their touch lasted a little bit longer than the last time. There was something about the touching that added to the excitement of being at the theater, watching the movie on the big screen.

Halfway through the movie, Brooke turned her head and leaned as close to Sam’s ear as she could without letting her lips touch it. She whispered, “How do you like it so far?”

Brooke’s warm breaths against her ear caused Sam to close her eyes and take a deep breath as she tried to calm her racing heart. If the theater had been better illuminated, the woman next to her would have surely noticed the blush that crept up the blonde’s neck. The only response Sam could manage was to turn a pursed set of lips in her friend’s direction saying, “Shhhh…” while willing her eyes not to look into the pools of blue.

The escape of air from Sam’s mouth tingled as it touched the older woman’s face. Brooke stared at the lips so close to her own and found that she was starting to lean in without thinking, ready to taste the sweetness she knew she would find there. She stopped when Sam’s eyes turned in her direction, meeting her own. Cool blue smiled at the twinkling green reflected in Sam’s eyes. Then both women returned their attention to the movie playing out before them.

They sat there, staring at the action on the screen, while their minds considered what had almost happened, each one having it’s own perspective on the issue.

God, I almost kissed her. Blue eyes darted to the blonde seated next to her, then back to the screen.

I wonder what stopped her? Sam stole a glance at the tall woman beside her before letting the movie pull her in once more.

It wasn’t until after the movie, when the last of the credits had finally rolled by that both women got up and walked slowly back to Brooke’s car. They were the last two out of the theater, and noticed that the parking lot had emptied out quite a bit.

“That movie was great. I really enjoyed it,” Sam said as they reached the car. “Thanks for asking me to go.”

“You’re welcome,” Brooke replied as she pulled her keys from her pocket. “Anytime.”

Sam stood next to the car, studying the tall woman as she reached down to insert the key into the lock. The cascade of dark hair fell to her right shoulder as she leaned over more, drawing the younger woman’s attention to the graceful outline of Brooke’s neck, which was exposed, as the jacket gaped. The blonde found herself staring longingly at it, wondering what it would take to get closer.

Brooke opened the door and turned her eyes toward Sam. Like some slow-motion camera effect, the actions moved one into the other as Sam slipped her arm under Brooke’s jacket. Tugging lightly on the tank top underneath it to keep the taller woman from pulling away, she reached up and kissed her. It was nothing more than a brush of her lips against Brooke’s, but it had been enough to send both of their heads reeling.

The taller woman couldn’t have stopped what happened if she wanted to and really, when she came to think about it, she didn’t want to. The brief encounter vanished just as quickly as it had come. Their lips separated and their bodies drew slightly back in shock.

“Why didn’t you continue with your action in the theater?” Sam spoke quietly as they stood in a loose embrace next to the car.

“I… I don’t know,” Brooke tried to form an answer but could not get anything more than a stuttering of words to leave her lips. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I mean…I didn’t know what…I just…well I mean, I wasn’t sure if you’d uh…” She noticed Sam smiling at her flustered state. Brooke took a deep breath, trying hard to calm herself down, but it wasn’t working.

Blue eyes roamed over the young woman’s face, coming to rest on a pair of eyes so soft that it caused her heart to ache. “Oh hell…” Brooke said just before wrapping her arms around the smaller woman and covering Sam’s lips with her own. They finally did kiss and there was nothing rushed about it.

Sam’s thoughts were racing full of emotions as she tried to bring to mind what she was feeling with the kiss that was captivating her lips. The only word Sam could think of to describe it was…tender. Nothing at all like she would have expected from the raven-haired woman. She allowed herself to sink into Brooke’s embrace before both women reluctantly broke away. Keeping her eyes closed, Sam committed to memory the lingering kiss as she enjoyed the sensation of being held by this woman.

The blonde’s mind began to draw from its past experiences, those many dreams that crept up on her while she slept. If she didn’t know any better, it was as if all those times she woke up alone, never knowing who had haunted her dreams. She never forgot the feel of that warm embrace, much like the one she was in now.

Six years of dreams had led her to this night and somehow, Sam knew that she was in for more than she could ever imagine. Had her daydreams become real and the reclusive drummer that had caused her heart to beat wildly finally come to life? Or was her mind playing tricks on her like some practical joker? Only time would tell if fantasy and reality could ever become one. Then she smiled shyly as she mused. At least they share the same name… Brooke.

“Have you been trying to drive me crazy all night?” The tall woman’s question broke the quiet surrounding them as she leaned her forehead down against Sam’s.

“Me, drive you crazy? I thought it was you trying to drive me crazy,” Sam replied as she opened her eyes to look into the ocean of blue before her.

“Whatever.” Brooke said with a soft laugh, “It worked.”

Sam smiled, “I’d say that it did.” She paused, thinking of her roommate. “Brooke, what do we tell C.C. if she asks what she missed?”

Brooke pulled her head back, inhaling deeply and thought about Sam’s question for a long moment as she let her breath out. “I guess…whatever you’d like to tell her. You’re the one who has to live with her. Tell her we went to the movie together.”

“I get it…playing clueless, huh?” Sam asked with a mischievous gleam in her eyes.

The older woman laughed, “Yeah, something like that.” Brooke smiled and tilted her head back to gaze up at the stars in the sky. She thought about the topic of C.C.’s class and turned her gaze back to the woman in her arms.

Admiring the way the moonlight seemed to dance off of the green in Sam’s eyes like the glistening far off twinkle of a star, Brooke spoke what was on her mind. “Tell her…she can find her own stars. I’m happy with the ones I’ve found right here.”

Brooke closed her eyes as the distance between their lips lessened once again, losing herself in the vast display of the universe as two worlds came together out of nowhere.
