Chapter 8 Toasts To The Coming Of Age

“…Would you tell the truth of all the things inside your head?…”

“So, where do you want to go tonight?” Sam asked, her head leaning against her right shoulder, holding the phone in place. The talented blonde utilized her hands to fold her laundry while talking on the phone.

“I don’t care. It’s Friday, I’ll leave it up to you,” Brooke answered as static filled the phone line.

Sam put away the last of her laundry and zipped up her overnight bag. “Where are you? ‘Cause I’m ready and I can’t wait to give you a big hug and kiss.”

The brunette halted her cleaning of the small bathroom and stuck her head out the door to listen to one side of the conversation. She didn’t miss the look of absolute bliss on her roommate’s face as she talked on the phone.

“Oh yeah? Well then, open your door, Darlin.”

Sam looked quickly between the phone and the door. “No way,” Sam said in disbelief. Dropping the phone onto the bed, she ran the few feet to the door and opened it. There standing before her was Brooke with an elbow on either side of the doorframe, her legs crossed at the ankles. In her left hand she held the cell phone that her thumb was just starting to hit the end button as her head tilted slightly forward, she gazed over the top of her sunglasses at Sam.

Hearing Sam’s exclamation of disbelief, C.C. sauntered out of the bathroom, coming to lean against the doorframe to see if her sister had indeed arrived.

“Hi, Baby,” Brooke said with a blinding smile as she gazed at the woman in front of her. “So do I get to come in or am I going to cause a scene out here in the hall? You know…” Brooke leaned back and looked around at the heavily traveled hallway then turned her view to wink at Sam, “scare the straights?”

C.C. shook her head and mumbled something incoherent about wasting time, then turned back into the bathroom before she was seen.

With one hand, the blonde grabbed Brooke by the front of her dark t-shirt and pulled her into the room, while closing the door with the other. “Please, not in the hall, Brooke.”

As soon as the door shut, Sam was picked up into Brooke’s arms and kissed soundly. Letting the sign of affection take its course, both of them came away from it a little breathless.

“Did you miss me?” Brooke gasped as she placed Sam down on her feet, enjoying the feel of Sam’s body beneath her hands. The taller woman leaned down, touching her forehead against Sam’s and let the intoxicating essence of being in Sam’s presence overwhelm her.

“Yes, I missed you,” Sam answered as she ran her hands through Brooke’s hair then removed the sunglasses. “I never would have made it until now without those couple of phone calls from you.” The blonde looked down to the floor and acted shy, “I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to call you back at your office on Monday. I…I kind of had to really concentrate on my classes.”

Listening in on the not-so-quiet conversation, C.C. commented mumbling under her breath. “Classes? I had to keep pointing out what chapter they were lecturing on during the two classes that I had with you. Too bad you can’t bottle that distraction, Brooke, you could sell it.”

“That’s okay baby, I was kind of a little distracted myself.” An image of James passed quickly through her mind and she immediately grabbed it and tossed it back in the locked recesses of her memory.

Seeing the scowl that Brooke was making, Sam pulled the taller woman’s face impossibly closer. “This week has been hell,” Sam whispered before crushing her lips against Brooke’s.

Locked in the embrace, neither woman noticed C.C. walking out of the bathroom or the fact that she quickly reversed her direction again at the site of her sister kissing her roommate. “Sam, don’t you be slipping the tongue to my sister,” C.C. shouted into the room, egging the blonde on.

Of course, Sam couldn’t resist doing it all the more ardently now, just to harass her roommate. The two women continued their kiss, paying no attention at all to C.C. as she walked back out of the bathroom after what she had deemed an appropriate time.

“Jeez, get a room already, will ya?” The brunette rolled her eyes as she nudged her sister in passing on the way to her closet.

Sam pulled back from Brooke just far enough to kiss the taller woman on the tip of her nose. “You know, it’s good that C.C. knows about us.”

“I’m glad for that. I don’t know that I could be doing all this sneaking around with her as your roommate,” Brooke said softly to Sam. “Now, watch me tease her,” she whispered even softer then, winked at Sam before walking over to her youngest sibling, and tossed an arm over the younger woman’s shoulder. “Oh, come on, Sis…let me borrow yours.”

The younger sibling twisted her face in a distasteful manner, bringing both hands up to push away from Brooke. “Now that is disgusting,” She shook her head vigorously and closed her eyes tight. “Not in my bed, you’re not.”

“Oh come on, C.C…” Brooke teased as she crossed the room and sat on the blonde’s bed. “Sam has a bed, you know. It doesn’t have to be yours.” Brooke patted the surface she was sitting on as she waited for her sister’s reaction.

The brunette’s gaze turned to the bed, her brown eyes popping out as she saw Brooke turn to Sam and wink. Taking a deep breath, C.C. called her sister’s bluff with a nonchalant shrug of her shoulders, “Too small…you’d need more room, Sis.”

“And…you would know this, how?” Brooke asked as she arched an eyebrow.

“Ah…uhm…it just ah… doesn’t look big enough,” C.C. answered as she rubbed the back of her neck wondering how she got herself into this situation.

“Flustered much?” Brooke chided her sibling.

The high-pitched squeal of “No,” was C.C.’s answer before she coughed to clear her throat. “No…uhm…no, not at all. Why? I never did it in a single bed.”

Brooke closed her eyes and screwed up her face at the mental image that ran through her head of her baby sister. “Oh God…that’s definitely TMI, C.C.”

Trying to dig herself out of the hole that she was finding herself in, C.C. crossed her arms over her chest and glared at her sister. “Well, I never said I did it in any other kind either.”

Brooke opened her eyes and then rolled them for C.C.’s benefit. “Uh-huh…sure. Okay, if you say so, Chase.”

“Hey, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.” C.C. stuck her tongue out at her blue-eyed sister.

The entire exchange amused Sam, who had been watching from her spot by the door. Deciding to offer her thoughts, she addressed her roommate. “Hey…can you roll that tongue?”

The now reclining woman looked in Sam’s direction and bit her lip to keep from laughing as she watched C.C. turn around and point at Sam in shock.

“You…you traitor. You fit right in with this family. I thought roomies stuck together.”

“They do,” Sam crossed her arms and smiled politely. “It just depends on whom they’re rooming with that night.”

Brooke shifted her attention from Sam to C.C. and smiled. “Heheheh…she means me, Sis.” The woman gave a little wave of her hand, then winked.

“Well, here…” C.C. rolled her tongue at her sister and taunted her. “You can take this to the bank and cash it in.”

“Nah. Why bother when I can do it better?” The dark-haired woman sat back up on the bed.

“Oh…you can? Prove it,” C.C. teased, trying to trick Brooke into revealing whether or not she could.

Brooke stood up slowly then walked over to Sam, pulling her into a hug as she answered, “Nope. You won’t be the one to see it. I mean…it wouldn’t do to make you swoon.” Brooke smiled and kissed Sam on her cheek.

Totally disgusted now that her plan to find out was once again foiled, C.C. grabbed her purse from off of her bed and shook a finger at her sister. “One of these days, Brooke. I’m going to know for sure.”

She walked over to her taller sister and pulled her body up to its full height, standing somewhat on the tips of her toes in an attempt to look Brooke in the eye. There she stayed giving her best intimidating stare.

Brooke waited a few moments before responding to C.C.’s weak attempt at an intimidating gesture. “Don’t you have something better you could be doing?” The taller woman grinned and held it there, like she was posing for the portrait of Mona Lisa.

“Yeah, and I’m doing it…right now.” C.C. smiled and walked around Sam to open the door. “Bye, Sis.” She didn’t wait for an answer as she left the room.

“Brooke, why do you tease her so much?” Sam defended her roommate as she lightly backhanded Brooke in her stomach. “She’s not that bad.”

“Hey…” the woman tightened her stomach muscles, “She gives just as good as she gets. Neither one of us takes the other seriously.”

Temporarily lost in memories of another place and time, Sam quietly replied, “Must be something about sisters. Even mine does that…I mean used to do that.” Sam looked down at the floor, hiding the hurt in her eyes.

Not one to just let it go, Brooke place a finger under Sam’s chin, tilting the blonde’s face up to look at her. “What do you mean ‘used to’, Baby?”

Sam shrugged her shoulders and looked away from Brooke. After a moment, she blew out a long breath and walked over to her bed to sit down. “Mom and Dad don’t let her see me any more. They’re afraid she might get ‘infected’ as they put it. They’re afraid that by being around me, she might be influenced. She’s at that impressionable age…16. Hell…they won’t even let her talk to me.” Sam sniffed, trying not to let her emotions unplug the dam of tears she’d held back during the last few years.

Feeling her anger soaring to new heights, Brooke wanted to shout at the ignorance of Sam’s parents. Knowing that it would do Sam no good, she decided on a different tactic. She walked over and sat next to Sam, pulling the blonde into her arms. “You and I both know that’s bullshit.” Large hands tried to soothe the body that they rubbed over, “I’m sure she misses you. Sam, look at me…” Brooke waited for Sam to look up into her eyes. “I’m here for you, Darlin’. I love you.”

Sam smiled and closed her eyes, hugging Brooke tighter. “I know…” she whispered, “I know and I love you right back for it.”

They sat there for a few minutes just letting the soothing power of love help to heal old wounds. Brooke glanced at the walls, noticing the lack of posters. She decided that it was time to change the subject. “Hey, you took some posters down.”

Sam sighed as she looked at the mostly bare wall. “Yeah, I guess I’m starting to really feel grown up. Loran doesn’t rule my life anymore.” She paused just long enough to look into Brooke’s blue orbs, “You do.” Sam saw the questioning look in Brooke’s eyes. “You’re someone that I can hold on to…” and she did so to show what she meant by it, “not a dream.”

Brooke smiled as she kissed Sam on her forehead. “Hey…you ready to get out of here?”

Sam shook her head in the negative. “No. I think I need another kiss or two for the road. It’s a long drive to your house.”

The dark-haired woman winked and leaned into Sam. “Now that…I can do.”

The two women drove to Brooke’s house, making small talk along the way. As they were approaching the exit, Sam brought up the subject of dinner. “You wanna pick up some pizza and make it an easy night for us?” She asked as she turned to face the driver.

“Yeah, that sounds fine. Should we pick it up or order in?”

“Well…if we order it now, it will meet us at the door. That way we can get home faster and not have to worry about being disturbed,” Sam finished her statement by running her hand lightly up Brooke’s tanned arm and underneath the sleeve of the T-shirt.

Slowing the 300Z as they approached a red light, Brooke looked down at the hand under her sleeve, then up into twinkling green eyes. With a grin in Sam’s direction, she said, “Great idea.” She handed the younger woman her cell phone. “If you’d like to go ahead and call, press memory, then number 5. Just mention my name and they’ll know what to send.”

Sam took the cell phone from Brooke and pressed the appropriate buttons. “You eat pizza a lot, don’t you?”

Brooke looked over briefly before driving away from the light. Sheepishly, she answered, “Yeah. I guess I do. Is there anything else you would like before we get there?”

“Nothing that I can’t get from you.” Sam laughed to herself and winked at Brooke as she began to place their order. “Yes, I’m calling for Brooke Gordon. She’d like to have her usual delivered. How long will that be?” She looked over at Brooke for her approval as she repeated, “Twenty minutes?” At Brooke’s nod, she answered, “That sounds good. She’ll be there by then. Thanks.”

Sam disconnected the call and placed the cell phone in the console between them. “So, now I get to find out what you’re made out of.”

Brooke arched an eyebrow at Sam. “Oh, you do now, do you?”

“Yep. In more ways that just one,” Sam answered readily.

“Is that a promise?”

“I don’t know…would you like it to be?” The blonde taunted her right back and watched as Brooke’s only reply was a blinding smile. Sam smiled back then turned her gaze to look out the side window. She blushed with the realization that kissing was not the only thing on her mind.

The remainder of the drive was silent, other than the low volume of the radio. Brooke was amazed that she wasn’t uncomfortable with the silence at all. In fact, she was beginning to realize that a lot of things about her growing relationship with the young student were amazing, in a very pleasant way.

Just as they pulled into the driveway and parked, the pizza was delivered. Brooke stepped out of the car and approached the driver. She paid the driver and relieved him of his cargo. Taking off up the steps, she quickly opened the door with her skilled fingers on the touch pad, entering the security code.

Pushing the unlocked door open, she whistled for her pet, Mario.

“Brace yourself…he’s coming,” she told Sam, holding the door open wide for the husky to come flying through to greet Sam.

“Well, if it isn’t my sleeping buddy,” Sam stated as she got down on her knees in the gravel to be greeted by her furry friend. Mario licked her face at the attention he was receiving and wagged his tail anxiously. “How ya doing boy? Are we gonna sleep together tonight?” She smiled as he pawed at her shirt and responded with a quiet bark. “I guess that means we are.” Sam smiled and stood up, brushing the dust from her knees. “I guess he does like me, huh?” She directed the question to the woman in the doorway.

Brooke turned around and smiled. “Yeah, he does. He’s been moping around all week without you here. Sam,” Brooke added with a wink, “What did you do to my dog?”

Sam picked up her overnight bag and walked up the steps to Brooke, Mario prancing right behind her. “I don’t know. I guess maybe he fell in love with me too, just like his owner did.”

“Well, he’ll have to get in line.” She glared at the dog, “And I think he’s got a long wait in store for him.” Brooke turned around and walked into the house, making her way to the kitchen.

“Line? What line? I’m not into multiples,” Sam called out as she shut the front door and followed Brooke.

“Good thing,” Brooke answered. “Because I don’t like to share. Come on, I’m starved!” Brooke placed the pizza box on the table.

Sam nodded her head and scratched Mario once more before washing her hands and grabbing some plates from the cupboard.

“Don’t forget to grab a third plate. Mario gets some, too.” The dark-haired woman opened the box and leaned into sniff the aroma. “Ah…just the way I like it.”

“Brooke, you do know that’s not good for dogs, right?” Sam frowned as she placed two plates on the table while Brooke got down on the floor with Mario, scratching him behind his ears.

“No, Sam…he gets his food on a plate with us, dontcha boy?” Brooke turned her attention back to her furry friend as she scratched him while he basked in all the attention his mistress bestowed on him.

“Oh…you had me scared for a minute.”

Brooke stood up and looked at Sam. “Are you kidding me? Hell, I gave him a bite of pizza once when he was a puppy and he had the shits for two days.”

“I told you it wasn’t good for him.” Sam took on a mocking glare.

The tall woman began to chuckle. “Wanna see something funny?”

Sam shrugged her shoulders, “Sure… what?”

Leaning her back against the wall, Brooke crossed her arms over her chest. “Put a plate on the floor for him,” she directed. “Then open the latch on that bottom cabinet and tell him to get his dinner.”

The blonde looked back and forth between Brooke and the dog. She reached up and grabbed a third plate, placing it on the floor near the dog. Sam looked up at Brooke who smiled and nodded her head. “Mario…” Sam smiled when the husky looked up at her, then she unlatched the bottom cabinet and stood back saying, “Get your dinner.”

Mario pushed the cabinet door open further and sniffed each of the dog food bags inside. After a few seconds, he went back to one bag in particular and grabbed it between his teeth. He pulled the bag out and dragged it to his plate, knocking some food over onto it.

“Okay, Mario, that’s enough,” Brooke said from her position against the wall as Sam’s smile turned into a laugh. Mario picked the bag back up between his teeth and put it back under the counter.

Brooke walked over as he stood waiting for the command to eat. She leaned down and scratched him behind his ears. “Good Boy, go eat.”

“Do you have all the animals trained that live with you?”

“Well, since Mario is the only one who lives with me, then…yes. I guess I do,” Brooke answered as she looked up at Sam and smiled.

“I guess you’re pretty used to each other, huh?”

“Yep. So whatcha wanna do tonight?” Brooke stood up and walked over towards Sam.

“I…I dunno…” Sam stuttered out, nervously, “I was thinking…we could…ah, maybe find something to watch on TV…or maybe…” the blonde finally just gave up. “Gee I don’t know, Brooke…what do you want to do?”

“Well,” Brooke began as she wrapped her arms around Sam and pulled the smaller woman in for a hug. “We don’t really have to decorate for the party until tomorrow, so…” the tall woman’s smile got bigger. “We have the night all to ourselves. I figured that we could use it to our advantage…maybe get a little more in touch with each other?”

The smile on Sam’s face, along with the twinkle in her eye, was all the answer that Brooke needed. Needless to say, the plans were in the making for the rest of the night.

After dinner Brooke walked Sam up the stairs to put away her bag.

“Tell you what…how about I go take a quick shower and then the rest of the night is ours?”

“That sounds great,” Sam smiled as she followed Brooke into the hallway.

“You can use any room up here that you’d like.” The tall woman motioned with her arms to any of the rooms.

“Even though I didn’t actually use a bedroom last time, I guess my bag did. Now go get your shower,” Sam smacked Brooke on her rear as the taller woman laughed and walked down the hall.

She watched Brooke disappear into the bathroom and once she heard the shower running, decided to check out each room. After looking at all the options, Sam chose the room with the large French doors leading out onto a balcony. Figuring out that the doors faced the East, the blonde contemplated the terrific view of the sunrise that she might be able to catch a glimpse of in the morning. That was, if she were to actually awaken at a reasonable hour to do so. Lost in her thoughts for a moment, Sam was pulled back to reality. Someone was talking…no rather singing, and she realized that it was Brooke singing in the shower.

Sam walked out into the hall towards the source of the melodic voice, stopping just outside the bathroom door where she placed her ear against it to listen more intently. After listening for a few moments, the blonde smiled approvingly of the catchy tune, then walked back into the bedroom.

Out of nowhere, Sam felt a yawn escape out of her mouth. “Oh, great. Tell me we’ll spend the night sleeping again just like last week.” Sam eyed the huge bed and made up her mind. Reaching down, she threw off the comforter and crawled into the bed. “Maybe if I can just catch a little nap…” she marveled at the feel of the satin sheets under her as the melody of Brooke’s voice surrounded her.

God, I know that I’ve heard that voice before, but where? Huh…maybe she does background work for her studio…I mean, she is the CEO. The small woman made herself comfortable, scrunching up the pillow to her liking. She’s got the talent…I wonder why she never pursued it? Sam allowed questions with no answers to float through her mind as she began to doze off, lulled off to sleep by the sound of Brooke’s singing.

Suddenly, there was silence and it startled Sam into opening her eyes, taking in the vision before her. Brooke was standing at the foot of the bed dressed in a pair of shorts and an old t-shirt, cut off to reveal her stomach.

“Hi, Darlin,” Brooke purred as Sam admired the view.

“So…you found me, huh?” The sleepy voice croaked out.

Brooke nodded her head. “Yep. So is this room…” the older woman looked around it, “Your choice?”

“Sure, if it’s alright with you…I mean. That window…ah…door should be great for the morning with the sunrise. Don’t you think?”

“Oh yeah. The bed’s really comfortable and the view in the morning is gorgeous.”

“You’ve slept in here on occasion then?” Sam raised up on her elbow.

“You could say that,” Brooke answered with a sly grin.

Sam nodded her head in confirmation of her choice and smiled at Brooke in return. “Then I guess I’ve made the right choice.”

“You could say that, too.” Brooke pointed to the wall opposite French doors, “And if you need it, there’s a TV in the cabinet over there.”

“Is there?” Sam asked with a yawn. “Sorry…I must be tired from the week.”

“Wanna take a nap?”

“I dunno…it might be a good idea. I guess that pizza didn’t help either,” Sam patted her belly. “Guess I got that full belly syndrome again. Hey, I’m sorry, Brooke”

“Sorry? About what?”

“About being such a bad date,” Sam answered as she cast her eyes down to her chest.

“Baby, you could never be a bad date. I want you to be comfortable when you’re here.” Brooke came around the bed to reach out and push some stray hairs behind Sam’s ear, then leaned in and kissed the blonde’s head. “Just knowing you’re here is perfect.”

The younger woman offered up a weak smile, “Well, now that you mention it…this bed is very comfortable…you were right.”

Brooke couldn’t hold back the chuckle that bubbled up in her chest. “I know. I sleep in it every night.”

“WHAT?” Sam asked as she bolted upright in the bed, eyes wide open.

“Hey…I told you, you could have your pick of any room.”

“Yeah…but I…I…”

Leaning back in, Brooke kissed Sam on the forehead. “Honey, don’t worry. It’s fine, really. I just want you to be comfortable.”

“Worry, about what?” Sam sat up, reaching for her bag, “That I threw you out of your own bed?”

“I’ll find another room,” Brooke chuckled. It’s not like this is the only bed here.” The dark-haired woman took the bag from Sam’s hand. “Honey, lay back down. Come on, it’s fine. Stay right where you’re at.”

“And where are you going to…” Sam hesitated not quite sure of how to approach the subject. “…go?”

“Right now?” Brooke questioned her but didn’t wait for an answer. “Out on the balcony. It’s nice out.”

“Hmm…” Sam stifled another yawn and lay down. “Maybe just a little nap.”

Placing a hand on the small shoulder of the blonde, Brooke leaned in and whispered, “Just rest, Baby.” She brushed back golden hair and kissed Sam’s forehead. “I love you.” Brooke watched as the blonde head slightly nodded and the woman’s lips mumbled out a return of the sentiments. Within seconds, the sound of soft snores could be heard.

Brooke stood there and watched for a few moments, then grabbed the tablet and pen on the nightstand and went out to sit on the balcony. There was much that she knew she needed to think about.

The dusk colored sky had now given way to the darkening shades of the night. Brooke had sat there on the balcony thinking about the small blonde and how fast everything was happening in her life since Sam had come into it. The stoic woman found it downright amazing that the three words, which had eluded her speech, were so easy to say now, and without even thinking about them. I love you. Never thinking that she’d ever say them, it just amazed her to no end where her life seemed headed.

Maybe it’s time that I stopped running from love…Brooke wondered, then smirked at herself. Hell, you’ve been running from any kind of relationship except the ones that conclude a business deal, with a handshake and a fake smile. “And I have you to thank for that, don’t I, Loran,” she mumbled, then let out a disgusted breath.

The sullen woman picked up the tablet that she had brought out with her and began doodling on it, drawing crude stick figures and then putting their heads in a noose and hanging them from makeshift gallows. If only I would have killed you long ago. She started to draw another figure but stopped after only a few lines were on the paper.

Brooke stood up and walked over to the railing, bracing her arms on it. Blue eyes looked up to the first glimmers of the evening stars as the woman took a good, long look at her life. “Damn it. It’s not my nature to be getting so involved with anyone this fast…” she whispered on the night wind, knowing that she was powerless to stop it. What do I tell her about Loran? She closed her eyes and thought, How do I even start to tell her? Better yet, will Sam still be there if I tell her about Loran? Brooke hung her head thinking of what Sam might construe the revelation as. She’s going to think that I lied to her the whole time by not telling her sooner. She’ll leave…I know that I would. The woman fought back the anguish that was overtaking her heart and soul, the thought of being left without Sam by her side. Damn, how did I let it get this far, this soon?

Sam stood at the French doors, watching the woman on the balcony. “Penny for your thoughts, Brooke,” the words were soft and friendly. The blonde watched the startled look on the woman’s face as she turned around in response to the question. “I…I just woke up and saw you out here,” Sam offered.

The dark-haired woman relaxed seeing Sam in the doorway and she started to smile, “Hi. Did you have a nice nap?”

“Yeah, I guess I really needed that. Thanks, by the way.” Sam stepped out onto the balcony. “Have you been out here the whole time?”

“You’re welcome,” Brooke tipped her head toward Sam. “And yeah, it’s too nice not to be. Come on, sit down here with me and you’ll see what I mean.”

The small woman took a few steps around the balcony then turned to Brooke, “Yeah, it is nice out here.” She found herself next to Brooke and leaned in, kissing the woman.

“Mmmm…I’m glad that you’re awake though.” Brooke said as she came out of the kiss.

“Me, too.” Sam noticed the tablet in Brooke’s hand. “What’s that you were doing…playing hangman with yourself?”

The tall woman shrugged, then mumbled, “Just doodling.”

“Hey, you didn’t finish that game. How about you let me try?” Sam took a seat and waited for Brooke to do the same.

Seeing the eager look on Sam’s face, Brooke couldn’t refuse her. Then an idea came to her head. “Uh…Okay.” This is how I tell her. Hastily drawing five lines on the paper with an ‘L’ on the first line, the tall woman sat down, offering the tablet to her friend.

Sam studied the five spaces intently before asking for a letter, “Got any O’s?”

Brooke gulped out a “Yep,” and made the mark above the second line.

“Hmmm…” the blonde studied the spaces once more. “T?” she asked.

The holder of the pen sighed in relief, “Nope.” The pen went to the paper, adding the stick of a body to the already drawn head of the figure.


“Nope,” the word became stronger sounding each time it was said. Brooke now added one dangling leg to her whimsical stick man.

Sam fired back with a hurried, “K?”

“Uhm…No,” Brooke had to laugh at Sam’s determination. The one legged man now had two to stand on and so went the drawing as Brooke took her time adding each arm and the feet until only the noose was left to end the game.

The blonde sat back in her chair, really concentrating on what the word could be. “Hmm…” she turned to Brooke and asked shyly, “Could you give me a clue?”

The older woman thought for a moment, then nodded her head; “Yeah, it’s…” Brooke took in a breath and held it before continuing, “it’s my middle name.”

Green eyes looked up from the paper and studied Brooke for the longest time. A smile came to Sam’s face as she coyly asked, “Is there an R?”

“Yes, there’s an R,” Brooke held her breath for fear of being found out.

“Lover,” Sam cried out. “I knew it.” She winked and kissed the stunned woman.

“That’s…that’s right.” Brooke looked up to her lucky star and uttered a silent prayer of thanksgiving. “Lover,” she reiterated as she pulled Sam into her lap, kissing her again.

The blonde was so excited that before the second their lip-lock was finished, she started talking, “Five letters, L-O and R, what else could it be?” Sam kissed Brooke back and their lips slowly came apart.

You, chicken shit. Why didn’t you tell her? Blue eyes looked into the twinkling seas of green that stared back at her. Aw…hell, you know why. You’re afraid that she’ll leave. Brooke leaned in and captured Sam’s lips in a fervent kiss. After it was over, she whispered in her most reverent voice, “See, I told you we were going to be more in touch.”

Sam smiled, “You were right.”

The small blonde slightly opened one eye as she caught a glimpse of the light streaming in the French doors. Sam rolled her shoulders, stopping suddenly when she felt the warm body at her back. Taking stock of her position in the bed, she could feel the radiating warmth of the tall woman who was spooned against her and reveled in the comfort that it afforded.

Sam stretched her limbs cautiously, trying not to disturb the sleeping woman next to her or the large hand that was resting on her thigh. Curiosity got the best of the young woman and soon she was turning to gaze at the sleeping form that lay with her.

Settling into her new position, Sam felt Brooke’s hand slide gently up, off her thigh and come to rest on her stomach, slipping under the loose fitting shirt that she was still wearing. God, this feels so right. The small woman snuggled into the hand that was touching her as she thought about Brooke’s earlier statement. She did say that we were going to be more in touch with one another after tonight, Sam mused as she felt a featherlight kiss to her neck. The sensation of tingles ran up and down the small woman’s spine at the kiss. God, I could get used to this.

The young woman tried for the life of her to remember how they had landed up in bed together. Damn, if I can’t remember something good…her mind floated on dreams of her youth and imagining how her first time with a woman would be.

The movement of Brooke stirring next to her pulled Sam from her thoughts and the reality of it all came to light. Well, here’s where we find out. “Morning, Brooke,” Sam said quietly.

“Hmm…Morning, Gorgeous.” Brooke settled into a spot that brought her face next to Sam’s on the pillow.

“You still tired?”

“Tired?” One blue eye opened, then the other, “Uhm…No, not really.”

“Did you sleep alright?”

“Alright? Nope.” Brooke let a smile cross her face, “Actually, I slept like a baby.”

“Good, ’cause I did, too.” Sam turned over to face Brooke, “Best sleep I’ve ever had.” Green eyes roamed down the tall woman’s figure as it lay under the covers until she caught sight of the Husky lying across the foot of the bed. “I guess Mario was comfortable too.”

“He just had to sleep with you, you know.”

“And your excuse?” Sam looked Brooke straight in the eye.

“Well,” Brooke rolled over onto her back and looked up at the ceiling. “We dozed off out on the balcony. I woke up and carried you in here.” A subtle smile tugged at her lips, “When I tried to leave, you grabbed me.”

“Hmmm…I remember that dream now.”

“Dream?” Blue eyes flashed knowing it was no dream at all.

“Yeah, I told you that your place was here,” Sam patted the small piece of bed that separated them. “Don’t you remember?”

Brooke nodded slowly, “Yeah, you did say that.”

“I guess I knew what I was saying then. Your place is here.” Sam moved two fingers to her own heart and held them there.

The dark-haired woman grabbed Sam’s same hand and placed it against her own chest, centering the fingers over her heart. “And yours is here.”

Sam’s eyes widened at the touch of her hand to the soft yet supple breast.

Seeing the younger woman’s reaction, Brooke simply asked, “What?”

“I…ah…I…” Sam stuttered out, not sure of what to do or say.

“What, Baby?”

The younger woman rolled her eyes and prayed for death to take her now. “Hey, Brooke, I’m not that experienced here…and ah…well…” Sam bit her lower lip trying to keep her admission from coming out, but she couldn’t. “Okay, so I’m a virgin.”

The source of light in the room was no longer the sun creeping in through the French Doors but rather the smile on Brooke’s face. “Really?”

“You can’t tell?” Sam’s neck and face turned a bright red from the blush of her embarrassment.

Bringing Sam’s hand up to her lips, Brooke kissed it lightly, then leaned over and kissed her on the lips. “So am I,” Brooke whispered, then kissed her again.

“C.C. was right,” muttered Sam as the kiss ended.

“C.C.? About what?” Brooke looked puzzled.

“About you taking things to heart.”

“Huh?” Brooke raised a dark eyebrow, “What did she mean by that?”

“I…I think she was kind of warning me that you don’t fall in love at the drop of a hat.”

“I don’t. Hell, I don’t fall in love period.” Brooke looked at Sam seriously, “But I damn sure fell for you.”

Sam was startled by Brooke’s admission to falling in love. “I was hoping that you’d say that.”

Brooke grinned, wiggled her eyebrows and then leaned in to kiss her young friend. “Of course, I was going to say that.”

The act of leaning into the kiss found Sam’s hand in a most embarrassing place, cupping a firm breast, before she realized it. She felt awkward and tried to pull it back.

“What is it, Sam?” Blue eyes studied the blonde’s face.

“I…ah…” Sam looked down to where her hand had been, nearly wanting to die from both the embarrassment and the excitement that it had brought to her. “Like I said, I’m not that experienced, Brooke.”

“Neither am I, Sam. I mean…I think I have a pretty good idea, but that’s about it.”

“I don’t what to cross any boundaries that I’m not aware of or…”

Blue eyes locked onto green. “We don’t have to rush into this, Sweetheart.” Brooke waited a moment, then continued, “Boundaries? What do you mean boundaries?”

“You know…like what’s acceptable or unacceptable to you.”

“Darlin’, when it comes to you,” Brooke ran a comforting hand down the blonde’s cheek, “it’s all acceptable to me.”

“Jeez, Brooke. I’ve finally found someone that I love…I don’t want to ruin it with a stupid act or something.”

“There’s no rush. We’ll just figure out what we both want together.” Brooke searched the younger woman’s eyes for a sign of comprehension, “Okay?”

“You know, that’s the second time you’ve said that…”

“I know.” Brooke nodded, “I just don’t want you to think that I’m pressuring you. I’m not.”

“I know that.” Sam let a smile come to her mouth, “And I’m not feeling that way, honest. God knows that’s the last thing I would want.”

“Tell me, Sam,” Brooke took in a breath, then asked, “What do you want?”

The blonde thought for a moment as a smile tugged at her lips. “I guess I want someone who loves me as much as I love them. Someone that I feel comfortable with.”

“Okay, that’s a check mark.” Brooke grinned, knowing that she fit the bill so far.

“Someone that it just happens with.” Sam studied Brooke’s face, “Without plans or schemes. I kind of think that the first time should be magical,” she shrugged and looked away. “Childish, huh?”

“No,” Brooke smiled, “Not childish at all.”

Sam smirked, “Yeah? What’s your concept?”

Brooke thought for a moment, then cleared her throat and started, “Well, I want someone who loves me completely and unconditionally.”

“Unconditionally, huh?” Sam stared up at the ceiling.

“Yeah…someone who knows that after the first time I touch them, they’ll be the last person I touch.”

“That’s a pretty tough order there. Think you’ll find someone?” The blonde shot a glance over at Brooke.

“I dunno…” Brooke made a pouty face just for effect, then continued, “I’d like to.”

“Hmmm…I’ll have to look around for you. Maybe there’s someone right under your very nose that could fill that order.”

“That’s an interesting point you have there…” Sam snuggled into Brooke and kissed her.

“Yeah, just have to look around…”

Before Sam could finish what she was saying, the blonde found herself on her back with Brooke positioned above her.

“Well, right now, you’re under my nose…”

Sam looked up at Brooke with a coy smile, “You know, I was just thinking that same thing.”

“Really?” Brooke’s grin grew larger, “I guess great minds think alike then.”

“You could say that, yes.”

“So, are we going to stay here in bed all day or decorate this house for my trouble making sister?”

The blonde smiled and thought to herself for a moment before saying anything. “Hey, Brooke, I was thinking.”

“What’s that?” The dark-haired woman lay on her side with her head on her hand.

“Nothing,” Sam shook her head, dismissing the notion. “Let’s go decorate.”

“Hey, Sam,” Brooke reached out for the blonde, stopping her from getting up. “What are you thinking?”

“It’s silly,” Sam shook her head, again.

“That’s okay. What was it?”

The younger woman nestled back into the bed. “I was just thinking that I don’t know how people do it. I mean…plan to only make love on their wedding night. It just sounds so…prearranged.” Sam smirked, “Like some big event.” She laughed, self-consciously.

“What? You mean how they plan to wait until their wedding night?” Brooke thought for a moment, “That does seem pretty prearranged.”

“Yeah, I bet half are so tired or nervous from the rest of the goings-on that day, they never do anything that night.”

“Hmmm…” Brooke arched an eyebrow. “So I guess we shouldn’t wait that long.” The woman got up and sat on the edge of the bed, leaving Sam to ponder her statement.

“I think we’ll know when the time is right, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I think we will,” Brooke sighed, ” Now, come on, get your gorgeous backside out of that bed.”

Sam smiled at the thought of being called gorgeous, “In a minute or two. You can have the shower first, Hon,” then she rolled over to watch Brooke get up.

“Okay then, I’ll be right back.” Brooke winked and sauntered off toward the bathroom.

The small woman lay in the bed thinking about the last few minutes of their discussion. The rich tones of Brooke’s voice filled her mind as a certain phrase came back to haunt Sam.

“So I guess we shouldn’t wait that long.”

The woman shook her head, hearing it repeated over and over again. “Did she just mean what I think she meant?” Sam thought for a moment and in her heart she knew the answer. “Brooke Gordon, you sure are full of surprises.” The blonde rolled over in the bed, hearing the singing coming from the shower down the hall. “Yep, I could definitely learn to love hearing that every day of my life.”

Early that evening, the 300Z zoomed down the highway carrying three occupants toward a night of celebration. Brooke smiled looking into the rearview mirror knowing that her sister had no clue as to what was in store for her. Celebrating the twenty-first birthday was always a special occasion for the siblings of the Gordon family. It was the coming of age. The official welcoming day to the world of being an adult. It wasn’t the fact that they were legal to drink, but more that they had survived each other to get there. C.C.’s birthday marked the last in this tightly knit family’s coming of age and Brooke intended to make it a memorable one for her favorite sister.

“Well, I’m glad you could find some time to spend with me, Sis. I mean, you and the roomie there.” C.C. teased Sam, “I see you smiling.”

The blonde turned in her seat to face the driver, “Brooke, do I have a smile on my face?”

The driver glanced over quickly, then settled her eyes back on the road, “Why do you ask that?”

“No reason,” Sam waited for Brooke to glance back then winked at her.

The car slowed down, stopping at a traffic light. Making good use of her time, Brooke leaned over and gave Sam a kiss on the lips.

“Aw…Come on you two…”

As she came back behind the wheel, the driver couldn’t help but notice her backseat passenger rolling her eyes and looking up to the heavens. “What’s wrong C.C.?”

“Jeez, you two sure that you want me in the backseat here? You know, I could have driven myself and just met you there.”

The older woman looked over to Sam and winked. “Well, you could drive and let us get in the backseat…” Brooke looked in the rearview mirror for C.C.’s reaction.

One mean-looking eyeball gazed into the mirror from the rear seat as C.C. thrusted her upper body into the front seat as much as she could, still wearing her seatbelt. “Don’t go getting any ideas,” she looked from one to the other, “either one of you.”

“Why not, Sis?”

“God,” C.C. moaned and shook her head. “I’d have to cover up the rearview mirror with you two back here.” The woman laughed nervously, trying not to see the mental images in her mind. Then, as an after thought, C.C. added, “And put up a soundproof window.”

Sam reached out and touched Brooke’s arm, breaking the spell she was in with her own thoughts on the subject, “Drive Brooke, the light changed to green.”

“Okay, I’m driving…” Brooke tried to cover up her own daydreaming session. “It’s C.C.’s birthday. She’s legal now. I was just thinking of how we could celebrate.”

“Oh, and I was included in that little dream romp of yours, Sis? I think not,” she nudged the driver’s shoulder and grinned. “Speaking of celebrating, where are we going?”

“You’ll see.” The two front seat passengers exchanged glances, then Brooke continued, “I just thought we’d go out for a bit. You know, buy my baby sister her first legal drink.” The driver looked into the rearview mirror and grinned.

Ready to bust out laughing, Sam looked out the window, then reached for her purse. Rifling through it for a second or two before she spoke she came up with a frustrated look on her face. “Brooke, I need to stop at the house first. I need to change this shirt I’m wearing. It’s way too hot to wear into a crowded bar.”

Brooke nodded, checking her mirrors before making any lane changes. “Yes, Darlin’.”

“Besides, I left that fake ID of mine in my stuff at your house.” Sam closed the purse and set it back down as the car turned off the highway.

“Good thing you thought of that now, we’re right at the exit. We can go back and get it.”

“Whoa, fake ID?” C.C. asked.

The blonde turned around and answered her, “You don’t think that I’m sitting in the car to wait for you two, do you?”

“Nope, no way,” Brooke chimed in.

“I want to be able to say that I saw you take that first legal drink. God knows I’ve seen enough of the illegal ones,” Sam laughed, seeing the tongue sticking out at her from the backseat.

“Okay gang, we’re almost there.” Brooke pulled into her driveway.

“Besides,” Sam continued sheepishly, “It may be my last time to have an illegal one.”

“Hmm…” Brooke thought for a moment, “Good point.”

“I’ve been rather busy lately,” Sam chuckled, “No time to go bar hopping.”

Brooke glanced over to Sam and grinned, picking up the blonde’s small hand, she kissed it.

“Ugh…” C.C. shook her head, “T-M-I. You guys are way too mushy. I think maybe I screwed up trying to hook you two together.”

“You did what, C.C.?” Sam looked toward the backseat.

“What? Did what?” C.C. mimicked a startled duck as she quacked out the questions.

“Are you trying to take credit for us?” Sam egged the woman on.

“Ah…I’m asking if my trying to hook the two of you up was a bad idea?” C.C. crossed her arms and sat back in her seat, “Oh, yeah. Like either of you would have done it on your own.”

Sam’s head turned around to face C.C., “How did you…” then it dawned on her. “That movie. Brooke…” she reached out to touch the arm of the driver.

“Pulleezzze!” C.C. exaggerated the word, “Yeah, but I…” then thought it better to keep her mouth shut. “Well…er…uhm…never mind. I’m shutting up now.”

“You did set that up.” Sam eyed C.C., “Didn’t you?”

“Wow,” C.C. seemed distracted by something outside of the car, “Look, there’s Brooke’s house.”

The driver laughed at her sister’s antics, “You’ve done it now C.C.”

“Brooke,” Sam’s hands looked like she was directing some invisible orchestra as she tried to get the words out fast, “You aren’t going to let her change the subject like that, are you?”

“Honey,” Brooke grabbed and held Sam’s hands in her own. “I think you’re handling this just fine.” The dark-haired woman winked, “It’s her birthday. I’ll have plenty of chances to get her back…”

“Done what?” C.C.’s head popped up in between the front seats again, “Let two like bodies meet on common ground?”

Blue eyes centered on the rearview mirror. “C.C., did you set us up that night or not?”

Sam waited a moment then offered, “Well, she did point out our likes,” then laughed, remembering the good time she’d had at the movie.

“I…I was just doing what you were too bullheaded to do,” C.C. poked her sister in the shoulder.

“Bullheaded? C.C….” Brooke’s voice lowered almost an octave and C.C. knew she meant business.

“Now, before I answer that, remember Momma’s saying,” the backseat passenger grinned evilly, “No one gets killed on their birthday.” Then C.C. proceeded to stick out her tongue.

“You did set us up.” Sam unbuckled her seatbelt and turned around in her seat. “How did you know?”

“Okay, C.C.,” Brooke held her hands up in resignation. “No one gets killed on their birthday. Now, answer the lady.”

“I know that look, Brooke. I only saw it in your eyes one other time and it was there again, at the dinner when you met Sam.” C.C. nodded her head once, finally taking credit for her actions, “Yeah, I set you two up.”

“I thought so,” Sam let the words tumble out.

Brooke took in a deep breath letting it all sink in, then let the air very slowly escape her lungs. Turning, she reached out with lightning quick speed and grabbed C.C.’s face in her hands, bringing the youngest sister close enough to plant a kiss on her cheek. “Thanks, Sis.”

“Huh?” C.C. looked stunned, bringing her own hand to touch the cheek that had just been affectionately assaulted. “I guess I better live for today, ’cause tomorrow I die.”

The older sibling released the woman and smiled. “Not if you tell me when the one other time was.”

“Oh, that…that’s an easy one. It was when you played…ah…” C.C. stopped short and looked into the mirror at Brooke. “Ah…music.”

“Oh,” Brooke caught the near slip and helped in its cover up. “When I was playing the drums off and on?” She looked over to Sam, then back to her sister in the mirror. “Doesn’t even compare.”

“Good,” C.C. sat back, proud that she hadn’t let anything slip. “I’d hate to have to keep this a secret too.”

Brooke’s eyes riveted to the mirror and gave a subtle shake of her head from side to side.

“You’re going to have to, C.C.,” Sam spoke up. “At least to your family.”

“Yeah, C.C., just for now.”

The backseat brunette smirked at the two women, “What, you two aren’t sure?”

“No, we’re sure,” Brooke looked over to Sam and smiled. “I just don’t want Mom pressuring Sam too much. I don’t want this to turn into the next dinner joke.” The driver pulled the car up to the house. “Besides, we’d like to have a little more time to get to know each other.”

“You mean you don’t already…” the words were out before C.C. could stop them, clamping her hands over her mouth.

“Well, that was subtle,” her sister commented.

“Hey, I just figured that if it was right…” C.C. looked up to see Brooke’s right eyebrow arch, “Okay…” the brunette looked quickly out the window, “Hey, nice ferns in those planters…did you just get them?”

“Sam,” Brooke laughed out loud, “You aren’t going to let her change the subject, are you?”

“Change the subject? What more is there to say on it?” Sam shook her head. “Next she’ll have us running off together.” The blonde paused for moment in thought. “Not that it would be a bad thing, mind you,” she glanced over to Brooke.

“Hmmm…I don’t know…” Brooke rubbed her chin, deep in thought. “That doesn’t sound too bad.”

“God, I think I need some air.” C.C. unbuckled her seatbelt, then pushed against Sam’s seat. “We stopping here for a while?”

“We can if you’d like.” Brooke watched as Sam got out, “Come on.” The driver got out and walked around the car to stand by Sam, “Actually C.C., we’ll be right there,” then turned toward Sam and kissed her.

“Good,” C.C. looked up from the doorway of the car to see her sister and roommate locked in another embrace, “Yikes, it’s getting too hot around here for me,” she said as she climbed out of the car.

Brooke leaned in toward Sam, speaking softly in her ear, “I don’t know when I’ll get to kiss you again, tonight.” The tall woman put on her best pouty face and asked, “So may I have one before we go in.”

Disgusted at the total display her sister was making, C.C. brushed past them making her way toward the house, as she called out over her shoulder, “One? Hell, give her two for that performance.”

Sam complied with her roommate’s advice, giving Brooke two kisses before they let their embrace slacken. “Love you.”

“Love you, too.” Brooke sighed and looked up to see where C.C. was. “We’d better get going,” she motioned with her head as her sister touched numbers on the security pad, unlocking the door. “They’re going to be…”

“SURPRISE!” The sound came out of the open door to the house, as C.C. stood shocked by the joyous noise, letting a few “Happy Birthday’s” drift on the air.

“Aw…You guys remembered…” C.C. grinned, pleased at the surprise.

“Yeah, how could we forget?” Brooke mumbled as she watched Mario run up and paw at C.C. “Even the dog’s in the act.” The tall woman noticed that the dog didn’t lick her sister and Brooke thought back to how Sam was greeted by the pet the evening before.

“Well, it looks like Mario knows the difference between me and C.C.” Sam smiled as she slowly walked toward the house.

“Of course, he does. Go over and stand next to her and see what he does.”

Sam turned around, wiggling her eyebrows at Brooke, “And do I consider every lick from Mario to be a kiss from you?”

“No, consider every lick to be four kisses from me.” Brooke caught up to Sam who pulled her into the shadows of the shrubbery.

“I’ll remember that,” then she laid a kiss on the older woman’s mouth.

“Mmm…do that again and I will not be responsible for my actions, young lady.”

“Ah…but you are,” Sam teased her. “And your family is not twenty feet away.” Sam laughed softly then, without warning, placed another kiss on Brooke’s cheek. Releasing the hold she had on the mesmerized woman’s clothes, Sam headed for the door, not even turning around when she heard the groan that Brooke emitted. Looks like it’s going to be a long night for someone. Sam laughed to herself and hoped that she too would be able to wait for the night to pass.

From the time C.C. walked into the house, someone always seemed to be handing the woman a fresh mug of beer, never letting the now legal participant finish one in its entirety. Needless to say, before the food was even ready to eat, a rather inebriated twenty-one year old was making her presence known to everyone at the party.

“I’m so glad that we got to see this day, C.C.,” Terri teased her younger sister. “You know, we had our doubts about you living this long.”

C.C. looked her sister straight in the eye as she strove to maintain her steadiness and said in her most sober voice, “Are you saying that just because I’m fitshaced or do you mean that?”

Terri shook her head knowing all-too-well the hangover that her sister was heading for the next morning. “Sis, I think you better slow down or you’re not going to make it until tomorrow. Fitshaced?” The pediatrician made a face, shaking her head, “What the hell is that?”

Just then C.C. lost the precarious balance that she was trying to maintain, her hand slipping off the couch caused her to fall face first onto the overstuffed piece of furniture. The brunette lay there for a second then rolled onto her back. “Fitshaced…You’re looking at it,” she smiled the silliest of grins and tried to right herself before anyone could become alarmed. “This is the best birthday party ever I had.”

Her sister reached down and gave her a hand, “No more for you, little missy. I want to be celebrating a lot more than just twenty-one with you. Besides, Mom will kill me if she knows I didn’t slow you down at least.” Terri sat her sister down in the corner of the couch and pointed a stern finger in her direction. “Now, you sit there and don’t move for at least an hour.”

“Yeah, treat me like a kid. You all are so good at that,” C.C. chided her sister as she left to go join in another conversation. “I’ll just sit here and play with the dog,” the tipsy brunette looked around the room for the dog and found her laying at Sam’s feet as she sat on the loveseat talking to Randi.

Mable Gordon was so used to watching everything happening in a room that it was like second nature to her. She was a mother, and that’s what mothers do. Well, especially with the four children that she had brought into the world. In her travels about the room, as she mingled with her family, she noticed one thing that struck her as rather odd. Brooke’s pet, Mario, seemed to always be at Sam’s heels no matter where the young woman went or what was going on away from her. In fact, she had only remembered once that the dog had gotten up and went to her mistress, only to be petted and sent off with a few whispered words in his ear. It was funny how the dog crossed the room back to where Sam was and jumped up on the small woman, licking her face repeatedly when she bent over to pet the animal. Watching the smile on the blonde’s face and the quick glance around the room confirmed a suspicion that Mom had hidden under her knowing smile.

During the course of the evening, Brooke mingled with her parents, siblings, and their husbands, making sure to never stay too long in any vicinity close to Sam. Occasionally she would walk past the young woman and wink when no one was watching, but she dared not linger any longer.

Instead, she spent more time with her sisters. That was, until the time she looked up from a conversation to where Sam had been just a moment before and the woman was gone. Letting her eyes roam around the room, Brooke came up empty-handed and found herself ready to hit that old internal panic button that she knew all too well.

“Hey Randi, excuse me. I’ll be right back.” Brooke tried to think of some reason for her abrupt departure before her oldest sibling’s story was done. “I need to get dinner ready for Mario.” She smiled and walked away.

“Yeah, that dog has a better life than the rest of us,” Randi shook her head then continued on with her story for the benefit of her father and Terri as Brooke entered the kitchen.

Brooke stopped short when she rounded the corner leading into the kitchen, seeing Sam with her mother.

“Here, is this what you’re looking for?” Sam had opened a drawer and held up a spatula that she thought the family matriarch might be needing.

“Well, thank you Sam,” Mable raised an eyebrow as the blonde handed her the utensil. “But how did you…” her thought was cut off by the emergence of one tall child of hers.

“Hi, Mom. What’s up?” Brooke grinned. “Need any help?”

“I just figured that it would be there…” Sam shrugged, “My Aunt keeps it there in her kitchen all the time. Lucky, I guess.”

“Hey, Sam,” Brooke tried to keep her voice from becoming softer, and cleared her throat. “How are ya? Having fun?”

“Yeah, loads of fun. Thanks for inviting me.” Sam smiled as she watched Brooke blowing her kisses from high above her mother’s head when Mable’s attention was centered on Sam.

“Oh, no problem at all. Right Mom?” Brooke drew her Mother’s attention toward herself, “Can’t have a party without C.C.’s roommate now, can we?”

“No, not at all,” Mable agreed turning around, almost catching the show of tongue that Sam was displaying in Brooke’s direction.

The blonde used the action to wet her lips, acting so innocent and pure then said, “Who else would know her better?”

“Well, I guess you’ll find that out this year, won’t you.” Brooke nodded, then pointed over toward the cabinet with Mario’s food in it, “I just came in to feed Mario, excuse me.”

“Sam, I didn’t see any car out front for you or C.C. Will you need a lift back to the dorm tonight?” Mable looked over her shoulder at Brooke. “Henry and I could…”

“Ah…actually, I offered to drive them back, Mom,” Brooke turned around with the dog food bag in her hand.

“I don’t have a car, Mrs. Gordon,” Sam chimed in trying to take the heat off Brooke.

“Hmmm…gee, Brooke that seems a little out of your way, Dear.”

“Well, I…ah…yeah, but…” Brooke stumbled with her answer. “I picked C.C. and Sam up and you know…” the tall woman shrugged her shoulders, “Twenty-first birthday and all…”

“We figured that C.C. would be too drunk to go home…” Sam added.

“Didn’t think she should drive back so…we…uhm…” Brooke kept the story going.

Sam nodded in agreement picking up where her tall counterpart left off, “We figured that between the two of us, we could watch out for her tonight.”

“Yeah,” Blue eyes got bigger as the story went further.

“You know, if she gets sick and all,” Sam added.

“Hold her head up and all that. You understand, right Mom?” Brooke waited eagerly to see if the story was bought.

Mable studied the two schemers, first looking to one, then the other. Slowly she started to nod her head, “Well, that sounds like a good plan.”

Brooke cast her eyes to the heavens and mouthed a quick ‘Thank you’ in Sam’s direction when her Mother’s back was to her. “Yeah, we kind of thought we might all be too trashed to drive, that’s why all three of us will be staying here.”

“You know, Brooke,” Mable looked over to her daughter. “Sometimes I actually think that you love that sister of yours.” The matriarch pinched her second oldest daughter’s cheek.

“Well, of course I do, Mom.” Brooke smirked then hugged her Mother. “She may be a pain in the ass but I am kind of fond of her.”

Mable slapped her daughter’s arm, “Watch those words, young lady. You’re fond of her now, and to think you used to smack her on the head.”

“Hey, I dumped her on her head,” Brooke corrected the statement only to get a finger pointed directly at her face.

“You know what I mean.” The stern look was one that Sam had never seen on the woman. Mable looked over to Sam and handed her the utensil that she had been using, “Here, I think you can handle this one,” the matriarch took a quick glance at her daughter and then back at Sam. “Don’t you?” With that, she left the kitchen leaving two very relieved women in her wake.

The dark-haired woman let go of a huge breath as she watched her mother turn the corner into the living room. “Oh, my God. I didn’t know she was in here with you.”

Sam laughed as she held the utensil that she was presented, like some prize.

“What’s so funny?”

“I think she likes you, Brooke.”

“Who? Mom?”

“Even if she picks on you, she only has your best interest at heart.”

“I do hope so,” Brooke raised a eyebrow at that thought, “She is my Mother.”

“So, do you think she knows about us?” Sam raised her own golden eyebrow in question.

“I don’t think so,” Brooke shook her head. “She’d have said something.”

“Yeah, she is pretty outspoken. I guess not.”

“Hmmm…” Brooke thought for a moment. “You know, I need to get some more ice out of the freezer in the basement,” she motioned with her head toward the stairs and winked at Sam, “You wanna help?”

“Those ice cubes are tricky to carry,” Sam headed toward the door, “you might need some extra hands.”

Brooke smiled, “Yep, big bags.” The woman held her hands out as far as they would stretch, making the need for another person all the more evident.

“Oh, definitely a two person operation if I ever saw one.” Sam looked around to make sure the coast was clear then took Brooke’s hand in her own. “It might even take us a little time to get them all under control,” Sam giggled. “After you, please,” Sam watched as Brooke led the way down the stairs and began to wonder just how many ice cubes would be left by the time they were ready to come back up.

As was the Gordon family tradition, the end of the meal brought with it a time of family gathering and acknowledgements. C.C.’s birthday was no different. Henry waited until everyone was finished before calling the room to order, causing the scattered conversations to quickly be drawn to an end.

“Settle down,” Henry stood in the center of the room, holding his hands up as he asked for quiet. “It’s the time of the evening that we are all waiting for.”


All eyes in the room turned from their father to C.C. who sat slightly tilted to one side with a surprised look on her face.

Henry looked down on his youngest child and made a very audible clearing of his throat. “Now as I was about to say…” he cast an arched eyebrow back at C.C. before looking out at the group. “Brooke,” he looked to find the woman in the gathering of people. “Will you do us the honor?”

“Uh…Yeah,” the second oldest daughter got up from her chair and came to stand next to her father. “I guess I can do that.”

Henry nodded and lifting his own glass to the room he asked, “Does everyone have a drink in their hand?” He watched as everyone reached for their beverage of choice, then turned to watch Brooke place one cold, frosty mug of beer into Sam’s hand with a wink.

“Okay,” Brooke turned to the rest of the room. She was purposefully standing so C.C. could be in view. “I guess I’ll start then.”

“Ooooh, wait for me…” Mable ran into the room from the kitchen, and grabbing her drink off the end table, she raised it to her youngest daughter. “Okay, Brooke, I’m ready,” she smiled, then motioned her child to continue on.

The rest of the group watched as Brooke walked around to the back of C.C. seated in a folding chair and eyed the coffee table in the center of the room. The tall woman took a few steps in that direction then stopped, then turned back looking at the guest of honor, smiling devilishly.

C.C. followed her sister’s path and grew paler as Brooke neared the coffee table. “No…not that…I’ll be good. Honest I will, I’m an adult now.” The brunette got up to run but Brooke’s strong steady hand held her in the chair.

“I guess you didn’t hit her hard enough back when she was a kid,” Terri spoke up. “Hey, Brooke, doesn’t she get twenty-one this time around?”

Brooke turned, smiling to the room. “Don’t worry, C.C., I only use Mom’s coffee table.” She chuckled at the relieved look on her sister’s face, as did the rest of the room.

Brooke’s constant observation of Sam continued even as she was thrust into the center of the room’s attention. The mistress of ceremonies seemed very pleased when the young blonde positioned herself across the table nestled shoulder to shoulder with Brooke’s siblings.

When the room settled down once more, Brooke shook her head in disbelief as she began to speak. “Well, I never thought this day would come when the brat here,” she turned and bowed to C.C., “would turn twenty-one.”

“Yeah, you got that right,” Randi raised her glass, voicing her own opinion.

Smiling at Randi’s words, Brooke kept right on going, “All of the trouble she caused with her blunders made us all want to put her six feet under…”

C.C. stuck her tongue out at the idea and made sure that each of her siblings saw it.

“But here she stands before us today, her head’s starting to spin, she’s starting to sway…” Brooke continued watching C.C. as she began to do the very thing that Brooke had mentioned, reaching out to steady her sister back into her chair.

“Hey, you got that one right, Sis,” C.C. laughed, then winked at her sister.

Brooke laughed with her, continuing on, “Even though she’s such a pain in the ass, I’m glad we’ve all been here to see her years pass…” Brooke looked out to her other sisters standing on either side of Sam. “A baby no more, she’s finally grown and yet there’s only one toast she should know…”

“Jeez, Brooke,” Randi called out. “I’m going to be a grandmother soon if you don’t hurry.”

One dark eyebrow arched as Brooke looked over at Randi before gathering up two beers in her hands and giving them to C.C. who smiled, eyeing the alcohol to be consumed.

“Ah, gee Sis, for me?” C.C. accepted them eagerly.

Raising her own glass, Brooke finished the toast, “Remember as you reach and soar to new heights, Sam Adams forever,” she reached out and clinked the first of the beers she had handed C.C., ” but Molson for life.” After taking the time to clink the other, Brooke downed her beer as the room mimicked her in the last part of the toast.

“Sam Adams forever, but Molson for life,” the chorus of unsynchronized voices repeated before the clinking began.

The blonde stood dumbfounded by the events of the last few minutes. Her wide-eyed stare caused Terri a little concern as she turned to clink her glass with Sam’s.

“Come on Sam, drink up. We won’t tell anyone that you’re not legal.” Terri watched as Sam slowly nodded and started to sip at her mug of beer.

Brooke made her way over to Terri, clinking their glasses together, and taking a sip, “Damn, I hate it when Dad puts me on the spot to come up with something like that.”

“Glad it wasn’t me.” Terri motioned her head toward Sam, “I don’t think Sam was ready for that long of a toast, Brooke.”

Noticing the far off look in Sam’s green eyes, Brooke tried to get her attention, “You okay?”

Vacant looking eyes turned toward Brooke, “How…How did you know…” Sam searched the older woman’s face, “That toast…”

Shrugging, Brooke laughed, “What do you mean? I made it up.”

“When?” Sam smiled slightly, wondering if Brooke even knew what she had said.

“The whole thing?” Brooke asked watching Sam nod her head. “Just now. Well, except for the part at the end.”

“The end part? Where did that come from?” The blonde was intent on finding out.

“Sam Adams forever, but Molson for life? I’ve been saying that since my twenty-first birthday.”

“Hey, Sam, don’t believe her. She’s said that all her life,” Terri smirked. “At least that’s what it seems like.”

Brooke offered in passing, “Those were my two favorite beers.”

“Ah, Sis,” Randi corrected her, “You had those two as favorites before you were legal.”

“Yeah, I know.” Brooke looked fondly at the beer in her hand, “Hmm…when did I come up with that toast?”

“Weren’t you like…fifteen? I remember hearing that when I was in grade school.” Terri tried to jog everyone’s memory.

“Oh, yeah! That’s right. I just never said it in front of Mom and Dad until I was twenty-one.” Brooke grinned thinking that she had pulled one over on her parents. Feeling a tap on her shoulder, the reminiscent woman turned around to view her Mother.

“It was when she was nine. I remember it like it was yesterday.” Mable shook her head. “When she went to camp that year, she came home with nothing but songs of beer and could recite the alphabet using the different brand names of beer for each letter.” The woman who was dwarfed standing in the mist of her own children, shook a stern finger then laughed. “Don’t think that I don’t know.”

“Oops!” Brooke hid behind Randi.

“Ah…Busted finally, Brooke.” The lawyer teased. “I’m not taking this case. You better plead the fifth.”

“Damn.” Brooke snapped her fingers in disgust, then smiled and laughed along with the rest of the family.

While the Gordon family was ribbing Brooke, Sam was doing some figuring of her own. Subtracting Brooke’s age for the year they were now in, the blonde deducted that she was born in 1971. After quickly adding nine onto that, Sam paled coming to a conclusion. “That was the year I was born,” she said not wanting to believe it was true.

“Really?” Brooke now did the math in her head, “Yeah, I guess it was.”

The stunned blonde turned to look at Brooke, “How…how did you know?”

“Know what?” Seeing Sam still a little off in space, Brooke grew concerned. “What is it, Sam? What’s wrong?”

The words came out slow and trance-like for the group to hear, “That’s my name.”

“Sam?” Brooke seemed confused. “Sam Moleson. Yeah, I knew that.”

The blonde continued, “It’s an old family tradition. I’m named after my mother’s family.” Sam turned to look directly at Brooke, “I’m Sam Adams Moleson.”

Blue eyes fixed on Sam as the color drained out of Brooke’s face, she silently thought about what the blonde had just said. Brooke swallowed, then mumbled out the last part of the toast as though she were in a trance, “Sam Adams forever, but Molson for life…”

Terri watched with a more than professional eye as her sister came to the same realization that Sam had when the toast was initially given. Leaning over to Randi, she stated, “Surprises never cease around here, do they?”

“Hmm…” Randi gave it some thought. “You think it means anything?”

“Nah,” the pediatrician shook her head. “That would be too much like fate or something.” She smirked, “And we all know that Brooke makes her own fate. Hey, Randi, did you see that show the other night on cable?” Terri motioned for her sister to follow her.

“True.” Randi moved away with Terri, not lowering her voice to hide her conversation. “So, what’s up with the look on her face? She looks like she’s seen a ghost.”

Terri shrugged, keeping an eye on Brooke as she talked with Randi. “You know the one with babies and predetermined fates?”

“No, how was it?”

“It proved that babies had certain destinies…fate.”

“How so, Sis.”

Whispering so that no one else would hear but Sam, Brooke pondered half-afraid of what it really meant, “Guess I’ve always known then, huh?”

“Maybe…” Sam looked up to Brooke, “I sure hope so.” She held her breath hoping that her wish would be true.

Brooke looked around to make sure that no one was watching her, then mouthed, ‘I love you’ to Sam. She then let herself pick back up on the conversation that was going on around her.

“…twins separated at birth.” Terri continued her story, “They both had the same profession later in life when they met.”

“Huh?” Brooke tried to understand what her sisters were talking about, “Weird, I mean.”

“And they knew that they had someone out there just like themselves. Like another part of their soul…” Terri looked over to Brooke.

“So, you’re telling me this because…?” Brooke asked wondering what the point of the whole discussion was.

“Maybe you knew C.C.’s roommate before meeting her.”

“Ah…you mean, maybe Brooke knew her in another life or something weird like that?” Randi was trying to make sense of Terri’s ramblings.

“Exactly,” Terri agreed.

Sam’s mind was reeling with the thoughts of the last several minutes and suddenly she just needed room to think, room to be…alone for a while. Without saying a word to anyone, the blonde moved away from the small band of siblings and left the room.

Two sets of eyes watched as Sam took her leave, walking out into the kitchen and then onto the deck outside. Brooke debated with herself about going after Sam but she decided that perhaps the young woman need a little space right now. She granted it to her.

The cool night breeze off the ocean could be felt even here where the young executive had carved out a home in the sandy soils of the beachfront community. Sam wandered from one corner of the deck to the other letting her thoughts and feelings come to the surface. Standing there with her hands on the railing, the young woman turned her eyes to the heavens. Then, picking one star out of the many that danced gracefully in the sky that night, she began her internal discussion as she tried to reason things out.

Could it be? Could she have really known that I was coming? Did she anticipate my chance meeting several weeks ago as early as the age of nine? Maybe even from the very day that I was born? How else would you explain it? Sam hung her head, closing her eyes and inhaled deeply, but the answers to all her questions still remained just out of her grasp. Shaking her long, blonde hair, she pulled the strands away from her neck and let them settle about her shoulders. If she did know that I was coming into her life, does that mean we are joined together somehow…like soulmates?

Sam knew that she believed in fate, but could this be really happening to her, and so soon in her life? It just seemed like too much to deal with, at least right now. Sam turned her face into the gentle breeze and prayed that the currents would enlighten her. I wonder if Brooke will believe in fate now or if its going to freak her out even more?

“Are you okay, Dear?”

The sound of another’s voice startled Sam and she turned to see Mrs. Gordon standing just outside the kitchen door. “Hi, Mrs. Gordon.” Sam tried to rustle up a weak smile for the woman, “Yeah, just a little…ah…overwhelmed by the celebration.”

“Then you did good by coming out here in the fresh air,” Mable slowly made her way towards Sam. “It always helps me to clear my head. How about you?”

Sam nodded and turned back to lean on the railing, then look up at the stars overhead.

Mable came over and copied Sam’s statue-like pose, staying silent for a few minutes before asking what had been on her mind for the majority of the evening, “You like her, don’t you?” The older woman knew she had struck a chord when she heard the sharp gasp of air that the girl had taken in.

“I’m…not sure I know how to answer that,” Sam chose her words cautiously.

“What do you mean, Dear?” Mable refrained from looking in Sam’s direction.

Sam bit her lower lip then spoke, “I…ah…I don’t want you to get the wrong idea of me.”

The matriarch smiled, then asked, “And what kind of wrong idea would I have?” She turned to look over at the blonde, “You can be honest with me, Sam. I won’t say anything to her.”

The young woman sighed but felt compelled to answer. “That maybe I’m trying to cash in here…” Her words were spoken in whispers, “Take Brooke for a ride.”

“Oh Sam,” the compassion filled Mable’s voice. “I would never think that. You’re not that type at all, Dear.”

Longing for the wisdom of a mother, Sam fought with herself for only a brief moment before confiding in the matriarch, “I think I’m in love with her,” she whispered turning toward Mable and letting her chin nearly touch her chest. Sam glanced up shyly and tried to explain, “I…I guess I kind of need a mother’s advice. I’m afraid all these feelings are kind of new to me.”

Brooke’s Mom reached out, placing her hand underneath Sam’s chin and raised it to look at the young woman’s face. “Love doesn’t think, Sam. It either is or it isn’t?” Mable could tell that her directness, coupled with the warm smile on her face, was helping Sam talk about what was on her mind.

“Then I guess I am. I’m in love with your daughter.” Sam looked into the matriarch’s soft brown eyes, trying to gauge her acceptance.

“Does she know?”

“God, I hope so. I’m pretty sure she does.”

Mable tilted her head to study the young woman harder, “And what does she think?”

Smiling shyly, Sam told her the truth. “She told me that she loved me over the cell phone last week.” She giggled, remembering how it had come about. “I’m hoping that’s a good sign.”

“Oh, Sam…” Mable grabbed onto the blonde’s arms, asking her directly, “She actually said it…said those three words?”

“Said it…wrote it…” Sam tried to hold back the broad grin that wanted to take over her face, “she even mouthed it a time or two to me tonight with everyone else around.”

Sam could swear that there were twinkles coming from Mable’s eyes right before she was pulled into the massive hug that she now found herself.

“Oh, Sam…I only have one thing to say about this.”

“You’re…not mad?”

“Of course, I’m not mad.” Mable tightened the hold she had on the small blonde, “I think it’s wonderful. Welcome to the family, Honey!” The matriarch beamed with love and acceptance of the person that her daughter had chosen to say those three little words to.

Nervous laughter came from the small blonde, giddy at the thought of being welcomed into a family. “Now, tell that to her,” Sam giggled out like a schoolgirl.

“Tell her what?” Mable released the girl and looked her straight in the eye.

“That I’m in the family…”

The older woman laughed at the pun she had made without really knowing it at the time. “Family,” she laughed, using her hand to cover her mouth, “I’m sure she knows it already.”

“Yeah, I can see that she takes after you…” Sam winked, “Well, just a little.”

Mable watched as Brooke came out onto the deck and moved toward Sam without the girl seeing her.

Once Brooke was close enough to whisper, she leaned slightly toward Sam saying, “She does.”

The blonde turned toward Brooke’s voice, “Where’d you come from?”

“Mom and Dad,” Brooke tried keeping a straight face.

“I’ve heard that answer before.”

“I know you have…” Brooke raised an eyebrow. “Guess I need some new material if I’m going to keep you around, huh?”

“Sorry, Brooke, I…I kind of let it out about us to your Mother.”

Brooke looked at her Mother, then back at Sam, “No, If anything, I’m sure she dragged it out of you. You know she used to have a job at the Spanish Inquisition,” the tall woman beamed a smile and winked at her Mother.

“Your Mom?” Sam asked, trying not to laugh.

“Right, I did,” Mable confirmed her tactics, “I brow beat it out of her tooth and nail.”

“You’re not mad about finding out this way. Are you Mom?”

The matriarch shook her head, “No, not really. But I suspected it after that little kitchen scene of yours.”

“What kitchen scene?”

“Never mind, Brooke. It was too cute, you both trying hard to cover for the other one.” Mable came over to Brooke, and reached up to pinch her cheeks, “Mad? How could I be mad when my daughter has finally found her soul?” The woman laughed as she pulled Brooke’s face down closer to her own. “I saw those winks, Brooke. You’ve got to learn to be more subtle.”

“Winks? But…uhm…ah…er…How?” Brooke stuttered out.

Mable kissed her daughter on the cheek, then let her go with a warning. “Remember, I’m a mother. I got eyes in the back of my head.” She turned her back to Brooke and grabbed her hair to part it down the back, “You want to see for yourself?” She said teasingly.

The tall woman closed her eyes and scrunched up her face. “Ugh! Mom, please don’t. You know how I hate that sci-fi stuff.” Brooke finally opened one eye and asked, “Oh, damn. Does that mean that Randi has those too?”

“Okay, okay,” Mable pushed her hair back in place, then tweaked her daughter some more. “You know that they come with the first birth. Why, of course, Randi has them.”

Brooke shivered with a chill that had just passed through her as she mumbled out, “Glad that I won’t have ‘em. The mere thought is disgusting.”

Mable looked up at her daughter, “You never know, Brooke. Don’t go tempting fate. Look where it got you already.”

“Okay, Mom.” Brooke rolled her eyes, but agreed anyhow. “Ah, Mom?”

“Yes, Dear.”

Brooke looked at Sam then back to her mother. “Mom, about Sam and me…we didn’t want…”

Mable held up her hand, halting Brooke. “Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. I won’t tell the rest of the family. I’ll let you have that honor when you’re both ready to.” She reached out and patted first her daughter’s cheek, then, Sam’s, “Speaking of which, I think we can officially declare this party over. It’s time for us all to go home.”

Brooke nodded as she reached out and took Sam’s hand in hers.

Mother started back into the house but stopped short and turned, “Ah, Sam…sorry, but our car is full, guess you’ll just have to spend the night here with my daughters.”

“Ah, Damn!” Brooke looked all bummed out, teasing her mother.

“We could always take Sam and leave Randi here, Brooke,” Mable teased right back.

“No, that’s okay.” Brooke rolled her eyes at living with Randi under the same roof, if only for a night.

“I figured you’d see it my way,” Mable laughed as she turned to walk away.

Brooke winked at Sam and whispered, “Nope, wrong. I see it my way.” The tall woman pointed a finger to her own chest.

The matriarch walked away, reaching up to adjust her hair in the back of her head, then turned, winking at Sam. “I saw that.”

Brooke glanced over at her retreating mother and let her mouth drop open, with Sam following suit.

“Close your mouths, girls. You’ll catch flies.” Mable turned, then thought of something. “Better yet, why don’t you two just go ahead and kiss?”

Two stunned women watched the older woman go into the house and then looked to each other. Brooke wasted no time and pulled Sam into a tight embrace, as a questioning look came to the blonde’s face.

The dark-haired woman raised an eyebrow and said, “What? You expect me not to do what my mother told me to do?” The rakish grin slid across her face as she leaned in, savoring the sweet lips that she had wanted to kiss all evening.
