
I am grateful to many people, chief among these: Lexy Bloom, Jeff Alexander, Peter Terzian, Anne Messitte, Ben Shykind, Glenn Kurtz, Jenny Pouech, Sonny Mehta, Bridget Carey, Michael Silverberg, Dan Cantor, Peter Pitzele, Russell Perreault, Claudia Martinez, Tom Pold, Dan Frank, Barbara Richard, Roz Parr, Paige Smith, Megan Wilson, Carol Carson, Tony Chirico, Kate Runde, Stephen McNabb, Jaime De Pablos, LuAnn Walther, Quinn O’Neill, Mike Jones, everyone at Vintage Books, Jennifer Olsen, Pablo Delcan, Oliver Munday, Cardon Webb, David Wike, Max Fenton, Arthur Danto, Wallace Gray; my first and best audience: Judy Mendelsund and Lisa Mendelsund, and, always, Karla.

Finally: Thanks to the book cover designers—that loosely federated body of artists, publishing subalterns, and perpetual underclass. I’m proud to be one of your membership.
