The office was on the fourth floor. An alarm triggered as Amelia stepped inside; she knew the passcode and tapped it in. Kell followed her as she flicked a bank of lights, strobing rows of computers on desks in an open-plan office that stretched back to what looked like a kitchen. There were magazines and brochures on the desks, headsets and mugs of half-finished tea and coffee. Along the right-hand wall, rows of dresses wrapped in plastic were jammed on hangers like outfits in the backstage chaos of a fashion show.
‘What is this place?’ Kell asked.
‘Mail-order catalogue.’ Amelia walked to the far end of the room and immediately settled into a low red sofa near the kitchen. Kell closed the door behind him, put his bags on the ground and followed her.
‘So,’ she said, as he peered into the kitchen. ‘What happened to your face?’
‘Got into a fight. Mugged.’
‘Christ. Where?’
Amelia tripped on the coincidence, a split-second reaction fleeting across her face like scudding clouds. She disguised her concern by saying simply: ‘Poor you’ and then waited for Kell to elaborate. There was nowhere for him to sit, nowhere to make himself comfortable. He paced back and forth, wondering how to begin. Amelia always had this effect on him; he felt jumpy and somehow incomplete in her presence, a generation younger.
‘There isn’t anything straightforward about what I’m going to tell you,’ he said.
‘There never is.’
‘Please.’ Kell found that he was anxious enough to ask Amelia not to interrupt. ‘I’m just going to tell you what I know. The facts.’
‘About the mugging?’
He shook his head. She had kicked off her shoes and was stretching the fabric of her tights with painted toes. He found himself staring at them.
‘When you have had time to absorb everything, I hope you’ll come to understand that I am on your side, that I am doing this to protect you.’
‘Oh for God’s sake, Tom, spit it out.’
He looked at her and remembered how happy she had seemed at the pool, so attentive towards François, so relaxed and unguarded. He wished he wasn’t about to take it all away.
‘Your trip to France raised some alarm bells.’
‘I’m sorry?’
‘Please.’ Kell lifted a hand to indicate that he would explain everything, but in his own time. ‘Simon and George got nervous. They couldn’t work out why you had taken off at such short notice. So they had you watched in Nice.’
‘How do you know this?’
He marvelled at the nonchalance of the question, as though Amelia was merely enquiring after a point of detail. In all probability she was already several stages ahead of him, seeing the problem in seven dimensions, anticipating everything that Kell was about to say and calculating its implications.
‘Because when you disappeared, Jimmy Marquand hired me to come and look for you.’
Kell watched Amelia’s face. ‘I see.’
‘Look.’ He had sat at the edge of a large table, but stood again now and paced towards the sofa. ‘Long story short, I got the keys to your hire car from the safe in your room at the Gillespie …’
‘Jesus.’ That caught her out. Amelia stared at the floor. Kell found himself saying: ‘I’m sorry’ and felt a fool for doing so.
‘I got hold of your BlackBerry, traced some calls …’
‘… and followed me to Tunis. Yes, I understand.’ There was now a degree of hostility in her voice.
‘The man you were with in Tunis,’ he said, no longer wishing to prolong Amelia’s suffering, ‘he is not who you think he is.’
She looked up. It was as though he had stepped on her soul. ‘And who do I think he is, Tom?’
‘He is not your son.’
Four years earlier, Kell had sat with Amelia Levene in a control room in Helmand province when news came in that two SIS officers and five of their American colleagues had been killed by a suicide bomber in Najaf. One man in the room, still a senior figure in SIS, had broken down in tears. Kell himself had accompanied his opposite number in the CIA outside and comforted her for fifteen minutes in a passageway that buzzed with oblivious Marines. Only Amelia had remained unaffected. This was the price of war, she would later explain. Almost alone among her colleagues, she had been full-square behind the invasion of Iraq and incensed by the bien-pensant Left, on both sides of the Atlantic, who had seemed happy to leave Iraq in the hands of a genocidal maniac. Amelia was a realist. She didn’t live in a black-and-white world of simple rights and obvious wrongs. She knew that bad things happened to good people and that all you could do was stick to your principles.
So it did not surprise Kell when she looked at him with an almost stubborn indifference and said: ‘Is that so?’
He knew how she worked. She would do anything to maintain her dignity in front of him.
‘I tracked down his closest friend in Paris,’ Kell said. ‘A man named Christophe Delestre. There were two funerals. Philippe and Jeannine Malot were cremated on July twenty-second at Père Lachaise. That service has now been wiped from the public record, almost certainly by elements in the DGSE. You attended a similarly intimate funeral on July twenty-sixth at a crematorium in the Fourteenth. Is that correct?’
Amelia nodded.
‘Did this man make the eulogy?’
He passed a photograph of Delestre to Amelia, taken on his mobile phone in Montmartre. She looked at the screen.
‘This is Delestre?’
‘I’ve never seen him before. There was no eulogy. Just a Bible reading, some …’ Her voice trailed off as she realized what had happened. ‘The funeral was a set-up.’
Kell nodded. He did not like to see Amelia suffering, but had no choice but to press on. ‘At the end of my meeting with Delestre and his wife, I showed them a photograph of François lying beside the pool at the Valencia Carthage. They didn’t recognize him. He said the two men were similar in build, in colouring, but that was all. He had never seen this man before in his life.’
Amelia stood up from the sofa, like a physical rejection of what Kell was telling her. She went into the kitchen and poured herself some water. She came back holding two plastic cups, one of which she handed to Kell. It did not seem as though she was ready to speak, so Kell assembled the final points of his theory and put them as delicately as he could.
‘It seems likely that Paris found out about your son at some point in the last few years, arranged for Philippe and Jeannine to be murdered, then put you alongside an agent whom you assumed, because you had no reason to doubt him, was François.’
Amelia took a sip of the water. There was an obvious question and it was as though she could not bear to ask it.
‘What about François?’ she said. ‘What about my son?’
Kell wanted to come forward and to hold her. All through their long association he had been careful never to allow his affection for Amelia to cloud their professional relationship. He needed all of that discipline now. ‘Nobody knows what’s happened to him. Delestre has received emails and text messages which indicate that François may still be alive. There’s a strong chance that he’s being held captive by the DGSE, possibly at a safe house in the Languedoc …’
Suddenly, from the opposite end of the office, came the ping of a lift and the distant sound of doors sliding open. Kell looked up as a middle-aged South American man emerged on to the landing, trailing a vacuum cleaner. Walking towards him across the open-plan office, Kell saw that the man had a set of keys in his hand and was preparing to unlock the door.
‘What do you want?’ he shouted.
‘It’s just the cleaner,’ Amelia muttered.
Through the glass, the man lazily waved a hand and indicated that he would return when the office was empty. Kell walked back to the sofa.
‘Held captive?’ Amelia asked. Kell could see how hard she was working to mask her despair.
‘It makes the most sense,’ he replied, but found that he could not elaborate. His mind was momentarily blank. He had no clue as to François’ whereabouts, save for the fact that the man impersonating him had been dropped off by a Marseille cab driver near a village south of Castelnaudary. Amelia pulled on her shoes, covering her painted toes.
‘It’s certainly an interesting theory,’ she said. Kell still did not know what to say or do. Bending forward, Amelia flicked a speck of dust from her tights. ‘But it rather begs a question, don’t you think?’
‘Several,’ Kell replied, and wondered if she was preparing to leave.
‘Such as why?’
‘Why you?’ he said. ‘Or why kidnap François?’
Amelia produced a look of quick contempt. ‘No, not that.’ Kell felt momentarily insulted. ‘I mean, why stage such an operation? Why murder two innocent civilians? God knows the Service Action has carried out quiet assassinations on foreign soil, but what did Philippe and Jeannine ever do to anyone? Why would the DGSE take another risk on the scale of Rainbow Warrior? To humiliate me?’
‘You ever hear of a DGSE officer using the legend Benedict Voltaire?’ Kell asked.
Amelia shook her head.
‘Tall, mid-fifties, smokes filterless cigarettes. A lot of them. Sarcastic, a bit macho.’
‘You could be describing every middle-aged Frenchman I’ve ever met.’
Kell was too tense to laugh. ‘Dyed black hair,’ he said. ‘His real name may be Luc.’
Amelia flinched. ‘Luc?’
Kell moved a step towards her. ‘You think you might know him?’
But Amelia seemed to back away from the coincidence, suspicious of any probable link. ‘Must be a hundred Lucs in the Service. In the run-up to Iraq, I became entangled with a man who roughly fits that description, but we shouldn’t jump to conclusions.’
‘Entangled how?’ Kell couldn’t tell whether she was implying a romantic or professional relationship. Amelia quickly provided an answer.
‘You remember in ’02 and ’03, the Office ran a fairly aggressive attack on the French team at the UN after Chirac turned his back on Blair and Bush.’ Kell had suspected that such an operation had been put in place, but its secrecy had prevented it from ever being confirmed in his hearing. ‘At the same time, I recruited a source at the Élysée Palace.’
‘You personally?’
‘Me personally. Known to us as DENEUVE.’
Kell was impressed, but not surprised. It was the sort of coup with which Amelia Levene had made her name.
‘And Luc found out about it? That’s the nature of the entanglement?’
Amelia stood up and began to walk towards the southern wall of the office, like a customer in a shop testing a new pair of shoes. Several seconds passed before she answered Kell’s question.
‘There was always a suspicion that DENEUVE was unreliable, but we were up against it in terms of time and needed whatever information we could get from Chirac’s people. When the invasion began, the relationship with DENEUVE quickly came to an end. We noticed that, within a few weeks, she had lost her job. If Luc is Luc Javeau, he was the DGSE officer in Paris tasked with covering up the DENEUVE leak. We think she named me as her SIS case officer in order to save her skin. Javeau actually called me up in person and warned me off any further French targets.’
‘That must have been an interesting conversation.’
‘Let’s just say that it didn’t end well. I denied all knowledge, of course, but as far as Javeau was concerned, it was now “open season” on London.’
Kell moved closer towards her, shutting down the space. ‘So you think there may be a possibility of payback in all this?’
Amelia was too smart, and too experienced, to pin the Malot operation on mere vengeance, without a greater burden of proof.
‘What else have you got?’ she asked.
‘Africa,’ Kell suggested.
It was a thesis that Kell had been turning over in his mind since Paris. ‘Arab Spring. The French know that Amelia Levene has prioritized greater British involvement in the region. They know that you have the ear of the PM. Either they were seeking to blackmail you, to get you to ease off Libya and Egypt, or they were simply going to expose you when François was subjected to vetting. Paris sees the Maghreb as their patch. They’ve already lost significant control of Francophone West Africa to the Chinese. The last thing they want is a new Chief of the SIS trying to roll back that influence still further.’
Amelia looked across the office at a shuttered window on the Queensway side. ‘So they get rid of me, George Truscott takes over, and the Moscow Men go back to a pre-9/11 mindset?’
‘Precisely.’ Kell was warming to his theme. ‘No movement on Libya, Egypt, Algeria when it falls. No meaningful strategy for China or India. Two officers and a dog in Brazil. Just keep kissing Washington’s arse and preserve the Cold War status quo. It’s no coincidence that the operation began as soon as you were appointed Chief. The DGSE may have known about François for years but only chose to act now. That tells us something. It tells us that they knew François’ existence, if taken advantage of effectively, had the potential to compromise you. Expose him and it could end your career.’
‘My career is already over, Tom.’
It was an uncharacteristically defeatist line.
‘Not necessarily.’ One of the strip-lights above Kell’s head began to flicker. He reached up and twisted the tube until it cut out. ‘Nobody knows about this. Nobody but me.’
Amelia looked at him sharply. ‘You haven’t told Marquand?’
‘He thinks you were in Tunis on a dirty weekend. He thinks you and François are fucking. They all do. Just another one of Amelia’s extra-marital affairs.’
Amelia winced and Kell saw that he had gone too far. Male hypocrisy writ large. Amelia took a sip of water, forgiving him with a glance, and Kell moved the subject on.
‘We have options,’ he said, because it had occurred to him, not for the first time, that he was saving her career as well as salvaging his own.
Amelia met his gaze. ‘Enlighten me.’
Kell arranged his pieces on the board. ‘We go after the DGSE,’ he said. ‘We go after the man who is masquerading as Malot. Let’s call him what he is: CUCKOO. A cuckoo in the nest.’ Kell drained his cup of water and set it on the table. ‘You invite him to stay with you in Chalke Bissett this weekend, a little mother-and-son bonding time. We get a team together, we soak his phones, his laptop, we find out who’s behind the operation. He eventually leads us to where they’re holding your son.’
‘You truly believe that François is still alive?’ she asked.
‘Of course. Think about it. They’ve known all along that they have an insurance plan. Even in the worst-case scenario, even if the operation gets blown, they still have François in captivity. Why would they kill someone who is so valuable to them?’