Chapter 36

THE POUNDING ON HIS door woke Chad. The shadows in the hotel room indicated the sun had recendy set, but it wasn't quite night. He rolled out of the bed fully dressed. He'd been in no condition to think about getting comfortable when he'd crawled into it.

The pounding hadn't stopped, even though he'd mumbled, "I'm coming."

He had a feeling he knew who was on the other side, almost recognized the knock, which is why he yanked the door open angrily. He was right. "Hell, can I do nothing in this town without you hearing about it?"

"Not much." His father chuckled as he sauntered into the room.

Chad closed the door behind him and ran a hand over his face, trying to shake off his grogginess. That was a mistake. Pain shot right through his temples, reminding him why he'd come to town.

"You don't look so good," Stuart remarked as he got comfortable in the only chair.

"Had a bit too much to drink."

"I heard. I'm waiting to hear the rest. And why aren't you staying at our place? I don't keep that house staffed here in town just for looks."

"I needed a good view of the street, and the hotel offers it."

"For what? Something else I don't know about, besides why you're here?"

"You gonna let me wake up some before badgering me to death?"

"I suppose." Stuart sighed.

Chad moved to the window. It was dusk outside, barely any gray left in the sky. A light was on in the stable down the street where Spencer lodged his horse. The horse hadn't left the stable that day.

He'd really hoped, after his talk with Spencer, that he wouldn't have to let his father know what a damn fool he was. But he should have known someone would send word to Stuart that he was in town and trying to drink himself into a stupor. And Spencer didn't head out to the Twisting Barb as he'd thought he would. He could have decided to wait until the barbecue and woo Amanda there. Or he could have decided he didn't want her now, after what Chad had told him. That was a distinct possibility.

With Stuart here and already full of questions, there was no point in beating about the bush. Chad stated bluntly, "I'm getting married."

"The nag?" Stuart guessed and sighed his displeasure. "So you came to town to celebrate? That's what the drinking was about?"

Chad shook his head with a grimace. "Not even close. I'm not exactly happy about this."

"You aren't?" Stuart said in confusion, then grinned in relief, assuming, "Ah, so you came to your senses before it's too late? Just beg off then. She might understand, and if she don't, too bad. It ain't as if she won't have most every man in the county sniffing after—"

"I can't beg off, Pa. As it stands right now, I have to marry her."

Stuart sat up, his expression gone to pure annoyance. "Have to? What'd you do?"

"Got real stupid."

"I already figured that, but how come you think so? Thought you were interested in her."

"I was—when I still thought the things I didn't like about her were just related to the trip out here. But she didn't change when she settled in, she got worse. She's a conniving, manipulative bitch."

"And a nag."

"That, too."

"So what happened to make you see the light?" Stuart asked.

"She decided to use me to get her inheritance. Since she was already sure Red would approve of me, I presented the quickest means to her goal."

Stuart growled, "If you tell me she asked you to marry her and you jumped on it, I just might take a strap to you for being that dumb."

Chad snorted. "No. I wish she could have been that straightforward, but I did mention conniving, didn't I? She tricked me into making love to her, then made sure to let Red know about it."

"I was afraid of that." Stuart sighed again, then added, "You can stop being so hard on yourself, boy. Getting seduced by a gal that pretty could have happened to the best of us, I suppose."

"You still haven't heard the clincher."

"There's more?"

Chad nodded. "You probably didn't notice—it took me a while to pick up on it myself—but they're twins, those sisters."


"Yes. And it was Marian I thought I was making love to. Amanda did herself up to look just like her, pretended to be her. And she pulled it off perfectly. I never guessed, really thought it was Marian-right up until dinner last night when Amanda came down to tell Red about it."

Stuart shot to his feet angrily. "Now that stinks. Red wouldn't hold you accountable if she heard the whole of it. Just get back there and tell—"

"Amanda was a virgin, Pa."

"Son of a bitch!"

"My thoughts exactly. But I have a glimmer of hope now. If I'm lucky, real lucky, Spencer is going to get me out of this."

"Now why didn't you say that to begin with? You and him friends again?"

"Hell no."

"Fighting over the same women again then?" Stuart guessed next.

"There's no fight," Chad said. "He's dumb enough to want her. I don't."

Stuart frowned. "But how's that going to help? The damage is done."

"Yes, but he knows about it and still wants her," Chad replied. "He showed up this morning in O'Mallys, wouldn't leave me alone till I told him why I was here. If I'd been a bit more sober, I probably would have kept it to myself. With luck, I'll be glad I didn't."

"But ain't Red insisting the girl marry you?" Stuart pointed out.

"Red is no more happy about this than I am. If Spencer can convince Amanda to marry him instead, I think Red will give her blessing on it. She knows I was tricked."

"Damn, that's a relief." Stuart finally grinned. "Thought I was going to have to order lumber for you, to build your own house."

Chad rolled his eyes and reminded his father, "I did say if he can convince her. There's no guarantee, Pa. Amanda could as easily tell Spencer to get lost. She's got a guaranteed husband lined up, after all. And she went to a lot of trouble to snag me."

"Yeah, but you're hopeful," Stuart returned. "That's good enough for me."

"Only because Spencers good at seducing, and telling a woman exactly what she wants to hear, whether it's true or not."

Stuart chuckled. "Sounds like those two were made for each other."

"I couldn't agree more."

Stuart stood up to leave, though that wasn't his intention. "Mind if I get some dinner sent up?" he said.

"Mind if I don't join you for it?" Chad replied. "In fact, why don't you let me get back to sleep."

"You can't still be tired," Stuart protested. "You slept all day."

"Not all day. I stood at that window most of the morning, waiting for Spencer to make up his mind what he was going to do. He never did ride out."

Stuart was back to frowning. "You think he's conceding to you?"

"When you put it that way, I'd have to say no. He never concedes. So maybe he is just going to wait until your barbecue, where he'll have easier access to Amanda without Red's constant supervision."

Stuart's expression softened. "And maybe I'll help by keeping Red busy myself."
