"So. Like mother, like daughter. A whole damned family of perverts, like this one," Max said with a laugh, motioning to Bobby. "It's luck that's drawn us together. Just plain, dumb luck. It's real good this way."

Lydia stared with hated, squirming against the black latex suit Max had fitted over her naked body. As the final degradation, he had pissed into the thing, wetting the rubber with his urine before he and Bobby had fitted the squirming woman with it. She now felt the slick sliding of the piss-slicked latex against her flesh.

How she wanted to peel the thing from her body and run from this horrid place! All thou ads, all those forbidden climaxes she had had with Max paled, it seemed, now that she was under the gaze of her daughter. Lydia felt guilty as if she had pushed Shari into this dark world even though she knew in her heart of hearts she had nothing at all to do with it.

As she lay stretched on the long table, her arms roped to the sides, she squirmed, feeling the pins gurgling against her flesh. Turning her head, Lydia saw Shari bent over in that obscene way, her wrists roped to her ankles. A long two-by-four acted as a spacer, keeping her legs spread far apart. Bobby was worming one finger into the girl's whole, making the teen's face redden. Max had long since pulled the hood from her face, wanting to see Shari's expression while his nephew finger-fucked the girl in the ass.

"Don't… don't do this to me!" Shari cried, stealing nervous glances at her bound mother.

How hideous the woman looked bound that way, her body encased in that tight-fitting rubber suit. And they had pissed into it! Yeah! Shari thought she could almost smell the excitement as she remained bent in this horrid position, enduring the fucking fingers up her shitter.

"Let's make sure the old lady remembers us, though I don't think she's gonna forget soon," Bobby said, sliding in two more fingers and twisting them around until Shari squeaked like a stuck pig. The girl staggered forward, the board chafing her legs while her arms tugged futilely at the ropes.

"Sure. The poker. Almost forgot about that one," Max said, reaching down and pulling the lower half of the latex still down until a good portion of Lydia's right thigh showed. "Whew! Sure smells with all that piss cookin' up in that rubber!"

Lydia arched her spine, rubbing her shoulderblades against the workbench as she twisted her wrists against the restraints. He pulled the suit down until her cunt was completely exposed. Jerking her head up, Lydia saw Bobby holding her daughter by the hips, his body bent over the teen's while his hips were jerking forward spasmodically.

He was fucking Shari in the ass! She could see from the reddened expression on her daughter's face that the young stud was trying to ride her down into the floor. Lydia wanted to scream out her indignation. Then the woman realized she had her own problems to worry about. Max was going to finish up on her, and finish in style.

There was a burner in front of her where the generator had been, a high flame heating the black bowl inches above it. There, hanging from one side, was the handle of what Lydia took to be the branding hon or poker they had been talking about earlier. They were going to leave their mark on her no matter what happened from here on. She twisted up, her body taut, stretched against the wood while Max turned up the flame and watched his nephew ass-fucking the teen.

Shari had caught glimpses of her mother being readied for the branding and wanted to call out to her. But now she had feelings of her own to endure. The fingers probing her asshole had been bad enough. She felt the hot, spicy sensation of a digit worming its way up her bowels, a feeling that made her clit twitter as if set afire. But then Bobby had gripped her in this obscene way, holding her tightly by the hipbones while pushing his cock-head deep into her.

Shari squawked, her ass tearing in half while the pain radiated down her thighs and made her muscles spasm. She would have collapsed to the floor if it hadn't been for the board between her ankles and Bobby's fingers propping her up. He was fucking down and deep, clawing at her, splitting her in two until she felt her belly turn over in a sickening spasm of aches. Only her mother's screams from across the room pulled her attention from her violated ass. Max was stirring the poker around the coals, heating the tip as best he could with the fire while staring at the helpless woman writhing in her bonds.

Watching Shari getting fucked in the ass had sickened Lydia. But now her own plight came into focus. The branding iron was heated now. Max was showing more and more pleasure at the sight of the reddening tip. Brandishing the iron, Max jerked it from the bawl. Lydia felt her nipples rise up once more against the piss stained rubber suit while her cunt churned at what was about to happen to her.

"You'll get this up your belly, if I've got something to say about it!"

Lydia felt chilled all over. They were going to brand her like a mindless cow in the fields! She wanted to flee, to escape this horror, to take her fucked daughter and rush from the door.

Again she tried tearing her wrists and ankles free and found she could do nothing. Her eyes focused on the red tip Max now held just over the bowl. She shivered again, her flesh feeling cold and clammy, then growing hot and dry. This would be another rape, but one of a different kind.

The men had fucked her mindless more than once. But this would be the ultimate violation – there, in front of her raped daughter she would be revealed as what she truly was! Again she squirmed as Max brought the poker over to her, dangling it above her cunt, dropping it until the heat curled into her humid cunt-hole like a licking tongue.

"No… oh don't… not that… save… that… please… please, don't do it to me!" Lydia stammered. She would have sacrificed her daughter at this point to keep the big man from dropping the poker on her fuckhole.

But Max had other plans. He touched the tip to the muscle directly below her clit. Lydia screamed, her body arching high above the table, her clit filled to the bursting point while her legs tried to draw together. It was cold and hot at the same time, the sensation remaining even after Max had withdrawn the branding iron. It was more than she could stand. Her screams shrilled more loudly while her daughter cried out in sympathy with her tortured mother.

Lydia wanted to tear the binding rubber suit from her as she writhed and whimpered. The burning sensation was gone now, replaced by a throbbing one. She twisted and grunted, turning her head and seeing Bobby hammering her daughter's ravaged ass without mercy. Shari was yammering now, her muscles bulging against her damp flesh. The cries were growing more and more hoarse and guttural while Bobby was crooning to her, his fingers slapping against her ravaged ass-cheeks.

"Your daughter seems to be enjoying having her ass filled. That's good. That's almost the way you enjoy this," Max said, holding the poker up to Lydia's face for emphasis.

The woman winced, jerking her face away from the offending thing. Max tossed the poker back into the bowl, heated it, then brought it out once more, holding it level with her tits. She could feel the searing heat through the tight fitting rubber. Her nipples curled against the inferno and the rubber suit began to warm and melt.

Slowly he brought the red-colored head down, down until it was only one inch above her exposed thigh. Lydia's head shook as if she were having a fit, her saliva gathering up at the back of her throat as her nostrils flared. No. No. God in heaven, no!


Max dropped the burning tip at a point midway between her knee and thigh, singeing the flesh, sending a cloud of smoke into the air. Lydia shrieked, feeling her skin melting under the relentless attack. She could smell her own burning flesh. Her shrieks grew more strident, her throat aching from the strain while her nerves exploded with the wild sensations tearing through her body.

He kept the poker pressed against her flesh, drawing it up to her cunt. Lydia continued to scream, feeling as if he had poured burning gasoline all over her flesh. She jerked and convulsed, straining against the bonds, making the heavy wooden table jerk under her while every square inch of her body ached with agony.

He was drawing the thing to her cunt, watching as the blonde hairs singed black under the head. Just when Lydia thought he was going to drive the overheated rod into her pussy, he pulled it out, twisting it around and jamming the handle into her cunt.

Max left her like that, watching as her pussymuscles worked like small jaws, sucking in the heavy rod, working at it as if it were a cock. The woman screamed again and again, feeling a rush of biting orgasms flush through. At the same time, Shari joined her mother's shrieks, grunting and screaming while Bobby dumped his load of spunk into her ass. He kept her head down, beating her ass with his opened fists while working his hips from side to side.

Shari could feel the warm squirts of jizz splashing into her body, slicking her asshole down. She blushed and groaned, a bubble of air bursting from her pussy and nearly dislodging the young stud from her cunt. The thought of how his cock had rodded her nude her climax again. And there in front of her lay her mother, panting heavily now, her body scarred forever by that cruel poker that now bobbed up and down like some obscene pole sticking straight out of her cunt.

"Man, oh man, you're sure learning fast, Bobby!" Max said, knocking the branding iron from Lydia's cunt and watching it clatter to the basement floor. He kicked the poker to the side, pursing his lips and folding his fingers over one another. "But that's enough for these two. Don't wanna wear them out. That's the first rule, buddy, about this shit. Don't work 'em too hard – like plow horses, if you know what I mean. There will be other times… good ones, with this team!"

"A mom/daughter team," Bobby said under his breath, slowly pulling out from Shari's tight ass while stroking her whip-striped ass-cheeks. "Yeah, it's gonna be real good!"

Lydia heard his words. Again? Would she have the courage to resist him? To resist the feelings still surging in her in spite of her daughter's presence? She squirmed, her thigh still throbbing from the pain of being branded. But that mark that would stay with her the rest of her life wasn't the most indelible mark of what she'd done. That was in her mind, in her brain.

Yes, she and Shari would be back. Their lives had changed completely. Was it for the better or worse? That, Lydia knew, only time would tell. All she knew was, it would be different. And chat, not to her surprise, made her smile.
