Lydia swallowed hard, flexing her arms and legs as much as she could to keep the circulation going. Max had outdone himself. At first the woman thought he was going to fuck her. He had felt her cunt with hungry fingers, the tips digging into her swollen pussy-meat while he bugged her hard to his body. But then he simply pulled her along to the middle of the cellar, letting her lie there while he lowered a bar.

Then it had begun – the roping once more, the binding until her ankles were stretched apart, leather thongs slipped around them and tightened around the ends of the overhead bar. Lydia protested, feeling the weight of her body increase against her shoulderblades. After securing her ankles, Max pulled the bar up higher until her head swept back and forth inches above the floor. That was when he pulled her arms back, securing them with line to two eye hooks on the floor.

Again he wound the ratchet around and around, pulling the bar up higher and stretching her body until Lydia thought her flesh would pull apart. The woman let out a loud sigh, her bones throbbing with pain as he tightened the tension, then fixed the ratchet.

"So, you enjoyed the box, did you?"

Lydia blinked, looking at Max from her upside-down position. She was feeling faint, the effects of the blood rushing to her head. She strained her wrists against the floor, her fingers brushing up over the concrete while her ankles bobbed against the crossbar. When Lydia moved a little, her tits rolled up against her chin, the red flubs thickening. She could feel her bowels rumbling. She waited with the excited anticipation of a child eager for Christmas morning. It was the wrong feeling, she knew. Max would surely put her through the paces, and they were exactly what she needed!

"Maybe something here," he said, raising one foot and brushing the tip of his filthy boot against her mouth, "would be in order. I like to hear you scream, but sometimes listening to that noise annoys me."

He came back with something in his hand that made the woman shiver. It was a bit and bridle. Kneeling down, Max slipped the leather strap between her lips, puffing back until Lydia thought he would tear her flesh. The rest of the device – the broad straps around her head and against her ears, the top portion pushing into her skull, snugged up as if she were made for the bridle.

Lydia wiggled her tongue, swallowing hard as she felt spit gathering up in a pool at the back of her throat. It was hard to keep from drowning in her own saliva as she hung there, trussed upside down, the bridle pressing back the corners of her mouth. Soon Lydia could taste the strange flavor of leather washing over her mouth as she tried to protest what he was doing to her. But any speech was impossible. Lydia squirmed as best she could, chewing down on the leather like a frightened more, her hair sweeping over the cracked floor beneath.

"Too bad. You don't look too comfortable," he said with a laugh, producing two steel clamps at least two inches long, their heads attached to one another by a steel chain.

At first Lydia thought they were two large safety pins and balked, shrieking through the leather pressing up against her tongue. Then the woman realized they were clamps, opened with some effort by pressing at the head. She watched as Max did just that, bringing down first one, then the other to her nipples and letting the cold steel press with crushing pressure against her reddening nubs.


The weight of the connecting chain pulled her tits farther down toward the floor, distending the woman's nipples and making her wince with agony. Max was down there with her, playing gently with the clamps, then becoming rougher as his excitement grew. Lydia remembered he hadn't cum during the last session and had to be wildly aroused by now. She thought of his cock and groaned, twisting her hips around while the clamps and chain pulled painfully at her stretched nipples. Swallowing hard again, the woman felt a lump of fear choke her throat as she thought of Max and what he was going to do to her.

"Your tits sag this way. Maybe I can fix that for you," he said with a sharp laugh, pulling at the chain and stretching her nipples and tits out from her body.

Lydia cried out through the gag, spittle frothing from around her lips and wetting down the bridle and bit as shocks of pain exploded from her nipples. Again and again she begged him to let go. Ohhh, how those dreadful damps hurt her tit tips, biting into them.

"It's good to scream it out, bitch. That makes it all that easier for you," Max conceded, pulling the chain out a little farther, the nipples stretched thin. Then with a laugh he let go, her tits slapping up against her body. Lydia let out a long sigh, feeling so dizzy she thought she would faint again.

"There. That's better, right? Too bad. We have to upset you some more!"

Max was pushing down his Levi's to his knees, holding his cock loosely with one hand while rubbing his balls with the others. Lydia thought he was going to fuck her in this odd position and felt her glands start to work all over again. Her cunt warmed, the cunt-lips starting to swell with blood while her clit stiffened and pushed up from the surrounding moist pink flesh.

Lydia licked her lips and grew very, very still. She could almost feel that thick cock-head pressing up against her cunt, pushing the tender flesh apart then finally burying itself in her cunt. Yes, yes, that thought made her mind spin about like a top while the room grew silent. Lydia felt her body tense like that of a cat, every nerve stretched and waiting for the fucking touch of his cock-head in her pussy.


What was happening? Lydia opened her eyes with shock, staring wide-eyed at the man squatting over her. He was bending his knees slightly, a wicked grin curling up the corners of his thick lips. A slight twitch deformed his sensuous mouth as Max rolled his thumb and forefinger over the fat cock-head. At first Lydia had no idea what was going on. She thought he was going to fuck her and she had readied herself for that intrusion.

Her cunt was growing so very warm and wet while her nipples poked up against the steel clamps still pinching them. Then something dreadful happened, something the woman never would have thought possible for one human to do to another. She felt hot drops of something spatter against her taut belly, making the flesh quiver with the touch. Shaking her head, Lydia stared up and saw several drops of clear fluid oozing from Max's piss-slit. Oh God, it wasn't fizz at all!

He was working one thumb under his balls, teasing his sensitive flesh while bending his knees even farther. He was pissing on her! He was standing over her face, laughing at the woman while getting ready to unload his bladder!

Lydia sucked in a breath, her body shivering with disgust as she could feel the sour bile using in her throat. The urine began as a small twisted stream, starting and stopping, spattering over her flesh. Lydia twisted her wrists against the chains, her thighs ridging as Max managed to get control of her movements and send a steady yellowish stream cascading over her body. It was a foul, filthy waterfall, making the woman feel as if she were the scum of the earth. Her hips jerked, feeling the warm liquid as it sprayed from his cock-head and coated her flesh with the slimy piss.

"Oh God, no!"

Lydia could feel the piss rushing down her belly now, gathering briefly under her chin before dividing and rushing on either side of her neck. Again the woman fought down the desire to vomit, knowing she would choke. She shut her eyes, biting her full lips to keep from crying out with frustration, disgust and hatred. The thin, hot spray stung her nipples now, sucking down between her shuddering tits, then moving back to the stiff, red tips. The touch of the sour-smelling liquid added to the pinching sensation of the clamps biting down cruelly.

Lydia cried out again, her rage increasing as Max's piss stream dwindled once more to a pathetic dribble. He flicked the final droplets from his cock-head, the liquid spattering just above her eye. Lydia groaned, grinding her teeth. When she felt a few more drops strike her chin, the woman gagged, choking and coughing while her face flushed a deeper red and tears sprang to her eyes.

"You don't like this very much, do you?" Lydia couldn't look at him. If she did at this point, she would surely have screamed down the walls. That would have done her no good, and might incite him to do something even more sickening. Better to remain quiet, she thought to herself. Max pursed his lips, nodding his head as if he could understand her strategy. With a sardonic laugh, he turned and walked to the wall, unhitching the ratchet and holding the wooden handle with both hands. His muscles bulged as he pulled the thing down, raising the overhead crossbar a few more inches.

Lydia broke her code of silence, shrieking as she felt her body stretching more and more. Something in her shoulder popped while her joints ached and throbbed from the terrible pulling pressure. For a moment Lydia thought Max would rip her body in two. She could feel the flesh under her arms stretching more and more while her belly grew taut. Max let out another grunt, twisting the ratchet until it was on the other side of the small wooden wheel. Overhead Lydia could hear the ominous sounds of the pulley groaning under the pressure.

She screamed again, jerking her head from side to side. She was a mindless creature, a living thing that was living now only for pain. She thrashed as much as she could, whipping her body against the chains holding her upside down and prisoner. Max pulled down the ratchet again, the ropes cutting brutally into her wrists and ankles as Lydia gurgled against the bridle bit stretching open her mouth. Her throat was raw from the cries while more and more spit gathered at the back of her mouth.

"Good. Very good," he said, locking the ratchet again and strolling over to a metal sink. Lydia's cries ebbed to occasional moans as she heard him turn on the water. He was drinking, refilling his bladder, getting ready to piss on her again. Her face was a mask of terrible pain as Max took his fourth glass, tossing the plastic tumbler back into the basin.

"Now, we'll try again. Whew! You smell like a fuckin' sewer!"

Lydia knew that all too well! Her nose wrinkled at the dreadful, sour smell of the piss. She wanted to run from the awful odor that wafted around her. How that piss rose like a stink from the cement around her. This was something she wasn't prepared for at all. Her reaction was one of horror and disgust. And what did he expect from her? How was she supposed to react to please him and diminish the pain he would obviously inflict on her?

Max moved back, his fat cock bobbing with each move he made. Covering his mouth, the big stud let out a watery belch, looking down at her. Lydia stared up at him, looking at his balls. She'd seen balls that tight before. It meant that he was hot, ready to cum. This might be a brief interlude after all.

"Now, let's take that mouth right now. You can't close it," he said, nudging the side of her skull with one boot. "That's the reason for the bit. Won't have to do much but cum and shoot!"


Squirming, feeling her body aching under the stretching of the ropes and leather, Lydia wailed while she scratched her shattered fingernails against the concrete under her. She twisted there on the ropes, waiting for Max to do his filthiest.

He was positioned again, his legs apart, spread on either side of her shoulders. A pulse leaped through her throat while her chest tightened more and more. Her tits were rolled back, the nipples touching her chin while the heavy chain still pulled and distended the rigid tips. Lydia was gasping, her nostrils wide and quivering while her rounded eyes focused on that fat cock-head. Any moment, she knew, would send another shower of his piss down onto her body.

This time, he would cum at her mouth, and there was nothing she could do about it. How sore her shoulders, and arms were! How her body ached from that dreadful pulling! And still she could feel her cunt grow warmer, her clit starting to rise farther up from her cunt-flesh. God in heaven! Was there nothing in the world that couldn't arouse her?

She choked, swallowed, then choked again. Lydia knew it was a sick, sick lust churning in her gut. She could feel her belly tightening, her stomach turning aver arid over while the big man bent his knees once more and started rubbing his balls again. Heat spread behind her eyes, burning through her skull. The wire washed down her belly and into her cunt, making the soppy cunt-lips swell and itch maddeningly. Her clit curled from the heat, aching with the strain of another orgasm. Oh God, God, to think she was feeling this while all that dreadful man was doing was going to piss on her as if she were a toilet.

"Uhhh… uhhhhhh!"

Lydia let out terrible grunts of disgust. It had started again, the dreadful oily warm piss spattering down over her navel. Max moved quickly, not wanting to waste one drop of his urine. She felt the stream slide down her belly, strike her chin, then wash right into her mouth. The woman gagged, feeling the piss swirl around her tongue, splash against her tonsils, then crash into the back of her throat. Lydia was terrified to scream, fearing she would drown in this sea of urine splashing over her teeth. She managed to remain quiet, feeling the piss spray into her mouth then splash out, wetting down her flushed cheeks, her chin, her tits.

"Yeah, nice, real nice!" Max whispered, his eyes round and glazed with arousal.

It was all he could do to keep from getting too hard as the twisted yellow stream grew stronger and thicker, spraying like a garden hose into her mouth. Lydia closed her eyes, her lashes wet with piss, her nostrils drinking in the putrid odor of his urine. The pulling of the ropes, the chafing bite of the leather around her wrists didn't compare to the awful sensation of having Max piss into her mouth.

Just when he went dry, Max reached down with both hands, peeling back her cunt-lips with his thumbs, rubbing the red, throbbing slick surfaces of her pussy with his jagged nails. That harsh, cutting touch was enough to set her going. Lydia screamed, her eyes rolling back into her head while she spat out the last of the vile piss. Her harsh, hoarse cries filled the small room.

Lydia came, her clit throbbing against Max's caressing fingers. She felt her entire being explode, her pussy-walls crashing in as the man finger-fucked her and watched the woman rut in that awkward position. Only when the final throbs ebbed to nothing did she drift back to reality, the smell of the stained floor around her making her gag and cough in disgust.

"That's the problem with this kinda sex," Max said, pulling up his pants and tucking his thick, still-hard cock-meat behind the material. "It's fuckin' messy, smells like shit."

He decreased the tension of the restraints on her legs and wrists, propping her feet against his chest while unwrapping the thongs holding her ankles to the overhead beam. Lowering her body to the floor, Max then pulled the restraints from her ankle, kicking her over onto her belly and forcing her face into the pool of drying piss staining the concrete. Lydia groaned, trying to jerk her mouth away from the foul-smelling pool. Reaching down, Max gripping the bridle, pulling it until she thought he would tear the corners of her mouth open with the thick leather.

"It's fuckin' dirty, so you're gonna clean it up the best way you can. If that's lickin' it dry, then that's what you're gonna do!" he shouted, holding her by the bridle and pushing her face back into the filthy mess.

Lydia had no choice. Crouched there on all fours, held by the bit and bridle, she stuck out her tongue and began licking the piss and dirt up from the filthy basement floor.

"And if you throw up on me, bitch'll clean that up too. Understand?"

Lydia grunted, nodding her head up and down, then went back to licking her tongue over the floor.
