Shari couldn't believe she had been this stupid. Bobby had told her he wanted to apologize for the night before. It was something that had come over him – maybe too much drinking, maybe something he needed some help with to overcome. It had sounded so sincere, and he was tailing her that right in the school, right in the cafeteria with all the other kids looking on.

Shari was almost disappointed by his confession, half-hoping he would have been that crazy rapist who had fucked her so savagely the night before. But… but still something inside her stirred, something that wanted to forgive him and help him. When her mother had announced her own shopping spree at the mall this evening, Shari had breathed a sigh of relief. She would have all the time to talk to Bobby, to start a good, open relationship with him that would blossom into, well, who knew what?

That had been a false dream. He had used it simply to lure her back into his den. They had walked from his house, hand-in-hand, not paying attention to much. Shari was so lost in his gentle words she didn't realize they were heading back to that dreaded garage. It was only when they stopped that she realized where they were. But that time it was too late. Bobby's fingers were gripping her wrists, twisting them savagely and bringing her to the pound. It was happening all over again, she thought as he dragged her toward the garage, her mouth torn open with agony. It was happening all over again, and there was little she could do about it. What a stupid, foolish girl she had been!

And now she was naked, spread-eagled over the floor. He had roped her wrists to two iron supports in the hated garage, her arms stretched back behind her head. Leather thong, crossed over her bare ankles, digging into her flesh. The restraints had been pulled taut, making her body a stretch, quivering at least two feet above the cement.

Shari twisted her head from side to side, rolling her eyes back to check the leather chafing her wrists. Her nipples and clit were beating lightly while her asscheeks opened and closed instinctively. He had mastered her completely, forcing her into the garage in spite of her screams, knocking her down, then tearing off her clothes. It had seemed so complete. There was nothing she could do but obey. There was no one around.

And now… and now the room was filled with a hellish yellow glow, the light of a lantern burning to her right. Bobby was fiddling with the small key at the base, making the fire thin and bright. The reflected light accented his high cheekbones and inset eyes, making the young athlete look like something risen straight from hell.

Shari groaned, feeling her elbows and shoulders aching dreadfully from the stretching tension. What was worse was that flame, that lantern that was so close to her. Bobby was going to use it. There was no doubt of that. But how? He made some comments to her, words that made her shiver. Still, he had said nothing specific.

"That's all right," he said, satisfied with the setting. "You don't have to talk to make me feel wanted," he went on, smoothing his fingers over her tits. "I'm really surprised you were that stupid, buying all that crap about me being sorry. But you probably would've come around if I told you the truth. It was just a game, and you went for it."

"No, no, I wouldn't have. Never!"

Bobby knew better, however, taking the lantern and moving it toward her. Shari heard the scraping sounds and looked down as her body shuddered. Bobby was rubbing one finger over her cunt, teasing her, exciting her while threatening her with that awful lantern. He was sticking his index finger into her pussy, rubbing it back and forth against the snug cunt-sheath. He had stripped the last of her modesty from her. Now he was dragging her soul through the gutter, fingering her, fucking her with that awful digit while laughing at her dilemma.

Shari's tits and belly rose and fell rapidly while her nipples swelled and became hard. The sight of her arousal made Bobby more excited. He twisted his finger in her pussy, drawing up more juice, feeling the heat increase with each passing second.

"You're a good little slut… a good fuck. Before I'm finished with you you'll be like my little dog… barking around, just waiting for me to call you, right?"


Shari wanted to beg him to loosen the ties around her wrists and ankles, to let her go. But she knew it was futile. Bobby sat there beside her, fingering her, his eyes on her furred cunt slot. Her thighs were rippling with tension and excitement. He smelled her cunt, the odor of an aroused woman. Bobby grinned, pulling his finger out and bringing it up to his nose.

"Hot pussy. That's a real hot pussy!" he sighed, licking it, then pushing it into Shari's mouth and forcing her to suck. The taste was far from unpleasant – rather bleachy, slightly salty. She blushed to think that she was licking up her own juice but took some refuge in the thought that he was forcing her to do it.

Bobby moved back to the lantern, lifting the cover of the lamp and turning the key. The flame lengthened, turning a bright orange. The tip flickered in the dark air, moved by a draft blowing in under the door. Once again Shari focused her eyes on the fire, her flesh prickling with excitement.

"You like the heat, eh? Thought you would." Bobby moved, the lantern, careful so as not to spill the kerosene. She could smell the pungent aroma of the burning gas.

"No, don't… don't burn me," she whispered, afraid to give him ideas.

Bobby moved the fire under her ass-cheeks, turning the flame up even higher. He was going to brand her ass! He was going to burn her alive, keeping her trussed up in this awful way. She arched her spine, trying wildly to jerk her ass up from the licking flame. Oh, oh, oh! It wasn't bad now, the fire touching her flesh teasingly, seeming more like a warm feather than a flame. But it would soon burn awfully!

Shari ground her teeth, her cheeks shivering while her mouth was drawn into a tight scar. She looked up at the ceiling, her face a mask of terrible concentration. Oh God, God, it was awful. And now… and now he was turning the key a little more, bringing the fire up until it began reddening her flesh. It was warming her without raising blisters. It was just what that fiend wanted.

Again Shari screamed, writhing and twisting against the leather thongs, groaning to keep her above the floor. The flame flickered back and forth, scalding her flesh, brushing over her shivering white ass-cheeks. Her cries became strangled gurgles as the pain gradually ebbed, replaced with a dry warmth. Shari screamed again, feeling all sorts of feelings race about her reeling brain.

"Ohhhh, no, don't… oh don't!"

Shari twisted against the leather again, jerking like a wild woman as the flame moved down now to her shifter. She puckered the tiny hole, rolling her hips up, trying to keep her asshole away from the fire. How her clit tingled while her cunt started to shiver, the juice oozing from her puffy lips and wetting down her thighs. The bubbling froth wasn't missed by Bobby who twisted the key of the lamp a little farther, watching as the girl's lithe body shivered against the restraints.

The blonde teen felt her bowels tighten and surge while she twitched up, her spine arching tensely. Every tendon strained against her flesh, her muscles knotting and bulging while Shari felt her forehead throb. Her body wanted him to touch her tits, her asshole, her cunt. That awful fire was doing more than tormenting her. It was making her rut as well as shriek, twisting around and around, jerking up and down like a puppet. She bit her lower lip to keep from shouting out her need. She wanted Bobby, and yet was ashamed to call out for him while she lay there stretched like an animal about to be speared.


Shari turned her head, afraid he would see the truth in her glazing eyes. Twisting and jerking her hips shamelessly with the abandon of a nympho, the young girl fought down scream after scream. Yes, oh yes, it was so good, so awfully good to have that fire in her, scorching her flesh, licking up her asshole like a flat, warm tongue. Closing her eyes, Shari thought of that, her mind racing as quickly as her heart.

Bobby sat and watched, his cock getting harder, thicker, pressing up against the front of his Levi's. Shari rolled her head back and thought she could see that hard-muscled cock cradled in his crotch. She licked her dry lips, remembering how it had felt sliding into her, pushing apart her itchy cunt-walls, impaling her as if he had thrown a spear through her belly. She wanted that feeling again. And the fire tormenting her ass made her want him all that much more!

Shari stiffened as he twisted the key up a utile more. Bobby stood up, unbuckling his belt, pushing down his jeans until they puddled around his ankles. Yes, there it was! Oh God in heaven, his cock was so hard, so thick, so long! It would have easily passed through her body, she thought, her eyes widening while a sharp pulse shot through her pussy. Stepping between her widely stretched legs, Bobby reached down, jerking her cunt-lips apart. Shari groaned, the flame raking over her tensed plump asscheeks. It felt like the playful slap of a lover about to go on to more serious things. Shari wept as Bobby let her go, stepping back to admire her humiliation.

"Please, no, no!"

But Shari would have died a thousand deaths if he had let her go now. She was too far along the road to stop. The thongs bit deliciously into her wrists now, the sliding cool leather biting so wonderfully into her flesh, drawing painful shocks from her nerve endings and sending them right into her cunt. Even the stretched sensation around her shoulder, her elbows, her knees added to the delight racing through her pussy.

Bobby moved the lamp a little, sending the flame rushing up into her shitter. Shari shrieked, her eyes starting from her head while her tongue wagged back and forth against her upper up. A spray of spittle shot through the air above her face while her thighs ridged even more. It felt as if the fires of hell raced through her bowels, burning right into her belly. It was more than she could stand and felt the velvety blackness of unconsciousness starting to veil her mind.

Reaching down, Bobby gripped her hips, swinging her back and forth over the flame like a hammock. As her ass passed over the flame, a trail of blistering red cut across her ass. He kept swinging her, the motion adding tension to her cut wrists and ankles while the fire scorched more of her flesh. The aroma of burning hair and flesh filled the room. Shari thought she would vomit. Only the increased agony and pleasure kept her from retching.

"No, no, leave me alone!" Shari cried, her ass throbbing and burning.

Bobby held her steady over the flame, his hands prying her cunt-lips apart once more. He kept staring at her, feeling the fire against the backs of his fingers as he shoved three into her cunt, his strong grip holding her ass over the fire. He twisted and gutted her pussy with his fingers, watching as Shari jerked and twisted her hips up to meet him.

Shari writhed more frantically as the flame seemed to burn deeper into her ass. The overload of sensations began to make her dizzier than ever, the awesome power of the heat shocked her body. Her entire body strained as the fire bit more savagely into her ass-cheeks. A thought shot through her mind, one that made her shiver. She needed that flame now, wanted it in her pussy singeing her clit, burning it to a cinder. Once the idea was held, Shari couldn't rid herself of it. It hung there, taunting her, making her grunt for more pain, for that fire to burn right through her cunt.

Bobby saw that glazed, fixed expression and knew instinctively what was going through her mind. The young stud held her firmly over the fire, letting the flame burn first up into her asshole, then flicker back and blacken some of her cunt-curls. Shari went wild. Her body shuddered and twitched on the rapes, bouncing up and down while the fire burned into her cunthole. She thought she would surely die from these sensations. She could feel the flame scorching her flesh, burning relentlessly while her clit swelled to the bursting point.

Bobby couldn't take the temptation any more. Bending down, he squatted a little. He gripped her hips, digging his fingers into her flesh. She could feel his cock-head pushing up against her cunt-lips, the fat thing pressing deeper and deeper. Not again! Oh God, not again! The girl sighed, then gagged as she felt the thing pushing ahead, stretching her until she arched her spine and tugged at the ropes burning into her wrists and ankles.

She could feel the tightly packed muscles making room for the huge cock while her ass clenched with the tension. Head thrown back, every muscle in her body taut, Shari wiggled her hips. As the fat cock inched forward, Bobby held her firmly over the fire, making sure the flame would scorch her ass-cheeks. The sensation from his cock and the flame were combining in a horrible, wonderful way. Her cuntwalls collapsed, cinching up against the fucking cock while her clit snapped against that hard-muscled thing.

No! No! It was going to happen again! She was going to cum while this maniac was hurting her! Shari felt the gland swelling more and more, fearing the tiny thing would burst. And just when her passion threatened to split her cunt, her orgasm exploded. The girl thought her mind had fallen to pieces as she came and came and came. Bobby growled something through his clenched teeth, taking raspy shallow breaths as he rammed his cock up to the fat, hairy base.

Shari could only reply in hoarse growls, biting her lip, then opening her mouth and screaming out her satisfaction. It was just what the young man wanted to see. And while the fire flicked over her ass-cheeks, adding pain to the pleasure raking over her clit. Shari shrieked that much louder. Her lust climbed higher and higher until she felt she would never relieve the terrible pressure tearing at her clit. He pounded hard into her, his fingers kneading her flesh painfully into tiny black-and-blue balls, his nuts swinging fitfully up against her ass-cheeks.

Shari whipped her head from side to side, feeling the cock and the fire biting her flesh, prodding her clit. More of it seemed to force itself through her pussy, tearing at her clit. Another spasm rushed through her cunt as the girl yelped and threw her head back. She retched from the overwhelming thrust of her climax, jerking her hips rapidly as she tried to keep up with the assault.

"Uhhhhh… huhhhh!"

"Take it, baby, take it and ride with it!" he shouted, backhanding the teen with one hand while keeping his jerking cock-meat buried all the way in the girl's pussy.

Shari could feel it jerking inside her like a tiny animal. Shari jerked her hips rapidly up and down, letting out lusty little grunts while her eyes rolled back into her head. Her hair swept over the floor as her tits slapped wetly against one another. It was mind-rattling! She felt the firs burning up into her bowels now while Bobby sent showers of white-hot jizz spattering into her pussy. Her brain was overloaded with sensations rushing up and down her spine! More! More!

Shari greedily took in the spattering cock, wanting more feeling, more sensation rushing through her until it killed her with pleasure. Laughing and choking alternately, the ravaged teen bounced against her ropes, taking in the last of Bobby's cum before he finished pumping his cock-meat. With a curse, the young stud moved his foot against the lantern, pushing it several inches away from Shari and away from her sagging ass. The girl sighed with a mixture of relief and disappointment.


It was over! Shari felt him withdrawing, the jizz dribbling over her ass-cheeks as he pulled his softening cock-meat from her pussy.

"That's a good fuck, baby. You're real fine, real fine."

Shari turned her head from him, feeling the usual shame and guilt she now associated with fucking this way. Still, there was another part of her that wanted more of this… more pain, more bondage, more of the sensations that had burned through her veins and made her pulse throb. She was frightened of herself and what she and Bobby would do together. But her curiosity and her desire for pleasure burned through it all.

Bobby was untying her wrists first, tugging at the ropes, then sliding them against her flesh. First one, then the other hand slipped free, her torso slamming hard against the cement floor while her legs remained bound and stretched up and apart. Bobby had pulled up his pants, zipping his cock behind the material while backing away and fiddling with her ankle restraints.

"You enjoy looking at my cock?" Bobby asked, letting her legs fall to the floor. He had watched her staring at his crotch, gazing at the bulge pressing against the faded jean material.

"I… uhhh…"

"Cock-happy. Prick-crazy. Man, you're nothin' but a fuckin' nympho!" he said.

"No! That's not true!" Shari shot back. To prove his point, Bobby reached down and curled his fingers around her hair, jerking her head close up against his boot. Shari felt her lip cracking and tasted blood. With another jerk, he pulled her mouth up against his fly, rubbing her face up and down, tearing the strands of hair from her scalp. And, against her will, Shari found herself slowly pushing her tongue out and licking the rough jean material until it began to soak with her own spit.
