About the Book

This book has been a pleasure to write because of the team I have been privileged enough to work with. Thanks especially go to my wonderful Editor, Helen Bolton; this process has been so much fun and you have been inspiring, encouraging and a wonderful guide in my first novel. Also the team at Avon have all been so excited for this which has driven me on immensely. I have also been lucky to have fantastic agents, so big thanks go to Kate Burke and all at Diane Banks Associates.

My family have been a great source of encouragement, keeping me fed and letting me write late into the night. My wonderful friends have kept me grounded as I ran ideas past them – I feel you have all been a part of this.

Finally to the cats who have been part of my family throughout my life. This is for all of you; you’ve been my family, my friends, my inspiration and at many times my support. You aren’t just pets, you are so much more.
