Christmas Eve

Dressed in his Santa suit, Ian set down his bulky red bag on the threadbare carpet. He'd teleported with Toni, who was wearing her elf costume beneath a red woolen coat. The wood frame house in rural Virginia was small—small enough that they had to very quiet. He could hear the parents snoring in a nearby bedroom, their four children crowded in a second bedroom.

Sabrina had given them the information about this family. The father had been injured in a farm accident, and they were barely scraping by. Only four little presents, wrapped in newspaper, sat under the Christmas tree.

Ian opened his sack, and Toni helped him remove several boxes of warm winter clothes. A plastic bag contained a frozen turkey. Then came the toys—a video game set, some books, and a pretty doll for the little girl.

With his bag empty, Ian grabbed hold of Toni to teleport. She pointed up to the roof. With a wry look, he did as she asked.

They landed on the roof, ankle-deep in snow.

He held her steady. "Why did ye want to come up here?"

"It's more like Santa Claus. Where do we go now?"

"Back to Romatech. My bag is empty." He touched her red nose. "Are ye sure ye want to keep traveling with me? Ye look half frozen."

"I am, but this is just too cool. When I think about these people waking up in the morning to find all that stuff—I love it!" She flung her arms around his neck.

"Careful." He widened his stance. "These roofs can be verra slippery."

She cuddled up to him, then glanced down. "Either you have something in your pocket, or you're getting excited."

"Both." He reached in the pocket of his red velvet pants and felt the small black box. Should he give it to her now? Back at Romatech, they would be surrounded by noisy people, rushing to get all the presents out tonight.

He looked around. Stars twinkled in a clear sky. Moonlight gleamed off white, snow-covered pastures. The air smelled of cedar and fresh snow. "This is a lovely spot, aye?"

"Yes. Very peaceful." She rested her head on his shoulder. "I have a present for you at the townhouse. But before I give it to you, I was hoping you'd tell me about that dream you had of me."

He kissed her brow. "I dreamed ye were round with child. Our child."

"Really?" She leaned back to look at him. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I dinna want to push you into something ye might no' want." Although he hoped she did want children. He took the black box from his pocket. "I have a present for you, if ye'll accept it. I hope ye like it." He opened the box to show her the ring.

"Oh my." She took the box. "It's so…beautiful."

Ian went down on one knee. "Daytona Lynn Davis, will ye—" Snow shifted beneath him, then suddenly a block of snow went sliding down the roof, taking him with it.

"Ian!" she cried.

He went flying off the edge of the roof and fell on his back on a thick bank of snow. "Oof."

He saw Toni skidding down the roof like a surfer. She jumped off the edge and landed neatly beside him.

She laughed. "Being a Superwoman has its perks. Are you okay?"

"I was trying to propose." He started to sit up.

"Yes!" She flung herself on top of him, pushing him back onto the snow. "Yes, I'll marry you."

He grinned. "We dinna lose the ring, I hope?"

"Nope. Right here." She showed him the box.

He pulled off her mitten so he could slide on her ring. "I dinna know what else to get you for Christmas."

She hugged him there in the snow. "All I want for Christmas is my vampire."
