The following weekend, Scarlet smiled to herself as she knocked on the cabin door. She had a “secret” date planned for Gabriel and couldn’t wait to surprise him.

She was going to take him back to their picnic spot in the woods and spend the rest of the day talking and laughing and, hopefully, going over possible fountain leads. They’d spent the past weekend researching various legends and Scarlet was feeling hopeful.

She knocked again.

Tristan answered the door.

What was he? The doorman?

Scarlet’s happiness deflated.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

Scarlet blinked. “Excuse me?”


“Why are you here?” Tristan looked around the porch, like he expected someone to be with her.

“Um…my boyfriend lives here. So, I came here for him.”

“Why didn’t you text first?” Tristan looked at her accusingly.

Scarlet raised her eyebrows incredulously. “Oh, I’m sorry. I guess I didn’t know the rules. So, I need to text you before showing up on Gabriel’s doorstep? What else? Do I need to call for your approval before I kiss him?”

Tristan rolled his eyes. “What do you want?”

“Um…I want to see Gabriel. Is that okay? Or are visiting hours over?” Scarlet took a step forward.

Her brain wanted to smack Tristan out of the way and march into the cabin and wait for Gabriel to return.

But her body wanted to permanently adhere itself to Tristan’s chest and run her fingers down his back.

Scarlet took a step back.

“Gabriel’s not here.” Tristan narrowed his eyes.

“Oh, okay. You could have just said that. You didn’t need to bark at me like a disgruntled guard dog.”

Tristan exhaled. “Are we done here?”

Scarlet felt like she’d been kicked in the gut. Did Tristan hate her so much he couldn’t stand her on his front porch?

“Oh, yes,” Scarlet quipped, mustering all the attitude she could. “We’re done.” And with that, she spun on her heel and walked away.

She heard the cabin door slam shut behind her and waited until she was back in the safety of her car before she allowed her hands to shake.

Not because she was angry.

But because she was trying to hold back tears.

Why did he affect her so much?

Just then, her phone beeped. Scarlet looked down to find a text from Gabriel.

I’m at your house. Where are you?

Scarlet sighed. Gabriel probably wanted to surprise her, just like she’d wanted to surprise him.

Because he was sweet.

His twin? Not so sweet.

I’m on my way.

Scarlet sent her text and pulled out of woods, her heart pounding all the way home.
