Scarlet fell into Gabriel’s embrace willingly. He smelled so good and felt so warm and strong, she didn’t want to leave his arms as they stood in the living room.

Although she’d been safe for nearly an hour, her heart was still beating out of control.

Gabriel kissed the top of her head several times. His voice was full of emotion when he said, “I’m so glad you’re not hurt.”

Scarlet burrowed her face in his chest. “I don’t understand what’s going on.”

“Neither do I.” Gabriel pulled away from her and looked into her eyes. “But I’m going to find out. I promise I will keep you safe.” He kissed her head again. “For now, let’s get you settled. We’ll figure out a plan tomorrow.”

Gabriel took her by the hand and led her upstairs. Scarlet had yet to see any part of the cabin aside from the living room, so she took in her surroundings carefully.

“What’s in the basement?” Scarlet eyed the set of stairs leading into darkness below them.

“Tristan’s room.” Gabriel headed upstairs.

Tristan lived in a dark basement.

Of course.

The upstairs was set up like a house, with everything except a kitchen.

There was a large sitting room with an unlit fireplace and two rooms off to the side. She followed Gabriel into his large and very modern-looking bedroom. His furniture was a sleek black and the walls were a muted gray. Off to the side was an archway leading into a master bathroom with black countertops, chrome fixtures, and a very large shower.

She looked at his big bed, covered in a plush black comforter, and wished she was standing in his bedroom under different circumstances.

Yesterday, she would have loved to crawl into bed with Gabriel and wiggle into his arms.

Tonight, though, she just wanted to go to sleep without anyone trying to kill her.

Scarlet sighed. Tonight sucked.

Gabriel’s hand skimmed down her shoulder until it fell into her hand. He walked her over to the big bed.

“You need rest. Why don’t you try to get some sleep while I figure stuff out?” He smiled sweetly at her as he repositioned the pillows and blankets, making a little nest for her.

Scarlet looked up at him, skeptical of any peaceful sleep coming to her. “Do you think that guy was trying to kill me tonight?”

Gabriel thought about it. “No. I honestly don’t. But since we don’t know what he was trying to do, we just have to be careful. And this,” Gabriel motioned around the room, “is the safest place in the world for you right now. Because I would never let anything happen to you.” He smiled again as she climbed into his bed and leaned back into the fluffy pillows.

He ran his hand along her face and Scarlet kissed his nearby fingers. “I know.”

Once Scarlet was comfortably settled, her eyes became heavy and closed of their own accord.

She felt Gabriel kiss her cheek before she heard his soft footsteps leave the room. Even though she didn’t want to be alone, she couldn’t find the strength to speak or open her eyes. She was just…too…tired….

Against her better judgment, Scarlet surrendered to sleep and prayed she wouldn’t find strangers with knives in her dreams.
