The next few weeks went by smoothly. Fall morphed into winter and brought icy winds and silent nights with it. Angie’s Halloween party came and went without any real drama, except for Heather having to explain to everyone what her costume was.

“I’m an Egyptian zombie queen,” she’d repeated over and over.

Like people should have just guessed that.

Nobody had attempted to break into Scarlet’s house since the night Tristan and Gabriel had killed the weird ash guy. Which was good news.

The fact that crazy ash people existed and were running around in the trees behind her house? Super creepy.

Scarlet was relieved that she no longer had to worry about an intruder.

She and the boys had been working nonstop on researching the fountain and her eyes hadn’t glowed since her conversation with Nate in the kitchen.

Everything was going well.

That is, everything except for Scarlet’s inevitable death—that was still looming on the horizon.

Scarlet tried to push death from her mind as much as possible. Instead, she focused on the fountain of youth. She read books, researched online, and talked to anyone and everyone she could find about myths and legends—all in the hopes that the fountain could, and would, be found before she keeled over. Which, according to Nate, could happen in the next few weeks.

And Heather didn’t have a clue.

It was hard for Scarlet to live a double life. She wanted so badly to tell Heather everything, but something always made her hesitate. Maybe it was fear. Maybe selfishness.

Scarlet couldn’t bring herself to do it yet.

Laura had been weird about Scarlet’s obsession with the fountain of youth, so Scarlet had resigned herself to doing her research at the library. Which is where she was the morning of winter formal.

Despite her and Gabriel’s strained relationship since the symbol incident, he insisted they still attend the dance together.

Because that was a great way to spend free time when really what you should be doing is finding a way not to die.

Scarlet hadn’t wanted to go, but she also didn’t want to disappoint Gabriel. He seemed to be looking forward to the dance and she didn’t want to let him down.

Ever since Nate had told her about Gabriel’s curse, Scarlet had tried to be an extra good girlfriend. She’d tried to show him as much love as she could. But Gabriel had still seemed…distant.

As if he no longer trusted her.

So, she was going to the winter formal with a hot guy who didn’t trust her but was probably in love with her because he didn’t have any other options.


Scarlet looked at the time. Laura had probably already left on her business trip—she was going to be gone for almost ten days this time. It seemed like her work trips were getting longer and longer….

Poor Laura.

With Laura out of the house, however, Scarlet would be free to pursue her fountain investigation at home.

She looked at the clock again.

She’d go home soon. Just a few more minutes at the library, and then she’d head home to finish up her reading and start getting ready for the dance.

Scarlet continued her research until she came across an online passage about the fountain of youth being in a forest of tall trees and dark shadows. Scarlet opened her notebook for the zillionth time, hoping to find something she’d missed.

She started to read on, but went blind as a new memory hit her.

She had an arrow and she was running away with it, trying to save…someone.

She ran and ran…until she came to a familiar house. She rushed inside and looked around for a hiding spot. It had to be a good spot…a permanent spot.

She ran into a bedroom and headed to a familiar cabinet. A wardrobe.

She pulled out the bottom drawer, removed a false bottom, and placed the arrow against the old wood. Covering the false bottom back up, she returned the drawer to its place and stepped back, breathing heavily.

The arrow was dangerous—it was deadly.

She had to keep it safe.

She had to keep everything safe.

Scarlet blinked back to the present and found herself breathing heavily, her eyes hot.

She was afraid. Truly fearful.

As if she had hidden the arrow just seconds ago rather than years ago.

Scarlet tried to get a grip, but she was confused. What was so dangerous about the arrow?

Suddenly, she had a feeling someone was about to die.

Someone besides her.

There was only one way to find out—she had to talk to Gabriel.

Scarlet pulled out her phone and called him

No answer.

She called Nate.

No answer.

Come on, guys!

Scarlet tapped her fingers on the library desk in front of her. She needed to tell someone immediately.

Someone was in danger—she could feel it!

She pulled out her phone and texted Gabriel.

I had a flashback. I’m on my way to your house. It’s important!

She pressed send and gathered her things.

This couldn’t wait—someone was going to die.
