Gabriel twirled a long strand of Raven’s black hair in his hand as they sat on the roof of the Fletcher home, watching the sun fall below the horizon.

“What shall we do tomorrow, Gabriel?”

He smiled at her and let her hair slip through his fingers. “You tell me.”

“Well,” she turned to him with big, bright eyes, “we could start by flying up to the clouds and having a picnic near the sun. And then we could swim across the ocean to an unknown island where we could reign as king and queen together.” She smiled. “And we could end our day by racing horseback across the northern hills until we reach the end of the earth, where we’ll jump off together, holding hands into death.” She leaned in closely with a huge grin. “What do you think?”

Gabriel leaned forward and touched his nose to hers. “I think you are mad and beautiful.”

She laughed and said, “We will do it, someday. We will find the end of the world and jump off together.”

“But first, we will picnic in the clouds.”

“Of course.” She smiled.

Movement below had their conversation frozen. Raven’s father, Eli, exited the home and looked around the property. Not finding what he was looking for, which was most likely Raven, he reentered his house.

The Fletcher family lived outside of the main village in a nice home with plenty of food and fire. Their land was well-kept and their animals well-fed, but Eli Fletcher was not happy with his living arrangement.

Long ago, he had a fine house in the village, where more traffic visited his business and brought him greater wealth. But Gabriel’s father, Cornelius, had pegged the family as evil and, in return, the villagers had shooed the Fletchers out of town, drastically hurting the family business.

Which was magic.

Dark magic, old magic, powerful magic.

Eli never forgave Cornelius and vowed to hate the man forever, just as Cornelius vowed to hate Eli.

The two households were mortal enemies.

Save for the two young people on the Fletcher’s rooftop who had a plan.

“So, we will marry,” Raven began.

“We will,” Gabriel agreed.

“And then we will combine my family’s incredible magic with your family’s wealth. And we will be the most powerful union ever.” Raven looked at him with a sly grin.

Gabriel smiled back at her, enjoying their banter. Raven was a big thinker, with an even larger imagination. She and Gabriel had grown up playing together in the streets as young children, then competing in the regional games, then attending dinners and dances together. They had practically grown up at each other’s side. It seemed only fitting that they would marry.

It had been Raven’s idea for them to seriously pursue their union. And Gabriel had happily agreed. What better than to marry the only beautiful girl he knew he could tolerate?

His worst fear was being married to some boring, lifeless woman of the court.

Raven was neither boring, nor lifeless. She was determined. Ambitious.

And her kisses were truly sinful.

“You shall make a great countess.” Gabriel picked up another strand of her hair and twirled again.

“You mean queen.” She raised her eyebrows playfully. “For I shall one day rule all the land.” She spread her arms out before them at the village.

Gabriel softly laughed. “You are not serious about all you speak, are you?”

She shrugged. “Maybe not being queen.” She looked at him merrily. “But I am serious about being countess. Imagine the wealth and power you and I will have together!” She sat up and tucked her feet beneath her. “People will fear my magic and honor your laws. We will be unstoppable.”

Realizing she was not joking, Gabriel stopped twirling. “You want to marry me for power?”

“Yes.” Raven slowly crawled into his lap and seductively wrapped her legs around him. “But also for your handsome face,” she kissed his lips, “and your strong hands,” she brought one of his hands up to her mouth and kissed it, “and your strong…” she kissed his neck, “strong…” she kissed his collar bone, “body…” she kissed his chest.

Gabriel put his hands into her black hair and ran them through to the tips before pulling her face up from his chest. “But not just power?”

Raven’s gray eyes grew heavy with desire. “Of course not.” And she started kissing him all over again.
