Gabriel forced a smile on his face as he entered the great hall for the engagement ceremony. He hadn’t slept at all the night before.

Tristan had been sent away that morning and Raven was furious with him for agreeing to marry the Scarlet girl. And now he had to find a way to take care of both women.

All because of his wicked father.

Gabriel’s legs were weak as they carried him to the center of the room and waited for his father to announce the girl.

Who was she? Had Gabriel ever seen her before?

Probably not.

If she lived in the eastern woods, she was either an outcast or a thief. Neither of which made Gabriel feel any better about marrying her. But he had promised Tristan he would care for her, and that is what he would do.

People gathered at both sides of the large room, murmuring and smiling. The son of the earl being wed to the daughter of a peasant was extraordinary news and the townspeople were buzzing with gossip and giggles. This was exciting for the villagers.

It was not exciting for Gabriel.

Soon, the court doors opened and in walked two forms. An older woman, dressed in a red cloak and a peasant’s dress. And a younger girl, also in a cloak, with her face hidden in the shadows of her hood.

She probably wore a hood because she was hideous. Tristan had failed to mention that tidbit when he’d been so desperate last night.

His father entered the hall and stood before the people with a smile. “Today, I am pleased to introduce you all to the family that shall be joined with my own through the marriage of my son. Please give your blessing to Scarlet Jacobs.”

At the declaration of her name, Scarlet pulled her cloak back, revealing her face.

And Gabriel stopped breathing.

Stunning was barely an appropriate term for her beauty. She was breathtaking and devastating at the same time. Her long dark hair was full and wavy, her blue eyes sharp and exotic. Her skin was flawless and her red lips were perfectly shaped.

No wonder Tristan had fallen for her. She was more perfect than any female Gabriel had ever seen.

Gabriel kept his smile intact, playing to the crowd. His look of adoration and wonderment, however, was not faked.

Scarlet’s eyes roamed the room and her smile faltered a bit as she took in the crowd around her. But once her eyes met Gabriel’s, her smile grew and melted his heart. She looked at him with love and loyalty, like a lost soul who had just found home.

It felt wonderful to be smiled at with such love.

And then Gabriel remembered.

She was not looking at him, but at Tristan. For she did not know Tristan’s twin brother stood to take her as his bride.

She did not know she was being deceived.

And she did not know that her true love was headed for war.

Gabriel would have to tell Scarlet of his father’s wretched plan and the arrangement Gabriel had made with Tristan.

He would have to break her heart.

He looked at the gorgeous girl who was now walking up to his father and taking his hand.

How could one break the heart of something so beautiful?

Gabriel swallowed and carried on his fake smile. At his fake engagement ceremony.

Fake. It was all fake.


Scarlet sat through hours of praise and well-wishes, Tristan at her side. She had practically smiled the entire journey from the woods to the court, thrilled at the thought of a life—a real life—with Tristan.

Tristan, however, seemed tense. There was no sparkle to his eye or laughter in his smile. He was cautious and careful around her as she sat beside him accepting the blessings of the people in the hall.

Her mother must have noticed Tristan’s odd behavior as well, for she kept eyeing him with a look of suspicion.

Hours and hours of greetings and kisses passed before Scarlet had a chance to have Tristan to herself. They walked with arms linked down a wide hallway that separated the court from the earl’s private dining area, escorted by two guards.

Scarlet’s mother had gone ahead, staying at the earl’s side with a stiff stance.

“Leave us for a moment,” Tristan said to the guards, and stepped away from Scarlet as the guards dispersed. When the guards were out of sight and it was clear Scarlet and Tristan were alone, she threw herself into his arms and kissed him shamelessly.

She hadn’t held him or touched him since yesterday and a day was too long. But his kiss felt…different.

His hands weren’t upon her, drawing her body close to his like he usually did, and his mouth didn’t roam her throat like she was used to.

In fact, it was several moments before he kissed her back at all. And even then, it felt…careful.

Scarlet drew back. “What’s wrong?”

Tristan licked his lips and took a deep breath. Hesitation clouded his face as he paused. “I’m not Tristan.” He looked at her apologetically. “I’m his twin brother, Gabriel.”

Scarlet’s heart stopped.


“You lied.” Ana stormed into the dining hall and walked up to Cornelius. She paid no mind to the dozen attendants waiting beside the table.

Smiling at his servants, Cornelius said, “Please allow us a moment to ourselves.”

Ana waited until every servant had left the room before ranting. “You promised me a marriage between Tristan and Scarlet. That boy,” Ana pointed to the door she had just walked through, “is not Tristan. I will not have it. Scarlet will marry no one but Tristan, or you will not gain possession of the map.”

Cornelius sighed. “You tire me with your threats, Ana. Scarlet will marry Tristan’s brother, Gabriel, and you will give me the map. That is how it will work.”

“No. You promised me Tristan—”

“I promised you a son!” Cornelius pounded a fist on the table. “I offer to marry your dirty, penniless daughter to my noble son and you dare to threaten me? Your daughter will marry Gabriel.”

“She will not.” Ana held her chin high, furious with herself for trusting a man.

Cornelius brought his face close to Ana’s, his wine-saturated breath drifting across her cheeks. “Very well. Scarlet does not need to marry Gabriel. She may go back to poverty with you. But Tristan will not return to her.”

Ana slanted her eyes to him. “What do you mean?”

“Tristan is now in the service of the king. He left this morning, not to return until the king says. Which is likely years.” Cornelius shrugged. “So, go on. Embarrass yourself and your family by denouncing a noble marriage. But your daughter will not be with Tristan. Not ever.”

Ana thought for a moment.

What a mess she had made. Tristan was gone and Ana would surely die soon, leaving Scarlet with no one to care for her.

What a horrible mess.

Scarlet was going to lose everything she loved. But she might still have a chance at a noble life.

Ana bowed her head respectfully, hoping to stroke the earl’s great pride and gain a bit of mercy. “Scarlet will happily marry Gabriel. And I will give you the map upon their vows.”

Cornelius smiled again. “You are no good at being submissive, Ana. But I appreciate your effort.” He clapped his hands and the servants came back in. “We shall have a proper engagement dinner and pretend this whole thing never happened.”

Ana nodded and excused herself. She needed to find Scarlet.

