After confessing to her that he was not Tristan, Gabriel watched tears gather in Scarlet’s eyes.

“Please don’t cry.” He looked up and down the hallway, nervous that someone would see and lowered his voice. “You can’t cry, Scarlet. We have to pretend that everything is fine. You have to smile and nod while we have dinner with my father so that he won’t revoke the arrangement.”

Scarlet stared at the floor with her mouth open. “Tristan was sent to the king’s army? What if he gets injured? What if he dies?”

“He won’t die,” Gabriel said confidently. “He is a great archer and a cunning fighter. Even if everyone else falls, Tristan will stand. I know it.”

“Why did Tristan not tell me?”

“My father imprisoned him last night so he could not go to you.”

Scarlet blinked and a tear fell to the stone floor of the hallway. “I do not understand.”

“Neither do I.” Gabriel rubbed the side of his face, cursing the predicament he was in. “My father is a greedy and selfish man. He has destroyed many hearts with this deception and I will never forgive him for what he has done to Tristan. But,” Gabriel placed a gentle hand on Scarlet’s arm and waited for her to look up at him. “Tristan asked me to care for you, to marry you and keep you safe, and I promised him I would.”

Scarlet shook her head. “I do not need to be taken care of. I can provide for myself.”

Gabriel was quiet a moment. “I…I’m sure you can but—”

“I have no doubt you are an honorable man and a great brother to Tristan, but I will not marry you just so I may live an easy life. I will not. I have managed to take care of myself for many years and nothing will change that.”

Gabriel swallowed, unsure of what Tristan would want him to do.

“I apologize if I have hurt your pride.” Scarlet looked at him. “Thank you for your willingness to marry me. But I must decline. I will wait until Tristan returns.”

“But that could be decades.”

“So be it.” Scarlet straightened her shoulders.

Gabriel stood speechless. He was confused, relieved and upset. All at the same time.

Tristan would not be happy about this.

Well, then he should not have fallen in love with such a stubborn girl.

“Scarlet,” came a whisper down the hallway.

Gabriel turned to see Scarlet’s mother swiftly approaching.

“Mama,” Scarlet said, walking toward her. “We have been deceived and—”

“I know, child.” Ana covered Scarlet’s mouth. “Listen to me closely. You must marry this boy.” She looked at Gabriel.

Through her mother’s cupped hand, Scarlet said, “What?”

“You must do as I say.” Ana removed her hand and looked deep into Scarlet’s eyes. “You must take Gabriel’s hand in marriage with a happy heart and be kind to the earl, do you understand?”

With her mouth open, Scarlet started shaking her head. “But why?”

Ana placed her hands on Scarlet’s shoulders. “Because I am dying and Tristan is gone.”

Scarlet’s face fell into fear and disbelief. “Y-you’re dying?”

Ana nodded. “I am ill and will not live long.” She swallowed. “So I need you to do this for me.”

“No, mama. I can take care of you. I can make you better—”

“Hush!” Ana’s eyes hardened, but quickly went soft. “I need you to promise me that you will accept this noble union. I need to die knowing that you will always be safe and cared for.”

“But, mama—”

“Promise me,” Ana repeated.

Scarlet looked as though her whole world had crumbled. She glanced back at Gabriel, horror and hopelessness in her eyes, before looking at her mother.

“Promise me,” Ana said again.

Scarlet swallowed and whispered, “I promise,” as a tear fell down her cheek.

Ana kissed the top of Scarlet’s head. “Now, you will compose yourself and march into that dining hall with a smile for the earl.”

Scarlet nodded as she stared at the floor.

Not knowing what else to do, Gabriel gently took Scarlet’s arm in his as Ana began shuffling them toward the dining hall doors.

When they entered the dining room, Gabriel forced yet another smile upon his tense face.
