Ty-Bop and Junior were sitting on the front steps of Susan's house when I pulled up in front. They looked at me with recognition but no warmth. They were both black. Junior was about the size of Faneuil Hall, and Ty-Bop was average height and thin. They worked for Tony Marcus: Junior the muscle, Ty-Bop the shooter. I didn't care for them. I didn't care much for their boss, if it came to that. Even so, I nodded at them as I went up Susan's front stairs. Neither one nodded back. Churlish.
Pearl greeted me with an exuberant lunge, and when I went into the hall, I squatted and endured her exuberance until it abated. Hawk stood in the door of Susan's study, across from her office, and watched. When it was over, I stood and went past him into the study and sat on the couch against the front wall below the window.
"Ty-Bop and Junior?" I said.
"Tony owed me," Hawk said.
"Ty-Bop's about nineteen," I said.
"He older than he look," Hawk said.
"Okay, so maybe he's twenty," I said. "He's also a cocaine addict."
"He won't use while he's working here," Hawk said.
"You spoke to him," I said.
"I spoke to him. I spoke to Tony."
I nodded. "How about they're scaring the crap out of everyone on Linnaean Street," I said.
"That's a bad thing?" Hawk said.
"No," I said. "Susan seen them?"
"Any friend of mine," Hawk said.
I nodded again. "Okay," I said. "As long as you trust them."
"They'll stay," Hawk said. "Tony's word is good."
"Got anybody else?"
"Vinnie'll be back in town tomorrow," Hawk said. "Cambridge puts a cruiser out front at night from eleven to seven. And, if all else fails, we got you."
"Not for a couple of days," I said. "I gotta go back to San Diego."
"Barry Gordon?"
"Yes. Can you arrange a gun?"
"Just like last time," Hawk said. "How about Bonnie/Bunny? You find her?"
"I found her."
I told him.
"Figure the husband's in the family business?"
"Seems so," I said. "And he or his father-in-law or both of them don't want anyone talking to Bunny."
"Or at least don't want you," Hawk said. "You thought you could waltz in there and chat her up?"
"I was counting on charm," I said.
Hawk grunted. "Maybe we need to get her out of there," Hawk said. "Get her someplace quiet where your charm can do its work."
"We may have to," I said. "Let's see what I can shake loose from Barry. What time is Vinnie due?"
"Be here tomorrow morning," Hawk said.
I looked at the closed door of Susan's office.
"She got a client?" I said.
"Woman," Hawk said. "In a short skirt."
"Observant," I said.
"A natural gift," Hawk said.
A client canceled, and Susan had a two-hour break before the next one. We had lunch together upstairs in her apartment. I told her what I knew and what I was going to do.
"People are going to some lengths," Susan said.
"And I'm not quite sure why," I said.
"It must have something to do with that bank robbery when Daryl's mother got killed."
"But what?" I said. "Was she there? Did she do the shooting? Is there something else?"
"Do you think Barry Gordon knows?"
"He knows something worth two thousand dollars a month to Bunny's mother."
"And you can't call him on the phone?"
"Can't scare him as effectively on the phone," I said.
"You plan to scare him."
"Yes. I can't pay him more than Mrs. Karnofsky."
"Can you scare him more than Mr. Karnofsky?" Susan said.
"A guy in your living room is more scary than a guy three thousand miles away," I said.
We were sharing a large tossed salad and hot cornbread, which I had put together while I waited for Susan. Susan nibbled on a wedge of purple heirloom tomato, which we had bought on Sunday at Verrill Farm. She nodded.
"And," I said, "we don't know for a fact that Sonny, Mr. Karnofsky, knows about the money going to Gordon."
"Because it comes out of her bank account," Susan said.
"But wouldn't he be the one putting money into the account?"
"Doesn't mean he knows how she spends it," I said.
"No," she said. "I suppose it doesn't."
I ate a square of cornbread. Susan had a bite of red lettuce. In a move reminiscent of her predecessor, Pearl coiled in and around our feet-ever hopeful.
"How do you feel?" I said to Susan.
"Being in danger is rarely pleasant," she said. "And though the prospect of being in danger without you is less pleasant, I'm feeling well looked-after."
"How do you feel about Junior and Ty-Bop?"
"They're hideous," Susan said. "But I trust them because Hawk said I should."
I nodded. "Vinnie will be along tomorrow," I said.
"Vinnie is not actually charming," Susan said.
"That's because you haven't seen him shoot," I said.
"And I hope not to."
We finished our lunch, during which I gave Pearl a couple bites of cornbread when Susan wasn't looking. The second time, she caught me.
"You are just teaching her to beg from the table," she said.
"If she's going to do it," I said, "isn't it best if she knows how?"
Susan pretended that what I said was not amusing. "Oh, God," she said.
In the afternoon, Susan saw the rest of her patients while I organized my travels. That night, we had supper together and went to bed early. Unfortunately, Pearl went to bed with us, which is a bit like trying to make love around a giraffe.
We are, however, experienced, determined, and adroit.
We managed.