I was home. More or less. It was evening, and I was in Quirk's office with Epstein and Quirk, entertaining them with tales of California. "You think Leon would have blabbed like he did, if Clark wasn't there?" Quirk said.
"No. Leon sort of thought Clark would protect him. In twenty-eight years, he must have gotten pretty used to assuming the Feds would protect him," I said.
"So we know why the Bureau sat on this thing," Epstein said. "What we don't know is who killed Emily Gold."
"We could bring Bunny Karnofsky in and ask her,"
I said.
"On Leon's say-so?" Epstein asked. "Twenty-eight years later?"
"Capital crime," I said.
"Sure," he said. "And Sonny Karnofsky's daughter. They will have her lawyered up so tight we may not even be able to see her."
"And then she's on notice," Quirk said. "And, my guess, she and her husband will take a long trip someplace and no one will be able to remember where."
"You know the husband?" I said to Quirk.
"Ziggy Czernak. He used to be one of Sonny's bodyguards."
"Now he's Bunny's bodyguard."
"Maybe it's true love," Quirk said.
Quirk looked at his watch. "Late," he said. "My wife will be annoyed."
"You scared of your wife?" I said.
"Yeah. You going to tell the kid?"
"That her parents aren't who she thinks they are?"
"I don't know. I still need to find out who killed. the woman she thinks is her mother."
"Day at a time," Epstein said.
Outside Quirk's one window, the summer evening had settled in. It wasn't quite dark, but the sky had turned that navy blue and the color permeated the atmosphere.
There were occasions when this was my favorite time of day.
"So, what do you want to do?" I said.
Epstein and Quirk looked at each other.
"I still have the home office to fight," Epstein said.
I nodded.
"Sonny's got resources," Quirk said. "I don't want Bunny to get scared off and disappear."
I decided not to mention that she might already have been scared off by me. I thought it best, for the moment, to assume that they'd leave her in place and try to bury me.
"We need to get Bunny alone," I said.
"We do," Quirk said.
"You have any suggestions?"
"You and Hawk could get her out of there," Quirk said.
"Excellent idea," Epstein said. "Unofficially speaking."
"Hawk's with Susan," I said.
Quirk nodded.
"I figure Frank and I could sit in on that as, ah, private citizens during off-duty hours."
"I could sit in on that," Epstein said.
"Unofficially," I said.
"Of course," Epstein said. "Unofficially."
"Be nice if we knew where Abner Fancy was."
"Would be," Quirk said.
"I wouldn't want you to exhaust yourselves," I said. "But have you looked?"
Quirk nodded.
"He's not in the system," Epstein said. "We don't know where he is, or even if he's alive."
"Well," I said. "When I get Bunny alone, I'll ask her."
"Let us know," Quirk said, "when you want us in Cambridge."
"I will," I said. "You'll get to meet the new Pearl."
"Is she calm and relaxed?"
"No," I said. "She'll bark and race around and, if she likes you, jump up and rest her paws on your shoulders and lap your face."
"I think I went out with her once," Epstein said.