Jon is waiting.

From the steps outside the ward he has a good view of the area in front of the hospital. He is sitting on the third step and though the sun is shining, he is warmly dressed because it is September and the nights can be chilly. Any second now Axel’s green Mercedes will appear around the bend. While he waits, he chews his nails. He has bitten them right down. The tips of his fingers are red and sore. He thinks about everything that has happened and about how he is going to move on. He knows he has to make a choice. That’s why I’m struggling, he thinks, because I can’t make up my mind. But sometimes we need to face reality. And perhaps that is not fair, but nothing about this situation is fair. It’s best to keep my mouth shut, he thinks, I’m protecting Axel and Reilly. They are my friends, and we’re in this together for ever.

Molly Gram appears from around the corner. Melis is leaping and bouncing. Jon raises his hand to greet her.

‘Are you leaving?’ she asks. ‘Are they coming to fetch you?’

He kicks the step. Her gaze makes him feel giddy.

‘So when are you back, then? Sunday evening?’

He nods. Her irises light up like gemstones inside the black makeup. Her eyes appear shiny and wet. But then again the air is sharp, he thinks. I mustn’t jump to conclusions.

Axel’s green Mercedes pulls up outside the hospital.

All of a sudden Jon is consumed by fear at having to leave Molly so soon after he has found her and she has set something in motion. Axel beeps the horn. Due to the reflection from the windscreen, Jon cannot see his face, but Reilly gets out of the car. The wind grabs hold of his coat, and makes him look like a gigantic fluttering moth.

‘Text me,’ Molly says.

Quick as lightning she comes over and kisses him on the lips.

Jon starts to walk, but he would rather stay where he is, so he slows his pace and turns around one last time. Axel is always on the lookout, he thinks. He keeps an eye on me. And Reilly always recites threats from the Koran. As long as they leave me in peace, as long as my anxiety doesn’t get the better of me, then I’ll be all right.

‘Jon Moreno,’ Molly calls out. ‘Cheer up. It’s not like you’re going to your own execution!’

He feels light-hearted again. I think I’ve got myself a girlfriend, he concludes. I do believe I have a girlfriend.

Axel beeps the horn again.

And Jon starts to run.
