"A Russian?" Nick was angry. "Come on, Director."

"Calm down, Nick. It's part of the deal. Gives us a chance to learn something. This man isn't just any Russian." She passed Korov's file over. "He's Zaslon. We've never gotten close to them before."

Lamont and Ronnie studied Korov's picture.

"He reminds me of my DI." Ronnie passed it to Selena.

"He's a professional. Just like the rest of you. Special Forces, lots of combat experience. He speaks English. He won't be a drag on the team."

"He's not part of the team. He's an outsider. I don't give a shit if he's Superman, it's my team. We're a family. This guy's the enemy. We don't even have a mission, yet." Carter felt his blood pressure rising. "Why do we need him tagging along? We don't have time to work this guy in. He doesn't know how we do things."

Harker's eyes tightened. "Make time, Nick. This isn't an option. As far as that goes, Major Korov is highly skilled. You might learn something."

"God damn it…"

"That's enough, Nick."

He threw up his hands in surrender. "I don't like it."

"You don't have to like it. I expect your full attention and cooperation."

"He takes orders from me."

"That's a given. For what it's worth, Korov is the one who showed up in Bulgaria. In the church."


"Nick, I understand. It's unheard of. There's not much trust on either side. I have to make sure Vysotsky doesn't go to the Kremlin with that video. He has to make sure we're really going after Lodge. He's sticking his neck way out here. So am I. Korov is the deal maker."

"Does Rice know about this?"


"When does Comrade Korov get here?"

"They're not comrades anymore. Today. This evening. I booked him into the Marriott. I want you and Ronnie to meet him tomorrow and bring him here."

"You put him in a hotel? Bring him here? For Christ's sake, Director."

"Here." She gave him a hard look. "They already know where we are and who we are. He won't see anything he doesn't already know or suspect. I want you to get a sense of who he is. Bond with him."

"You want me to buy him a beer while I'm at it?"

"That's a good idea. He might prefer vodka."

Harker smiled.

"What's so funny?"

They all laughed.

"Bonding and togetherness with the Russian comrade. I'll remember this."

"I'm sure you will."
