Selena and Lamont waited in the car. They watched Clarence Hood meet Nick, Harker and Korov at the door of Lodge's Virginia home. All four went inside.

Lamont watched the door close. "I don't like this,"


"Let's scout out the area."

They got out of the car. A few evening birds sang to each other in the twilight. The lawns around the house were newly mowed. The clean scent of fresh cut grass filled the air. It was still warm from the day. They walked around the flower beds to the side of the house and paused at the corner. French doors led from a large patio into a lighted study. They had a good view. Lodge sat in a red leather chair behind a desk. Hood and the others came into the room. Hood closed the study door behind him and took a seat on Lodge's left, facing the others.

Selena and Lamont wore earpieces that let them hear everything. Watch and listen, Harker had said. Don't intervene unless you absolutely have to. Everyone was armed. Selena knew she and Lamont were strictly a last resort. Their job was out here, not in that room.

Harker settled herself in her chair.

"You've gone too far this time, Wendell. The President is concerned."

"My, right to the point, Director." Lodge's voice was contemptuous. "The President owes me and I intend to collect the debt. I know far too much and it's an election year. He will not be making any sudden changes at Langley."

"Is that a blackmail threat? Against the President?"

"I assume you are recording this. No, it's not a threat. It's a guarantee. I will destroy him. If Rice has any desire to remain in office, he will not interfere."

"Wendell." It was Hood. "They know."

"What do they know?"

"About Demeter and Dansinger. About Wilkinson and Campbell and the others."

"I wonder who told them?"

Nick's ear began itching. Elizabeth answered. "We have a video of a meeting you held with Dansinger and Wilkinson. Your security procedures are getting sloppy, Wendell."

"Ah, that explains it. It must have been in Texas. Harold always thought he was smarter than he was."

"Why don't you tell us about the Pentagon?" she said.

"The Pentagon?" Korov looked at her.

Lodge was pleased. "You see, Major Korov. You just can't trust her. She didn't tell you about Operation Black Harvest, did she?"

Elizabeth sighed. "It's a war game scenario that predicts total crop failure in Russia, with subsequent invasion in the guise of assistance."

Korov was getting angry. "This was created by your Pentagon? All of this?"

"No, It wasn't. It's a war game, a scenario, nothing more. I'm sure you have similar scenarios in Moscow?"

Korov didn't answer.

"She's telling the truth, Major. It wasn't the Pentagon." Hood reached under his jacket and took out a 9mm pistol. He pointed it at Korov. "But you won't have a chance to tell anyone about it."

Lodge smiled. He took a gun from under his desk and pointed it at Nick. He was left handed.

Outside the house, Selena turned to Lamont.

"Hood. He's a traitor. What do we do?"

"Be ready to act. Let Harker give us the cue."

With his right hand Lodge pressed a button under his desk. Steel shutters dropped down over the French doors, the windows, the entrance to the study. The room was sealed.

"Shit," Lamont said.

"The front." They ran to the front of the house. The door was locked. All the windows were sealed. They could hear Lodge's voice over their earpieces.

"My own version of a panic room. But it's not me who should be panicked."

"You feeling panicked, Arkady?"

"No, Nick. Are you?"

"I know what you're thinking, Carter. Don't try it. You'll never get your weapons out in time. I suggest we talk this out before someone does something stupid."

Nick remembered the video. Something familiar about one of the people he couldn't see. He looked at Hood.

"You were at that meeting."

"Yes, I was."

"You've known about this all along."

Hood shrugged.

"You son of a bitch. We trusted you."

"It's wise to keep trust close, Nick."

Harker put her hand on Nick's arm. "Who killed Dansinger, Wendell?"

"I don't know. Whoever it was did us all a favor."

The look he gave her was one of pure hatred. "I've had enough of you, Harker, and your little group. Whoever you have outside will not be able to get in here."

Nick figured he could get one of them before they got him. He made ready.

Lodge said, "Clarence, I think it's time to end this, don't you?"

"I certainly do, Wendell."

Hood swung his pistol to the right and fired at close range. The bullet took Lodge in the temple and blew out the side of his head in a spray of blood and bone. He flew sideways in his chair. The body sprawled against the red leather. The gun dropped from his hand.

The others sat frozen. Hood ignored them. He stood, wiped down his pistol, placed it in Lodge's left hand and squeezed the hand around it. He took out a small plastic bag filled with black grains and blew some on Lodge's hand and sleeve, sprinkled some on his shirt.

"A shame the DCI saw no alternative but suicide when confronted with his exposure," Hood said.

The instant of paralysis had passed. All three had their guns out. Hood reached under the lip of the desk and pressed the panic button. The shutters rolled back into place. Outside, a bird sounded a pleasant trill in the calm Virginia evening.

Selena and Lamont burst into the room, guns leveled. Hood lifted his hands.

"Please don't shoot. Director, I think we need to continue this conversation elsewhere. And I believe Major Korov would like to talk with his superior."
