They'd driven back to the Project in silence. Now they were in Harker's office.

"I really need a bigger office. All right, Clarence. Out with it."

"I apologize for the deception, Director. It was necessary. Lodge was cautious. He had to be stopped permanently. I felt that you and Major Korov needed to be sure it was over."

"Did Rice put you up to this?"

"Oh, no. I would never involve him in something like this."

"Did you have Dansinger killed?"

"I did not. But I have my suspicions. I just can't prove any of it."

"We're listening."

"Lodge approached me soon after he made DCI. At first, nothing firm, just sounding me out. How did I feel about the growing threat Moscow posed? Did I think some proactive measures were needed to slow them down? Would I be able to determine the true course of Russia's intentions? Like that. At first it seemed like normal things, the kinds of things we do at Langley."

Korov remained silent, but his look spoke volumes.

"I always felt he was holding something back. It's my job, you know. To know when people are concealing something. I went along with him. I'm not a Russophobe, but I decided that would be a good way to gain his trust. So I became his echo whenever he began ranting."

"He ranted?"

"Frequently. Lodge was a fanatic. He hated Russia. Then he introduced me to Dansinger. Eventually they brought me into the plot."

"Why didn't you blow the whistle?" Elizabeth said.

Korov looked blank for a moment.

"Because it wasn't just Lodge and Dansinger. That is something we must pursue. I believe Dansinger was part of a larger organization and was following their agenda. I also believe they killed him because of your actions. When you attacked his compound and destroyed their stockpiles of the virus, you exposed him. I think they wanted to make sure he couldn't talk."

"You're saying you didn't go to the President because you wanted to expose a larger plot?"


"Was Lodge part of this organization?"

"No. I'm sure he wasn't. But I know Dansinger promised him the White House in four years. He told him his friends could assure it."

Nick remembered what Adam had told him in the back of that armored Cadillac.

"Jesus," Lamont said. "Who has the power to do that?"

"Apparently someone who doesn't believe in democracy."

"Why Russia?"

"It's the key. If they had succeeded, it would have been the start of a financial and military empire. Think of the strategic position. The Middle East, China, Southeast Asia, Japan, all within easy reach in the future. The oil fields in the Ukraine. Secure power in Russia under a guise of assistance, then have troops in place, then make your move."

Korov shook his head. "It would never have worked. You do not understand Russia. We would never surrender."

"I know that, Major. Anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that. But there have been many in the past who thought otherwise. Napoleon. Hitler. No one ever seems to learn from history, when it comes to Russia. None the less, there would have been a long occupation. Good business for the war mongers and death merchants. With someone like Lodge in the White House anything could become possible."

"What did Lucas know?" It was Stephanie.

"Only that I was worried about an unknown organization, a potential threat. He knew I was worried about Lodge, but not why. I couldn't risk telling anyone. I'm sure Lodge was monitoring me closely."

Steph settled back in her chair. Relieved.

"Was the Pentagon involved?"

"I hope not, but I don't know. The Black Harvest scenario is part of the bio-warfare planning. I'm certain there's an equivalent Russian war game. The Chinese as well. Everyone sees crops and food supplies as a soft target. A starving nation can be defeated."

The room was silent for a moment.

Selena took a breath. "That's criminal."

"That's war planning. The days of polite warfare are over. If there's a next one it will be total."

"War is a criminal act."

"Yes, Major, it is. So why have you and some of the others in this room prepared so well for it?"

"To defend our nation. From aggressors like Dansinger and Lodge."

Hood nodded. "Exactly. War initiated may be a criminal act, but war in defense of one's nation is an act of patriotism and honor. Unfortunately, soldiers pay the price for their leaders' greed and bad judgement."

Elizabeth brought them back into focus. "We're getting off the track. What do you actually know about this organization? Dansinger's?"

"Not much. There are hints of something but you can't track them down. Financial lines that disappear when you follow them. Political decisions that seem justified but erode freedom everywhere. Economic policies that concentrate wealth in the hands of a few. Cover ups. Facilities that appear intended for one thing but may be for another. Increased surveillance in every city. Much of it is here in the US, but it seems to be international. I know it's powerful and influential. I know it means us and everyone else no good."

"You are suggesting something along the line of a New World Order conspiracy."

"That's as good a name for it as anything else. I think the Demeter plot was part of a larger plan."

"But you have no proof."


"If this group exists, I don't think they're going to be very happy with what's happened in the last few days."

"I think you can count on that, Director. We'd all better watch our step."
