THE dining room defined opulence. Forty-foot-high ceilings with mahogany crown molding, a preponderance of sparkly crystal chandeliers, silk-covered walls, carpeting that mimicked a pricey Persian rug.

The already beautiful space had been further transformed. Each table had different jewel-toned linen. From the back of the room, the hundred or so colored tables spread out like a rainbow, darkest to lightest. The glassware on each table was clear, reflecting the individual color, creating the illusion that each table had customized glassware. The centerpiece on each table initially looked tacky—artificial flowers with color-changing LED lights on the edges of the leaves and flowers. But as Amery watched the lights morphing from one shade of the rainbow to the next, she noticed the effect sent tiny shards of light outward, so it looked as if diamonds had been sprinkled across the table.

This was one of the coolest decorating themes she’d ever seen.

And the Hidden Hills Resort didn’t allow its members to sit on padded metal conference chairs. No, every chair was draped in the same fabric as the table.

A female server intercepted them as they tried to cut through the tables. “One of the staff members with the clipboard will have your seat assignments.”

“I’d forgotten about that. Thank you.”

Assigned seating felt a little junior high-ish. Were the attendees deemed more important seated at a better table with other bigwigs? Maybe it was the champagne, but Amery could give a shit where she and Ronin ended up. In her mind he remained the most interesting person in the room—regardless of how many people filled the space.

After they were properly seated, she snuck a look at him and bit back a feminine sigh.

Ronin’s mouth brushed her ear. “What’s the smirk for?”

“Just thinking about how sexy you look in that suit. But as nice as the wrapper is, it’s the body beneath that gets me all hot and bothered.”

“You always so flirty and flattering when you drink champagne?”

She laughed softly. “I’m serious.”

“I know.” He placed a kiss below her ear. “Which is why I’ll make sure the champagne keeps flowing.”

“Maybe that’s not the best idea. I do all sorts of crazy things when I’m tipsy.”

“If this shindig gets dull, I have ideas on how we can liven things up.” Ronin’s hand slid up her leg.

“Ronin. Behave.”

“No.” His teeth enclosed her earlobe and he tugged. “And don’t pretend you want me to be the gentleman in the suit. You prefer the master in the gi.”

To anyone else it would appear that she and Ronin were having a private conversation. But when he whispered against her skin in that rough voice, she was done in. Add in the erotic way his thumb stroked the inside of her thigh, the continual pass of his warm lips beneath her ear . . . Amery wanted to grab him by his fancy tie, drag him into the coat check room, and fuck him stupid.

“I like that purring sound you just made,” he murmured against her throat. “Remember earlier when you said you’d give me anything I wanted?”


“That’s okay because I do. But I’ll warn you, baby, I will push your boundaries tonight.”

Amery managed to stop the spinning in her head long enough to place her hand on his cheek, forcing him to meet her gaze. “Should I be scared?”

Ronin just bestowed that “Hallelujah Chorus” grin. “Probably. But I promise I won’t do a thing you don’t like.”

The table jiggled and they both looked up.

Amery couldn’t help her shock. Tyler and Chantal were seated at their table. Out of nine hundred and ninety-eight other possibilities for dinner companions, they ended up with these two?

Tyler offered a smarmy grin. “Well, isn’t this a coincidence?”

Chantal didn’t seem any happier than Amery about the seating arrangements. But she managed a cool “Hello.”

Three other couples joined them. The foursome barely acknowledged anyone outside their group. The other couple, an elegant pair in their early sixties, were sniping at each other and then fell into glaring silence as they knocked back glass after glass of champagne.

“Good thing we like each other’s company,” Ronin said.

“No kidding.”

The waiters kept the bubbly flowing in addition to bringing bottles of wine to the table.

Amery picked up the linen card—embossed in the exact same color of the tablecloth—that announced the evening’s five-course menu:

Butternut squash soup with chive oil and radish seedlings

Pan-fried trout croquettes, breaded with blue corn flour and topped with tomatillo relish

Roasted beet carpaccio with seared goat cheese and mâche greens

Grilled filet of beef with caramelized shallot/red wine reduction, truffle-infused potato rösti, white asparagus, and morel mushrooms

Golden Colorado dessert, ripe Colorado peaches soaked in Colorado’s gold-medal-winning red wine, topped with yogurt sweetened with honey

This menu was a little different than Applebee’s.

Ronin leaned closer. “Problem?”

“Not exactly sure what some of the ingredients are in these dishes.”

“Me either. I’m just glad one of the courses isn’t sushi.”

After the soup course was delivered to everyone in the room, a man stepped up to the raised dais and began to speak.

She tuned him out and talked to Ronin. “So, the guy earlier that monopolized your time? What did he want?”

“To convince me to teach a private kickboxing class for new Bronco recruits.”

“What’d you say?”

Ronin looked affronted. “No.”

“Why not?”

“I am not a kickboxing instructor.”

“Saying no should’ve taken, like, two seconds. Why’d he keep you so long?”

“He mistakenly assumed everyone has a price and all he needed to do was charm me, or throw more money at me. Or threaten me and I’d fall in line.”

Her eyes widened. “He threatened you? Was he just an idiot or did he have a death wish? Did you demonstrate jujitsu pressure points so he understands why ninjas like you don’t teach kickboxing?”

“I said something like that, but more diplomatically.”

“Darn. I’d like to see you in ass-kicking mode.” Amery turned her head. Their mouths were only a breath apart.

The moment lingered and became even more perfect when Ronin murmured, “I am so crazy about you.”

As the second course was delivered, Amery glanced up to see Tyler studying her. His gaze flicked to Ronin and then back to her.

That’s right. This hot, successful man is crazy about me. So suck it.

More boring speeches were given by more people she didn’t know while the third course arrived.

During a lull in the festivities, Tyler addressed Ronin. “Has the Platte Valley restoration project affected your business at all? That’s where you’re located, right?”

“We’ve been there ten years, so urban renewal is finally catching up to us. It’s always good to have other businesses—regardless if they’re retail or service or entertainment industries—in any area. But I haven’t seen a direct impact positive or negative on my business.”

“There is one negative thing about people flocking to the area,” Amery said, shoving aside her salad plate only to have it immediately whisked away by a server.

“And what’s that?” Tyler asked.

“Parking. It is impossible to find a decent parking place around the dojo. Wednesday night I swear I had to park six blocks away.”

Ronin kissed the back of her hand. “I’m glad limited parking choices aren’t keeping you away from me.”

So what if Ronin poured it on a little thick in front of her ex? She’d do the same thing if she crossed paths with Naomi.

“How did you two meet?” Chantal asked with an air of boredom.

“We had to exchange names after he threw me on my ass.”

Silence at the table. Even the cliquey foursome stopped whispering and stared at them.

“That isn’t even funny,” Chantal snapped.

Amery flashed her teeth. “But it’s true. Sensei Black took me to the mat in a self-defense class I signed up for at his dojo.”

“It’s more accurate to say Amery knocked me to my knees the first time I saw her.” Ronin kissed her hand. “I literally tried to sweep her off her feet to even things up a bit.”

The foursome laughed, as did the other couple.

Tyler wasn’t amused. Chantal alternated between shooting jealous daggers at Amery and Ronin and glaring at Tyler.

Amery probably shouldn’t have signaled for more champagne as they waited on the main course.

Ronin kept watching her, an odd look on his face.


“I want to act on my every dirty impulse right now. It’s making me reckless—and I’m never reckless in public.”

A feeling of power rolled through her. “Is it making you hard?”

He leaned in to whisper in her ear. “Put your hand on my groin and find out for yourself.”

Her first thought was no way. She’d reach over and everyone at the table would know what was going on.

Her second thought was she’d never been the type who’d do something like that in public.

So that’s precisely why she decided to do it.

Amery dropped her napkin and reached down to pick it up. When she returned upright, she set her hand on Ronin’s knee, allowing her hand to inch up his thigh.

He’d left his napkin covering his lap so she could slip her hand beneath it. When she had to move slightly to reach him, she leaned in. “Who is sponsoring these awards tonight?”

“Colorado Athlete’s Foundation in conjunction with Rocky Mountain Sports Coalition.”

Her fingers reached the crease of his thigh. “Have you ever been nominated for one of these awards?”


“Why not?”

“I’m not a team player. I prefer to play one-on-one. It’s more . . . intimate.”

She felt his gaze burning into her. She met it head-on as her hand reached the promised land, scraping her fingernails up and down his rigid shaft. “Is it hard to get nominated?”

The only change in Ronin’s face was the ripple of his jaw muscle—but even that was there and gone. “Very hard.”

“Yes, it is.” Amery squeezed his cock one last time and leisurely slid her hand back down his leg.

They exchanged private, provocative looks as the remaining courses were served. None of their tablemates engaged them in conversation.

After the dessert and coffee course arrived, Ronin pulled Amery closer. “Leave your napkin on your lap and pull your dress up.”

Her head whipped around. “Excuse me?”

“You heard me. Slide your dress up so I can rub your clit until you come on my hand.”

Amery’s face flamed. “Ronin. There are over a thousand people here.”

He bent forward until his lips connected with the skin in front of her ear. “No, baby, it’s just you and me.” He nuzzled her cheek. “Spread your legs for me.”

The thought of baring herself as Ronin’s rough-tipped finger abraded her clit . . . made her absolutely dripping wet.

She rested her head against his shoulder, shifting to get comfortable as she slid her dress up.

Ronin nonchalantly dropped his hand between her thighs.

She squeezed his hand, stopping his forward motion. “Since you’re testing my control, it’s only fair I get to test yours too.”


“No. Later.”

“Fine. But right now it’s about you.”

Emboldened, she bit down on the outside of his ear. “You sure? I think this fingering-me-until-I-tremble plan is about you and your need for control.”

“Amery,” he half growled.

Definitely about his control. She discreetly widened her knees.

She only allowed a tiny surprised flinch when his finger wiggled beneath the edge of her thong and slipped down her slit. And back up. And down. Featherlight but insistent.

Then Ronin drew circles around her clit as if he intended to torture her. Her quads tightened in response.

“Look at me.”

Amery raised her head. His eyes were a shade darker than normal, but so compelling she couldn’t look away.

He stroked, swirled, and flicked his finger across that swollen nub, increasing the pace.

Somehow she kept still when a hot wave started in her tailbone and radiated upward into soft, dizzying pulses.

“How sexy you are right now. Cheeks flushed, eyes unfocused, teeth digging into your bottom lip as you come for me. And no one knows but me.”

Ronin’s deep, quietly commanding voice rolled over her with as much power as the orgasm pulsating through her.

When the storm ended, he brushed his mouth over her temple. “You okay?”

“Better than okay.” Then reality encroached. “Do you think anyone—”

“No. We appear to be exactly what we are: lovers enjoying a quiet moment together.” Ronin discreetly removed his hand and tugged her dress down.

Amery didn’t dare look around the table. “Now what?”

“Let’s wander through the crowd and see if we can find trouble.”

“Very reckless tonight, Master Black.”

“You don’t have any idea. And the night is young.”

They exited the dining room and Ronin was waylaid several times. He remained polite but slightly aloof, which baffled most people. Including her.

So maybe seeing the many faces of Ronin Black bothered her. In the times they’d been together, had he really shown her the man beneath the mask? Or was that side of him a mask too?

They’d almost made it out of the ballroom when a barrel-chested man with thinning gray hair and an unlit cigar clamped between his teeth approached with what looked like a posse.

“I wondered what it’d take to get you out of that dojo on the wrong side of the tracks.”

Ronin offered the man a slight bow. “Always a pleasure to see you again, Mr. Pettigrew.”

Pettigrew. Even Amery recognized that name. Thaddeus Pettigrew of Pettigrew Petroleum, Pettigrew Properties, Pettigrew Mining, and the restaurant chain Pettigrew’s. He was rumored to be the richest man in Colorado.

“Cut the bullshit, Ronin. I got a dozen people fawning over me every damn day calling me Mr. Pettigrew. You’ve more than earned the right to call me TP in public too. Anyway, glad to see you here. I wanted to bend your ear and it saved me a trip to the seedy side of town.”

“Of which you currently own what? Twenty percent?”

Pettigrew grinned. “Closer to thirty now.”

“Any pies you don’t have your finger in, TP?”

“I steer clear of political soup. Since the bastards won’t let me smoke in here no matter how much green I dump in the coffers, I was headed outside. Walk with me. We can discuss that family business issue you called me about.”

Family business?

“I’d be happy to.” Ronin nudged Amery forward. “I’ll introduce my date before I leave her to her own devices. Amery Hardwick, Thaddeus Pettigrew.”

Amery offered her hand. “A pleasure, Mr. Pettigrew.”

“It certainly is.” Pettigrew winked at her. “I won’t keep your man long.”

Ronin matched his pace to the lumbering Pettigrew and they exited out a side door.

Amery marched to the bar and ordered a drink. Twenty minutes passed with no sign of Ronin.

Someone moved in behind her and she turned, hoping to see her date, but Tyler invaded her space.

“Dance with me.”

She looked at him as if he’d lost his mind. “Where’s Chantal?”

“Who knows? You’ve been standing here by yourself for too long and so have I. The music is playing. Let’s dance.”

Amery’s gaze darted around the room. No sign of Ronin. And to be honest . . . it annoyed her she’d been cooling her heels so long. “Fine. One song.”

A rock power ballad came on. Tyler settled his hands above her ass. “Huh-uh,” she said. “No junior high slow-dancing.” She held up her hand in waltz formation.

He clasped her palm in his. “Did we ever dance like this when we were together?”

“I don’t remember. Why?”

“It’s nice. Better than the mosh pit at Theta Tau.”

“I wouldn’t know. I avoided that mass of writhing bodies back then.”

“But now? If you had the chance to do it again?

“I’d try it.”

“You’ve become the girl who’ll try anything once, huh?”

Amery shrugged.

“Still a little coy, but I don’t buy it because I can see how much you’ve changed.” He twirled them backward. “So, out of curiosity . . . why did you bail from the apartment complex after things ended between us? You just vanished and I didn’t know how to get in touch with you. I wondered if you were okay.”

Bullshit. She’d just changed apartments, not jobs. “I left after having enough of living in Tyler Pessac’s love hotel.” She cocked her head and studied him. “Did Chantal ever find out about Brittney? Did either of them know about Lorena? Or was the fact that their apartments were on different floors enough to keep them from seeing you sneak out of the others’ places?”

Tyler smirked. “See, that’s where everything gets blown out of proportion. Lorena was just one of those things. Brittney was a flash in the pan. I’m really sorry that I didn’t come clean with you about Chantal. There were better ways for you to find out—”

“Than letting myself into your apartment and witnessing Chantal bent over your couch as you fucked her? Yeah, you’re probably right. An e-card or a text would’ve worked better as a breakup instead of the live sex show.”

That took him aback. “You never used to talk like that.”

“Wrong. I think you had some image in your head of me that’s patently untrue. You never really saw me.”

“I was young and cocky. Self-absorbed. People change.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to point out that little had changed with him.

“Anyway, it’s nice to see you’ve gotten out of the shell I could never crack.”

That’s because ham-handed you didn’t have the right tool.

“Although I’ll admit I didn’t expect to see you at a ten-thousand-dollar-a-plate dinner.”

Her head snapped up. “The pair of tickets for tonight’s dinner was twenty thousand dollars?”

“You didn’t know that? Black didn’t brag how much money he was dropping on this?”

“Ronin doesn’t brag.” He doesn’t have to went unsaid.

“Right. He’s pure of thought, deed, and motive.” Tyler spun them deeper into the dancers. “He’d like everyone to believe that. But the truth is he’s a dangerous, violent man.”

She shrugged. “Comes with the territory of living in the world of martial arts.”

Tyler’s eyes searched hers. “That’s not what I was talking about. He’s not what he appears to be, Amery.”

“Don’t pretend you know him. You don’t.”

“And you do?”

Sometimes. Other times he was as much a stranger as when they’d first met. But she wouldn’t give Tyler the satisfaction of admitting that. “Yes, I do.”

“Knowing him and him knowing you are two different things. Trust me. Break it off while you can.”

“Come on, Tyler. That’s a little vague. If you’ve got the low-down dirty on him, tell me.” Of course Tyler didn’t recognize her sarcasm.

“There’ve been rumors that he’s not who he says he is. Rumors that he hasn’t completely distanced himself from his violent past that financed his lifestyle and his dojo.”

Ronin had told her his fighting skills earned the money needed to buy the building he owned, but she wasn’t sure if that was common knowledge. “Where’d you hear that?”

“Denver is a small community in the realm of sports. Ronin is well respected, but he’s feared too. Don’t you wonder why? Don’t you wonder how he’s able to afford to run with major players like Thaddeus Pettigrew and Max Stanislovsky? His dojo is successful, but not to that extent.”

“I wonder why you’re so concerned about what kind of man Ronin is, and questioning his financial background, and listing who his friends are. Are you jealous?”

“No. I’m just worried about you. You’re in over your head with him. You didn’t see the self-satisfied looks he shot everyone who looked at you, but I did. He gets his kicks forcing you to do what he wants, when he wants, where he wants.”

Amery looked Tyler square in the eye, despite her suspicion that he knew what’d gone on beneath the table during dessert. “No one forces me to do anything anymore.”

Tyler stopped dancing. “Your blasé attitude is freaking me out. This is not you, Amery. What happened to the sweet, fun, shy girl from North Dakota that I loved?”

Her back snapped straight. “She grew up and shed that skin after the man she thought she loved made fun of her for retaining those embarrassing small-town traits. Now you’re claiming I should still be naive and clingy because that’s the version of me you loved? Bullshit. Need I point out that you couldn’t wait to get the hell away from me when I was the sweet, fun, and shy gal? You don’t need to worry for her, because she no longer exists. I know what I want and I ask for it because I deserve it. So back off. You don’t know me now, Tyler. You never really did.”

“Fine, I’ll drop it. But I have to ask, what do your folks think of these changes in you? Do they approve of you being involved with a guy like Ronin?”

“I don’t care. They’re not in my life. It only matters that I’m happy with the changes.”

“But are you making all these changes for him?”

“That’s an insulting insinuation.”

He grabbed her biceps and hauled her closer. “Listen to me. You may think you’re tough because you live in a city now rather than a small town, but you don’t have the experience to deal with a man like Ronin Black. Very few people do. He’ll chew you up and spit you out.”

Slightly alarmed by his vehemence, she said, “Tyler—”

“Let. Her. Go.” A pause. “Now.”


Tyler immediately retreated.

“Never put your hands on her like that again. It would end very badly for you. Am I clear?”

If Ronin’s tone were a weapon, Tyler would be lying in bloody chunks on the floor.

Tyler raised his hands in mock surrender. “Sorry. We have a history and it was easy to slip into those old roles.” He shot Amery a quick smile. “Great to see you, Amery. If you ever need to talk . . . now you know where to reach me.” He spun on his heel and left the dance floor.

Then Amery was wrapped in Ronin’s arms. She clutched his back and held on tight.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes. He’s just a blowhard who hasn’t changed, except he’s become even more of an asshole.”

“Why did you dance with him?”

“He asked me to.”

His body stiffened. “That’s it? That’s the only reason?”

“Do you have any idea how long you were gone? I was just supposed to cool my heels until you returned? I’ve already done that once tonight, Ronin. I was bored and he was here.”

He made that displeased noise.

“Besides, I was involved with Tyler for a few years. It’s not like he was a strange guy hitting on me.”

“I would’ve preferred a stranger hitting on you to him.”

Amery tried to look at Ronin, but he kept the side of his face pressed into hers, holding her in place. “Why?”

“A stranger hasn’t seen you naked. Hasn’t touched you. Hasn’t fucked you. Tyler has. Goddammit, he had you for three years. The realization that he’d screwed up by letting you go was written all over his face tonight.”

Ronin had read that wrong. Tyler didn’t want to be with her; he just didn’t want her to be with anyone else. “It doesn’t matter because I’m not with him. I’m with you.”

His thumb swept over the pulse point in her throat. He repeated the motion and it felt as erotic as when he’d touched her clit. His scent, his touch, his uneven breathing stirred her hair and her desire. “But are you really with me?”

“I’m confused. With you how?”

“In every way I need you to be.”

“Still confused.”

“Come home with me and I’ll show you what I mean. What I need. You said anytime, any way. I want you to prove it to me tonight.”

She shivered. “Let’s go.”

They left the dance floor in the middle of the song.
