Her ass guts were distended horribly from all the water shooting through the black latex tube and into her shitter. Darlene squirmed uncomfortably on the fucking dildo, her ass becoming pricked more and more as she sank downward onto the sharp nails. And all the while more and more electricity shot into her body, making her nipples so sore! She sat there, fucking herself while sparks seemed to fly from the clamps to her clit, then back again.

Jeff turned the dial up another notch.


Darlene couldn't even speak now. She tasted the flat flavor of his jizz against the tip of her tongue. And now that machine was nearly electrocuting her. She shivered, feeling her tits and cunt ache. Then her cousin cranked the dial yet higher. Her lips became purple while small diamonds of spittle stood on her lips. What was stranger was the continual climax that clamp was creating in her clit. Darlene was nearly exhausted with all the sensations rushing through her pussy. The electricity was short-circuiting her body, making her cunt milk that dildo again and again as she fucked herself half to death. The girl threw her head back and shamelessly fucked the long pole, feeling it nudge aside all her organs.


"That's it, Darlene, fuck it out, baby. Go on, go for it! Yeah, you gotta take care of that itch," Jeff said, smirking down at her. "And nothin' takes care of that itch like a good hard prick!"

"Prick!" she echoed mindlessly, her mouth hanging open as she fucked herself wildly.

"Yeah, good hot cockmeat. That's what you want, right bitch! Good hot cock?"

Jeff turned on more juice. Her climax showered her thighs. The smell of burned flesh seemed to reach her nose. Was the current burning her up? Darlene shuddered at the thought, but then laughed as more thrilling spasms tare through her pussy.

As she shivered and jerked on the seat, Jeff found his cock was getting hard again. Watching his cousin snapping from side to side like that did things to him. He scratched his prick, watching with interest as Darlene slumped forward. More water sprayed from her asshole, splashing down onto the floor.

Darlene stopped trying to pull her arms and legs free from the pillory. She wanted to sit there now, bobbing her ass up and down on that long dildo fucking. That was all that was important in her life. That was all she wanted to live for now. All Darlene could think of was all that cockmeat out there waiting for a hot little cunt like hers to come along. Her cousin had said she was good only for fucking. Well, Darlene had to agree with him now. She felt her pussy walls snugging up against that dildo again and again while her clit kept on sputtering and sparking with delight. Her tits were sore from all the excitement. Darlene leaned forward again, rubbing her aching nipples against the wood.

Jeff's balls jerked in time with his cock as he watched the girl pitch and lurch against the pillory. Her face was a blur as she fucked on the dildo. Finally he couldn't take any more. Reaching out, he shut down the machine. Darlene pitched forward, striking her forehead against the front of the pillory. There was a final violent tweak in her cunt, and then the climax was over. Darlene let out a growl, feeling her muscles finally relaxing. She slumped down, the dildo slowly sinking into her overheated cunt. A bubble of air escaped from around the rodding plastic prick as her ass slid closer to those sharp nails.

"You don't wanna get cut up, do you, baby?"

Jeff turned off the spigot, stopping the icy water that had filled her ass guts. Darlene almost felt empty as her cousin wrapped his arms around her waist and began pulling her off, the dildo. She felt the pillory tugging painfully at her arms and ankles with that move.

"Just keep that ass up there, and I'm gonna pull you off this fucker."

Jeff jerked the pincers free, tearing at her swollen tits and cunt. Her pent-up shout of pain and humiliation finally escaped, startling the young stud. But he only grinned at her reaction, unlocking the pillory and puffing the frazzled girl from it.

Darlene was hysterical, jerking still, slapping out at Jeff while she swayed drunkenly on the floor. Standing back, her cousin slapped her twice, finally backhanding her into meek submission.

"Christ, baby, you're one hell of a wild fuck. But that's gettin' crazy," Jeff said, catching her as she slumped forward.

"No, lemme go, lemme go!"

Jeff dragged her to the center of the room, throwing her shoulders down hard against the floor. He dived on top of her, squirming like a madman over her naked body.

"Oh, fuck me, fuck me!"

Darlene didn't care any longer about watching what she said or did. She knew her cousin had her number. She knew there was nothing she could say or do that would fool him. She wanted cockmeat, wanted all the abuse her cousin could throw at her. Wrapping her legs around him, Darlene fucked her cunt onto his cock, grinding her thighs and crotch hungrily against him.

"Man, fuck it, baby, that's it, fuck it out till you go nuts!"

There was no love in this fucking. There was only one lusty power against another, one force pitting itself against the other. Darlene felt his teeth cutting at her throat and shuddered with delight at that sensation. She pictured her cousin tearing her to pieces like some wild animal, ripping her flesh while he fucked her. She curled her fingers, scratching her nails against his neck while her knees hugged his body.

It was fucking, really hot! She shivered again, tucking her tight ass down so she could feel the steady plunges of his cockshaft against her pussy slit.

"Fuck me, fuck me!"

The cry was continual. Darlene slapped her bare, dirty ass against the floor regularly, her back squirming against the shed floor while the balls of her feet scraped over her cousin's back. Fucking. Wanting more fucking! That's all the girl could think of!

"Man, oh man, gonna burn my cock up in there," Jeff whispered.

He was holding her tightly by the shoulders, his hands flailing at her tits, pinching the sore nipples again and again. There were times when he dropped his head and sucked on her tits hard. Darlene shrieked in pleasure, arching her spin, still begging him for more cock.

He stopped fucking, reared back like a stallion, shaking the hair from his eyes. Darlene waited, her heart pounding so hard she felt surely it would tear through her ribs. And then he fucked in, his cock splitting her cuntlips and fucking into the depths of her pussy.


It was like scratching the itch of the century! Darlene wriggled and squirmed. All the while, Jeff kept slapping her, calling her dreadful names while fucking his prick through the swampy mess of her cunt. Darlene didn't care what he did to her now. She had what she wanted – his big cock. Oh yes, yes, she had everything she could possibly lust for in the world in the form of his cock. Again Darlene threw her shoulders back, slamming the back of her head against the floor while feeling her belly swell up with prickmeat. Her cousin's prickmeat!

"Uhhhhh… fuck me, Jeff… oh God, drive it in me, fuck me!"

This was the best, the hardest, the hottest fuck she had had. She gasped as the diabolical torture became a heavenly sex display.

"Huhhhrr! Huhhhrrr! Huhhhrrr!"

Jeff held her fast, his hands squeezing her tits once more. His hips drove up and down rapidly, the bones banging hard against her thighs. He fucked his cock deeper and deeper, ripping it through her bruised cunt, stinging her clit.

To her surprise, Darlene felt her cunt getting ready for another orgasm. All the electrical torture that she had endured hadn't blunted that tiny organ's ability to cum and cum and cum. She tightened her legs around Jeff, hunching up, groaning and grunting while her cousin fucked down hard into her pussy.

Darlene cringed, terrified of her oncoming climax – and yet wanting it with all her life. Jeff hated her, it seemed, and was using his prick as a weapon of destruction. He seemed to hate her more with each fuck-thrust of his prick. He was tearing her cunt apart and was enjoying this assault. And somehow this knowledge added to the excitement rushing through her. Fucking. Fucking. Fucking from her cousin. Her mind became blank, registering only the bright, delightful flashes of lust that sparked her cunt.

"Oh noooo, gonna… gonna cum… gonna cum!" Darlene screamed.

"That's it, baby, cut it loose! Comet on, make it big for me! I wanna feel you cum with me!" Jeff said, pounding her cunt with his prick mercilessly.

His fingers were squeezing and slapping her all over. Everything seemed to merge into one massive orgasm – the beating, the enema, the electricity, everything until she found herself screaming out her delight. The lust boiled over. Darlene screamed at the top of her lungs, her clit being stung again and again by the delights of cumming.


Her cunt was clamping down so hard she tought she might have cut off her cousin's cock. Jeff was still there, however, forcing his cock meat through, slapping her, then finally lying down on top and jerking all over her body.

She could feel the hot, massive squirts of his cum as he finally blew his load into her cunt. Jeff kept cumming in her pussy for what seemed like minutes. When he finally stiffened and pulled his dripping cock from her pussy, Darlene could still feel her hot cunt throbbing from the fucking.

Slowly he backed away and began dressing. When he had finished tucking his T-shirt into his trousers, Jeff kicked her clothes up to her face.

"Dress. Gonna get you back to the house now. You're through for the night."

She felt like a whore being dismissed from the bedroom. Well, what else was she? She had let her cousin drag her down into this, and she had loved every downward inch of her journey. She could leave now. But Darlene knew she wouldn't. Watching him put away the pillory, the generator and all the tools that went along with it, Darlene could only feel something like diminished excitement. She wanted more. Not now, perhaps, but in the future. She would want him to abuse her, to fuck her, to try all sorts of delicious kinds of hurtful torture on her.

"Come on," Jeff said, looking down at his wristwatch and frowning. "I ain't kiddin'. I'm gonna drag you behind the fuckin' car with a rope if you don't get some of that shit on pronto!"

Darlene began meekly putting on her skirt and blouse and zipping up. She walked in front of him, hearing the door close and lock behind her. She climbed into his car and shut the door.

"You're gonna have lots of fun around here, baby. I can see that," Jeff said, patting her knee as he started the engine and pulled the vehicle back onto the road.

Darlene turned her head, masking a smile creeping over her thin lips. She was sure she would. Some new, dark world had been opened to her. She had tried to fight it, but in the end submitted to its forces. Fucking. Fucking like this. There could be nothing like it, nor a guide quite like her cousin Jeff. She watched the silhouetted pines pass her window as Jeff drove back to the farm. Yes, Darlene Mitchell was going to like the country.
