Darlene had lain in her small bed for nearly one day. She feigned illness, pulling the covers up to her chin when her Aunt Helen came in to investigate. She was just tired. Just needed some rest. Thank goodness her aunt believed it! Darlene trembled at night, fearing her cousin would come in and drag her from the safety of her bed.

Of course, the girl knew she could have demanded to be taken back to L.A. But she was still here, still staying on this farm with her depraved cousin. What on earth was wrong with her? She could have bolted. But instead she remained, wanting… more? The thought made the girl wrinkle her forehead in confusion. Was she that kind of woman, the kind who enjoyed getting beaten before having sex? Jeff had told her that, laughed at her for having denied that. But maybe he knew something about her she was closing her eyes to. Darlene didn't know. She just needed rest, some time to get her head together.

The time wasn't long enough. On the third evening, her Aunt Helen came to her room, saying she and Darlene's uncle would be going to another church social.

"Is Jeff going with you?" Darlene asked, feeling something like a mixture of fear and disappointment at a possible affirmative answer.

"Oh, no. He's got far too much to do here tonight, he says," Helen said, sighing and shaking her head. "I just wish he'd do less chores and more with God."

Darlene shrank down under her covers, her fingers tightening around the satin ends. Darlene hadn't seen her cousin for these three days, although her aunt brought greetings up from him every day. Now with the news he would be staying home while his parents went off sent slivers of excitement and terror rushing through her. She could have asked to be taken to that church social. It would be boilng, but safe. But instead the girl kept her place in the bed, saying she would be all right.

"Good night, dear. Maybe we'll have some coffee or cocoa when I get back."

Helen kissed her lightly on the forehead, tucking the girl in before switching off the light and padding lightly from the room.

Darlene lay quietly in bed, all her senses keenly tuned. Previously, Darlene had felt relatively relaxed and sleepy and would have dozed off if her aunt hadn't come in with this news. Now she was alert, her ears picking up every sound in the house and outside. She could hear the car doors slam, hear the sound of the engine starting up. The tires crunched over the gavel. And then in a moment there was only the fading roar of the engine as her aunt and uncle went off to town. And then silence.

Darlene perspired nervously, her fingers still clutching the blanket to her chin. There was nothing stirring outside. At first, the girl thought of getting up and pulling aside the shades and looking for her cousin. But Darlene thought that would be too oven. She would be inviting trouble.

More minutes passed. Her skin became prickly again with fear.

Footsteps. Footsteps outside! She could hear the frightening sound of her cousin's footsteps crunching over the gravel. He was walking quickly across the courtyard, then climbing the wooden stairs to the side porch. There was the slam of the screen door, then more silence. Darlene knew he was inside the house now. She could have run to the door and locked it. But Jeff would have knocked it down. Some regret for having stayed behind crept into her mind as she waited – waited for the inevitable sound of her sick cousin climbing the stairs and opening the door.

More minutes passed, each one longer and more terrifying than the other. Darlene was about to decide Jeff had forgotten her when she heard the sound of his boots on the stairs. She clenched the blanket more tightly than ever, turning her head and pretending to be asleep. When she heard the doorknob turning, Darlene thought she would die. Her heart was pounding while her cunt grew hot and swarmy. Intense heat concentrated in the furry bundle between her legs as she heard the door open all the way, the doorknob banging lightly against the wall.

"You ain't asleep, baby. You been waitin' for me – just like I've been waitin' for the old folks to go to their fuckin' church."

Darlene turned her head, finding her eyes locked with those of her cousin.

"No more. No more. Please, no more!"

"You're a lyin' bitch, you know that? You want more, and you're too fuckin' afraid to admit it. The more I throw at you, baby, the more you suck it up."

He strode forward, gripping the blanket and pulling it off. Darlene had worn nothing to bed, liking the soft rub of the blanket against her flesh. She lay there now stark naked, her body revealed completely to her cousin.

"Man, the more I see you, the more I wanna get my hands on you," he said.


"Get up. Throw something over you. We're goin' somewhere."

Jeff stood there by the door, his big bulky body blocking the doorway. Darlene stumbled around the dimly lit bedroom, groping around for some clothes and still feeling a bit shamefaced about dressing in front of him. It was silly, she knew, considering all he had put her through.

"Okay, let's go."

He took her by the wrist, dragging the girl down the hall. Curiosity and a weird kind of expectation kept her in line. Darlene followed him down the stairs, through the silent living room and out the back. She stopped on the last step. Darlene saw he had pulled the small green Ford pickup up to the back kitchen door.

"Get in."

He shoved her in roughly, slamming the door and locking it, then climbing in next to her.

"You try anything like jumping out, and I'm gonna make sure these tires redecorate your fuckin' face."

"I won't," she promised, folding her arms over her tits and hugging her chest.

The truck bounced from the yard, turning away from this main road and ambling in the opposite direction. The headlights picked up clumps of sagebrush and juniper trees as they climbed a steep hill.

"Where are we going?"

"Someplace… a place me and some of the guys put together for gettin' away. We do some heavy drinkin' there at times. Some heavy fuckin', too. That way, the folks don't find out about it and get all bent."

Darlene settled back in her seat, her hand resting on the door handle. More than once she thought about throwing it open and tumbling from the truck. But then that other part of her mind, the dark part, kept her seated.

They drove along, the narrow dirt road for nearly ten minutes. When they rounded a sharp curve, Darlene saw the lights pick up a small shack at the end of the road. Trees surrounding it made it difficult to spot from most angles below.

"We're here alone?" Darlene asked, hoping that at least she would only have her cousin to contend with.

"For right now." Jeff pulled up to the cabin, shutting off the engine and opening her door. "Get out."

Darlene stepped from the truck, feeling her cousin again damping his strong fingers around her wrist and pulling her in the direction of the cabin. She winced at the harsh touch, stumbling over the front steps and pitching onto her face once. Her hand stretched out, the fingers nearly breaking as she tried catching herself on the porch. All around them, Darlene could hear the stirring night sounds of the countryside. There was something dreadfully ominous about them.


He pushed her in roughly, slamming the door and locking it behind her. There was a musty odor about the place. She stood in the middle, hugging her body again while Jeff fumbled behind her for the light switch.

Darlene's eyes widened as she looked around at the walls. There were all sorts of devices hanging from the hooks. Some resembled the harness they had forced her to wear the other day. There were whips, riding crops, huge screws, other metal devices, and long pink-and-white things that looked like cocks. If this had been Hollywood, Darlene wouldn't have been too surprised. But never would she have expected something like this out here in God's country! "Some of the boys ain't used to workin' with this kinds shit around. Freaks 'em out, still," Jeff said, pocketing the key, then walking up to one of the riding crops and smoothing his fingers over it.

"And you're not?" she ventured, her eyes again taking in the weird assortment of torture devices.

"Not so much," he said, shrugging after examining the other devices. "We got together and pooled our money. Some of the shit we sent away for. Some of the others we managed to get in Frisco or L.A."

It was a medieval torture chamber, and her cousin was the custodian of it!

Jeff had grown' tired of the talking and was ready for action. He approached her, his hands wiping on either side of his trousers. Darlene stepped back, facing something like the original terror that had assailed her earlier when he first attacked her and raped her with his knife.

"Now, we're gonna cut this crap and get down to business." He slapped her.


It was not nearly as hard as the slaps she had endured earlier. Her head snapped to the left while her body twisted and fell to her knees. Jeff snarled at her to stand. When she didn't move as quickly as he liked, he kicked her in the ribs, sending her sprawling to the round. Crawling on top of her, he began tearing her clothes from her body. Darlene hadn't bothered with panties and a bra, knowing full well they would be torn away.

He stood back, looking at her one more time before turning and pulling out some cord, tucking it into his rear pocket. He pulled the naked girl up from the floor, spinning her around and slamming her up against the wall. Darlene did all she could to keep from sliding back to the floor. She knew her cousin would be displeased if she fainted now and would beat her savagely.

Manacles! Manacles attached to the wall! He had worked on this place, turning it into a torture chamber! He locked her wrists and ankles into those metal hoops.

"No, no," she protested.

Jeff left her for a moment, her body rubbing up against the rough wooden walls. Flashes of the horrible memory of being roped down on the pound came to her as she watched her tormentor playing with more instruments on the wall.

"Why… why have you done this to me?" Darlene gasped, staring into his eyes.

Jeff paused for a second, grinning hellishly at her. She trembled, fearing the answer.

"Just because. When I first saw you, I knew you and me was the same."

"No, no, that's not true! You're lying!" she screamed at him, tears starting to well in her eyes.

"You can whine all you want, baby, but the proof's right here," he said, pointing to his prick, then moving his finger to point at her pussy. "And that tells me a whole fuckin' lot."


Jeff chuckled sadistically, reaching out and taking one of her big high-riding tits in his hand. Darlene pushed her head back, closing her eyes and still trying to deny the statement Jeff had made. She felt him squeezing that tit, pinching it as if he were testing the resiliency of the tit flesh.

"No, oh God, Jeff, no, no!"

He fastened his lips to one of her nipples and started sucking hard. The girl rolled her head from side to side. It was when he started biting the long nipple that she started screaming.

"Aghhhhhh! Oh, you're… oh, God!"

"Just the two of us, bitch. Right now, ain't nobody around to stop me."

Darlene shrieked again. He had bitten into her tit just above the areola. She kit those sharp teeth digging into the soft flesh of her tit. A lancing pain shot through her body, making her ass slam against the wall again and again. Darlene jerked forward, pulling wildly at the manacles, trying to tear free of her bonds. It was impossible. Again Jeff bit into her tit, waking the young teenager shriek. She thought he was going to tear the nipple from her tit.


Jeff drew his head away and smiled at her reaction.

"That's the way, baby. Keep on screamin', nobody's gonna come here and help you. But you keep on screamin'. That's why I thought about punkin' this place up. The more you shout it out, the more I'm gonna dig it."

"No, oh God, no, don't do this, don't." She felt more helpless, more terrified out here in the country alone with her cousin than she had with the other guys back at the farm. Here, there wasn't even the slightest suggestion of any limits. Jeff could do what he chose and there would be no one to stop him.

"Please, Jeff, I haven't done anything to you. I swear it, and I promise I won't do anything."

"Shut up! Damn, I don't mind it when you yell. But this fuckin' beggin' shit's gotta stop."

With that he reached around, pulling out a small dirty white handkerchief. Darlene stared at it, her face wrinkling with disgust. With one move, the young stud shoved it into her mouth, fucking it back until Darlene felt it touching her tonsils. She gagged, swallowing the spit gathering in her throat. Jeff finished pushing it down her mouth, then stepped back and nodded approvingly.

"That's the way it's gonna be from now on. You ain't gonna fuck me up with all that damned mouthin' off."

Jeff took some cord from a table and started binding her tits with them. The thick line was twisted around her soft tits in a tight circle. Darlene shivered, her body torn with the gagged sobs coming from her throat. She pleaded for mercy, but the handkerchief blurred all her words. He finished binding her tits, cinching the rope so that her nipples stood out all the more from the surrounding tit flesh. Jeff rubbed the flat of one palm over the sensitive flubs, making Darlene wince with horror and revulsion.


"Better, baby. That's the way I like to hear you – moanin' and not all that Goddamned beggin' and pleadin'? Shit, that makes me mad!"

Darlene struggled, feeling the cold metal cuffs, chafing her wrists and ankles again. The flesh was almost rubbed raw from all the bondage she had had to endure in the past few days. Then she watched as her cousin turned around and pulled a small silver pair of pincers from a hook. Her eyes widened.

He wouldn't use something like that on her! Oh God, he was approaching her, a terrible look on his face. Again Darlene struggled against the iron bands holding her to the wall. Her asscheeks and back rubbed painfully against the splintery surface while her toes curled onto the floor. She kept her eyes trained on those horrid pincers.

"Yeah, we're gonna have ourselves a real good time, baby. These things are gonna make you feel real good… gonna make me feel fine too!"

Her nostrils flared, perspiration coming down both sides of her nose and dripping off chin. Darlene swallowed had, chewing down on the filthy handkerchief.


"Got nice cuntlips. I'm gonna enjoy fuckin' your cunt later on – just like I did before. But first, this!"

His voice trailed off as he dropped the pincers down to her pussy. Darlene shuddered, her thigh flesh twitching while the rest of her body broke out into goose pimples. The young blonde waited as her cousin kept brushing the metal instrunient up and down over her flesh. A piercing cry ripped from her throat. Darlene felt the lancing pain cut into her clit and shoot into her brain. He was tearing at her clit with those horrible things! Her muscles tensed while perspiration dotted her forehead. It was horrible, incredibly painful! Darlene jerked hard against those metal cuffs, her ankles nearly bleeding from the pressure. Jeff only laughed at her helplessness, still wielding those pincers.

Darlene nearly bit through the handkerchief. She had already soaked the filthy cotton through with her spit. She could scream a little better now, the material having flattened somewhat in her mouth. She let out cry after despairing cry, her nostrils flaring as the pain continued to shoot through her cunt.

Her cousin was a maniac. He had finally revealed himself completely tonight. Another anguished cry ripped from her throat as excruciating pain filled her tortured clit. Darlene could barely see through all the tears blinding her eyes. Her body twisted up against the metal cuffs in pain as she strained at those bonds. The girl thought she was dying as Jeff continued to apply those pincers.
