
Darlene's body jerked violently to the right as the black leather belt hissed across her ass flesh. It was as if someone had touched her with a live poker. The girl shrieked, her eyes bugging out while her nostrils flared. Nothing in her past had prepared her for this outrage, this awful pain.

Jeff raised one boated foot and jammed his toe into her asscrack. Darlene let out another groan, drawing her knees outward and trying to crawl away from the hot pain.

"Not bad, baby. I like the way you move when I bring down the belt."

"Oh, please stop this, stop this," Darlene sobbed.

Things were getting out of control. Fucking was one thing. Even a rape Darlene felt she could handle somehow. But this? It was medieval! He was beating her for no reason!

Again the belt came down, this time crisscrossing the first blow. Her white supple flesh jiggled under the smashing blow of the leather. Darlene tightened her lips, pressing them into a firm line after her second outcry. No, no, he wouldn't have the benefit of hearing her cries of pain. He could beat her, rape her. But she wouldn't give him the benefit of hearing her scream for mercy.


The next two blows tested the girl's resolve. More hot tears sprang to her eyes. She blinked them away, clawing the dirty floorboards with her fingertips as the leather smacked dryly against her ass.


A third blow struck her lower spine. Darlene thought she could hear the tiny round bones of her spinal column cracking under the blows.

Then the beating stopped for the moment.

Darlene breathed heavily, feeling the cutting wounds around her ass and lower back. Awful, awful! She wanted to reach behind her and rub her flesh. But the girl was too terrified to move one inch. Finally, out of curiosity, Darlene moved her head, twisting it around and staring behind her.

There was Jeff, his ten inch cunt-splitter sticking straight out from between his halved Levi's. Darlene's eyes rounded in horror. She had seen pictures of men with erections in those sex education books. One of the girls at her high school in Gardena had brought some picture books with men and women doing weird things. But those men hadn't had anything like her cousin's prick! And he was going to stick that big-headed thing into her? A virgin? Just the thought of it sickened the terrified blonde teenager.

"Like it, eb, baby? Lots of broads around here practically crawl up here to get a good taste of this mother," Jeff said, moving one hand around his cock and balls.

"But your mother and father…"

Jeff snorted a derisive laugh.

"I ain't stupid. You're the first one I've fucked around with here on the farm. But they ain't gonna find out about it, are they?"

Darlene wanted to scream out a defiant answer. But all she could do was stare mutely at his fat cock. Again and again the thought rushed around her mind that he was going to fuck her with that long thick thing and would probably tear her in two with it before he was finished.

Then Darlene saw his fingers, tightening around the square brass buckle of his belt. The veins leading to his knuckles stood out. She tensed, knowing full well that another series of blows would redden her ass. The wooden shack creaked as the wind picked up outside. The damp, musky smell of the unused shed came to her flared nostrils as Jeff steadied himself, preparing for more belting action.

"Please, oh no… I have… I can't take this anymore. Oh Jeff, fuck me if you're going to but don't hit me anymore," Darlene begged pitifully.

But even as she sobbed and pleaded, the shadow of Jeff's raised arm cut across her ass. The dangling belt moved over her ass and lower back again. The girl sobbed, her teeth chattering. She could almost feel the hot, stinging kiss of the leather right now as he teased her. Her belly spasmed while goose flesh dotted her asscheeks and thighs. A strange, deliciously wet movement made her cuntlips rub against one another and her clit. Darlene wrinkled her forhead, wondering how all this pain was related to the pleasure sucking at her clit. His arm snapped back, the belt cracking in the fetid air. She saw his eyes – those black, hard eyes staring at her with the gaze of hungry sewer rat. She trembled, knowing now her cousin would do anything to achieve what he considered maximum pleasure.

He swung the belt down. The thick black leather sizzled through the air again, hissing like a snake as it cracked down hard on her clenched ass.


Darlene snapped her head back, pressing her chin against the floor. She couldn't watch. Screaming again and again, Darlene felt her ass burning more and more. It was as if someone had poured burning kerosene onto her ass! Shaking violently, she waited for the next blow. It came as relentlessly as the first! Darlene let out another cry, feeling the heat tear through her ass and spread into her cunt. Jeff kept hitting her again and again, the pain becoming more than she could stand. But the belt kept finding her, tearing into her ass.

And yet, even as the pain nearly knocked her unconscious, she felt the hat tightening of her pussy grow more and more. Soon Darlene found herself thinking about her cousin's prick, about how big and fat his prick was and how it was going to spread her pussylips until they tore.


The rough tip of the belt curled around her asscrack, the end nipping at her cuntlips. The young girl let out a howl of mixed pain and delight, squirming across the dirty floor. Darlene felt her tits pillowing out in front of her as she crawled forward yet again, her breath coming out in agonized gasps. She tried not to cry out. But it was impossible. The kiss of the black leather against her flesh was drawing out more and more cries of terror and pain from her. Jeff kept hitting her ass. His strength didn't seem to diminish.

Darlene doubted she could stand much more of this brutality. Already the searing pain had spread into her cunt. Rather than diminish the tight hot excitement racing through her pussy, the blows were enhancing it. The girl could feel the slick rubbing sensation of her cuntlips against one another as she crawled another few inches away from her savage cousin. An odd kind of pulsing began taking over, drawing the strength from her. Her arms collapsed with the onslaught of the next rain of blows.

Finally, the teenager just lay there, her white flesh reddening with the criss-cross checkered pattern of those belting blows.

Darlene put her fingers in her mouth, chewing down on them to try to control the sensations rioting in her cunt. Her asschecks stayed tense. Instinctively they opened and closed, matching the blows from the belt. Then as Jeff slowed his assault, Darlene found herself raising her ass in a wild attempt to absorb the last of his attack. What in God's name was he doing? He could hear him laughing at her.

"Goddamned little liar!" he snorted derisively. "You keep cryin' about how much it hurts you – and you can't get enough of it."

Darlene flinched. She heard him throwing down the belt.

"Gonna plug you up now, baby. Gonna mess you up with my prick."

Darlene heard him coming down behind her once again. Was he going to suck her ass again? She secretly hoped so. Having his tongue slicking over her injured asscheeks would make her feel so good, especially after the savage beating she'd endured.

His finger was snaking in, the skinny digit slipping between her clenching hot pussylips like some kind of crawly little animal. Darlene quivered, raising her ass up again, her knees digging into the floor. She tried crawling away. But Jeff held her firmly with his free hand, telling her awful things about how she felt down deep inside her pussy.

"Nice and hot. Man, you're hot and wet down there just like a woman should be. And there you are talkin' me down, not wantin' it."

"Shit!" Jeff laughed, shaking his head. "Probably been fucked half to death up there in L.A. by the kids."

Darlene wanted to protest her innocence. But she said nothing. She knew he'd find out soon that she was still a virgin.

Her cherry! He was shoving the tip of his finger against her cherry. Darlene smiled. Now he knew! Maybe now he would leave her alone, and let her go back to her room so she could sob out her shame in private. But the finger snaked back in, pushing up against her slick, warm cuntal walls until the jagged nail was rubbing up against her cherry once more. Only this time Jeff was pressing up harder. Darlene slapped back at the offending hand and was rewarded with a sharp blow against the back of her head.

"Ohhhh," she gasped.

"Goddamned!" Jeff whistled through the gap in his front teeth, cocking his head to one side. "Wouldn't 'ye believed it, baby. You was tellin' the truth about still havin' that cherry."

"See?" she sobbed, feeling something like hope rising in her breast. Maybe he would leave her alone, send her back to her room rather than have to put up with the mess of fucking through her cherry.

"Don't make much difference," Jeff said, shrugging his shoulders.

There was movement again behind her. It seemed her cousin was fumbling around in his downed trousers. Darlene looked around once more, peering over her left shoulder just in time to see Jeff puffing out a long pocket knife from one of his pockets. Jeff opened the weapon and pointed it directly at her.


Darlene drew her knees up, pushing down with the balls of her feet against the floor. Had he gone crazy? Was he going to stab her to death?

Moving quickly, Jeff tackled her again, forcing her onto her belly once more while holding her narrow shoulders flat with one arm.

"Help me! Oh God, he's going to kill me! God in heaven, help me, somebody!" she cried again and again.

This time Jeff did nothing to silence her. He was more intent on stabbing through her cherry with that four-inch pocket knife.

Darlene cried out again and again for the help that would never come. In another horrible moment, she felt the flat of the blade pressing against her cuntlips. He was twisting the weapon around until the tip was poking up against her inner cuntlips. Thank goodness the sides were dulled and weren't slicing into her cuntlips.


"That's it, baby, ain't nothin' you can do. So just lay back and enjoy."

"No more, no more," she sobbed with renewed terror and humiliation.

As if to emphasize what he was going to do, Jeff pulled her asscheeks apart, keeping them tugged wide apart while both thumbs caressed the inner lips of her dripping cunt. And then that blade drew in deeper. The cold metal made her hot cuntal walls cramp inward, knotting around the invading blade. It was awful! She felt the full length of her cuntal sheath itchily clutch around the knife as if it were… as if it were her cousin's prick!


It moved down just as his forefinger had until the sharp tip touched her cherry. And then Darlene felt a pain such as she had never felt before.

It was a sharp, concentrated pain that shot right to her brain. Darlene let out a shriek, and flashing lights filled her mind. That awful knife was tearing through a part of her body, piercing her cherry? Jeff turned it a little, then brought it back all the way. The sliding of the cold blue steel against her cuntal walls sent more shivers of pleasure-pain racing through her body. It was that odd combination – the sharp throbbing agony of her torn cherry mixed with the sexy withdrawal of the blade – that made her shiver like that.

"Sweet young bitch. Too bad you didn't get fucked before this," Jeff said, pulling the blade all the way out and examining the pink froth on the metal. Wiping it against his Levi's, the young stud closed it and began caressing her thighs.

Darlene sobbed, her mind still awhirl with the agony of having had her cherry sliced away. "No, no, don't… oh, don't do anymore to me!"

"It ain't the start, baby, just ain't even the start. You're gonna put out for me the way no broad's put out," Jeff growled.

He was puffing his hands on her asscheeks now, splitting them. How his fingers made her body jerk and convulse.

"Good tight cunt. That's the way I like it," Jeff murmured.

For what seemed like an eternity, Darlene lay there, her blonde hair fanned around her head like a halo. Then he pulled her asscheeks apart, keeping them tugged wide and spread. Her flat belly ground against the floor. Darlene could feel her nipples scratching over the splintery wood. It was a sheer living hell for her. Jeff was fucking his finger back in again. This time there would be no cherry to stop him. Darlene screwed up her eyes, feeling a throbbing pulse leap at her throat. She wanted to cry out again. But her mouth was as dry as cotton.

"Na more, Jeff… oh please, I can't take anymore of this," she sobbed, tears of humiliation staining her flushed cheeks.

"Sure, you can. You're so fuckin' hot down there, baby. You just ain't listenin' to your body. It wants my prick right up there."


Darlene drew her legs together and kicked back. She felt her bare soles striking something – Jeff's leg, she guessed. He swore, wrapping his fingers around her ankle and holding her steady. Darlene screamed, beating the floor with her fists while trying to twist away from her swearing cousin.

"Gotta hog-tie you like some Goddamned animal," he growled, tightening his grip around her ankle until Darlene thought he would break it with his bare hands. "If that's what you dig, that's what you're gonna get."

"No, don't!"

He let go, assuring Darlene there was no way she was going to get up and rush out of the shed now. Immediately the girl regretted having attempted to push her cousin away. He was rummaging around there in the semi-darkness. And then she felt something slip around her, left wrist. Rope! The rough hemp chafed her flesh as Jeff tied a double figure-eight knot around her wrist, then pulled the rope taut. Darlene winced, her forehead wrinkling as she let out a grunt. She felt him pulling the rope harder, forcing her to bend one knee and scoot to the left to keep him from pulling her arm out of its socket. The blood pounded in her ears.

"What… what are you going to do?"

"Making sure you ain't gonna bolt away from here."

Jeff slipped the half-inch line around the handle of the door, securing it with a slip knot. Darlene's arm was raised high over her head at this point. She half-sat, her back against the wall of the shed. Jeff moved around and took another piece of rope, circling it around her right wrist and attaching it to a small eyelet near the door hinges. Darlene now found both arms high over her head and spread to either side of the door. Her ass barely rested on the floor while the muscles and tendons in her arms stretched painfully. Her tits trembled on her chest as she looked with rounded, terrified eyes at her cousin.

"Now, just to make sure you ain't gonna kick." He studied her for a moment, scratcing his chin as he thought. Never once did his long cunt-splitting prick soften. Darlene watched him like a frightened, cornered mouse, feeling helpless. "Fuck, can just tie thy ankles to the legs. That'll get your fuckin' ass up in the air so's I can fuck you. And it'll keep your feet away from [missing text]."

Darlene tried kicking him away, screaming as he grabbed her left ankle and held it against his chest. Taking the rope in one hand, Jeff expertly draped it over her ankle, then brought her leg up to her left wrist. Darlene let out a sharp cry, her ass sliding away from the door several inches. The resulting puffing of her arm muscles sent slivers of pain into her body.

Jeff managed to secure both ankles to her wrists in a short period of time, bending down, and rubbing the backs of his fingers against her pussy. Darlene couldn't help but stare with hatred at her cousin. She was there, roped in that hideous, awkward position. How her shoulders and arms ached. Her toes brushed up against the door high over her head. And still he wasn't through with her. Now he was fingering her cunt, her private area where he had just knifed her cherry and was about to fuck her. Darlene could have died with the shame and agony she had endured. And now there would be more!
