Now there were three murders, and no practical clues. The team reviewed the facts for perhaps the hundredth time, still finding no noticeable link. Michelle Baker was not an obvious target — her job as a bank teller, whilst it may attract the dumber kind of criminal hoping to be able to pressure a woman who potentially handled hundreds of thousands of dollars a day, was not a reason to hunt and kill her. Even a disgruntled customer surely wouldn’t go to those lengths, though Alicia tended to disagree. When everyone stared at her, she turned away. It was her duty to be the awkward one, wasn’t it?

Michelle Baker’s single outstanding feature was that she had recently returned from vacation. Every year she hit the east coast casinos and stayed in the same hotel.

Hayden brought her details up. “Alright. Atlantic City. Seems she preferred quiet nights and busy days. Her hotel is several miles away from the fun, on the outskirts of Atlantic City. A secluded and expensive little place called The Desert Palms.” Hayden paused. “Way out of her price range.”

Dahl cracked open a bottle of water. “The fellow back at the bank did mention that she saved up for a big blowout. So she treated herself one week a year — good for her.”

Hayden pursed her lips. “Maybe. We have three victims. Three complete strangers. Three murderers. Three complete strangers. The only link is that two of them have sealed juvey records. Karin — did you have chance to check on Leanne Prowse yet?”

“You’re not gonna like it.” Karin chewed on a lock of hair. “Leanne Prowse was normal in every way. No records of any kind. No file. Nada.”

Kinimaka was pacing up and down the office, part of his recovery routine. “So what does a senator, an insurance salesman and a bank clerk have in common?”

Alicia clucked at him. “Sounds like the start to a bad joke.”

The Hawaiian stared at her. “What are you doing anyway? You’re nose hasn’t been out of that cellphone since you got back here.”

Alicia raised an eyebrow. “Careful, Mano. Just ’cos we shared a last night together doesn’t mean I won’t spank your arse in front of your new girlfriend.”

Kinimaka cringed. Alicia grinned to see Hayden and Ben suddenly become mightily interested in the screens before them.

“We spent a night drinking.” Kinimaka stressed.

“But I’ll tell ya anyway, ’cos I’m nice like that. Been texting me some bikers.”

Komodo looked over at her. “The ones you met in Luxembourg? I’ve heard of that biker gang, you know. Their kind of notoriety doesn’t come by attending Grand Prix’s and coffee bars. They’re hardcore.”

“So am I,” Alicia said sweetly. “But thanks for the friggin’ concern, Trevor.”

Ben looked up then, his eyes serious. “An email from Gates just came in. Says they still haven’t worked anything loose with the North Koreans. Any action at this point would be a sign of aggression and not viewed lightly in certain parts of the world.”

“So we just leave ’em there?” Alicia was suddenly in the conversation. “We should send a small covert unit. Me.”

“The Koreans have already detected one of our ‘secret missions.’” Hayden told her. “Best not to risk another. And Drake’s last communication did say they were ok.”

Alicia jabbed at her cell with such ferocity that Hayden could easily see her breaking one of the buttons off.

Karin sat back in her chair, narrowing her eyes as her brain worked overtime. “There is one other thing that links all the victims.” She mused. “Though it’s barely worth mentioning. Probably nothing at all.”

“What is it?” Three mouths asked at once.

“Travel.” Karin made a noncommittal face. “Senator Turner. The salesman and Michelle Baker. They were all planning on or had recently been travelling.”
