Mai turned to Smyth.

“Well, it’s been fun, my friend, but I think it’s time to leave.”

The marine raised an eyebrow at her. He knew enough about the Japanese agent now to take her at her word. “What’s the plan?”

Mai studied the way her hands were tied for a minute, then started to slowly lift her legs until her ankles touched her ears. Her wrists took the weight, her body contorted back on itself.

Smyth whispered, “Jesus Christ.”

Mai selected a sharp blade that had been hidden inside her boot. “Shut it and watch them.”

“They just noticed. Be quick.”

“One of the advantages of being a bit of a legend in the lethal department,” Mai said as she slit her bonds, “is that no one normally has the balls to pat you down.”


Mai dropped to the ground, massaging her wrists and palming the knife. One of the guards was opening the door, another half dozen poised to file in behind him. Mai spread-eagled herself across Smyth’s body, nose to nose as she chopped his bonds away. “You ready for this?”

“Just lead the way. I’ll follow.”

Mai coiled her body and spun hard, flinging herself across the floor as the first of the guards piled in. She crashed into his legs and the legs of the men behind him, scattering them like skittles. Guns and radios flew randomly, creating chaos. Men hit the floor with their collarbones, their faces and the backs of their heads. Mai wrestled among them, lethal with both knife and fingers, and not a man moved in her wake. Smyth took a running jump and leaped over the top of her, slamming straight into more guards as they breached the doorway. The marine flew into the corridor, rolling, unable to stop himself from hitting the back wall but clever enough to hit it right. With a second’s pause, he reached down and claimed the nearest rifle. A bullet smashed into the wall right next to his head. He swung the barrel around, firing indiscriminately. North Korean guards were flung back by the impact, through the open door into their cell, and against the heavy windows.


Mai’s command made Smyth rip his finger off the trigger. Then she stood there, not a hair out of place, but with a slight smile playing across her lips.

“Now we take this island.”
