Lauren Fox slipped off her old sweater and settled into the plush armchair. She watched admiringly as Karin quickly manipulated a host of shaky images and transferred the best ones to the main screen. From there, Jonathan Gates, Karin and Lauren watched the road battle on live T.V.
Gates used the Blake girl’s cleverness to assist with his decisions. It was Gates who had originally pulled the mass of cop cars back. Gates who had recalled the choppers, ordering them to follow at distance. Gates who now told Karin to scroll ahead using the American government’s own version of Google maps to determine Kingston’s destination.
“Got it,” Karin said. “Palicki airfield. Ten miles ahead. I’ll put them on alert.”
“Now that’s bad news.” Gates breathed over her shoulder. “It means they’re on their own. We can’t get any backup there in time.”
“Maybe you can’t,” Lauren said. “But you have time to scramble some of those F-35’s to make sure the asshole doesn’t get away.”
Gates looked approvingly at her. “I knew you would become a valuable asset, Miss Fox.”
Lauren narrowed her eyes. What was the old guy spouting? She hoped to high hell that he wasn’t angling for some kind of secret rendezvous or a big discount. She’d seen it before. The more powerful and rich these guys got, the more they wanted everything for free.
Yeah, even that.
But Gates didn’t come across as the sleazy type. In fact, the entire team, bar Alicia Myles, had treated her with respect and even a form of acceptance. Still, it seemed odd that the truck driver, Mike Stevens, had been sent home whilst she watched events related to national security unfold right before her eyes.
Gates wandered over to the far wall, speaking quietly into a cellphone. Lauren didn’t dare wonder whom he might be speaking too. She stretched surreptitiously, searching the room for hidden cameras for the third time. When dealing with government figures, you just never knew who else might be watching.
Then Karin gasped and Lauren joined her as they watched the Swede, Dahl, take the big truck out of the race. Lauren then followed his progress as he commandeered some guy’s sports car and returned to the fray.
“That guy’s frickin’ awesome.” She breathed heavily, eyes wide.
Karin glanced at her. “It’s just Dahl,” she answered. “He does that.”
Gates was suddenly at her side. “Where we at?”
“Drake just went for the F150.”