Jack's waiting in the parking lot of Cal Fire and Life.
Waiting for Bill Reynolds, the executive from Underwriting who okayed a million bucks in coverage for the Vales' personal property, to leave for the day.
Jack's waiting in the parking lot because he doesn't want to go to Bill's office and embarrass the guy or get the gossip going. Jack doesn't want to hurt Bill Reynolds, he just wants the time to finish his investigation.
Reynolds comes out of the building. Tall guy, has to go six-six, and heavy – in fact, overweight. Wearing an underwriter's gray suit and carrying a briefcase. Guys from Underwriting take work home.
Jack steps up.
"Bill? I'm Jack Wade from Claims."
"Bill Reynolds."
Reynolds has a What the hell is this look on his face as he peers through his glasses down at Jack.
"Bill, you okayed some personal property coverage for Roger Hazlitt on the Vale risk?"
"I'd have to look in the file."
Jack lays the Vale policy on the hood of Reynolds's blue Lexus.
"Come see me in my office," Reynolds says. "I'm not standing out here in the parking lot… It's 103 degrees…"
"You don't want to do this in your office."
"There are channels-"
"You don't want me to go through channels," Jack says.
You're taking bribes from agents, "channels" is not the way you want to go.
Reynolds looks down at him, both literally and figuratively.
"What are you, an M-3?" he asks, citing pay rankings.