FORTY-FIVE MINUTES LATER, I was still in shock as they put me in the back of the squad car.

“You probably did him a favor,” said Detective Farley, sliding in next to me as another beefy detective got in the front.”He was dying of cancer, you know.”

Great, I thought, as the car started and pulled away. I’d thrown away the rest of my life to kill a dead man.

As the old house receded in the distance behind me, I thought about what I’d done to the kids. At least I’d left something for them. Thirty thousand dollars in chips wouldn’t go far, but once I got a lawyer, I’d get after Frank for the rest of the advance and the pay-per-view receipts. There had to be at least another hundred thousand coming.

Besides, I thought, they were better off without me, though it broke my heart to know I’d never see them again. All I ever did was hurt the people I loved. Little Anthony and Rachel would have to grow up without an old man around.

The driver started to make a left onto Atlantic Avenue and ran straight into a line of cars with their taillights glaring like a row of bloodshot eyes. More cars leaving the casinos at three in the morning.

“Fucking traffic light’s broken on Missouri Avenue,” he said. “It’s only letting through six cars at a time.”

“Atlantic City,” Farley sighed. He turned and looked at me. “We gotta take Route 40 out to Mays Landing so we can book you. You got any ideas how we can get there faster?”

I sat up as the handcuffs dug into my wrists. “We could take the Boardwalk.”

They looked at each other and lifted their shoulders. Why not?

They hit the siren, cut through an alley, and went up a ramp onto the Boardwalk.

With the window down a little, I was able to feel the salt breeze on my face one more time. It was a cool fall night. There were still a few stragglers out in front of the pizza joints and fortune-tellers’ storefronts. On the beachside, the last of those red-and-white-striped tents were shivering and the gulls were circling.

“You get yourself a good lawyer, you could be out in five years,” Farley said.

“Less if you can prove self-defense,” the detective behind the wheel added.

I knew they were trying to soften me up to sign a confession. I kept my mouth shut. The way Vin would’ve wanted me to.

“Plus you got extenuating circumstances, don’t forget that.” Farley leaned over, pushing his shoulder against mine as if we were suddenly the best of friends.

“Like what?”

“You know. You could talk about losing your father and all that crap. Psychological distress.”

“Yeah, right.”

I stared straight ahead through the windshield at the lighted casino towers shimmering in the distance. Vin never really got inside them and Mike never lived to see them. And now I realized I didn’t belong in them either.

“Did I tell you before that you look like him?” Farley asked.


“Mike. Mike Dillon. He was classic. Years ago, he tried to get me to invest in some crazy scheme where he was going to buy up land along the Boardwalk and build another of those grand old hotels. He was always a dreamer, Mike. It must have been something, having him as your old man.”

I shook my head as we passed the Doubloon and its blinking TAKE A CHANCE sign.

Because when I thought back about being a kid going for those long walks on the Boardwalk, it was Vin’s hand, not Mike’s, holding mine. I remember him hoisting me up on his shoulders and telling me that someday the whole town would be mine. Vin showed me the way of the world and taught me that only the strong survive, though in Atlantic City, even that’s not a sure thing. And when the time came, I acted like his son by reaching for a gun to avenge his death. That was what was in my heart, and it couldn’t be any other way. I once thought I was something different or maybe even something better than him, but now I finally understood that what he was was also a part of me. And that in spite of everything, I would always love him.

“My father’s name was Vin,” I said.

A cold wind was whipping around the island. Probably a storm on the way, or at least a light rain. Sand rose off the dunes they’d piled up to keep the Atlantic from overtaking the beach.

“Have it your way.” Farley shrugged.

I took one last look out at the ocean. A full moon was shining on the water and pulling on the tide. The ripples caught the broken pieces of light and threw them back up at the sky.
