
I love reading the acknowledgments in novels, as much I like writing them. As a reader, it gives me a greater appreciation for what the author went through, and as a writer, I can reflect on those who helped me along the way. Constant Fear was hardly a solo effort. Many people lent their time, expertise and considerable knowledge to the telling of this tale. I’d like to start by thanking my editor, John Scognamiglio, who believed in the story concept from the start and encouraged me to bring it to the page. Equally important is the team at the Jane Rotrosen Agency, especially my fabulous agent, Meg Ruley and fellow agent Rebecca Scherer, who offered keen insights and encouragement along the way.

My amazing mom, Judy Palmer, dedicated innumerable hours to reading various drafts and providing exceptional feedback. I would also like to thank Clair Lamb for her help in shaping this novel into its final form. All things bitcoin came courtesy of Johnny Dilly from Pantera Capital. What I wrote about guns, ammo and such I learned from Ben Beauchemin and Brian Noe of Wicked Weaponry in Hooksett, New Hampshire. Ali Karim, friend to the mystery/thriller writer community, educated me on hazardous chemicals. Susanna Cummings translated all of the Spanish, and if you’re looking for help in that regard I suggest you send her a message at Dr. Richard Dugas educated me about diabetes, and a lot of what I learned about pitching comes from the incomparable book, The Mental ABC’s of Pitching by H.A. Dorfman. I have a newfound appreciation for the art of pitching thanks to this book. All baseball pitchers, regardless of their level, should give it a read.

There is a big back office operation that makes possible the book’s production and distribution. I would like to thank everyone at Kensington: the sales force, the production and art teams, and the marketers and publicists who make it happen. A special thank you goes out to the publisher, Steven Zacharius. His passion for this business is truly infectious.

As always, my family played a pivotal role in this endeavor. So thank you Jessie, Benny, Sophie, and now Monte (our new puppy) for bringing Jake’s motivation to life for me. I’d battle for you guys any day of the week. Thanks also to Matthew, Ethan, and Luke-better brothers a guy couldn’t have.

Every book of mine I’ve acknowledged the contributions of my father, Michael Palmer. This time, however, my dad wasn’t here in person to play a part, but his spirit was with me throughout, and I’ll forever be indebted to his teachings on the craft. Miss you and love you, pop.

And lastly, I want to acknowledge you, my dear readers. Without you, none of this is possible. As for me, well, I have to admit I started canning vegetables after I finished writing this book.

Better to be prepared, I guess.

Daniel Palmer

New Hampshire, 2015
