‘Thank you. I didn’t think I was going to make it.’

Wrapped in a blanket and back on board, Andrea was still shivering. Fowler was sitting next to her, watching her with a preoccupied expression. The sailors left the deck, mindful of the prohibition against speaking to members of the expedition.

‘You have no idea how lucky we were. The propellers were turning very slowly. The Anderson turn, if I’m not mistaken.’

‘What are you talking about?’

‘I came out of my cabin to get some air and heard you taking your evening plunge, so I grabbed the nearest ship phone, yelled man overboard to port, and dove in after you. The ship had to make a complete circle, which is called the Anderson turn, but it should have been to port, not starboard.’


‘Because if the turn is made towards the side opposite where the person fell in, then they’ll be chopped into mincemeat by the propellers. That’s what almost happened to us.’

‘Somehow being turned into fish food wasn’t in my plans.’

‘Are you sure about what you told me before?’

‘As sure as I know my mother’s name.’

‘Did you see who pushed you?’

‘I only saw a dark shadow.’

‘Then if what you’re saying is true, the ship’s turning to starboard instead of port was no accident either…’

‘They might have misheard you, Father.’

Fowler paused for a minute before answering.

‘Ms Otero, please don’t tell anyone about your suspicions. When you’re asked, just say you fell. If it’s true that someone on board is trying to kill you, to reveal it now…’

‘… would warn the bastard.’

‘Exactly,’ Fowler said.

‘Don’t worry, Father. Those Armani shoes cost me two hundred euros,’ Andrea said, her lips still quivering slightly. ‘I want to catch the son of a bitch who sent them to the bottom of the Red Sea.’
