He began by praising the name of Allah the Wise, the Holy, the Compassionate, the one who would let him triumph over his enemies. He did so kneeling on the floor, dressed in a white robe that covered his entire body. In front of him was a basin of water.
To make sure that the water reached the skin below the metal, he removed the ring inscribed with the date when he had finished his studies. It had been a gift from the brotherhood. He then washed both of his hands up to the wrists, concentrating on the areas between his fingers.
He cupped his right hand, the one which under no circumstances had ever been used to touch his private parts, and scooped up some water, then vigorously rinsed out his mouth three times.
Once again he collected water in his hand, brought it to his nose and inhaled forcefully in order to cleanse his nostrils. He repeated the ritual three times. With his left hand he cleaned out the remaining water, sand and mucus.
Using his left hand again, he moistened his fingertips and cleaned the tip of his nose.
He lifted his right hand and held it in front of his face, then lowered it in order to dip it into the basin and cleaned his face from his right ear to his left ear three times.
Then from his forehead to his throat three times.
He removed his watch and vigorously washed both forearms, first the right and then the left, from wrist to elbow.
Wetting the palms of his hands, he rubbed his head from the forehead to the back of his neck.
He placed his wet index fingers inside his ears, washing behind the ears and then the lobes with his thumbs.
Finally, he washed both feet up to the ankles, beginning with his right foot and making sure to wash between the toes.
‘Ash hadu an la ilaha illa Allah wahdahu la shariika lahu wa anna Muhammadan ’abduhu wa rasuluh,’ he recited fervently, stressing the central tenet of his faith that there is no God but Allah, who has no equals, and that Mohammed is his servant and Messenger.
That concluded the ritual of ablution, which would mark the beginning of his life as a declared warrior of the Jihad. Now he was ready to kill and die for the greater glory of Allah.
He grasped the pistol, allowing himself a brief smile. He could hear the plane’s engines. It was time to give the signal.
With a solemn gesture, Russell left the tent.