Cindy shot him a glazed expression. Jack snarled, jerking his finger out of her pussy. Dropping to his knees, he crowded between her legs. Moving closer, he reached out and grabbed her hips, digging his fingers into the flesh folds around her thighs. Growling like some kind of crazed animal, Jack drove his cockhead into her cunt.


Cindy squealed and gagged as the fat dick tore into her tight, hot pussy. He was splitting her in half. She threw back her head, letting out strange strangled cries of delight. The pain of this wild assault made her cuntal nerves vibrate. Her breath was choked off. She sighed as Jack's dick plunged ahead, shoving aside her tightly packed cuntal muscles.

"Oh, oh, oh!"

It was wild, mind-splitting. More juice oozed out, lubricating her tight channel, letting the big stud fuck her easily.

"No, no!"

Cindy threw her head back, every muscle in her body taut. She wiggled her hips. As the cock shoved down, her ass was still being raked by the fire. There was no stopping him, no stopping the fucking. The flames of the lantern and the hot, teasing sensation created by his dick was driving her up the wall to orgasm. Her clit rubbed against the sinking cock. The gland was swollen. She thought her clit would burst. And just when her lust threatened to erupt, just when she thought she was going to faint from pleasure, Jack eased off.

"No! Ohhh, God in heaven, fuck me!"

She screamed out the words, wanting to claw him, draw him into her deeper, harder as the fire flickered over her butt crack.

She bit her lip to keep from screaming out those terrible words again. She was shaming herself, rutting in front of this animal. And he knew it, he could tell she loved it, wanted more, wanted more pain, more pleasure! The mixture was heady, mind-blowing. Cindy wanted so much of it!

The flame flickered over her buttocks, singeing some of her curly cuntal hairs. It was more than she could stand. Her passion climbed higher and higher until she felt as if she would never let loose. The pressure built, the throbbing increased until she thought her heart was going to stop. The assault echoed through her cunt, striking every nerve. The pounding drove into her belly.

"Ohhhh!" Cindy was jerking her hips. Spit oozed down from the corners of her mouth. Her eyes were glazed while the flame threatened to scar her jiggling buttocks. How she loved that searing heat – how she loved the pain, the abuse she was getting! It was all mixing together in her body.

The cock and flame bit into her flesh simultaneously, touching her clit. Finally her orgasm boiled over. Snapping her head back, tensing every muscle in her body, Cindy yelped and threw her head back.

"Fuck it out, cunt, fuck it out!"


It was the strongest, most powerful cum she had had yet. For a while Cindy thought she was going top out from the wild pulsations. She jerked her hips rapidly, keeping up with his assault. As he reamed her pussy one last time, her clit vibrated wildly. The last of her climax bubbled over her thighs and streaked her cuntal mound.

"Yeah, yeah," Jack said, stroking her thighs, stretching her cuntlips, pinching her thighs until the girl yelped in pain. With one foot he slid the lantern out from under her.

Cindy sighed, almost sorry the comforting heat rushing against her buttocks and waist was gone.

"Oh please, please, let me go."

Jack pulled his cock from her hole, wiping it clean with one hand while still toying with her cumfilled snatch. Cindy hung there obscenely, panting like a bitch.

"The boys should come down here with their cameras. That would be great, shooting down here, shooting your cunt hot and dripping while someone was burning the shit outta your asshole. Gotta figure a way to get the shit down here, though."

After some time he pulled his clothes back on, shoving his satisfied limp cock back into his Levi's and zipping up. Untying the exhausted girl, he forced Cindy to march back upstairs. Twice she fell to her knees, her fingers gripping the handrail desperately. She wasn't trying tote difficult. But he kept slapping her on the back of the head when she collapsed, threatening, to "take the boot" to her if she didn't get up and move quick!

When she returned to the living room, she saw a young brunette girl sprawled on the sofa, one leg draped over the back. Cum was sprinkled on her black cuntal hairs while more jizz streaked her cheeks and forehead. It must have been quite a scene. Pictures had been taken. Of course. Have your business and pleasure at the same time! It made Cindy sick.

"You got her clothes around?" Jack asked, eyeing Cindy.

"Yeah, sure. They ain't much good, though, kinda tore up."

"Good enough for her."

Were they going to let her go? She stood in the middle of the room, her eyes travelling to the half-conscious raped girl on the couch, then back to the three men.

"Down, bitch, get down," Jack said, pointing at an imaginary spot on the floor. Cindy knew from experience to obey quickly or suffer the consequences. She dropped to her knees, keeping her eyes modestly turned down. The young blonde covered her tits and cunt once more, feeling their eyes hotly on her.

"Lick those boots, bitch. Come on, lick 'em." Don and Joe murmured something. She could hear them moving around behind her, moving the camera closer. She lowered her face, the hair curtaining her eyes. She was glad of that, glad her long blonde hair would keep her face from the pictures that old men would be jacking off over.


Sticking out her tongue, she moved it over the tops of his black leather boot, tasting the filth that was dusted over the material. She was gagging. Holding one hand to her throat, Cindy kept on licking, trailing her tongue up, up over the small buckle to the right, then up along the strap to where the cuffs of his jeans met the boot.

"Yeah, that's it, bitch, lick 'em clean."

Jack brought the other boot down and hit her against the side of her face with his leg. It was a sign for her to move to the other foot.

"Yeah, let's call this series 'boat bitch'," Jack said, laughing as the girl gagged and choked over his boots.

"Hey, a little more this way," Don said, aiming the camera at her face.

Cindy groaned, covering her eyes, continuing her boot-licking. Jack tilted his foot back, making her wash her lips and tongue over the cracked sole. It was like licking dirty sandpaper. There was a strange, sour smell. God, she didn't even want to guess what he had stepped on, what had dirtied his boots!

"Come on, baby, come to me."

Then suddenly he moved back, hitting her between her shoulderblades. The pain made Cindy flatten herself on the floor, her arms and legs sprawling out as she let out a sharp squawk.

"Get a shot of this!"

With that Jack raised his right foot and placed the heel on the back of her neck. For a while Cindy thought he was going to kill her, snap her neck with his foot. She could hear the camera snapping like mad behind her, could hear Joe laughing, could hear that naked raped brunette moaning with horror on the couch.

Then the pressure was off. Cindy coughed, sucking in air, her face turning red as she pushed the heels of her palms hard against the floor and raised herself up. Shaking stray strands of her hair from her eyes, she looked up at the men. God, how she hated them!

"Good show, bitch, good show. Come on, we gotta let 'em go and get the fuck outta here. We move around, baby, move around. Lots of these old homes around to get into for a while. Hey, maybe we'll get your address," Jack added, smiling savagely at her. "Bet you'd like to see how some of the prints came out."

"Oh God, no, no, no!" she moaned, hiding her face in her hands.

It would be the last thing she wanted to see. Feeling the cum running from her slackening cunt, Cindy sobbed uncontrollably. Someone had thrown her her torn blouse and skirt. Now she was struck with terror, the fear of what she was going to tell her mother.

Back home Rhoda was fighting off Brad. He had dressed and was starting to leave. The woman had wrapped a gown around her lithe body, wishing with one part of her mind that he would go and hoping with another part he would stay. Her daughter was the only thing keeping her sane right now. The police had just called with nothing new to report. They were, it seemed, starting to sound worded.


Brad was on her again, his big hands rubbing over her buttocks, his groin bunching against hers. She felt him pressing into her body, felt his hot breath against the side of her neck. Was he going to tie her up again, slap her around? The thought made her heart skip a beat.

"You want it bad, you…"

"What was that?"

Rhoda pulled away, hearing a soft knocking at the door. Rushing forward, Rhoda pulled the door open and found Cindy leaning against the molding, the sound of a vehicle squealing down the street.


Her daughter was in torn clothing, her cheeks streaked with dirt, tears.

"They… they raped… raped me… they…" she stammered, stumbling into her mother's arms.

"Oh my God, God, get out of here!" Rhoda screamed at Brad.

"I'll call tomorrow," he muttered, brushing past the two sobbing women.

"Inside, inside," Rhoda whispered, pushing the door shut and locking it. She pulled her half hysterical daughter into the living room and sat on the sofa.

"Oh, Mother, they did… awful things to me, they…"

"Shhh, hush, that's all right. You can talk later. Now you're safe at home, safe…"

Her mother's words were comforting, after having endured the sarcasm and insults from those three sadists.

"Oh, Cindy, don't worry, no man's going to hurt you, to touch you again."

Cindy sighed, clinging to her mother.

"The police?" Cindy asked, turning her reddened eyes up.

"Yes, of course," Rhoda said, getting up and starting for the phone. She stopped, her hand on the receiver. Her lips were curling up just for an instant. She caught herself and became serious again. No, she doubted Brad would be calling tonight.

Too bad, Rhoda thought as she picked up the receiver and dialed the police.
