Cindy struck the floor hard when he threw her down. The force of that blow stunned her for the moment. She felt him crawling on top of her. Desperately Cindy clenched her thighs, feeling the unwanted electricity sparking in her slit. Strangely enough the terror receded for the moment. And yet she felt she had to show her fear.
Jack flung himself on her belly, prying her legs apart with his knees. Cindy's eyes were shut. Tears oozed from under her closed lids. Her mouth was pulled into a tight scar. Her jaw tightened. She bit her lower lip until she could taste blood. She was going to lose her maidenhead here… not in the arms, as she had once thought, of a loving husband. But it would be with a rapist, a crazy man who was bent on raping her, on taking the last shred of dignity away from her.
"Oh God, God!"
"He ain't around to help you, baby. There's just me and you… and a couple a more cunts around here to keep us happy."
Cindy concentrated on the strange things going on in her body. Her tits were swollen, her nipples hard. Jack was pinching her, rolling the nubs between his thumbs and forefingers while sucking on the flesh of her neck. She could feel his dick sliding up and down over her pussy crack, the full length of it throbbing against her clit while his balls dragged over her perineum. His balls were filled with cum. Of that she was fully certain. He was going to stick that thing in her, spilt her wide open, hurt her with his prick. And for some reason the thought of him doing that to her sent delightful chills rushing up and down her spine.
Jack raised up for a moment, propping himself up with one hand while he raised the other over his head. He hit Cindy twice across the face. Her head snapped to the right, then to the left. Her long blond hair tangled around her throat, splashed across her face. Again and again he hit her, his eyes sparkling with wild delight, his face reddening with lust. She was in the arms of a true sadist, a man who enjoyed larding himself over people, who loved crushing those who were weaker under his boot.
"Damn, baby, you and I are gonna have some fuckin' times around here, I can see that," he panted.
Jack was bunching up, drawing his cock down along her cunt until only the head was touching her cuntal crack. Cindy knew he was getting ready for the big plunge. She felt hips slide over hers, then move up. His hairy ass quivered, tensing, getting ready to pile drive his cock into her pussy.
"Oh no, no, you're going to kill me with that thing! Please, please, don't… oh God."
Jack flexed his ass muscles, tensed his thighs, then drove down with all his might.
It was as if that thin wall of flesh had been pierced with a rusty spike. Cindy tensed, the backs of her legs torn by tiny splinters. She felt the rushing sensation of his cock slipping past her outer labes, stretching them to the tearing point. Then there was that terrible pain again as his blunt dickhead banged against her cherry. That membrane was defying him. Jack grunted, slapping her again.
Her thigh muscles tensed as she felt him drawing back, bracing, then shove down hard once more. Again his cockhead struck the cherry. But this time Jack didn't give up. He pushed his knees harder against her thighs, rolling her ass up, angling his cock while shoving as hard as he could.
Cindy thought the world was coming to an end. Explosions seemed to go off in her head while brilliant multi-colored lights popped behind her eyes. And all the while the pain, that awful tearing pain, grew worse and worse. Sweat dripped off Jack's forehead, splashing on her belly and tits while his cockshaft bent at the middle from the pressure. Something had to give.
With a tearing sensation rippling through her body, Cindy felt her cherry rip free of its anchorage.
"Oh nooooo!"
The veins stood out in her neck while raspy, choking sounds came from her mouth. It was gone, really gone! With another cry, Cindy nearly passed out from the sharp, hot pain racing through her cunt. Every muscle in her body seemed to cramp as Jack drove his dick all the way in. All those nine thick hot inches slipped into her young pussy, his fat cock fitting tightly.
Cindy waited, waited for unconsciousness. But it never came. Something strong, something that refused to give in, kept her going. She lay there, spread open, almost split in two. He was all the way in her fuck hole, imbedded to the base of his shaft. That terrible rape created a force that sent shock waves through her pussy, into her tits and belly, making her head ache and her brain spin.
"Fuckin' A, baby. You ain't bleedin' much," he said, checking with his fingers. "And you're still hot to trot. I dig that. I dig a bitch who don't like to give up even when she's just lost her cherry."
He was mocking her, laughing at her while fucking her! She could have scratched off his face, torn his eyes out. Yet she lay there, speared by his fat dick, her mind just as torn as her former cherry.
"Now we're gonna have the rest of the fun," he said, fingering her tits, then smoothing his rough hands over her thighs.
Cindy cringed at his touch… shrank from it, yet at the same time wanted more of it. Slowly he began to fuck her, drawing his cock halfway out, then slipping it back in all the way. Cindy grunted with each fucking forward thrust, feeling her cunt walls shrinking back behind his retreating dickhead, only to be shoved apart when Jack shoved it back in once more.
In and out, in and out, faster and faster the big stud fucked her. His hands moved up, holding her shoulders down hard against the floor while his cock fucked her soppy hole.
In spite of herself, in spite of the terror still present, Cindy responded hotly to this violent fucking.
"Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!"
Her tits jiggled each time Jack's hips pounded against her thighs. He was fucking her harder, faster. He slammed into her again and again, stretching her young cunt. Soon the pain from the torn roots of her cherry faded, replaced now with a wild wonderful sensation of lust.
"Fuck it out, bitch. Come on, move that ass! Move it around!" he snarled, his breathing becoming labored.
He slapped her ass hard, his fingers leaving long red marks against her flesh. At the same time Jack bit the side of her neck, nearly breaking the flesh. Cindy screamed with pain, drawing her hands up and curling her fingers into fists. She beat his chest, pushed up, did anything she could to drive the man away.
But it was useless. He was just too big, too insistent, too bent on fucking her, on huffing her with his dick.
"Oh yeah, baby, yeah, milk my cock! Come on, milk it good!"
Her body was betraying her, giving her away! She felt her pussy muscles spasming, actually grabbing onto his pumping dick and holding on while his bells tightened in their sac, getting ready to pump out that rich man-cream that would eat through her cunt walls like acid.
Cum, jizz. They were words her girlfriends used to giggle about in school johns. They talked about different ways they could get their boyfriends off without worrying about getting knocked up. That was the least of Cindy's worries now.
"Yeah, yeah."
As he rode her, Cindy tightened up, her cunt clutching at his pounding dick. He was panting as she started to match his wild pistoning. The next cry that came from her mouth was a cry of greed, of need. She wanted Jack, wanted him as she'd never wanted anything else! If only her mother could see her now, see what all those years of careful moral upbringing had brought her! This fine little girl, the best little girl in the world as her mother loved calling her, was now whoring herself, embracing a stranger, helping a rapist violate her!
Cindy held on tightly. No longer did she want to beat him away, to drive him off her body. She was too much in heat, too high on her own sex trip to stop him. Nothing could have stopped her. A bomb crashing through the roof would have gone unnoticed as she clawed her way through the red fog settling over her brain. Cum, climax, orgasm… all those strange words drifted through her confused mind as Jack entered the final round of fucking.
"Bitch, fuckin' slut, whore!"
He hit her again, this time his knuckles bruising her right cheek. Then he fell on top of her body, his hairy asscheeks rising and falling rapidly, glistening with sweat. He was fucking her wildly, getting ready to dump his load into her cunt! Cindy's body rocked and jiggled with each terrible forward thrust.
And then it happened. She felt the first bursts of cum burn into her pussy. It was the first time, the very first time, she felt that wonderful spraying sensation, the feeling of her cunt being filled with jizz. She held on for dear life as Jack thrust forward hard, driving his cock up her slit, spilling the last of his fizz. She felt the white milky stuff overflowing her cunt, spattering her thighs and the lower crease of her ass.
Cindy kept him prisoner with her legs and arms, working her ass instinctively from side to side, rubbing her clit again and again against his hot, still throbbing dick until flashes of fire raced through her cunt. Showers of sparks rained into her pussy as her clit throbbed and quivered, gripped in the throes of her first massive climax.
Cindy kicked out one leg, twisting her body as much as she could under his sweaty weight. Again and again the throbbing pulses of her orgasm tore through her cunt, knocking the wind from her lungs, leaving her weaker and weaker with each dying spasm. Finally it was over. Jack grunted, then pushed away, searching for his pants.
Cindy lay still, watching him dress silently. Even when he stepped over her without looking down, she watched him. What had happened to her? Why had she suddenly become a willing victim, wanting more pain, wanting more hurt, wanting him to stay with her. If only she had the courage, the will to prop herself up and beg him to stay with her. She needed him, wanted to feel his arms around her, holding her, touching her while his dick fucked out her hole.
"Good fuck, baby. We'll see how you make out later with the others."
The others? Reality crashed in on her like a bomb. She didn't move, afraid the slightest twitch would inspire some awful act on Jack's part. The desire for him to stay was gone now. She only wanted him to leave her alone. She had to sort out all the confusing, conflicting feelings now racing through her mind.
When the door slammed shut and she was alone again, Cindy continued to see him, to feel him in her. Oozing cum and blood dampened her cunt. She wondered then why she had reacted the way she had. As she tried to figure out her emotions during the rape, another concern intruded into her thoughts. Could she withstand the onslaught that was sure to come later? And what about her mother? What awful torment was she going through at this point? Surely she had noticed by now that her daughter was overdue from coming home from the market. Cindy drew both hands to her mouth and stifled the sobs that racked her body.
Back at home, Rhoda Williams had problems of her own. Her daughter was late coming home and she was about to set out, to look for her. But the phone had rang just as she was about to leave the house. Rushing back to the ball, Rhoda picked up the receiver, expecting to hear her daughter's voice at the other end.
"I want to suck your cunt."
She froze, her mind going black as the awful word still rang in her head.
"I wanna suck your cunt, baby… stick my tongue up there and wiggle it all around, taste some of that sweet juice. Man, oh man, you're gonna dig it, wiggle that ass around when you sit on my face. Shit, then you're gonna cry out, want more, reach back and try to grab hold of my dick when…"
"Stop it! Who is this? God, who is this?"
Rhoda was trembling, her fingers barely able to hold onto the phone as those terrible words came pouring out.
"Man, you ain't gonna be able to stop that pretty ass of yours once I get my lips on your cunt. Yeahhh!" The voice trailed off into a soft sigh. She could hear same fumbling at the other end of the line, imagining what the caller was doing. "Yeah, I'm gonna suck real good and hard, flicking my tongue over your clit before I…"
"Don't do this. If you call again I'll phone the police!" she said.
Why couldn't she hang up? She was thirty-seven, a mature woman, a woman who after her ugly divorce had vowed she would never have a thing to do with men. She had a fine career as a legal secretary with the possibility of going to law school with her employer's aid. Cindy was a fine girl who got good grades at school. Her income was comfortable, even a bit lavish. And yet something had been missing from her life, something that this anonymous phone caller was touching, rousing from its long sleep. In spite of the suddenness, of the total un-preparedness, Rhoda was feeling the stirrings of sex for the first time in nearly ten years.
"Then I'm gonna back off, do real nice things to your body."
"Stop this now!"
"You can hang tip right now… if you want." Why couldn't she? She was a mature, intelligent woman. She was past her mid-thirties, but she still turned heads on the streets. No lines or blemishes blotted her face or body. Youthful looks was something that ran in her family. Nothing sagged, nothing indicated her real age. At times, men mistook Rhoda for Cindy's older sister. Her firm thighs, long legs, perky attitude, firm ass and high riding tits all bespoke of a woman in the prime of her sexual life. There was an exuberance, a freshness in her glance and walk that attracted men. And yet she shied away from them, refused passes, ignored their fumbling plays for her attention. She was determined to make herself a career, shelter her daughter from men, from men like her former husband who had tried to drag her into the dirt.
"The bastard," she had muttered at the end of the divorce proceedings, for bringing his girlfriend there to meet Cindy… right under the eyes of the court and lawyers! That had settled it. No more would she trust men. No more would she… and yet now she was panting, feeling her body melt under her business suit as she listened to those awful words coming from the phone.
"Then maybe I'll start touchin' those tits of yours… nice, big tits. Start calmin' 'em, suckin' 'em as hard as I sucked your cunt."
Who was this? It scorned to be someone who knew her, or had at least seen her. She thought of several men who would be this cowardly.
"Then maybe I'll start playin' with your cunt again."
Rhonda was panting hard, almost babbling, feeling dizzy as heat concentrated between her legs. Her knees were growing weak. Holding the sweaty receiver between her ear and shoulder, Rhoda leaned against the doorway to the kitchen, closing her eyes, trying to get that throbbing itch between her thighs under control. She wished she could touch herself now, could… but that was out of the question. She had to hang up, to get rid of this pervert!
"Then maybe I'll get back to your pussy with my mouth. Yeah, I dig eatin' out pussy."
"I'm going to hang up, to…"
"Then why don'tcha?"
He laughed softly at her dilemma, telling her again how he was going to eat her cunt.
"My cock's real dark at the tip… real dark and big. You'll feel it slippin' in 'cause it'll stretch you. You haven't been fucked much, I bet. I'll stretch you with my cock 'til you squirm and cry and…"
With the last ounce of will power, Rhoda slammed the phone down, clinging to the doorway, trying to catch her breath.