"Now, baby, now you're gonna get it."

Jack's voice was trembling, growing deep with each passing second. Was it for the benefit of that tape turning around and around behind them or was he getting into this, getting off on tormenting her? Cindy guessed it was a little of both.

"Oh." Her eyes widened, her jaw slackened as she felt the tip of the switchblade slide across one asscheek.

Cindy trembled. The arc it followed went from the outside, then moved up toward her waist. He trailed it back and forth there before bringing it down to the curve where her ass met her thigh. The pressure increased as the sharp point slid closer and closer to her pussy.

Mentally Cindy tried to picture what was happening, how the knife was moving along her body, touching her flesh. She curled her fingers, digging them into the couch cushions, tearing at the material as she tried to prepare herself for the ordeal ahead. She wanted to weep, to wail and beat her fists against the couch, to become hysteric. But she knew that the slightest move would put the knife blade through her skin.

Cindy's pussy opened in an uncontrollable spasm as the knife traced along the outer line of her labes. She felt the steel edge pushing aside the blonde cuntal curls, teasing her sensitive flesh. The soft, moist vulnerability of the area terrified her. Was he going to cut out her pussy? Cindy felt a trickle of juice ooze from her slit. It was so confusing! What had happened back there in that room with her and the others was still stoking her pussy hot. She thought of the two men, thought of what they had done to her and had wanted to do to her – she shivered.


She lurched forward. A sharp chill froze the center of her pussy. The flat of the blade was pressing against her wet slit, rocking back and forth from her clit down to the bottom junction of her cuntlips. Cindy's pussy clamped down hard on the offending knife, her labes cutting themselves on the razor-sharp edge of the blade.

"Yeah, that's it, bitch, come on, move that ass," Jack said, slapping, her ass again for emphasis.

Cindy whined, her head snapping back, the muscles in her arms and legs tensing, pushing against her flesh as the cold blade slid up and down.

Jack wasn't doing anything to her cunt. He wasn't going to cut her up, slice up her pussy. She was doing the damage herself! Her cunt spasmed against the rocking knife! She felt the muscles of her cunt convulsing, forcing the fleshy labes shut, forcing them to cut themselves on the big switchblade.


Her back arched, that position presenting her open cunt eagerly to Jack's stare.

"Yeah, come on, you Goddamned slut. You protect that pussy like it was gold. But, man, when you get hot, you can't wait 'til somethin' comes in to take care of that itch, huh?"

"No, no, it's not true!"

His awful words bit her pride, making her feel lower than the most vile insect on earth. Slowly she became aware of the juice stinging and burning the tiny slits on the edges of her pussy labes. The juice dribbled across the tiny wounds, making her lust increase to a frenzied level. She was feeling lust, desire, an incredible sensation of sexual arousal and all due to this torture, to this degrading humiliation!

Cindy shook her head. What was happening to her was so confusing.

Cindy fought with herself. It just wasn't right! Nothing that was happening to her was right. But she didn't have to flow along with this perverted current, didn't have to encourage these men to do more to her. She could maintain her dignity, her pride, her sense of control. She didn't have to be wagging her ass like she was doing now, feeling the juices flowing from her cunt and wetting down her shivering thighs.

But that was what was happening! Cindy was finding out her body was doing things, strange things over which she had little control.


Cindy's pulse raced. She opened her eyes, looked over her left shoulder and saw Jack hovering over her. He had pulled open his Levi's and was stroking that long, thick cock of his. She remembered it, remembered how it plowed through her cunt, ripped her cherry to pieces, filled her body with such a hot fullness she had nearly passed out with that forbidden joy. And now, now he was going to fuck her again, fuck her with a difference. There was real pain involved now, real danger with that switchblade still playing over her pussy.


Cindy felt the tip of the dagger playing around the folds of her clit. The searing sensation was inseparable from the thrill of the direct clit-touch. The thought of that sharp, cold blade playing with her cunt drove her wild. Cindy wanted to draw her knees together, to rub her thighs together, bring her off. But instead she kept her thighs spread widely apart, bobbing her ass up and down while Jack played with her clit.

"Ummmm! Ahhhhhhh!"

Cindy's cuntlips were on fire. The constant rush of pussy juice across the wounds was like salt rubbed into cuts. Her head was throbbing, whirling around from confusion. She kept thinking about him shoving the knife into her, killing her.

Cindy felt a rising warmth on her cheeks, her tits, even on her belly. The fiery stinging sensation in her cuntlips and the fear of Jack's knife wound her excitement higher. Cindy hated herself as she thought of his next action. She felt like a whore for having enjoyed fucking with this man and his friends. And all the while they were planning to make a profit from this, showing her pictures all over the smut shops in L.A. and probably throughout the country.

"Yeah, baby, come on, make love to the knife, fuck it, fuck it the way you fucked my dick, the way you wanted the others to fuck your cunt. Shit, you ain't nothin' but a Goddamned fuckin' nympho!"

"No, no, that's not true!"

Tears gathered under her closed lids, oozing out and rolling over her cheeks. No, no, she wasn't all those things. She was a good girl, her mother's little girl. These awful men had confused her, disoriented her with their violence, with their fear inducing conduct. Once she was outside, free of their influence, she would be the same moral young woman she had always been.

"Sure it is, baby, sure it is. Shit, the way your cuntlips are swellin' up, hell, it's like I been fuckin' you for an hour."

To prove his point, Jack stuck in his right forefinger up to the second joint, wiggling it around, scraping the slick insides of her cuntal mouth with the callused tip.

Cindy cried out, her head snapping back while her belly sagged down. The cords stood out in her neck while her thighs shivered with delight. Yes, she was hot, hot enough to fry that finger in her own juices!

"Yeah, good hot little cunt," Jack muttered, scraping his jagged fingernail over the hot, slippery cuntal tissues before pulling it out with a pop.


Jack moved back to the knife, dragging the tip of the blade back, back, stinging a groove down to the edge of Cindy's cunt mouth.

Don moved the camera in, taking several shots of the knife point touching her labes, moving back, then sliding up to her clit. Buzzing, spinning flashes from her pussy slackened off a bit when Jack moved the switchblade over to the rounded curves of her buttocks.


Cindy actually shoved her ass back at Jack. The tip of the knife slipped around the rim of her cunt, then glided past the puckered gray/pink ring of her asshole. He was playing her expertly, touching all the right buttons, turning the young woman into a willing victim. Never before had she done this kind of thing. And, yet, after only a few terrible sessions with these maniacs, Cindy was turning into a pro!


Jack was concentrating on her asshole now. With a sudden flash of modesty Cindy wanted to hide her aroused cunt from the men, and especially from the lens of that camera. She shot a quick look over her shoulders at the men. Jack was still stroking his long, red prick, oblivious to her cunthole.

"Nice, bitch, nice hot young bitch," Jack said, greasing down his cock with his pre-cum.

Cindy was shaming herself. Her body was hungry for his hot, thickly veined cock. She wanted to have Jack jam his prick into her sucking, hungry hole. The tender tissues were still raw from the brutal fucking he had given, her earlier that night, but she still wanted to be touched by dickmeat, stretched by his cunt-splitter. It was so confusing, contradictory to everything she had been brought up to believe! But there it was nonetheless. Cindy couldn't deny the feelings racing through her mind and body.

"Fuck it out, bitch, fuck it out!"

Jack now poked the rim of her asshole with his knife blade. He wasn't cutting her, not disfiguring her. But the possibility of that excited Cindy, excited her terribly! The pinprick stabs forced the ring of her shitter inward, nearly breaking the tender flesh. For an instant Cindy let herself imagine the knife was the probing of Jack's dick in her ass.


Jack was panting now, actually panting as if he had been fucking her for hours! Jack gripped his dick, his fist moving on his slippery prick faster and faster. He poked the tip of the blade into the puffy furred outer edges of her cuntlips, then slid it back around her buttocks to her convulsing shitter. The tape recorded all her cries, her whimpers, his muffled curses about how much a slut she was.


Cindy rolled her hips from side to side, arching and shoving back her asscheeks. The cuts on her pussylips burned. Her entire cuntal area blazed with heat and stung pain, mingling somehow in some mysterious way to create the most wild sense of sexual pleasure the young girl had ever felt!

"Bitch! Goddamned little pig! You dig this, dig lettin' me fuck you with this knife! Shit, you can't get enough of this damned blade!" Jack barked.

"No, no, it's… a lie!" she panted, her breathing becoming as shallow, as raspy as his.

Cindy's flesh sang with delight, sweat trickling into the cuts, making them burn and itch. She felt the oily, slippery sweat rolling down her thighs, mixing with her cuntjuice. Her body was shining with perspiration, tiny rivers of it running down from her armpits, leaving shiny, snakelike traces on the sides of her tits.

"Man, can't take this no more," Jack muttered, putting the knife to one side and inching up behind her.

Cindy knew he was going to fuck her, fuck her doggie style. She didn't care at this point. His terrible words, his curses, the way he'd treated her with that knife, had turned her world upside down. All that was left for her to do was let him have his way. Perhaps later, when everything died down, she'd think of a way to escape him, get away from this awful man. But now there was only submission!


Cindy felt the stabs of his cockhead against her cuntlips. The conical head of his dick dithered between her labes.

"It ain't gonna be the same as when I popped your cherry," Jack grunted, wrapping the fingers of one hand around his cock and guiding it in. "No, it's gonna be better. Ain't nothin' holdin' you back now, baby. It's you and me, bitch, you and me."

The salty drop of pre-cum on the head of his cock set the girl's clit on fire. It seemed to burn her like acid. She rolled her hips forward, feeling, the jiggling of her plump firm asscheeks.

Cindy hunched, groaning and gasping. His cockhead finally lodged itself in her cunthole, working around the puffy labes as if reaming out her snatch.


"Fuck, you feel good and hot and wet inside," Jack muttered, both hands on her hips now.

Was that for her or for the tape? She didn't know, didn't care. Right now all the blonde teenager knew was that his dick would tear her cuntflesh.

Cindy bore down to ease the fucking. Her inner cuntwalls spasmed, almost hurting even more than when Jack had broken her cherry.

Jack leaned forward now, putting his hands higher on Cindy's hips.

"Yeah, fuckin' A, yeah…" he sighed, pressing his fingertips into her flesh.

"Oh don't, don't…"

His long thick cock glided into her furry cunt, juice bubbling out around the edges and seeping down her thighs. Inch after hot, pulsing inch disappeared into her hot hole. The fat ridge that ran down the length of Jack's prick throbbed hot and heavy now, filling up inside with his cum, getting ready to shoot at the right moment into her sucking hole.

Once his cock was halfway into her dripping cunthole, Jack let go of her hips and shifted his grip to her tits. His fingers dug into her firm tits and kneaded them. The girl felt an aching lust explode in them, telegraphing even more desire down into her violated pussy.

How she hated Jack, hated him for what he was doing to her. She hated him yet needed him, feeling his cock sliding deeper into her pussy. But even more she hated herself. The doggie position made her feel more degraded than ever. The worst part of the act was that her body was responding so willingly, so hotly. She was actually enjoying the pain and insult of this fuck.


He was on her like an animal, like a dog in heat. He could kill her at any point. And yet she was encouraging him, offering him her ass, her cunt, growling with unbridled lust.

"No, no, no!" she screamed, tossing her head from side to side.

Cindy felt her long blonde hair whipping over her whitened knuckles as he kept fucking her. She found herself bunching back against him harder. The whole length of his cock was in her cunt channel now, stretching up into her belly. She felt his dickhead move around, revolving, stirring up things inside her pussy.

"No, no!" she whimpered, trying to stop the awful chain of thoughts building inside her mind. She tried to clench her cunt muscles tight enough to stop his driving fuck.

"Man, she wants more. Man, she wants to feel all of it!" Jack groaned.

Jack knew she was enjoying this more than protesting against it. He twisted her nipples viciously, leaning forward and biting the back of her neck.

Cindy cried out at the pain of those teeth nearly breaking her flesh. She sobbed, the bruising fingers on her nipples making every ounce of her tits ache. She wished for one mad second that he would tear the aroused nubs off her tits. That would stop the fierce heat sensations they were sending to her cunt.


Jack bit down harder. His teeth clamping on her neck made Cindy throw her head back, made her cry out, growl with pain and excitement. She raised herself up, continuing the constant swiveling of her ass. She needed to feel that wonderful release now.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

Jack's belly slapped loudly against Cindy's ass. She felt the wiry hairs of his cockbush against her asshole. Every scratchy curl seemed to find some little clit, some inch of aroused flesh to stimulate. The itching, burning sensation in and around her cunt and ass drove her half mad. Cindy shoved back against the man's pounding cock like a wild woman, her ass swiveling, trying to increase the already crazy friction in her cunt.


The room echoed with the slapping, wet sounds of their fucking. Like animals in heat, beasts locking together for momentary satisfaction of perverted pleasure. The combination of the stretching in her cunt tube and the gouging pain around her nipples tormented her mind. All she wanted was to have those feelings increase until the spinning knot of tension between her legs swept over her.


Jack cursed and slavered. Cindy clawed at the pillow, driving her shoulders downward.

"Ohhhhhhh God!"

She was close, shamelessly close. Yes, yes, all these awful manipulations were driving her up the wall, driving her over the edge once more into climax!
