Kafka, Franz, 24

kale eating contests, 60

Kardashian, Kim, 316

Kate, Aunt, 178

Katz, David, 229

Katz, Jeffrey, 317–18

Kawashima, Ryuta, 169

Keep Your Brain Alive (Katz and Rubin), 170–71

Kellogg, John Harvey, 363

Kevin (friend), 31

Kheel, Ann Sunstein, 45–47

as honorary Generation X member, 126

Ted Kheel’s relationship with, 45–46, 47

Kheel, Theodore:

age and appearance of, 24–26

age denialism of, 125–26

athletic background and equipment of, 44–45

Christo documentary and, 69–70

death and funeral of, 288–91

failing health of, 266

family dietary rift negotiated by, 93–94

favorite Africa story of, 178–80

flower-print shirt as AJ’s keepsake of, 346

happy marriage of, 45–46, 47

hospital visits to, 287–89

key to longevity of, 70–71

mass transit projects of, 219–20

on preference for sticking around, 291

raised-fist salute of, 178, 180

Ribot’s Law illustrated by, 178

visit to empty apartment of, 345–46

King, Martin Luther, Jr., 25

kitchen safety, 338

knee problems, 315

Know-It-All, The (Jacobs), 5, 21

Krebs cycle, 159

Kuczynski, Alex, 238

Kurzweil, Ray, 112

Kutcher, Ashton, why Vibrams are unsuited to, 206

lacrosse teams, above-average students on, 175

lactic-acid buildup, 309, 310

LaLanne, Jack:

death of, 311

lifestyle of, 254–55

weight training of, 254

Lamb, Charles, 72

Lambroza, Eileen, 242, 244

Lametti, Daniel, 136

Langer, Ellen, 329

Lasik surgery, 329

Late Show with David Letterman, 21

laughter, typology of, 145

laughter clubs, see laughter yoga

laughter movement, world peace as goal of, 147

laughter yoga, 142–47

contagious sumo laughing at, 146–47

criticism and competition at, 146

as easiest room in New York, 143

“Fake it till you make it” as precept of, 144, 145

laughs, not jokes exchanged at, 144

laundry, sun-dried, 82

LDL, HDL vs., 7

Le Corre, Erwan:

caveman philosophy dispensed by, 39, 40–41

as Caveman Workout leader, 37–43

on how cuts and scratches promote health, 42

log carrying led by, 41

Legionnaires’ disease, prevention of, 82

Lewis, Juliette, 149

liberals, germ debate as seen by, 83

Liberman, Peter, 83

life extension movement, 112

Life of Brian (film), 152–53

life spans:

Big Pharma as big booster of, 187

of cavemen ancestors, 37

of health saints vs. sinners, 30–32

increased by exercise, 32

in New York, 221

see also longevity

Lipitor, 10, 33

lipstick, reversing application of, 171

Lisa (friend), 14

Lister, Joseph, 78

liver cancer, 15, 185

living room, Areca palm takeover of, 28

Lloyd (neighbor), treadmill complaint from, 60

lobsters, aging resisted by, 112

locavore, Jefferson as, 362–63

Logan (Airedale terrier), 151, 152

logic games, 168–69


age denialism and, 126

AJ’s hopeful boosting of, 346

balancing optimism and anxiety in plans for, 71

courting starvation as key to, 17–21

eating for, 24–26

effect of marriage on, 46

exercise and, 32, 44–45, 46

flossing as aid to, 195

helper’s high a secret of, 179

immortality scenarios, 110–12

Japanese sex infrequency and, 105

in lugging stuff up steep hills, 64

masturbation credited for, 103–4

of Okinawans, 2, 64, 84

optimism in, 70–71

of Oscar winners, 1

of Protestant ministers vs. Catholic priests, 104

purposeful living and, 4, 25

Louis XIV, King of France, hand washing in court of, 78

lounging, joy of, 48

lower intestine, 131–37, 132

see also toilet topics

lunch salad, the half-hour-superfood-record-seeking, 60

Lundström, Johan, 295

lung cancer, 31, 90, 91, 301

lunges, 35

lungs, 212, 213–21

aging of, 219

mindfulness of, 27

in Spanish, 2

statistics on, 214

see also breathing

Lustig, Robert, 229

maca powder, 107, 281

MacArthur Study of Successful Aging, 25

McDougall, Christopher, 47–48, 203–8, 322

barefoot principles proffered by, 206

what he may have stepped on, 207

McGlothin, Paul, 18–21, 362

on benefits of CR, 19

jokes to avoid with, 19

savoring meditation of, 20–21

Maclaren, Zane, 247

macular degeneration, 92

Madonna, AJ’s disputed quote on cheekbones of, 154–55

magical thinking, 148–50

how it works, 148

Julie and her mom saved by, 148–49

in lost kids chase, 332

in outsourcing worries, 149–50

Maine blueberry industry, 97

malaria, DDT ban and, 188

Male Biological Clock, The (Fisch), 279


AJ’s defense against their Siren song, 230–32

fooling the idiotic mind with, 84–85

as tree-growing Snickers, 230

manliness, testes thought related to, 283


arranged, adoration learned in, 48

health linkage of, 46–47

nature’s evident bias toward, 46

Shaw on irony of, 45

Mars bars, deep-fried, 32

Marti, anti-, 187–88

Marti, aunt, 181, 223

AJ’s apartment swept of toxins by, 183–86

antimeat information drilled into AJ’s head by, 93

distinctly Californian viewpoint of, 7

hazardous substance list of, 186

at her father’s funeral, 289–90

illness and death of, 349–52

multitasking rejected by, 68

need for the vigilance of, 190

raw-foodist guidance from, 225–27

solar gazing of, 184

on Standard American Diet (SAD), 92

sunscreen appalling to, 241

toxin-free life tenets of, 188–89

trademark purple scarf of, 184

Martin, Steve, 345

massage, self-, 110, 359

mass transit, air pollution cut down by, 218–19

mastectomy, predrug, 115–16

Master-Cleanse diet, 13


bland foods prescribed for, 101–3

religion, cortisol levels and, 201

as secret of longevity, 103–4

two-person sex vs., 104

Mayo Clinic, 34, 151, 272, 341


carcinogens in, 93

Marti’s case against, 93–94

raw, in caveman diet, 38

as side dish, 362–63

medical adviser board, 7

medical innovation, 9

waiting to be saved by, 31–32

medical students, how mindfulness may cause panic among, 21

medicine, specialty bias of, 241

meditation, 1, 167, 347, 359

contextual, 218

noise found interesting with, 219

rock solid medical benefits of, 218

as video game, 177

Mediterranean diet, 13

melanin, 242, 243

melanoma, 141–42, 244

melatonin, 264

Melngailis, Sarma, 274

memento mori:

AJ’s pneumonia as, 3

as ultimate form of reframing, 154–55

memorization, 169

of word lists, 173


hard-to-read fonts as aid to, 2

Ribot’s law of, 178


calorie-burning benefits of missionary position for, 105

calories allowed for, 17, 18

daily alcohol allowance for, 14

hand-holding among, 308

relaxing body odors of, 295

rugged individualism of, 248

testosterone and personalities of, 282

what will give them boobs, 283

meningitis, 152

Merchant, Mark, 248

metabolic syndrome, 96


changed by marathon sitting sessions, 66

slowing down of, 18


for AJ in noise-canceling headphones, 58

for AJ’s brain, 173

for AJ’s deviated septum, 260

for AJ’s mouth, 197

for AJ’s mouth breathing, 215–16

for antisnoring strategies, 261, 262

for bad posture, 313

for Benihana’s ambience, 53

for body pollution, 51

for body pride, 84

for the brain as muscle, 165–67

for the brain as ski slope, 170

for costs and benefits of smoking, 215

David vs. Goliath and Revenge of the Nerds, 173–74

for dental sadism, 193

for fellow gym members, 60–61

in germ porn, 75–76

for gift of self-delusion, 122

for hand-washing performance, 78

for health fundamentalism, 191–92

for hearing loss, 55

for intenSati ambience, 128, 130

for marriage/health link, 46

for noise pollution, 54

for persistence of pain, 116–17

for pole dancing, 249

for slow fitness, 159, 160

for smaller triathlon, 251

for treadmills, 35


diet and longevity of, 9, 18

telomerase in reversing age of, 31–32

mindfulness, 21, 27, 171

Mindless Eating (Wansink), 21, 276, 363

Minnesota Stroke Institute, 151

moles, 241–44

artificial, 242

Momofuku, Julie’s insistence on, 171

Monell Chemical Senses Center, 294–99

monkeys, on low-calorie diets, 18

Monroe, Marilyn, favorite nightwear of, 239–40

Monty Python, 152

Morena, Patricia, 127–29

mortality, wake-up call about, 244

Moses, Robert, 26, 345

mouth, germs in, 77

MovNat (Mouvement Naturel), 37

Mozart Effect, 167–68

Mr. Clean Bath Cleaner, sniff and recoil from, 184–85

MRI, meditation while hearing the noises of, 219

MRSA, 32, 79

multitasking, 65

Marti’s disapproval of, 68

medical, 243

muscle failure, focus of weight training as, 33


AJ’s growing awareness of, 83–84

standers’ use of, 66

MyPlate (USDA), 94

Nabokov, Vladimir, 67

Napier, John, 303–5, 306

naps, as Healthy Vice, 1, 330

NASA, on mother-in-law’s tongue, 28

National Academy of Sciences, 33, 94

National Athletic Trainers’ Association, 32

Natural History of the Senses, A (Ackerman), 327

Nature’s Platform, 132, 136–37

description and assembly of, 137

NBC, 21

neck problems, 315

nervous system, 113–30

see also pain

Nesheim, Mal, 96

Nestle, Marion, 95–98, 362

food labels translated by, 96

on Paleo diet, 229

on ranking fruits and vegetables, 97

Whole Foods tour with, 95–98

neti pot, 72, 73

neurobics, 170–71, 177

neurofeedback, 176–77

neuroplasticity, 165–71

increased by exercise, 176

NeuroReport, 125

nevus, 242

New England Journal of Medicine, 161

New York:

decibel levels in, 59

healthiest glass of water in, 274

insalubrious flatness of, 64

morbid little landmarks accruing in, 343

as one big dinner plate, 76

proximity of acupuncturists in, 118

as sixteenth worst city for ozone pollution, 220

New York magazine, Best Doctors list of, 133

New York Post, 46

New York Times, 245, 315, 341

on the caveman movement, 38

conservatism linked to germaphobia in, 82–83

crossword puzzles of, 168

on germy downside of gyms, 32

Kheel’s obituary in, 291

on separated-at-night couples, 259

New York Times Magazine, 91, 285

New York Triathlon, postponing of, 323–24

New York University Langone Medical Center, 76

nicotine, appetite suppressed by, 215

Nightingale, Florence, 294

Nike, 129, 205

Nippon Medical School, 43

N95 surgical mask, 220–21

nods and smiles, missing words covered up with, 58

noise, 53–59

fight-or-flight response to, 55

meditation for, 218–19

as second-hand smoke of our ears, 54

three tips for dealing with, 365–66

as unpatriotic and possibly fascist, 56

voices raised against, 54

noise-canceling headphones, Bose, 52, 57–58, 59, 340, 366

Noise Pollution Clearinghouse, 365–66

nose, 292, 293–99

breathing through, 216

as diagnostic tool, 294

improving of, 297–98

world’s largest sculpture of, 294

see also smells, smelling; specific smells

nosocomial infections, 77

Nugent, Benjamin, 174

nutmeg, when everything smells like, 297–98


Bratman on unproven hype of, 89–90

contradictory headlines on, 91

warring tribes in, 92; see also diet debate

see also diet; eating; food

nutritionists, “intellectual horsepower” lacking in, 90

Oates, Joyce Carol, door-handle germs compared to total output of, 75–76

Obama, Barack, Jr., 179

Obama, Barack, Sr., 179

Obama, Michelle, 63

obesity, 64, 229

social contagion of, 161

obesity epidemic:

cranking up thermostat blamed for, 210

low-fat diet linked with, 93

mindless eating as source of, 21–22

potential effect of smoking on, 215

Obesity Reviews, 210

obscenity, pain relieved with, 125

Odell, Peter, 327–28

“Odysseus Contract,” AJ’s crafty use of, 231–32

Odyssey (Homer), 231

Okinawa, longevity in, 2, 64, 84, 221, 346

Okinawan diet, 13

old age:

exercise in, 44–45

infancy compared with, 267

Old Testament, 69, 236

olfactory diagnostics, 294

Omnivore’s Dilemma, The (Pollan), 90

Onion, The, 361

Operation Squat, 136–37

optimism, longevity and, 70–71

oranges, as “Clark Kent” food, 97

orchestra conductors, longevity of, 45

organic foods, 368

Origins (Paul), 301

orthodontists, 193

Orthodox Judaism, 188, 201, 339

orthorexia nervosa, 87–90, 98, 347, 364

“ose,” dreaded suffix of, 230

osteoporosis, 92

Other, The, origins of disgust with, 83

outdoors, healthiness of, 43–44

ovarian cancer, 64

ovations, standing vs. sitting, 63

oxytocin, 104, 151

oysters, as dubious aphrodisiac, 107

Oz, Mehmet C. (Dr. Oz), 33, 59, 135, 331

pain, 9, 113–26

acupuncture for, 118–21

before anesthesia, 115–16

Buddhist approach to, 117–18

chronic, 116, 117

cursing for relief of, 125

as erratic, lazy, and easily confused, 117

neurofeedback tried for, 177

placebo success with, 122

reasonable alternatives to, 116

in Spanish, 2

after working out, 36

see also back pain; and usual suspects

Pain Chronicles, The (Thernstrom), 115–16, 117, 122–23

painkillers, 115, 116

Pale Fire (Nabokov), 67

Paleo diet, 13, 37, 38, 40–41, 227–29

raw food diet vs., 225–29

socially acceptable raw meat on, 228

weight loss and, 228–29

Paleolithic times:

responding to loud noises in, 55

role of stress in, 141

sprinting preferred to jogging in, 42

walking in, 64

Paleo movement, see caveman movement

pancreas, mindfulness of, 27

parents, childhood dangers most worrisome to, 341

Park, Steven, 260, 263

Parker-Pope, Tara, 46–47

parties, crudites actually eaten at, 222

Pasteur, Louis, 78

patches, facial, symbolism of, 242

Paul (friend), 14

on futility of healthy living, 31

Paul, Annie Murphy, 301

peanut butter:

harrowing intestinal passage of, 27

sex-drive boost attempted with, 106, 107


alarming risks of, 209–10

Archer’s antifungal treatment before and after, 210

bringing your own equipment to, 210

pedometer, 99–100, 266

walking more linked to use of, 99


as body’s dipstick, 281

fracture of, 104

grafting chimpanzee privates onto, 283

Pennington Biomedical Research Center, 66

Penn Station men’s room, skin-care talk heard in, 236

People Movers (airport), avoiding of, 64–65, 353

Perfect (film), 61

periodontal disease, 60

periodontitis, 195

pets, 150–52, 178, 355–56

health effects of, 150, 151–52

lurking around, 150–51

sleeping with, 152

pheromones, 106

Philips, Emo, 307


arctic water, 310

germ, see germaphobia

sex, 101–3

subway disaster, 342

phones, wiping of, 81

Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 197

phthalates, 241, 369

physicians, asking for a placebo from, 123

Physique, 57, 247

phytoncides, plants’ use of, 44

pica (disease), 131

Pilates studio, 233


how appearance affects reactions to, 123

syringes vs., 123

of tomorrow, 31

pineapple, flavonoids in, 89

Pinker, Stephen, on psychology of cursing, 125

Pizarro, David, 83

placebo, placebo effect, 122–24

acupuncture success as, 121

brain’s confusion of real painkillers with, 122–23

“honest,” 124

in neurofeedback, 177

in “self-healing ritual,” 124

in sugar fasting, 232

T-based aggression as, 286

plant-based diet, 92, 93–95

AJ’s opting for, 93–95

raw food vegan diet vs., 227

plants, health benefits of, 28, 44

plastic bags (Ziploc), controlling temptation and portion size with, 84–85, 230, 355, 363


BPA verse test for, 189, 369

endocrine-disrupting, 183, 185, 369

microwaving food in, 190

plastic surgery, farts reportedly upgraded by, 133

Plato, 293–94

Playboys, old, faded, but thoughtfully placed, 282

“Plazibo” (AJ’s proposed drug), 124

pneumonia, 2–3, 46, 152

poems, memorization of, 169

pole dancing:

Anna’s workout at, 249

as art form, exercise or sport, and not sleazy, 248

attended by fifty women and AJ, 248

classes in, 34

sharing poles in, 249

warm-ups for, 248

Pollan, Michael, 13, 90, 364

pomegranate seeds, 60

portion control, 17–22

child’s plastic dinosaur plate for, 22, 50

cocktail shrimp fork for, 23, 26, 50

80 percent prayer said for, 84

plastic (Ziploc) bags for, 84–85, 230, 355, 363

tips for regular people, 355

tips for the obsessed, 355–56

posture, 129, 313–17

not to overthink it, 317

Talmud on, 313

Power of 10 (Zickerman), 159


80 percent, 84

for Kheel’s recovery, 289

time set aside for, 201

privacy, AJ’s self-invasion of, 261

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 164

pro-chewing movement, 23–24

Prochnik, George, 55, 56

produce, sanitizing of, 81

Project Health, 1–12

background of, 1–7

battle plan of, 9–11

bite-size approach to, 11

body parts not covered in, 346

as crash course on AJ’s body, 6

defeatism and fatalism in, 293, 300

as exercise in radical humility, 296

finding missing kids as test of, 331–33

fog of conflicting advice in, 138; see also debates

healthier-than-thou attitude stirred by, 191–92

healthy family time preempted by, 278

Internet comments on, 196

Jacobs boys’ curiosity about, 110

Jim Fixx argument applied to, 293

managing time for, 155–57

mild hernia at midpoint of, 180

mindfulness as first big theme of, 27

mind improvement included in, 168

motivation needed in, 245, 250, 255

nerd’s-eye worldview shocked by, 174

quantifying progress in, 10

receding goal line of, 331

stomach as jumping-off point in, 11, 12

as third leg of AJ’s triathlon, 4

to-do list for, 1–2, 28, 346–47

unintended consequences of, 163

see also specific body parts and functions

Project Libido, 105–9

romance spray tried in, 102, 106, 109

prostate cancer, 15, 273

frequent ejaculations helpful in lowering risk of, 104

prostate examination, 279


insects as good source of, 41

Kellogg’s crusade against, 363

in Paleo diet, 227–29

with plant-based diet, 227

protein shakes, before-and-after ads for, 34

Proust, Marcel, as geek hero, 174

Prozac, 33

Psychological Science, 329

Pukey (CrossFit’s mascot), 248

puppy-urine skin cleanser, 236

Purell dispensers, germ-coated, 79

Pure raw food restaurant, 274

PUR filter, 275

Purim, celebration of, 199–200

quackery, staying power of, 8–9

Quantified Self movement, 99

quinoa, 15, 210, 347

Rachel (cousin), 290

Radical Honesty, 38–39

Radiolab, 231

Rahsaan (caveman), 30, 38, 40

Rand, Ayn, 187

Rastafarian diet, 13

Ratey, John, 64, 175–76

raw foodism, 13, 226–27

raw-food vegan diet, 225–27

plant-based diet vs., 227

reality, co-creating of, 129

Really Basic Life Skills 101, AJ’s proposals for, 198

red ginseng, libido boosting reputation of, 106, 107

red wine, 14–15, 191, 223

Reed, Danielle, 296

reframing, 153, 252

memento mori as ultimate form of, 154–55

rejuvenation techniques, 283–87

religion, healthy living and, 88, 199–202

remote controls, 81

actually getting up vs. use of, 354

germs on, 75

repetition, mindfulness balanced by, 171

repetitive stress injuries, 309–10

Restak, Richard, 305


Benihana, 53–54

Candle 79 (vegan), 225

faux health, 51

flouting fire alarms in, 337

Korean barbecue, 227

mindfulness at Momofuku, 171

Nick & Toni’s, 343

portion-control techniques at, 50

salmon, wild, not blackened, and hold the starch, 222

resveratrol, in red wine, 15

Retin-A, 237–39

Ribot’s Law, 178

ringworm, 32

Ripa, Kelly, 247

Roach, Mary, 103, 104

Rockefeller, John D., 24

Rockefeller University, 106–7

Roman Legionnaire’s Workout, 248

Roosevelt, Theodore, 25, 174

Rosin, Hanna, 287

Royte, Elizabeth, 273

Ruebush, Mary, Hygiene Hypothesis advocacy of, 80–81

running, 29

barefoot, 203–8, 204

dangers and inefficiency of, 158

joy of, 47–48, 322

long-distance, 33

running errands, literally:

downside of, 65

handiness of deodorant and new shirt in, 353

more calories spent in, 65–66

Runyon, Damon, 147

Safe Kids USA, 337

safety, 334, 335–42

CDC index on ways you can be killed or hurt, 335–36

see also specific hazards

saffron, 207

Sagan, Carl, 255

skeptical open-mindedness of, 9, 48

salt, 92

effect of weaning oneself away from, 109–10

origins of our addiction to, 15

San Diego, long-lived Seventh Day Adventists in, 221

Sandwich, John Montagu, Fourth Earl of, 22

Sapolsky, Robert, 142, 200, 283

Sardinia, longevity in, 64, 346

scalp cancer, 183

Schelling, Thomas, 48, 231

Schmozart Effect, 168

Schoenberg, Barbara, 266

saved by AJ’s magical thinking, 148–49


on antisnoring exercises, 261

on aphrodisiacs, 107

on brain-vision relationship, 329

on cold remedies, 72

immortality assisted by, 111–12

juice fasts supported by, 272

on link between cancer and stress, 142

on man-made climate change, 94

on neuroplasticity, 165–71

plant-based diet gaining support of, 94

on prerace carbo-loading, 319

on raw food diet, 227

salubrity of sex supported by, 104

slow fitness movement still short on, 161

tepid water claims dismissed by, 276

on testosterone-aggression link, 286

see also studies

Seavey, Todd, the anti-Marti, 187–88

Secret Life of Germs, The (Tierno), 81

Seiller, Barry, 330

self-abuse, see masturbation

self-loathing, acquiring of, 88

self-massage, 110, 359

selves, present vs. future, 48–50, 49, 356

Selye, Hans, 141

semen analysis, 281–82

discussing the results of, 282–84

at world’s least erotic place, 281

Semmelweis, Ignaz, 78

Serenity Prayer, 360

serotonin, 162, 175

sexaphobes, 101–3

on postcoital lassitude, 103

on preserving secretions, 103

sexual activity, 101–9

aphrodisiacs in, see aphrodisiacs

calories burned for passive, general, and vigorous, 108–9

hiccups cured by, 104

passive, calories burned by, 276

in Project Libido, 105–7

six weeks of, 64

Shachtman, Tom, 179

Shakespeare, William, 67

shampoo, healthy new formula for, 189

Shannon (friend), 262

Shaw, George Bernard, on marriage, 45

Shop Class as Soulcraft (Crawford), 305


injuries to, 113–15

lung channel linked to, 120

sin, illness as penalty for, 142

Sirens, singing of, 231

sirtuins, 112, 155


diseases attributable to, 64, 66

instructions for, 318

squatting preferred to, 318

twofold problem with, 66

Situations Matter (Sommers), 22

skin, 234, 235–44

dead, keeping dust mites away from, 82

preserving collagen in, 60, 237

tanning of, 239–44

skin cancer, 236

moles as precursors of, 242

skin care, 234, 235–44

moisturizers for, 237

prices for, 235

sunscreen for, 239–41

skin infections, from gyms and sports, 32

skin products, 235–41

Skittles Diet, 364

skull, 334, 335–42

see also helmets; safety

Slate magazine, 136

sleep, 89, 255, 256, 257–66

best position for, 260

coffee’s effect on, 15

as cold remedy, 72

not possible at treadmill desk, 68

time needed for, 28, 265–66

ZQ scores for, 266

sleep, getting to, 264–65

counting backwards by threes, 264–65

counting sheep (ineffective), 264

or try showers, tart cherry juice, electronic curfews, 264

Sleep, Interrupted (Park), 260

sleep apnea, 259–60

CPAP machine as best remedy for, 263

sleep disorders, diseases associated with, 258, 259

Sleep Disorders Institute, 262–64, 346

wires taped to AJ’s head at, 256, 262

slow fitness movement, 157–61, 253

small steps:

in barefoot running, 206

on treadmill, 207

smells, smelling:

emotional connection of, 298–99

of the flowers, 294, 299

how women can relax with, 295

mood and behavior influenced by, 294

perils of overzealousness in, 298

testing of, 295–96

workouts for, 297–98

smoke, secondhand, 184, 301

smoke alarms, 338

smoking, 63, 90, 91, 213–15

at Bodies exhibit, 214

death toll from, 187

egonomics strategy for quitting of, 231

snail secretions, facials with, 235


injury prevention wrongly promised for, 205

Vibrams preferred to, 206

who should wear them, 208

snoring, 259–64

cause of, 259

monitored by AJ’s tape recorder, 261, 262

as sleep apnea symptom, 259–60

snoring remedies, 262–64

Breath Right nasal strips, 262

neck pillow, 261

playing the didgeridoo, 261–62

tennis ball cure, 260

tongue exercises, 261


AJ’s need for organic, vegetable-based, 184

antibacterial, 79, 184, 369

soft but safe, 189

soccer players, why low T is found in, 283

soccer teams, above-average students on, 175

social interaction:

of drinkers, 91

of pet owners, 151–52

social isolation, eating healthily and, 88

Sommers, Sam, 22, 84

spaciness, as when dialing your phone takes nearly a minute, 271

Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain (Ratey), 175–76

spermine, skin shined with, 235

spice rack, odor workouts with, 297–98

spiders, on low-calorie diets, 18

Spongebob Band-Aid, placebo effect of, 122

sponges, sanitizing of, 82

sports, professional, 163–64, 330

sprinklers, 337, 338

squatting, 318–19, 353

Asian, how to do it, 318

in caveman movement, 136

lunch while, 354

on toilet, 132, 136

Standard American Diet (SAD), 92

asbestos sandwich diet superior to, 227

standers, sitters vs., 66–67


in the presence of the elderly, 69–71

working while, 67–69

Star Trek (film), standing for, 67

Staten Island, triathlon suitable for AJ on, 251–55

Staten Island Ferry:

impertinent bozo on, 320

other passengers on, 319–20

stationary bicycle, 253

staying out late, marriage as a curb on, 47

Stein, Leslie, 295, 299

Sternberg, Esther, 141, 294

Stirt, Joe, 357–58

stomach, 13–28, 87–98, 223–32

harsh words deserved by, 294

see also diet; eating; food

stomachaches, pro-chewing as cure for, 24

stomach-breathing, 217–18

Stoney, Justin, stomach-breathing approach of, 217–18

strangers, holding hands with, 308

stress, 139–64, 140

aromatherapy for, 299

of cell-phone-free life, 190

coinage of term, 141

about cost of noise-canceling headphones, 57

effect of noise on, 55

five methods for reduction of, 359–60

health obsession as cause of, 87

heart rate increased by, 141

laughter therapy for, 142–47

in long vs. short haul, 141

in marital conflict, 308

meditation for, 359

neurofeedback for, 176

Nightingale’s fragrant relief of, 294

orgasms for lowering of, 104

outsourcing of, 359

pet ownership and, 150–52, 359–60

in positive feedback loop, 142

from reading latest studies, 61

reframing advised for, 153

religion giveth and taketh away, 200–201

self-massage for, 359

serenity prayer for, 360

soothed by exercise, 32–33

Strollercise, 246, 247


on acupuncture, 121

on aerobic benefits of bedroom behavior, 105

on analgesic cursing, 125

on appetite (and calorie) suppression, 17, 356

on attending to body stats, 99

on baseball watching and blood pressure, 1

on being outside, 43–44

on benefits of drinking, 14–15

on blueberry antioxidant rating, 97

on calories spent in running vs. walking, 9, 66

on chewing sugar-free gum, 198–99

on cholesterol levels of dog owners, 151

on chronic pain, 116

Cochrane Collaboration reviews of, 9

on combating ADHD in kids, 177

on contagion of obesity, weight loss, and happiness, 161–62

on counting sheep, 264

on curious scent intended to turn a woman on, 106–7

on depressed realists, 130

on distractions, 309

on drivers using cell phones, 341

on eaters watching Letterman vs. Leno, 21

on effect of a decent view in surgical recovery, 44

on effect of male B.O. on women, 295

epidemiological, confounding factors in, 90–91

on extreme low-calorie diets, 18

on failure of gym to undo harm of prolonged sitting, 64

on Finger Fitness, 307

on first-person-shooter video games, 330

on hard-to-read fonts, 2

on having a purpose in life, 4, 25

on health benefits of charity, 179–80

on health effects of frequent orgasms, 104

on heart attack rates of cat owners, 151

on heart attacks of German soccer fans, 163

on heart problems of big sitters, 66

on HIIT vs. steady-state exercise, 253

on holding hands under stress, 308

on how patients did with pills they knew were dummies, 124

human vs. animal, 90

on inadequacy of exercise schedules, 61

on keeping a food journal, 99

on keys to longevity, 25

Latest Study Syndrome in, 8–9

on laughing and stress, 144

on linking clean teeth and healthy heart, 195

on long-distance running, 33

on low but persistent health worries, 71

on marriage-health connection, 46–47

meta-analyses as focus in, 9

on mother-in-law’s tongue (plant), 28

on Mozart Effect, 167–68

on multitasking while eating, 21

on noise pollution and reading levels, 56

on optimism in heart patients, 70–71

on Oscar winners’ longevity, 1

on peaking of women’s language skills, 287

on placebo efficacy, 122–23

on political effect of hand sanitizing, 82–83

on rapid habit switching, 13

on raw food, 227

on rise of cancer among Finnish smokers, 90

on self-massage, 110

on shape, size, and color of pills, 123

on smarts of jocks vs. nerds, 175

on spicy foods, 137

on stress-disease connection, 142

on strolling in the park, 44

on sugar addiction, 229

with topsy-turvy eye charts, 329

on traffic deaths caused by cell phone use, 341

on T-supplements, 284

on undersleeping, 258

on UV light in tooth-whitening, 197

on value of faith in pills, 124

on visual cues for working out, 48

with Vizual Edge, 330

on watching sports, 163–64

on watching yourself eat, 23, 356

on wearing glasses, 327

on what noise does to taste, 59

on Wi-Fi’s harm to Dutch ash trees, 185


AJ’s T-aggression on, 297

decibel levels of, 59

fear of disaster on, 342

walking up and down the stairs of, 353

sugar, 229–32

damage done by, 229

dangerous concentrations of, in carbs, 93

defenders of, 229

in ersatz health food, 95, 96

food labeling translations of, 96

in healthy-looking mangoes, 230–32

our inherited craving for, 15

as Public Health Enemy number one, 229

risky sweet thoughts of, 229–30

in Standard American Diet (SAD), 92

Sullivan, Andrew, testosterone shots of, 285

sunglasses, noise-canceling headphones compared with, 58


vitamin D fans skeptical of, 241

when, where, and how much to apply, 240–41

sunscreen tube, squeezing of, 240

superfoods, list of, 59–60

supergerms, origins of, 79

Superman, three reasons why he must be Jewish, 199–200, 201

sweet talk, in AJ’s antisugar drive, 232

sweet tooth, evolutionary origins of, 15

S-word, 125

T, see testosterone

Tabata, Izumi, 253

Taco Bell Drive-Thru Diet, 13

Taft, William Howard, inadequate bathtub of, 10

Talmud, 313

Taoists, eleventh-century view of sex by, 103


mood and behavior affected by, 294

testing of, 296–97

taste buds, 15, 59

Taubes, Gary, 91

carb-restricting view of, 93, 94–95, 363

on risks of thinking about sugar, 229

taxi accidents, chance of being bombed vs. risks of, 342

teeth, 193–99, 194

bacteria found in cracks of, 195, 197

television viewing, eating while, 21

telomerase, chromosomes capped with, 31–32

telomeres, 112, 155

Tensui Water Filtration System, 274–75

testicles, old-man, 281

testosterone (T), 279–87

aggression linked to, 286

annual loss of, 3, 283

aphrodisiac foods for, 106

factors playing into loss of, 282–83

illnesses linked to low levels of, 282

Italian prime-ministerial level of, 287

low-hanging fruit a sign of shortage in, 281

sex drive aroused by, 107

testosterone supplements, 284

why they may not be in step with the times, 287

see also Clomid


of brain, 166, 171–73

EHE total report card, 10–11

eye, 327–28

genetic, 300–302

MRI, 218–19

semen analysis, 281–84

smell, 295–96

taste, 296–97

Thaler, Richard, 341

Thanksgiving, fasting on, 20

Thernstrom, Melanie, 115–16, 117, 122–23

Think Smart (Restak), 305

Thoreau, Henry David, 276

Tierno, Philip (Dr. Germ), 76–82, 249

Germ Battle Plan of, 81–82

germproof sheets taken with, 82

hand-washing passion of, 78

Time magazine, 142, 369

misplacing of, 59

on year we achieve immortality, 155

time management, 155–61

time spent:

in AJ’s nightly self-study, 83–84

on a blueberry, 26

in chewing, 23–24

in exercise, 33

on germ warfare, 82

on health project vs. family, 278

in keeping up with health, 155–57, 306

on life’s activities (if efficiently batched), 64

in looking for Lucas’s stuffed elephant, 99–100

in making lunch salad, 59

in raw food preparation, 226–27

in ridding apartment of toxins, 188–89

in sleeping, 265–66

TMZ.com, AJ’s ten-minute reward with, 245

Today show, 76

toilet topics, 23, 131–37, 132

fiber quantity, 135

medical views on S-curve, 135

movement specifics, 135

reading, 134–35

soft-focus approach to, 133

squatting vs. sitting, 136

when to flush, 137

Tonight Show with Jay Leno, The, 21, 307

tooth brushing, 194, 197

modified Bass Method of, 198, 299

toothpaste, 369

Top Gun video game, 330

touching, stress lowered by, 151, 153

toxins, 182, 183–91

body’s removal and excretion of, 272

choosing one’s battle against, 190

five now avoided by AJ, 367–69

juice fast intended for removal of, 268, 269–72

Marti’s household sweep of, 183–86

religious zeal in obsession with, 188

toys, electronic, reducing noise of, 57

Train Your Brain (Kawashima), 169

tranquilizers, best color of, except for one group, 123

treadmill desk, 62, 67–69

AJ’s love of walking on (or with), 222

five tips on, 357–58

jury-rigged, 62, 68

noxious fumes emitted by, 138, 221

pedometer used with, 100

sedentary lifestyle curbed with, 139

stomach-breathing at, 218

thought and movement combined with, 176


history and Sisyphean resistance of, 35

lascivious bar-humping steps urged for, 207

purchase ($300), use (5 mph), and sensible abandonment of (neighbors), 60

trepanning, survival of, 8

tretinoin, 237–38

triathlon, 250–52, 309, 314, 319–24

AJ’s choice of, 251–52

bicycling in, 277, 322

indoor vs. outdoor, 251

origins of, 251

panic and hyperventilation predicted at, 321

running in, 277, 322

smaller one advised for AJ, 251

swimming in, 277, 321

training for, 252–53

wardrobe changes involved in, 322

triclosan, 79, 184, 369

tripping hazards, 338


antisnore tennis ball taped to, 260

catchy text on, 249

Tudor, Frederic, as “Ice King,” 275–76

Tufts University, 22, 84, 97

turmeric, reasons for eating or avoiding of, 7

23andme, 301–2

2045, year we achieve immortality (Time magazine), 155

typing, thinking about the finger bones while, 27

umami, elusive taste of, 296, 297

underwear, separate washing of, 81

unitasking, art of, 218

United States:

bacterial food poisoning in, 77

destroyer of knees in, 158

European food expenditures vs. food budgets in, 96

45 percent can’t smell androstenone in, 297

hemorrhoid incidence in, 134–35

meritocracy of, 167

observations on walking or standing in, 315

penis fracture rate in, 104

sex frequency in, 105

skin cancer incidence in, 236

smoking deaths in, 187

sunscreen underapplied in, 240

Upper West Side in, 273

workforce tipped to women in, 287


best color for, 272

diabetic scent of, 294

USDA diet, 13

USDA’s 2011 dietary guidelines, 94

UV light, in tooth-whitening treatment, 196–97

UV rays, clouds penetrated by, 240

Valerie (Kheel’s secretary), 289

vanity, addictiveness of, 238–39

varicocele, 283

vegans, veganism, 13, 17, 90, 92

Paleo dating with, 41

vegetable juice, AJ’s pharyngeal reaction to, 270

vegetable purees, 127

vegetarianism, 184

Vibram FiveFingers shoes, 203, 204, 205, 206

Vice Diet, 13–16, 17

vitamin B12, 227

vitamin C, 60, 72

vitamin D, 347

vitamins, 89

VitaminWater, 95

Vizual Edge, 330

Voronoff, Serge, 283

Vosshall, Leslie, 107

Walden (Thoreau), 276

walking, 33, 353

AJ and Julie spend a few days doing the FitzGordon, 317

calories spent in running vs., 65–66

“falling forward” advised in, 315–16

New York well-suited for, 221, 353

steatopygically, 316

Talmud on, 313

Walking Instructors, 315

wallet, germs in, 75

Wall Street Journal, 278


for breakfast, 17, 363

as sex-drive booster, 106

Wang, Sam, 331

Wansink, Brian, 21, 276, 363

water, 17, 272–76

bottled, imperfect regulation of, 273

iced, pros and cons of, 275–76

mineral-enhanced, 274

recommended daily intake of, 272, 276

tap, prayer for consumers of, 273

for weight loss, 356

what was found living in, 272–73

water filters, 274–75

wealth, health and, 91

weighing yourself, pounds shed in mere act of, 99

weight loss:

cold therapy and shivering advised for, 210–11

contagion of, 162

low-carb diet for, 228

raw food considered for, 227

in smoking, 215

water before meals for, 356

weights, weight training, 2, 33, 127, 180–81

in slow fitness movement, 157–61, 253

Welcome to Your Child’s Brain (Aamodt and Wang), 331

What a Man of Forty-Five Ought to Know (Stall), 103

What to Eat (Nestle), 95, 362

whole foods, 92

Whole Foods (store), 95–98, 188

guided tour of, 95–98

real and faux health food at, 95

Why Dirt Is Good (Ruebush), 80

Why We Get Fat (Taubes), 92

Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love (Fisher), 107

Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers (Sapolsky), 142, 200

Wicked, sitting ovation preferred for, 63

Wii, risks of recreational exertions on, 113–15

Wikipedia, 298, 309

Wilde, Oscar, on moderation, 347

Willett, Walter, 361–62

Willging, Tony, 61, 192, 310

with AJ in triathlon, 319–23

on AJ’s acupuncture treatment, 120

description and fitness philosophy of, 34–35

on the fate of the next triathlon, 324

Williams, Ted, optical coup ascribed to, 330


low-sugar, 229

red, 14–15, 191, 223

in Vice Diet, 13–15


advised to “strut your stuff,” 316

cigarettes marketed to, for weight loss, 215

commandment on childbirth pain for, 116

community preferred by, 248

daily alcohol allowance for, 14

effect of holding husband’s hand by, 308

effect of men’s B.O. on, 295

fertility-boosting Clomid used by, 284

Okinawan, long lives of, 2

Paleo movement lacking in, 41

in sex-for-calories study, 105

U.S. workforce tipped toward, 287

working out, 29–52, 30, 246, 246–55

damage done by marathon sitting not overcome by, 66

delayed soreness after, 36

Dr. Oz’s guidelines for, 33

fervent sectarianism in, 247

gender stereotypes in, 248

germy gyms as argument against, 32

for hands, 305–7, 309

hyperefficient, 157–61

Jim Fixx argument against, 29–31, 293

LaLanne quoted on, 312

medical advance argument against, 31–32

with odors, 297–98

reviewing the benefits of, 32–33

the senior Jacobses joined by AJ in, 233

variety strategy of, 247–50

see also exercise; gyms; specific programs and people

“Workout Ate My Marriage, A,” 278

World Health Organization, 9, 55, 168, 220, 242

World Series of 1977, 163

worms, on low-calorie diets, 18

worries, see anxiety; guilt; phobias; stress; specific worries

worry-exchange plan, 149–50, 359

wrinkles, observation and treatment of, 237–39

writing, standing while, 67

Year of Living Biblically, The (Jacobs), 5–6, 69, 80, 116, 188, 191, 201, 247, 313

yoga, 315

AJ’s shot at, 247

mainstream route of, 218

You: An Owner’s Manual (Oz), 33

YouTube, 250

Zaidi, Sarfraz, 241

Zen koan, 169

Zen meditation, 218–19

Zenopause, 118

Zeo Personal Sleep Manager, 265–66

Zeratsky, Katherine, 272

Zickerman, Adam, fitness theory of, 158–61, 253

zinc, 60, 72

Ziploc bags, in portion-size control, 230, 355, 363

Zubieta, Jon-Kar, 122

zygomycosis, 27
