Copyright © 2005, 2003 by Edith Pattou
Author interview copyright © 2005 by Edith Pattou and Harcourt, Inc.
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First Magic Carpet Books edition 2005
Magic Carpet Book is a trademark of Harcourt, Inc.,
registered in the United States of America and/or other jurisdictions.
The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows:
Pattou, Edith.
East/by Edith Pattou.
p. cm.
Summary: A young woman journeys to a distant castle on the back
of a great white bear who is the victim of a cruel enchantment.
[1. Fairy tales. 2. Bears—Fiction.] I. Title.
PZ8.P2815Eas 2003
[Fic]—dc21 2003002338
ISBN 978-0-15-204563-0
ISBN 978-0-15-205221-8 pb
Text set in Fournier
Designed by Cathy Riggs
Printed in the United States of America